Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 11, 1963, p. 1

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v b5 ifer acton ontario thursday july uih 1963 svrajttussi eight poootsovon cant wrri i swroisrw wfw flht fapf te s- wr f i maff mtsm oujt era two of the main itarns utad by th primary group handing the chrltln btrfomnwl summer blbu khool clttt are being held at the robart litila school nl thr ryielay parent and frlandi ant invited 10 a display night lat to right are teacher mrt all tooyaflga johnny van dam sharon ellarby and teacher miu kenny stulp tummer bible oo kv a tutt wamad lo be tha pauword monday at the united church uhool even the girlt were buty making paper kltet elizabeth hurl centre it watched by donna pendleton left and mrt tom shleldi ai ihedraws a fancy design on the kite the hat uit completed clettat ere hed daily and will continue until the end ot next week marc xma- 3 street banners antique display parade pbnned by ladies division for fall fair mrv j a robinson lake ave the moats in ihc monster par- unci ladies divisions of aeton fall was liualeu to the uidy members j ude on fuir day und many of the ac ion full fair board lust guniiations have slgnilied their thursday evening or their rcgu intention to enter float or the compctilion prize hud been ugixed on ut the previous meet ing it is honed this will ix the biggest und best purude yet on this 50th unniverury tar monthly meeting mr dunald mutthcws the president was in the cliulr the minute of the previous meeting w read by mr j c dennis in the abaence of the secretary mis antique dlapuy r denny relerring to ihc antique dis- new kuroel uutaar j plus in tin- menu mn r i du the ladle were pleused to see vulson reported thut she had re- the new mivcl banners which seised lrienornise ot a good mr- w thompson displavcd these will he erected uround ihc mtddle of august ul the em run ca lu acton mrs w d i smith has obtained a trophy to be presented to the pupil having the winning essay in the ltltcl brent munture cuntvki fuir board to cnjqy u joint pic nic ut their home on august 1 ut 7 pm a dainty lunch was served in tra hostess mrs rohmson assist ed bv mrs w linham mrs c armstrong and mrs l mcenery mrs duvidson expressed thanks lo the hostess und lo the lunch committee approve tentative plaits for high school addition daring a widnndsy evento acton met ric high school beard a ed revwrl tentative aketch and gymnatlimi architect don hamord wa preeent tad npufatad the tent ative platm to l sujeei- ed on mae submitted plan wm a hutch area board member agreed to hak boon agrees lawsmtstemmed over leaky rf a ihreutened lawsuit over a leuky roof was stemmed thlt week when acton public school board received an offer of settle ment from preconnmurray con tractors for the installation of the roof ut the m z bennett school the roof problem has been out standing lor the past two years und recently the hoard engaged a solicitor und ihreutened a law suit if repairs were not made board members engaged m s yollcs consulting engineer to in vestigate the structural soundness or the school roor and wereln4xj turmfhc rmildlnrwrertructurvh wjbf ally sound bui 72 anchors for the roof were necessary i uesuuy tvpruniuullvvs from the hoard along with their solici tor met with rcprosentatlvet from building products proconn m u r r u v associates architect barnes and mr yollcs during the meeting preconnmurray ag reed to install the unchors and give the hoard u cheque for szdoo in receipt of clearance for any further responsibility thursday morning the board held u special meeting and agreed further repairs to the roof would he neccstury and before accept ing the preconnmurray offer authorized the building commit tee lo obtain tenders for elimina ting the ponding and levelling the roof newemphyee mrs mildred turnbull of ac ton began her new duties in the town oft ice monday morning she will replace mrs pauline pretonwhhi4eaving friday mrs preston and her husband arc returning tn england to live and expect lo leave acton some time in august the decision lo engage mrs turnbull was made by ihe ad ministration committer of coun cil last week after they il several application water pressure reaches peak valves controlling the lluw of water throughout town have been upened wide und water pressure through the system varies from the low 80s to near 100 pounds town superintendent alf duby stated this week tests had been taken at diltercnt sections of mn and the water pressure at the highest peak was below 100 pounds i tha- dopartntssil of far tjiraslaalinl to cheap ueatlaa of the specks 4 the meed eel c library cjaaerdofn la uka raeent hatdtitg thl would proride an adaltlotial elaaa- recast fat the propnwd addition iiailailuii to eleae in a pre sent entrataceway to the school u order to provide a giddance rfona ww adeo be aeugkt from tha bepattiiianl twa araala lanskad cat each aid by two oruthtg kmu only one wall and a roof will be required lo in 11 wa noted during the meet- tag the iireaomil audltorlunt would not include a alag area no wbvdowa want included bi the ahat for the gymnaaliuw hut plana called for skylights at the atari of the meeting ntamhaii by resolution went into the commit of tha whole for dlacuaslon approval of lb aketch plana with ehang a can in- a raaolullon follow ing th commit of the whol nlaciiaalona following dapartmant appro val of the tentative plana the board will seek approval from acton naaaageweya and es- mnnliig council for rbuutdng board member are hopeful the proposed addition will be