Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1963, p. 9

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ft jreatiialyzer machine joins opp meitures suspects alcohol content hlatl phold mhct vimi you ytu a policeman youve only had one drink arid ha it inclined to doubt your sincerity or your 10- brjely hell be able to prove you right or wrong with new machine uit acquired by the north halton opp detachment in milton itt a breathalyzer that measures a suspects breath to determine the alcohol content in his bloodstream and its foolproof sjt c g wilkinson and const carmen wright who a bothtrained looparalo the cpmpucat hn ore- thown with lhe breathalyzer ncwem mldlilon to the crime- ihtlnv fuqlltlti ul the north lion ontario provincial police avtachimrit in milton is a jbreaihalyvcr machine n device for mentiirinir the alcohol con- lent in a supt blood the small bokllke affair is a maze of tubes meters photo electric cells lights andiinuges ihtil tests a suspects hrcnth nntl comes up with a tllul raitlinu tluit shows cxiiclly how much iilcohot exists in the suspects hluotl at the time of the test and its iilnolulely foolproof will n6t convict the breathalyzer will not con vict you nor will it dismiss von pointed out sergeant c g wilkinson who heads the 23mnn detnehrnent covering the county and township road in bquesinn and nnssatmwcya townships us well as provincial highways 401 2 a 7 that puss through north million area the machine simply provides n fijrurc which u police officer can enter into court as evidence de tails of a physical test will help the magistrate determine whe ther an accused is normal im paired or drunk and results of the hreathalyzrc urine saliva or blood tests arc used to substan tiate the evidence sl wilkinson took a twoweek cram course in operation ol the hreathalvzer in 1958 when he was with the oakvllle opp detach ment at that time the oakvllle office did breath tests for a wide area surrounding oakvillc and he estimates he has completed over 2iw lesls wifh the machine tests drivers last month constable carmen wnehl ol north halton opp look similar course and rcceiv mtw- rrr r bus trip visitors new park highlight community news intended for lout week utile jerry islcv underwent recent nursery at guclph hospi- tul and is now home mr archie slnclntr is under going treatment in guclph hut pltal mr wilfred aw rev won nhk- io leave the toronto hospital mon day veninga- following surgery for a bck ullmnt frictuu hope ly for a complete recovery as he hun been iii all spring mr and mrs robert grundy have returned home following u honeymoo spent at midland several krygbrs farm on the lsi linr moved to guclph la it week mr tom phelan ul guclph who houiiht twenty live icrc ol land tin the firnt line from mr rov hind ley is huuily cnyaged in mak ing it into a park workmen dril led ti well and have made a swim ming pool miss mary fulythc dunn of was a gueht ut the home ol mr and mrs d g rob ert ym dm inn the all canada convention of 4he churches ul christ disciples held in guelph other vikiturs at the same udies from ihe local women institute joined withf m aur mr ihe members ol mimosa and era- mou institutes on a pleasant bus trip last thursday thev visi ted the adelaide hoodies home at st george a museum al brant ford and other places ot interest en route mr nnd mrs h r howard nt tended the 40th anniversary din ner of the year 23 ut the cia recently mrs gordon snvder is a pa entertain class ont ul guelph hospital where on tuesda evening mr and sh underwent recent surger j mrs s snvder and lvnn enter- mr and mrv david sievyart mi1k ihe pupils ol iihu- s nul mr and mrs vernon siewai t i their parents their leuehet mrs mr ami mrs fd stewart mr ralhhun and her hushand- and mrs aleck stewart and mr were sjhi ial nucslv bertson acton and mr and mi c helmler guelph reg bulloch who is a scout leader wilh the second troop ol dublin st united otutvh mlph j spent ihe weekend at the si ca tunnies seoul grounds with a i number ot boys ronnie griffin of gravenhursi is lutlulavin with mr ami mrs ffd sitavariimtroivs i a eeriilieate signilving htt ability to operate one the new machine valued at 800 ar rived a couple ot weeks ago and to dare has been used for a few tests on drivers suspected of be- ini tinder the influence the two otiicers point out the machines reading onlv provides a limine on alcohol content this limine must then be applied to a chart called an alcodial to det ermine whether a person is ser iously impaired or not based on a suspects weight the tcsiinu of ficer can rehue the breathalyzers answer in percuntages to the actual numbei i ounces of liquor beer or wine ihe suspect has in his bloodstream and if given the alcoholic bev erage ihe suspect consumed and ihe lime period during which the alcohol was consumed iluv can i even determine how mam drinks la suspect oritinallv had j officers emph that the unvathalver is just one of lire 1 sohrjeiv tests given a suspected drinking driver thev also lake i urine and saliva samples which