Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1963, p. 5

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41 mm i grviffiie iwm mp ai y tf alton gucflofti roundup him walk 111 work 1 win walk i prefer to conservative inability in face the ork real luuek hta r ed in how i would deal with the nerioim issue in canada father than upend many hour hiking around the county junt for the all night all e 30mile hike reply to challenging pc candi date sandy beat following dr beits challenge to a so mile walking race around the county of hfllton ruwwty runl 1 fall to tee the connection between thu frlvqlou challenge and lite erloui laiue facing canada today replied harley thl l obviously a publicity hunt another example of bitten by the walking bui which awceplna canada am the united states aeven acloh high tcbool ttudent picked up the challenge during the week end and ave of them trlutnphmit- ly completed a 50mlle trek riiey wire met at the town boilarv at 5 41 p m saturday evenn after finishing tile long like tram richmond hill jyklriv evening gary murr johrt goyjr keith runicv fl sit hlwngt jltlawkpreier4qfevimhbhtndv r rl my cxercltt a hat been my diatom in the lam month walk ing between my office in the weil block or the parliament building and the home of crmi- mom and between there and my otjartmenl commie supportno thanks communlat support for the n1m in canada no thanks ay elll ful- lerton halton ndp federal election candidate the communist party it once again aeeklns to injure the nw deuhjcfflrte party by eemlnglv offering communiat rapport to new democratic candidate ii haa been categorically rejrclej by party leader t c dougln he tald v ai ga communbit ounnort should not be taken at fate value they have a long record nf dis- honcm manoeuver during the second world war they au ported the liberal party because thuttrategy suited the party line at thai lime ald cnndl- date fullcrlon we believe the voter of halton are too scn- iblc to allow themselves to be tlk thla kias of death upprt candidate wild were pour kaaaoaw i such aupport i not given in good faith it is intended to hurt the new democratic pirh by identkving it with com- munism i the new democratic pnriv la fundomemallv opposed to he communist nhilosonbv mil io communist method ii rejects dictatorship whether of the left or t l i mun eniph iv aland opposed to comnumli effort to undermine the free world 3 the new democratic parlv it committed to the dcmocruu process it will hie ncilher truck nor trade wilh a p irlv which subscribes ten violence and dictatorship in cnnadt a well a elsewhere 4 the new democratic parlv ironside and cbrli dennv left acton hv motor vehicle driver were cv ranney and gcorjc hall for i he choten stuuinu point d their alhnightinddiy hike richmond hill stuff for vlaiu on the- dot of 12 jo am sat urday fhey itarted the lonn walk which took them from rlthreoncl hill aero to maple and in klelnberg thev roused actimi as- itnnl principal michael bivun from a sound leep at s am after they receive hi bei wish es the even marcher heided out again with their next stop ai the home ot william soule an other taff member near snel- gftwe mr stxtlcl a tralneo nurse gave flmt old to chris dennv who had develops bllt- er on hi feet around 3 nan ihey were met near maple hv fellow students bob phillip and grant mather who drove over to dole out hoi chocolate carrying flashlights and loaded down with knapsacks bearing extra shoes sock ani a slock of sandwiches the refiesh- dnrrmiphealcudorrtectrr rtni i e to georgetown on the last lap of their long juurrey- two down chris denny hllslerinff feci became gradually worse an i ha was forced to drop out of the marathon ncor the 40mile murk rick ironside chotc a ride irom georgetown home in the familv station wagon which lef ifie quintet to complete the iour- nev as they nearcd acton town limits u small crowd of patent and well wishes gathered to cheer the marchers on spurred bv the welcome the quintet kept 4 legion notes for branch 197 bygeorge ware this friday march 22 is our annual anniversary dance night in the auditorium a good orches tra will be on