co for the start of th fall term in iwt preiiminamy amhtoval oivin for nine rooms oymnasium three compete for dairy princess title pick winner at hornby garden party dairy princess contest will have a difficult job on july 2q at die hornby garden party when they will pick the hallon dairy prin cess for 1963 three dark haired teenagers will vie for the honor including the i9a2 princess mar lon hunter a contestant last yeur janet te finnic und u new comer adricnne nurse ure the other contestants the winner of hallons conies will uo on lu the canadian na tional exhibition in late august lu compete against so other dairy princesses frtm districts across oniitrio7ttic be on- larios dairy princess and will win u trip to great brituin as welhrsmanyolherprixes hullons dairy princess for im2 marlon hunter isthe daugh ter of mr and mr albert hun ter of walkers line rr i bur lington she it 19 year old and works as a clerkstenographer at the burlington office of the ha milton spectator as dairy prin cess mariun attended most of the annual meetings of the coun tys milk producers associations and also paraded in the acton fall fair parade she is president of the palermo junior farmer institute and secretary of ihc west lloliteln calf club around the farm marion help milk the family 50 holsleln col lie and also drives ihc tractor sh list mnng hr tsnhhjes phs lography playing the piano sew ing and listening to western mu sic marion talcf the enjoyed be ing the countys dairy prince but year and think that it la a real challenge lo try lu become the princess again janet le finale eighteen yeurold janette fin nic of rr hornby is entering the contest for the second time having lost out in im2 she la tha daughter of mr and mr sam finnic and works a a stenog rapher in the ibm department of canadian caterpillar at dili janette help milk the familys 25 holsleln cattle and remember when she had to get up at s am continued on page three i develop 150aere site payasybuplay golf course at hornby a new concept tn public gulf courses a new 6700 yard isholc payusyouplay golf club is under construction today on lite form er cliff wrigglcsworlh farm on ihe seventh une half u mile north of hornby to be known at hornby tower fcl club ltd the course will operate athclly on u poy-as-you- play basis the first nine holes will he available fur play by june i 1964 as well as a 260 yard driving range und a club huuse featuring 200 dining room uccommoduiing i layout suitublc for tournaments he noted there uercnt any top class goll course in this district thut ulltfw payusyouplay golf ers as most have turned into closed memberships want league play the di lectors hope tu promote league business similar to bowl ing leugues in local industries and organizations und the course will ulways be open to tourna ments and banquets for the onco- uyeur golfers the director noted will cost 12000 each and a 15 000 estimate has been set for ihc heavy construction alone added lo this will he un irrigation sys tem the club house und dining iimim lundscuplng pro shop und ihe driving range the existing large brick farm- housu will be used fur office and the club house will be a new section added to ihe home a parking lot will accommodate sev eral hundred curs ul the front of the house lay groundwork walter hayward ofmiltonronc i officials promise a variety of helped increusc lheiiumber hulc wellbulunced between long hers in united states bv 6on horlt folrwuys with enough r cent in the past lew sears i challenge to suit ihc csrry a watfrcliursc pavstngucionsrdaygolferpialesarccpceieu l of the founder of trafalgar coll the property und a genth60 loot i c very competitive and country club ltd on the elevation from the southcast to mootc associates ltd of to sixth line south of hornby got northwest coiner ol the isoncre mnto tvus chosen to plan and together with several interested lartii make il an ideal spot tin supervise the luyoul ol the course friends lu luy the groundwork a golf course the linn has boh mootc is on the board ol dl- for hornby tower he und the plenty ol shude trees ami a hush i rectors ol hornby tower and he others including dr mcarlhur huundx the one side ot the is grvens superintendent ol oak- end herb lootclcy of oakvillc properly i dale golf club his brother dave will serve on ihc board of direct- jm large aitilicial lakes will a partner in ihe lirm is rose- ors mr hayward intends in uhv k- constiocictl lur stutage ol at dale holt clubs greens superin tinuc his interests in the tru- least 20110001 gallons ol waiei lendenl lulgur course as well thats just a start the director r ii trowbridge o milfoil is the new luyoul has been in udded a nennit has been obtain- general building contractor sand ihc planning- stages for over u ed i null the onluiio water re and gravel will come from the year it will he the third to locate sources commtsston that alloun j llavward and pickett pit millon m the hornby area in ihe past the cloh to ill the takes- m wotk has started on thehack five years trafalgar wus ev hpringtiuie imm tlu- cusk then nine holes of the course first tublished in wsj and wyldcwuod i ungate the lairuass ami gteens and these will he icadv for ptav on ihe seventh line further smith j irum the lakes during the sum- hv june 1 1964 the 260yard from hornby began in 1961 nur the lakes will also provide driving range which faces sooth this will be ihe best golf a challenge lor the goiters as imm the house and t tu tor pluy by spring of ims officials cinect lu draw golfer from torontu as well a fruni the local urea