it j 7 ow attat mm uutlatwi cviafth iode rrvernbert planted gttranlurni during dacorallon oay tarvleet wlkmmbrt of othar tpontoting organlzallom lad fa right ar mri rudolph splalvogol mr gordon currla mrt alax ore mrs harty otltwbttln mrt harb halwig mrt jim inglii ar william mlddlalon regent mri william sprotton mrt george mutislle and mri h h hlnton t wviatah oeet r l for ikem uthreme h cast it 8000 continued front page one with hut hydro for the next 10 year or ao ataamkmf nimillmj tvttekt chairman tyler tinted in mv opinion i wouldnt tpend 7000 for a ladder wjjlcjjonly give an additional three at tour feet greater distance than the prca ent out alacc there it no tnfctv factor for lite workman with n ladder i would tooner look ar ound and purchase another tec- otumtajid piece ol equipment mayor dubv anld there wasnt tmymmletolhrv nev equipment l preaant and auggeated the- commlatlon make anquliiet with commliilont which have both tynea mr mccutcheon taul ii new piece of equipment wn neceturv it should be available for the conttructlon period thl uimmer all wc can do in ask j the man who inrtn one ami where wc find him i ennt sav ha concluded quetllana no anawere cbntmlaaloner beatlv fired at mr majon barrage of quetion and atked what percentage of the time the new equipment what thev need to do their own type of work it would be iuil at illogical for them to advise u on running the commission t conclude chairman tyler tuggcited the superintendent confer with superintendent of other commissions owning htilk cts nnd the commlttlon mem ben agreed to do i lie tame tr bui cotitrtvelor an invoke nmounting to 420 which hail hcvn submitted hv onlirlo hdro for work done on the control panel at no 2 sub station was uuthofijed lo he 4urncdovcr fur pavincnt by joicesweunor contractors for the changeover at the subslnl ion commissioner contended the damage to the panel had been cul seil hv trie contractors raise fox bounty over reeve s protests county aims to cut rabies danger churchm over the vehement proletlt of etquetlng reeve- george letlle member of hallon county cou ncil boosted the fox bounty from is to 17 tuetdav in an attempt to wipe out the fox population and cut down on the incidence of rubles i donl think voull get rid of more fox at 17 than you did at tv warned reeve letlle youll gel riil or more mimes thills for turc mini month a special meeting to discus rubles hud heanl health experts lettlfv thai the fox are the muln lurrlert of the disease and if ilk fox popula ion inn he wiped out the disease will ulilsppear according iv the agricultural commltier came to tuetduvs meeting with a recommendation to boost the hountv bv 3 as an incentive for hunters to go out and shoot them coinmillee member reeve john rohertnon of nasuagaweva suiil anv extra costs now would off set the prohublc expenses if an underground cable maor duhv wondered if ihe commission favored installing underground lines in front of the new post offite in view of the towns plan to construct new sidewalks there he uiggetlcd if the poles were removed it would enable the town workmen would be uaed mr tyler comrtrr ti la right up to the sidewalk and provide a bet icr appearance the xccretarv lo mr maaona rctcue and told mr beatty no peraon tilting ur ound the table could tell how i was to secure price for under much the equipment would be tued mr beatty claimed the super bitendent should 1avc submit led in writing hit reasons for want ing an aerial bucket as opposed lo a ladder at a cost or 11000 mayor dubv replied it teems to me that mr mason hat tried to tell ut why in the bett way he knowt we are in an awkward poalion trying to tell the men ground cable commissioner rav arblc ob jected to the mussv appearance of ihe no 1 substation and ihihtght il should look clean all the time i don t care if ou send one man there once a week the substation should luok spic and span he told the supenn tendent accounts totalling j 41w 300 were approved for puvment rrtwm s uhtt crowd lmes shoreline to wetck hydroplanes continued from page one i various committees included project chairman v man ei- booths earl masalet lome dob- mer smith