hand plaving mo dern and ciiunlrv music and a full night of fun has been lined up lets keep the night open and make 1 date with the wife or girl f nend for a wonderful titglii out a small charge of 7c per prison willi iw made up their tleadv pace by now headed by blaring cur horns down bowet ave to the luui hall where a crowd gathered to offer congratulation to the wearv but happv hikers thev made the walk lirjusi undei 18 bourse next dav some of the group were able to don skates fin 1 whirl on the ice at the arena allan hall and keith runniy both track mars iverr cu dm ing their regular practice s mi tfnly complaints were stifl ten don when the bovs awoke fimii their sleep sundov mbrnng the walking crae began 111 the united stoles acton is now eligible to send a team to the provincial touma ment and 11 is to be hoped after their showing at the district tour nev sh11 this cun he arranged congiatulalions for the fine showing at brantfnrd bovs it seems us if jim mcknight vvasii 1 satisfied with just having his name in the poper as tving for ihe holoena last week till mrs landsborough hostess to circle the mnrch meeting of the mar ion rudd mission circle was held march 7 at ihe home of mrs c landshorouuh the meeting was opened willi the singing of the hvmn come let us slny of a wonderful love and pravcr hv president mrs j chapman minutes nl the last mccling were lead hv mrs g wayner anil while cioss icporl given bv mis ii llclulg the spnnu ihwilcof lerlng servients planned fm api 18 with mrslijtnyok a tnismonarv fnim india as the guest speaker miss r tlvei mil miss vv mr ilon win in cliarge ol the ilevo- tlonil service rviuliriy liie scrip line from matthew 2 anil the topic sickness anil llealih mrs gordon ienl intel tiom miss marion ross in the tunun a praver period followed emit praver given hv mrs l illslev mrs c i andshornuuh mrs j chapman and mis r trvcr luneli was serveil bv mrs i illslev and her helpers anil thi mrs griffin sprowl hostess voting mil for knox afternoon wms the afternoon auxiliary w ms of knox presbyterian church ac- ton met at the home of mr grirfln sprowl on march 14 when mrs ii i bronlegave an interesting account of ihe pres byterian church in fmmosu ai ihuiigh not quile 100 vejrs old this is a complete organization among the chinese in toronto general usscmhly synmlicats 1 to be the guest speaker for the presbyteries it aims to have 1000 1 diaiikoffering meeting on april mrs spruwl read the scripture from several verses of 1st and 2nd corinthian dalerftlwad during the bnslive session re ports ami conespondence were read from this member learned miss margaret near who works eungregulions in 1- theirs is 11 devoted cause and pruver sessions for guidance and leadership lire a rpecfol feature of i fir u nil nl nil ihurth elders great pfogress is the result as they have two theological colleges with vy students who during iheir ftiur ycarcourse are given practical work in 4hv mission fields a theological institute with 117 students preparing them selves to woik among industrial workers two mnsters from princeton universilv have oined the college in ihe past vear this has been a vvondeiful help support from all is oeedetl to help ihem in their woik mrs jolvn davulson heaiuiflillv sang ihe hvmn will yoir an ehor hold in ihe storms ot life mrs bennie offered prayer and man of month fn mining mag an altule earned in the jan uarv issue of the western miner anil oil renew magazine seei 1 nl donald willtim pringlr sou of mr anil mrs ale prin i r r j vissajmweva as imnin man ol the inonih mr pringlr who is mine man ifei nl bethlehim copper cm poraiion i id was born in to- riinlo iteiveil ills pilhlle sihool 4 that svnodical vvllfmeet on9lh 10th and llth of april reservu 1 inns must he mide earlv for the loolh annwerslnrv of wms not later thanpstpril i9m invi tation were recelyl t attend ihe daughter ofltriox daflodil tea und thankoffeflng of the united chilrch women some item concerning the hale were explained and the generosi iv of the daughters of knox ap preciated committees were appointed and arrangements made for the thunkoffcrlng which is 1 week earlier due