j are tested at the provincial crime i iihoratorv in ton in to and a blood lest it possible in each case r s t samples nv laken al dillerent t lines lit ji a mm e adin ol the siispects readings are considered in evl dentv the officer interviews the suspect nnd submijs him to u physical test they fill out n re port on the suspects appearance color of face cloihes attitude appearance of eyes and speech a suspect may be asked to close his eyes and lip his head back to see if he weavvs he may be given the flnger- tonose test or be asked to pick up coins off the floor or be instructed to walk along a hallway or around ihe room potm opinion each word and vach movement is carefully watched for each portion of the tests reveals the suspects condition nnd enables the investigating officer to formu late an opinion which ire wilt be asked to give t under oath in court jthetnxhojy7crjcan som timck gel an accused man oft tire hook too sgt wilkinson ex plained a suspect can have all the physical appearances of be ing drunk while he is actually an ailing diabetic or heavily drug ged in this case the hreathalvver definitely works in the suspects favor insofar- alcohol is con cerned if we give him a breath lest and there is no indication of alcohol we rush him io a hospital immediately said the sgt the driver can still bcchnrgcd with impaired driving if his ability is impaired by a narcolic drwj how it works heres how ihe btvathnlvtor works the subject blows into a plastic tube that leads lo a cylinder con taining a piston the pressure or trn lhcbnmthcamrrt he p ti it m wove to a level where two nt boles open letting the first breath from the mouth escape when- the subject has blown as lone and os hard as he can onlv the air from the deepest portion of the lungs is trapped in the evlind- er this air gives the km true i reading ot the alcohol in his system this air in the cylinder left the mouth nt a tempera hi re of 131 to 34 degree centigrade it must first be heated up to 5 to 50 degrees sensitive liquid a valve then reverses and the ditiu are twr ilso take bri alhalver well and lesis both stewurt mucduuuld ol rochester j ny attended the funeral ol the i formers nephew aleck to veil at owen sound on monday his j deuth from pneumonia came quite unexpectedly though his health hiw not been good since he was shot by a holdup man some time ago rcnt visitors recent visitors with mrs m juckun were mr und mrs rus- scvugordier mr and mis alvm mccutchoon mr nnd mrs mur ray mtllson and family all ot guelph mrs calvin kvans rav and hatet campbcllviuc mr and mrs oswald meadows rock wood mr and mrs gcotc cruickshanks miss gci nude watson hillsbiirgh m mis liotkl watson iul tauih con lnsbv pusn exams congratulations to landa mo kemlc nuuveaihsld duugbtei ol mr and mrs noriuan mcketuie who was first in honois ui grade 8 piaikt in tin uveut e aminalions at ihe ruvul consor vatory ol music toronto held in guelph and to lrm nviler daughter ormr ud mis ssm der who also obtaiiuxl hoiumrs in grade 7 juanjor both firl arc pupils ol mr g goobic of guelph mr and mrs glen robbing and family who have ixskkxl oi jack back to school miss joanne smith who will he leaching at dumla in sep lemhcr is enrolled at the oac where she is taking a course in phvsicat training horse show 4 style acres rr 3 acton saturday july 20h at 1230 pm 4lh lin sir sid road erin township 3 mlus north of acton omrta hmml10n iniiiimn slitgtliim 40 uum n for amm t4al ontct hours dallv uccpi manda vss ixammd r muiaumiuhum pollock and campbdl manurocturers of high gradememorials memorial engraving 3 wmr st north oalt tdwwt visits of fntsrest sympathy extendcc wcvkcnd guests of mr nnd mr- wllllnm mcdonald wore mr and mrs curtis watson and film- lly toronto miss margaret wat- sun tonmio mr and mrs david wi i son nnd family scarborotiiih mr and mr jnmen iwuncll mid in vi i h w hnhhl1 ihionidi alltjinlcniiivc suluiiiiil iviuis- slum dkhmimilc uj sulphin it family dundas and mrs wlllliini mill ii akohul is prtnciit in llicj nlthokun dundns hivalh ilk- alcohnlsensiiin- miiii- mrs marion tubman wai a lion chuiiiis tnlnr a phoiouki weekend uct of mr and mrs liilmeivr ilwn records lijihl shiniseilbert walwin mllverlbn tho acdnfrrrjj july istk 1963 nlc wedncjidav on ihe lawn of ihe bcatty home mr and mrs george sllnn and family were recent visitors of mr and mrs hum mcintosh mr and mrs a wright and grandchildren were weekend jniehis or mr and mrs jack touiiher mitrhester ny return- ing with them tor o holiday was bomikl tougher of freeport ny vuliilng wloimr nntl mrsivos and family is mrs c w rlnnen- dyk from rynshiirg holland for the next five weeks fverv step f prepress is a step more spiritual marv llaker hddv inu through tlu solillion to uivc a reading on the dial of ihe nui- thine the hrenlhalyzcr is always test- xd wilh another xial ut the nuotiol sensitive solution iiefoiv ami atler leslinj the suhjivts lirealh formally approved the machine was- invented about 10 years no hy trnfessur rolieri f borkensteiil diivciur of the indiana