Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1963, p. 10

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iy r thoafir aft to9er 5 the good old days sufo uut by bill 8miuy w 4 hernial cnrtth if we ilncaraly believe in the baiic hu manitarian concept of the ontario society tor crippled children thon we afl nave a reipontibillty to make certain that crippled children do not luffer unnecenary hard- ihlpt due to lack of medical advice care and treatment facilities that they deterve all 1he help they need is irrefutablo c organizations in fact from all men and women of goodwill throughout ontario th o suu f c ch 50 years ago taken fnm itw taatm of th free afymf tmtraday out 27 1919 council authorized thi clerk to prepare u 4iylaw to rainc by debenture tbjftoo to provide tor three additional room at the public school a letter wan re ceived from the board uskinjj councils consideration to mite the moncv for three additional rooms intl equrpment jt a cot isrftvtor t the oilier mom inn uhen of- fleer htmev went lo the town huff between ant seven oclock he lound ihe front door harred and it took him some trnie to yiiiri entrance tintillv i hltrlv wandering willv drew ihe boll and admitted the officer he explained he had arnved in town late at niyhl and finding the dooi unlocked went in and took possession locking the door alter htm officer hare rave htm a ureal selling on i and informed him that il he ui ins of his fratermlv did the like apain he would have them tig peel immcdiatelv owingl to the ijowded comh linns al ihe school iptf the lu k of ice om modal ton in ihe innioi pumarv the public schuol rkard ordeied ihc pi uiwpa not lo udmil any whinners uiulei six ye u l iinlil th imd siimmei sat a i ton tik te was t will attended meehny 1 uesdtv night ot busi ness peupk and ciliens to div cuss j he of acton hav ing its own kill lair george llmill acted as chairman for the c ening and according to the tesponse it would appear as ilunigh ai ion miv hianch out irom fsqiksing aiitl have its iwwi uu aoi4iw um4lltt wu- 20 years ago tmktn arm iim ismm of the fr rim tfanraday mtixtf if ims the teed crow c ampul ho will take lit houe canv next week with the completion this week of the ukriptnn in the industries on friday afternoon death came with unexpected sudden- ne to mrv wjhjtnw s3 coleman a her home onp fke theres one thing about the cunadiun weather voull nev er die of boredom this is mv thought for the week as the equinox arrive 1 think a cana dian march 21 the first tuv tl sprinff is iuxt uhat the word tugnemh equinox ts trom the latyi equus hors nov night english timsluion nightmare we dont know whether rev manson waddell pissed nvvuy march 11 at the home l- hu daughter mrs blake vannl- ter ballitufsid he retired from the minislry 1 eur agoiiftet a service of 40 veatk the exlitement of ihe pine pong tournament at the y is all over and the champions ot the evening were lena davison and don force with runncisup jean harri and herb dron the two judges were mr win cialiam and mr g rognvaldsnn the senior bovs and girls are jiaving a dance at mhe y with dancing lo all the laust omls hv glen millei shep fields ami tommv dorsev the aclon tiud vicimlv vv n service league demons laud ihe clearing house that it is al the meeting last thursdav tun ing st albin s guild senl in a sittlnption for 2i to go lo the aid to russia rund tln w wen- gotiig to be sitting out on the patmln ihe sun having lunch with ihe birds yelling wildlv tnd the gtass vpuhiltnn yieen ot huddled bv liu win dow with a ixd iipse looking at a balkvaid ot waist dep now vvilh a gale how hug about the house jt s ixfieshing bv dcmji i have nelthei pulience inn v svnt pa tin yvith ihosi ttaitois who cnntplun louluuiallv about out canad lan w ea i her w ha i w i slmuld tl v p u k them oil lo i ngland whete h tains al in iiidilv time oi ship l hem lo liu desert wlu tin v il he stunnctl into sullen submission bv ilu ixntal thump o the ilolv mih fii pav lluii passigi lo ife h pic and let thuii niunui hi i in nn lik w ul nionolonous iltinp ness mens rnstilute of aclon had jll tor the chinese relief rund and ihe tree press rund oi iln stime pu rposc ions aided 1 24 to the chinese the victory club of 0 unni ihis iui ned in iiomi ihe sale ot a quill which was diiwn at the- minstrel show savage tir januai1 and itirv minstivls cleueu about vrstitiulii ik piuud ul winters for exiwnple thevre mean tough old devil grtmlv clinging to their reign until theyve wrung the last ounce of resistance out of us some times swear one more weekj of cold weather would have e mtv one in the nation at each u i hers throats i 1 heir comes one ol thuw in- nediblv soil laivsslng iak vyhen ihe w is velv fitnn the south tfie sitrtntckt ice and unow with hotr lavishing tongue gu it leis gurgle and therew a luve- iv stink an ihe- wmppingn are peeled from- he tcuttng huued bodv ot the cat th out m the ice ihe sieun vbuals bellow like trapped bnl talus out on ihe stieel the kids stroll thixiugir puddles ovei their hihij tops cnit n the bush the tioul stiwinis bluk cvls against the snow mioi i and chuckle and burhlt with pine pleasure as th v iaji to then