was kept busv in the erthien and bill duwklns public conclusion of the racing hand- clarence rognvaldson iroph ing out trophic to the winner ies john wiklon and david while ticket chairman mansvllgohn ticket sales and luckv nclllt handled the luckv draws droves mansell nellis progrum draw waaaara david oohn and iralfic control draw winners were mm hael fd fo w members dumper gcoryclcmn vsho rv i assisting cvivisj an electric hair drver j jack bell tolvuito an c lecltic i q bi- 1 1- can opener and mrs r s par dal dccug imsiqo aons ac ion echo received an el tndfr a due to weather ymca aikell road mamie the june meeting of ihe dan guelph actitn cbatntxi ol l om uhtcis of kih was held at the vaercc caiuultan tcgiou blanch home ol mis ii puce l7 credit vallev boat co nor i mrs w spiclvotjrl nrrsidcd val acton ys mens club dv and wrteomett mrs a pakai a minkm hotel station hotel peiertormcr member vho is mm lis brx khuven of otkvnswav motoi uig in kiubcnei mrs btichinan sale and imperial oil d akt gave a short bible stuth john weldon miss helen holmes mrs f a race raaul hansen and mi c ashkv led results the va heal j he gruup m some games which thruughoul ihe llcrmn weiv i were much en loved aitock i hav i jim toobrv i a delicious barbecue supper oakvillc tooapumu dennisl as served hv miss helen hot lav toronto 4a sieve vji mes mis j buchanan m bus trip lo oac for grade 6 pupils on tuetdav grade 6 pupllt or llmehouse public school enjoyed a hits trip to the oac guelph a number trom this localllv ol tended mr and mrs ward hamilton paid a rather s day visit with his lather who recently celebrated hit 80th birthduvat couktvillc mr and mrs r l davidson and mr and mr wm thompson accompanied mr and mr how uril mcarthur mr and mrs ar ihur grirfln and mrt t keeler of frtn visiting relatives at beurnsvllle anil nroksiebnsiin- dj mr and mrs leslie swack hamer and girl visited mrs svvackhamcrs parents mr and mis jiier thiessen or guelph on sundav a verv hnppv gathering in ho nor of the 2jih wedding unniver sarv of mr and mrs elmer mc tat hern was held at their home belfountain on saturday evening tune t when iibout 10 gathered mr and mrs a damm karen and linda and mr and mrs w j mcdonald and gordon also friends from erin and breslau attended mr and mrs r f macarlhur visited with mr and mr ver nun archer georgetown on sun dav y door shut for summer the ymca dihir were chm id foi the ummcr satunl june ii tirul will nopcn atfaln mondn september 23 the last two sulunlav vhows at ihe y sptinsored bv the ys men v club were cancelled iw my to lick itl interrst hs- ihe ihildnn sivinmiinvi classed at the guelph pmj1 have been di on 1 1 ma d for the summer munlh and swim mem taking part ium receietl their award irds tin lomptetinji tevts for iilhit 1 1 ml miond thjid ininth stypt grtmrit licences on sale monday a new cfilor of licence platen will appear on xcion nicks mn tveek white on jirecn thvsc li lences are for the second quar ter of tlu vear under tin new vhtem that provicten for quarter ly licences for ontutio coinnur cial vehicle nnd inn lei the second quu tcr la frit i s commiuit l lie months of juk any list and september nnn sdr aj ihe acton of lie m icsun jack haruraie on monday the while en red licences for the firsl mi a ex on june v olher oufbnak of rablei come wnnu for tot cnaiie reeve lo hiltou reevr rohertofi ex plained if we increflu the bounty we s 1 nmnlnj around and icki rabkshe de duced bui actuil kieve ii ii fllnlon wondered if the hiyher bounty would ciiune hunters lo bootleg ihe fo canasses shoot them in one count und turn i hem in at another counlv where ihe iwhintv is higher wen i worth counlv pays u 4 ihhiiiiv and peel and wc i liny i on offer po re trmrymrttm those with small trailers for boats and cullaueequipmcnt and fanners with seasnnu busimss find it udvunlageous to license heir machine quarterly new pc slate in nassagaweya the nnasagnwevo pc assocln tlon held a meeting on tvidav may ii in brookville hall for the election of officers tor the b dance of 1963 and l4 the county president gordon beatty from aclon chaired the meet ing which was attended bv a large crowd flo migsjitmft