to the llolv week services mrs dermic thanked mrs i sprowl and those who helpetl on her committee the meeting closed bv upi 11 ing the i oril s pr iver is approved the private bsta eoaaaalttaa of the oatarlo liajiailari haa approvad hahoa cetaarjra ph- vale bill to aam o er 6m county omen ttminday oajrrga iktgton mtcalvai iktr bill which for th wtn give the two town 17 volee the aanivalan nf the total vote held by the five northern town and town- hip baaad on a slkungj aeaat a higher population in north- n canlrea wllf evenlualry al- hr thrnr trvtwr hoi oakvllle and burhnafan wttl b glssm extra votaa aoi there la never any bnanfane 1 the bill la atui to b p ed to the leabualure befora final approval pollock and campball manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 3 water si nb oa1v telephone ui7sm let us help you with your travel needs tfatwihis cluijitvmjit steamships hotil rimrvatrons passport aphrcatfom porms milton travel service autiiori7rd acfmt 317 main milton office- i7mjii ilea t7- innuencea in any way ny com munlst siatemenis i sutvtrud hv individual trail unions and otlfier groups which party ha hkc itxelf ate upmied to cum placed advcrtlcmcnl in halton munism also their oppostmn ncwpaper supporting ndpi frequent iv based on biuei ex policie reason for rejecting perienee with communist nuns tories enjoy irish dance a crowd of some 400 conserva live from all pans of ha ion danced the night awav at a gala st patrick dance held bv ihe halton cotintv conservative as- aoclation in the new canadian legion hall al burlington sat- uraav v on hand were sandv bet hal ton federal conservative candi- date and mm i georgekerr provincial candidate for ilaton and mrs kerr and bohbv mi donuld consersutlve cancldau in hamilton spot and door piizcs were dislribulect bv sandv best anl george kerr while conservative volunleer workers and supporl er danccsl polka jigs paul jones and the twist politics re mained in ihe background as the hnnt rnjnviii ihe sotlil fve- aneither cleaning bee is being tt-thrbnmch-thrs-stmdav- aftemihin march 24 and all vo lunteers are wvlcome the down stairs section is the spot to go under hiiisti and cloth this tune we all know ihe wonderful ie- sults that were achieved in the atuliloiium and 11 is to be honed ihe same will oceui in the down stairs aiva anv volunleeis its the lime of vear conirtfues to remind vou that votu dues are to be paid bv the end ol this month whv not come down this saturday or some night thiough the week and alter paving vour dues sia around awhile anil en lov your club rooms sports week he bounded light to the top to take home the thick iiuev hostess thanked bv mis i oil 1 iiluealidii in toronto anil n i ii k mi hlcth sliool in tin 11 stiak wilh the score of 6 a big dlllerence fnim last wvek jim two more lads not left out of ihe tunning vers often were aiulv nolan a close second with a 62 and julian zuiac thirdwitha 61- larl beernian enoved a mid niglit snack of bologna anil crack eis when he copped the lamiltar rinp willi 1 s induitrial crlbbage standing hotel ml i egion a mo band 121 tanners 117 legion b 117 ictiton t iis i g a ill firemen i0h nlng cnaf awmawc ihlfvt mm comuok sense dear sir it wax very gratifying to read the tetter to ihe editor signc by mother of two and bren dan aherne after reading the editorial of j february 21 and ihe letters up holding the liberal policv of nuclear arms for canada it is reassuring to know that some of the many people who aie against this policv are willing to speak up in defenne of com men aenae and in support of the new democratic partv poluv of no nuclear arm for can ada slncerelv new demikrit hdftkn sundav was the- mildest day for months and there were six robins at onee on the lawn at ihe home of mrs i lnvil swindle hurst billinatail plus two killileer aeton crlbbage team fared quile well at the district touma ment in brantford on saturtlav and after the days plnv actons bb team- wax tied in ixcond place with twu other trams altei ihe- endbf ihe sixth game both ac ion teams were tied in top spot but tan into hail luck in the re maining games side glance branch 197 