state police crime lahr dr ward smith of ihe ont ario attorneygenerals crime laboratory helped him vrlccl it it has been approyed hy ihe lechilicat sulxtnninillee ot ihe national silely ouuiils coin miffee ihe opp machine will available lor losline susjhcis ibe millon ami icoil ciiil police ileui as lite aiioi loice ami an mrs joy gilbertson cunrined to hospital is improving grad ually also mr rob roy both are in guelph general hospital mr and mrs james ciinn nnd funtilvare holklaving this wvk nt navrield i sympathy the sympathy of the commun ity is extended to the barden family in the loss or a father and husband also to mrs lindsay tolton in the loss of her hus band mr and mrs tolton were former residents of eden mills mr and mrs james cann at tended the reunion of the cnnn laniilv at flora on saturday the wms ol eden mills unit- virninfctiheldthctr- pir parlmeul in the io use ihe lacilily he ot town muoi- hiileuls as uell municipal oimv nlbcr police l dc- isli itt luvtlitii dirt chfap theres been dim work afoot in siihiubiu slamfold oul township about 141 ions ol ii and council voled a 550 rcwiol in ihe hope ul uuculhinc a lew clues while residents were prcoccup icd with ihe holiday weekend someone stole 141 ions of top soil nloul 10 truckloads ironl a township aid area promotional spcciaj s save 50 on film kodak film lor caeh roll of lilm left a 1 lintons store lor develop ing von mav nurehase a new toll ol film lor onlv i re gular pike hintons 5c to 1 store boneless prime rib roast lean ground shoulder beef lb 89c lb 55c daily delivery lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton msen mj5140 new 1963 sterling by smithcoron new low price featutin full officesize keyftoaid with 88 characters and all the pioiesson typvvriler controls kfylxirft are is sin height width and depth as iuivi typewriters highspeed keyset tabulator sts vd clears tabstops mstmtly r from the keyboard a real ttq iyp- convenience f l u s alt the other fanu smthcri features page oaof takes the qurswot o page end typinq tndicateart a ot typing spate fenmiog oh t r i paqt etasumtaau iur t utue neat ttakures nf smart carrying case v tylefl lik r fine lutjcjiqe personal touch selector pus you m t fi iiiiihii vrs you t ptfiq ot print- iivi pres- nuamy nhl many tye stvies i hic tolh pci anft eutp handsome new cfxors quickset margins new marproof finish 1 hnv hloi rfll rfiwx about your boat yftkttcmt yw to boat ine m6 maaitat wrtnt yoa havr lb allrisk protortion of asafeco contwuoo boatownora policy ob 4auy-to-ua- drntand rxkcy covtrvyobr boat intibam out lordaat and rquipttirnt on tamt orvatrr fall or vwil us today for full drtaik and your ira 40p sor boating guide dnnt iptursnc agyncy bill and harold aeli achi tiiolm apaiea 4- more nohl buy smithcorona than any other make extra buy n and get 10 day toucbtyping course on lp records oflly 395 with any smttbcorono portable si j s when fijrchaseo alone come in today for demonstration ruooet terms avaharu dills stationery m mru st acton ont tssaom for free estimate on local and long distance moving f s movers and storage tr 7104 ohoroctown ont fully licensed and insured going out of stock w an charing our lot ef tht a1 uw car in order to make way for a nw tuppry of vahlela 10s9 ford sedan onoownra nimt on roquet 4hoor automatic 1sr volkswagen cloor 1057 ford 4hoor automatic nnisownrr namn on raquatt i7 chevrolet adoor d 1956 ford 4 door this weeks special iwfi ford convertible in new car condition should be driven to be appreciated before you buy a new car see one of these demonstrators priced for spacial clearance 196s mercurymeteor door livhiop v8 stick shift 1963 mercurymontoomerv vs automatic frank toth motors 13 oualph si w atftm rhena tsl1140 bell lineb by c j catalano your telephone rnanager mrs uaruart ford foruer chief otuatob in acton for a nimrfr of yfars ill now ftfjwinc the many acton and listrji3utoufjui fvmmi gufxfh stiu at your shivice thr uud io he a uaaa wtaaa ihe word lalaphowa al always tilrml an imaaa of ik oawrainr rumlt wllk haaattel anil a rtiaii amll ntmwnuw ovr ihw fmn thai imaaa haa hwn mlnglml with plctum nf tuphow linn dttstaa ma chine plua nf inlrlcalr qulpmnt ami fac of rugaad ham- man pnltv rlrma and aanrlca rabramallm if cauraa aach nmirlbutaa lo lh uvrmll plclut uf the lalaaaon ramaaay and ihe akllwd ami riprrtencid oparalur aa alwan u al your arrvfc yuu mi nut bv ahl lo tmw hrr al har wurlt hul alw u available whenever ou aaad amliiaara nice to know taat hea there ready lo help hwl ii watts in a name ahhimigh 11 pvi to nrutvrtv itlintilv i kirs- 1 1 urxti intving ih- ulcplviiic uiitktimc it u tkjcvni help lakc the ntxulur iaim f mr wall js jn innijik ii min impirtjn fur him to ulk unh jiirua brniavn at hiv oifuc mr laukd ihe numnr a 1njn ouc akcd ho t jlhnu wh ti wit ttw vkv ji- cl wruii vouf name thl what i ikt iwvtih mv name a torif p4uwlnlliwcd mmi ihrn mr wtl iald w vihi plcar irll nw mir n ainr will knoll whcrrupua thrv hwth huiik up m

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