retires fam bu chief operator ut the bell of five in acton till ii veurt ago miss ktarv redmond was com mended tor m vear of faithful service with the bell telephone coin pun v ut a tliivmeni leli bration belli in die form ol a dinner anil dance in flarrie don marshall ol barrie traffic sunerintenitent congratulated her anil preset d her with the presiiknl s wallet a ft -ttjtr- son ol hamilton past president ol ihe champluin colliuil ol ihe pioiitir club presented a life mcinbc rslup cemticale lor the pionei club mrs ovvcn rivnn of the barrie slafl prrsenlcd a gold watch and chaise lounge honi eniplovees and uuists an oilier stall immlvct miss kiren itn ill proskiitcil her with an honomrv menvtvership to the tiuftic iniplnvics assimiatmn and u pen aqd pencil set dunlin hei vears vcllb ihe tuii in cuelph ac ion and birni miss uediuond bus bevn an active incmheiol tin pioneer cl and served un the istciitivc as chan man of the i allies auivitics with llu c humplitn i oiiikil a mvniorv luiok in the shape of i hell was presi nled hv i eo campbell nl orillia amonli the special tntcsfs were miss redmond s brothel in law mil sister mi and mis ralph uallagli and hci sistciinlavv mis until redmond all of cirelph letlle agreed they would i re tail thit happened when we first started paving fox hounllet he said we paid out m0 to j700 in hounllet in a mottth hut ihe suggetllon of htyil- legs brought scum from oliver councillor reeve robertuin said tequecjiigs reeve didnt wunt higher nounllet- because most of tlie hounllet hallon puvs go through euikhilng township unywtiv cenrgelown deputy reeve bui hunter chlded reeve leslie pointing out fox can run u mile in a night and even il u fun was slwi in peel it would help llillons rubles tltailinn ask similar rau the surrounding c u u n 1 1 e sliould be aaked to pay timllur prices for dead fux deputy reeve gordon gallagher burlington suggested he favored higher bounties because the cost of slrells was twice as much at a lew years ago und hunter need mure incentive lu go after hie lux as citiiiuillor approved ihe niuiniitlce s recommendation and umended tlie hv law raising the hounlv warden c a marlln tug gesltd even u short trial period rmni nntv linul next junuurv might prove verv successful it could ih- virv iheap insurance he said ttw aeton fr pwka thonday jurw soth lo3 two clothing tiorev on the main si reel tire closing light- mant and mat kayi the picture on the editorial page wat taken saturday after noon during ihe yt mens regat ta hydroplanes are shown us ihev rounded the hairpin turn at ihe west end of ihe eoursv this is llu kpnl where several dnveis were dumpid into ihe water is their bonis spun around the sharp turn currfntty horh the preajtrtths inn and chilled churches are com- piirng littitt of namea at termor memben for tpeclal anniversary service in ihe fall park caretaker roy amolt la doing some unforeseen fishing these dnvs luctinsulerate rup prils tossed n number of park iknihcs as well a lemenl hkicka into ihe water at fairy laike pa- lice have hevn mil if led to watch lor tniure offenders loyd hammond wa reelected as pretident june andrewt ladv vlcepretldcnt stewart cramp vice president ond mary thomas secretary treasurer the chair men elected were charles king rov wood lloyd stokes dr u young bill rlce and ken tncjv robt r hamilton frod a hoffman optomctrists tormerly e p head phoni ouilpm ta 43071 si st oaarffai samiara shower bridetobe hostesses are aunts mis- euesl beerlev smith was he of honor at amiscelane houer tuesdas evening june 4 wht n friends and rela mes yalhtietl at the home of he r aunts mrs ham murrav and mr rubs hansen contests uerv en oved and beau i u ul and use lul jiitls urn opened b be tiles axsistcel b t ibiil hansen i iij shrmll murras lunch was served to com hide the evening 400 damage damage to a car was esliinat cd around m00 but no mimics wen sustained bv the dnvri t d ward ravuionc smith r r i geeirgc uivc n saioidav aftemnon wheil his vehicle reillcd nu mi ihe sevenih line arsw b il ol torunlo 4v moore mis w spiilvovtcl indllinatad c stuck w hp rav 0ik i olmls j pink and dm lo llu mi i jt urlingletn m0 pomls