due tu the proximity ol the course to highway 401 the numc homhy tower wa chosen fo tie in with a local land mark ihe cbc radio tower about a mile southeast of the course and if you stand on the llth tee end aim far tha cup youre shooting a ball straight toward the lower il wasnt pun ned lhal way it just happened the director captained iltotortc pan the wrigglcsworlh farm it one 44tho4dcrlto e f il was owned by mr william bailey when fred wrigghuworth purchased il in 1190 irt i9j2 he sold it to hit son clifford who continued to use ii a a dairy lunn until last may when the properly was purchased and an auction sale was held mr and mrs wrigglcsworlh and their lamllv who still live in ihe house are presently build ing a- new home on the- aoulh- eusi corner of the farm sft pakadk datt the annual church parade of hallon county flie prevention bureau member fire department nervinnel will hr held lo weal ciub plains rd untied church in hurt- coo rsc any payusyouplay gollcr one lies hcsicle the imlli green aiv- house are also espectrd to he ington on sunday morning sept- has ever stepped un one ol the other bv the 14th complete hy the opening i rmhrr 29 chief a b clements jjl club officials told the champion cost ol building tin- ocu emit tl front nine layout still be milton and captain laurie bark- in an interview tuesday it will ms expected to run oter j 100 km complete as soon as oosslhle well ul burlington are arranging be a 6700 yard championshiptvpeoflicials note the grrvns ukine alter thai and should tse ready details for the annual parade v 4 uaaainiislssiilsii oossirile i well ol ho r tin he ready ietails hit th i t si many ut ikies usid in tormer veurs and would be pkused to luve ihe loun ot additional ar j lkks ot interest members are asked to report tin tin- amount of tickets on the i sl t l n v i i i ils laiilss iisswis in ii li s iii li nlllll iiji i i i v waa t isisssssssssssssssssssssssssss 140 youngsters attending summer playground program the du when little johnnv or i tivckktaccd maw complained draw they huve sold at ihe nol mvim llt 1m1 a mcvltlig o do is oser in acltm a com- mrs william mac donald 4th judges have been obtained lot line has invited both ihc mens pigs fall prom truck scoop up free roadside pork tha truck drove down the tugnway with it tallgate open out fell al ksal hall a doren hvethue pjgit the humane society shelter in oakvillc and went looking for the rest of the herd only one pkte recreation pisigram lot lots tioiu tour sain ol age- ms op is in progress at acton park to date motv than i4 lms labii-tei- i ed and ore taking ariraciie pui in the pnsgram inder the sonerstsum re- i creation director jim fathom lour quuhtied plasgnhiiul lead er aiv in charge ol the pmgiani leaders are jill hulst hcmuna i quicl games arts and crafts swimming youngsters do bessem donna landsborough and don price miss pal barragcr ut gcurgctuwn ho is a qualilied red cross water safelv instruct or supervises svttmming clasac daiiv 1 suit eiirjana the entire program is dcaign- cl to soil ihe various age group unci ahihtv ot ihe individual tak ing pan for the younger lyke their are playschool activities in cluding active games suajbuj and story telling and various other have to stand and shicei at spurt the uldrr groups enitiy edge of the pool water saletv hascball arts and crults sports 1 1 taught ihem h miss battagei and games and a number ither insitle the cummumtv ccntrr prujecls i there ale 0 enrolled for julv and rainy svealher dues not hamper 40 to date for the august class- the program one bit childrenes move into ihe community centre on fnclas august 2j vheo ihe und continue with their arts andprogram concludes children and nsjilv contact played not ing part in games i tw demons rations fmignti tor ah il any youngster is inclined to he shy and backward irsry can still tit into ihc pro gram like a glove ii it designed toascommuculc escrvunc and al no time are games syhsch require rafts stury telling and inside t leaders ssill rniertam parrnts gomes and friends during a ptasgnrund ahasaye active ristisal at this time parents svdl if ihe water is ton cold for be uhlr to see the children lak lf anvrasr thinks this is sissy lull a visit lo the park will maki atcsjrdmg lo iter av group display and i activity incn and game are more strmuotss in the art and crall vyork each hoy rsr gtri ia en- couragrd lo du i heir own creative work during the muakc part of the program camp toagj are learned and acled out quiet games for the smaller children arc designed lo give them e hreatlstirum mure active game al the vutstttssioo ia th sunv ii- t every child will he grven them change their r- s- cpj en out im drove sev- sssjup- porkothhuut up aaowlng them la the trunks ji kmr can and h home tootle btatcher knife and the ml aaakeg im or nraa endered tu pulk by an acton duirtcl farmer thanm a h aouads north l4cgnn 0a tell the story with amaesahi face it haalimaad s tin alnra a a aanell ajr i ac to ittlttm j wtjh j ik toad ol aaa the surprisingly thuugn ihe owner has never come back tu look lur bis tul load the hu mane society and the farmer are keeping th twd pigs unitl hr cumes to claim them the pumcc repurt reads sunw- thing like 4bis about pigs l 2 recovered and placed in storage alicut four mulr iftke ftttoagm new cwsotajmjs duug orsnaby uf meafurd iuin- ed the north hallon op p de- tachmenl sutkuned el mutua last week to bring ihe force back up to 21 utfken duug u a ssrwcotiv warkv have moved w t ri iem a mm- t aujtf

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