will be rcpre sented this saturday at the one- dart tournament in georgetown good luck fellows s one week lefi for vou lo have 1 chance at sceinu luture n ii l greats in action all the champion teams will be decided hv this saturday three rangers receive pins the firsi ihrtc ruijicr u p tniliu lt in 1 imimnm mini tki lvrtrnir i ihr smii i pit dtuiutlli joan rmisiun nut jinct rdinildsuii tht 11 mi- i hers ifu sciium piiiol ul jrti i jfindt s irul suiiu of the seoul itul giiulc vluthti wcit pr tiit when disttict cummismiuut 1t gctirjit willis picstnttil the yii with 1 ik 11 rarifi pins shi uul itidtr mrs ted fninklm v on dueled the eetemon the ifirls vetiin their n i fun 11 hs scttclf liidkiev hnt itiklite h rietiiited irom i ik uni ursiiv ot tmnnio tn 144 uith i dtiirii ot kietiih t ippl el t ie nee in mmm ik si 1 1 it d his niinii i a rev i- tht iye ol 18 is u iihki4 i it li uiisii i mint where hi wotked whitt alltiuhnti tinvtt mi hi wis tppointi d mu mmi ot hi tide hem mini- in ll in i s44 his pirenls purehis d llu i it 111 in tssiyiwll at i m ned then hi l47 mi pnny i si is i u hied mwspjpei m in who wuikid tot liikkhan p toi 2s eus teliiini hloie m v iiil io i hi ae ton ellslt let lie is i t il rdrnrntl p a i wvu known throughout the jisi tct explain pcamsons poution to thr eiltinr 1 wihikl like to eomment mr lenlcr b peuron dtsevis tivn tin cunudii s flag mam iym lienu ol hnltuh cuuniv hav ask ed rtu uhuui iriin nmitei in mow iaf trn ptillun ltii cutest ton vhiih wr eikoductctl in the i radci j iinprt lime ago nn particular ewugn hax rer been dis4uftmhl b the i ibcral put iv during thr ux riun or pmrhinvrni it hu been lelt thai thi hag uurmiun nuii be mt xhih rtainu befupr tur eenien uial vmt 17 thr poll r eewhuuled faxored thr rej enalfn the number uhu aanweml thi poll wciv 2 a aui 1 1 portion of out tataluei ilttntft if thr rrldrnl of halton how f tameless electric heating makes all other coilllg ojfoliciiio out of date pete mass0n s itth vic1 fo you1 sawf action free muffler check now essd pays for ah4lieei cwi wa ihr had hnnir ihrn i slll iumurt and present ihrlr virvss in thi malut in ikis rrgaiu tharrlorr so ciuhii age pcsjplr xshi hasv nol tvn rhrlr urilnum un this iiutti i tk o b unluiglo mi mr rvanun uxlj jklhr ha1 nr rvirstcsl lh rrsl ensin jsasausr lo jo so ssoukl rocsin the i raicclism sil a british smhvl wlitch mean so mush nt mans j poopl who hasr scrsvsl anil rauthl unswr u he ikr ssani dtalliwllsr canaslian ilaii hsii iichalf mi mk r rs uw vwrifs uftst luattog systmdta notust ftotmuhk fuel its elumr uui tttwr teatitf systmcmuwf crutt lust tnukt stet r arf or wy kind ym pt cttttmcwfort to ivtry nmtketrie tealitf offm yto a stfiantt tktnwm ia neb mm easy ti iastahm funuct tr m tuk ki amml auiitmmct ctstemtiaia ti duo m ffttrs tt nplxt metric atjtwr it truly a canton systam hmua tai ctstsin may litfriifth the rata jar atactic baatmg us man radacaa as amm as 30 taring trn last 2 yaars to kaay pact with ukt frow inf market liv plaatlct a moo uai tool addition i iwna cutawtd al micro rtaitlc btanl on main strccl north nbmamiclaa3nkan i snork u aracaadlnt arilk law kbjavm plnlaj i tordslo call ytir tuliftttj eleetrie iwatjac caainctor ar your hydro live mkttttttlkotmic ally weil thoroughly inspect your muffler for leaks rustspots dents if it is dafectiva wali raploca it with a ganuina gm muffler for enj low as pay for just the oil now esso pays for annual burner aind furnace conditioning now esso pays for midseason check of your heating equipment now esso pays for emergency service anytime roupayforjtht thaojlf lastasafli wlula yaw waa by aaaatt xathaait 1m4i9u for safetys sake drive in for your free muffler check nowwlth esso home heat service you gat all the services you need all year round including esso quality furnaca oil waathercontrolled delivery budget terms all for the price of the oil i call esso home heat service today i john weldon acton pete masson limited mttal vki poi tout taiwactkm csso f pilmaat la hgm wtttt tff hmat aath s904so 351 ouaan st i aiaaa iforyoumereaei in6auai iisavsttjl vbwvbw

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