tin mil l held m mis piko tudav is ihe kinst d iv of ler plelon ww hi ima llsss umalksi iisim the- veil and tudging bv ihi hsi kllchntcr 4v i k keep al ihi i ie pivss i all bsluek j hp john vaehsler the prupeilv al the lnjuoi 1 ibe events that air happening in torunlo 700 pclei v larkc tot tre is being sodded this vvek the- dulrul m j luckv ihinii mm tt p-l- v oshawa- 400 poenls tvilmk 0 tvp- john fuulwv oakvilu- x1 i hi ma hivss kn ejtmer edt gcurgr gnve anj otter 22 aracinapw hp spike rums oshawa mo hugh knsvt kmn i hon 4a jirfm vscbsur tuivunto braeing 40 h p john vcn iter torunto mo rov warnei i oakville 25 frank antrim to- 1 runlo 525 1 event were tutad in pvinted rognunt handed out at the gate l lohn ambulanc hrvgskte ember and the cadet division i itjcthved high praise from regatta wfldaja aaia mvrv the amhul- ajtce wa atatloaatl cloie to ihe npair pua cktbj i ejuunaa of iba need a carpenter newrooks nkwcftunos pcwiotchbvi ctmoaros or any other altetations btihiannian cau tenpto distributors ltd jack ridley cartage t comctltf muck cuv mick stoni ccsncmtt hocks cinmr uccks sand uvtstock ami histluzu arm swvic1 ami tupputs dump trucks for hire puhv pcvctohptft acton phomusj730 you are invited to a concert iy iha puplh the suailtbta schmtl an friday june 21 it 730 pw ut hoiv cross school oioronown everyone welcome spontored by the north hallon aiaoclallon for retarded children fofc free estimate on local and long distance moving f s movers and storage tr r41m oi6roitowm ont tully licensed anb insured thurj pri sat juni 30 31 33 taehnleotar kid gallahad rivis prtsify ior ainricur sad sack jerry tewts- -oavto-waynf- dirictions tha jam it 13v mll watl al aelan an ha 7 high way half way batwaatt roekwaod and ouelph turn uft al pttrbaa oaramt to arrlv al ike 0rivaln f l riviera tj t i n i o mondays p j admission soe htxy cross how amd school bingo 7 tm etrdfl with thit clpp nq 817 pkgs pky of 12 fresh cusp christies ritz 2 piece mjion caps bornardln 39c fresh red a while homoccnieil 1 60 jar peanut butter 37c discount spetial you save mc maple ltaf 3c off pack pkg cheese slices 2 for 53c save 14c 6c off pack maplt i eaf 16ox ir chedrspred 55c meat makes fa t delicious served llo or cold sweet pa mid crvovac i cottage rolls 49 jnhilcc- brand pork sausage 285 serve tiniv ch eve snacks fur ttinih wilh devon brand bacon 63 1 discount specials t you save tu avlmtr lamv oialil mild cheddar 9c tomato juice 4 lint diecionl spectitl mi cavr 10c i uo nn kam luncrtaxmi fvuaf 39c sue 20c 1ilh un picnic mapu uf 129 fftmh f ptcatwral apple pies pet ttli 3 ou s1vc c oliinriil llindv pli k ouail monarch margarine 4 for 99c re i lt rations 3 for 69c ifwer an you can rlax whan youre covered by 4 1 ush haktd wct in or stinnaio rtyular 3v i lo pkii butter ruffs 35c aunt marv i4i uml suced mead 21c sun pun pinl hruk ice cream 27c iii i 0m0 safecogevlbeal attkat ear for agent like ut to nre jou the fncat rovcrafr poatible for aa- tnple here u one o the trsrril blvtmaees safeco ceneiu ftr hal often vosi safbcrcinctal t fssntvam ysm aatiajs ara a mkm patttbt an lljinsur ttinr km wn44v yu malm rmm sunthin ftmth fruih nd vubw amhi patm v i ivj v iiirws gwufi tomao st wtrmhne otnjf s i larye heaos lettuce taelv new nt i potatoes 1 usiti so i u eudc swtmrt clwrrim 69c jct garden m cello ham fresh radish 2lsc you save v heinz bread n buttar pickles 253c red rose ha bags you sivl i4e v it pi k nh p 1 v van camp beans vimj sjve 20c i vttj giant size sjt 0 k mipon ki on st vi punhjtf coffee chase sdrborn sjve 4i hellmann real itvtatl mayonnaise 47c u velln a iv cavinn c atal nj hnlltr v kraft liquid dressing 2 far 53c svr 4c a jkxurt rvtrmiiirn patkagr newport fluffs 45c saw 2r vahilr vc hit mos ul vinegar comdo iroaa 3k package of m 77c lint 3 for 49c y iv 41 pack i 73c i4t hag 69c 23 10lh hag s5c ih save le safeccvgfvfral oftcrt manv more iimetaving ati monrv easing beneieliwsici be our plcavutc to jlwus ihcm unh voo dennys insurance agency bill a harcxd- uock st phoni issasiso acton opvn tlmrtv artel frltury freshies soft drink powdar 20 far 1 feaiure hooev mt us criambhoney 2 far 39c acton red white market ample parwno