nameless di s hnv tice again allei montlis ot silent slvivetv ikiwn al liu dm k ihe boat nivneis pi owl e uc dialing i si i m i ling figui tng the du s until tlnv can launch bat leakv paint peeling monument in mans 1 1 inal follv up on the hills ihe juluair vas reported ai ih7 lor tebniarv 7 the vu the 1963 eatfer seal campaign is now bang conducted here by the local rotary club and in communitiet throughout on tario the financial goal is 1000000 local ly club officials hope to exceed last years total of 1100 il will be altainud but only with full support from all quarters individuals anles employee- group community is a voluntary organization made up of 10- 000 members having no barriers race col or religious faith or lack of funds are un important statistics on a crippled childs me dical chart all children require help we acicnowl- odge ibis fact in a multitude of ways by law by love by moral obligation by pure instinct n bhof easter seals extend a helpful protective hand to our crippled children help them to overcome their fears and to instill m them hope courage and selfreliance a needy crippled child in any community deserves help your easter seal contribution today could have e lifejong affect does installment buying pay in held soon to linahe this inst saiurdav the poi lei for mi w w beaulmorc while at wotk in the wine cellar of the residence on church si helped ionise to seveial bottles ot wluskiv in the evening he was lound bv mi beauimore crv di tin k and abusive coovahlc i iwson was suit foi anil if- iisinl him and he occupied a ieir in the linkup until mondav ilu moon he pleaded guiltv jnd pan a substantial line and pk dged to abstain from futuiv indulgence xiloam e hurch tboul a mile noiih ot acton on the second inn was hit b the eve lone fri- div and neatly the entire roof wi h ownoff both chimneys wire completely rtestroyen as well with the roof in this con dition the ru aw tains sunday night and momliv motning soak- id the interior ul the building 1 one of the greatest features of life today is that involved in the slogan buy now pay later it is one which has been railed at preached against and decried for as long l we can remember but is probably more rife today than ever it is one of those things to which thrrr are two aides if onr is fortunate enough to have funds available there is no question that cash purchasing is by far the most econ omical unfortunately few are so situated and many would never enoy a home of their very own if installment buying were ruled out a purchase of that kind can however be usually handled at a rale of interest that will amount to little it any more han a r tunable irnldl aim the paymc ot the mot t gage installments constitutes a real saving when the mortgage is finally burned you have something left il ib different however when you ionir to installment buy my of turmshmcis aiill equipment this ii especially so if handled through t finance cotpoiahon whuh adds a lump sum to the onginal total as a serine charge on which the purchase pays the same mleresl tatc a on the otiojmal amount the thinupioo i tmaiu iat expert ha been amusing himself by figuring out the actual interest iate charged a trw ot those jio down pay met i r mstalhuuni oiltth on whu h ihe interest iale is osrvnsibly 0 aiuf pay ments are made at a lined sum monthly ac cording 7o his figuies because of the fact that the principal oss mcj decreases each month the miereif actually paid by the put chaser tan in ihe cases figuicd all the way from zon lo j it would sfetti m tact vvr bvr proved in our own expemoinr thai a pei whose status permits installment ihv has suf ficient credit rating fo borrow the amount from the bank at a considerable saving in actual iptorost since the bank charges interest- only on the amount currently owing not on the whole amount for the whole portod people who find it advisable to buy on credit might also find it ailvtable to conult their bjiukcf ridgctown dominion 270 liom thcil coneiil baniiockbutn women- insii lute held a soc iil evening in mondav at the home ol mi ami mrs w hauling to cekbtati tin anniversary of the loundni ul the insiiiuic which is now 21 veais old in a group ol mail uutud hv aclon wai servki uiin theiu vvas a caul wntkn bv wai lanl oil in i geoigi molozi pist iwo ii before the fatal ciash in which he gave his hie spring is scheduled to nnve on saturday we hope the sdn dulc is more accurate than most presentdav lime tables teu couce atul sugar coupons in voui old book aic null ana voul on m ruh tl hut tcr coupon 7jp0ri 11 thcftew book comes due for purchdre morch 20 good luck chain letters aie on then wav around the wot id ag am each one should make gone salvage or mart a fire rlets nay bridge by bui coats llus weeks hi nlgi hand is a gooil exainpklol use nt mines nn flow to f im ssl it is sin pi ising how b w peoph tx all v to tme ju upcj luiaiiis aie still at it buttling dow n ovei giave i uid glass locks ami iihits and oeeasional l some snow up in lit ht diooin lln gooil wile views wilh hoi i i lied th light ihe sukeiiiiig shade of last veai s wallpaper mealed hv the vetlow mikii sun down in the basemen i lln- lisfu rtn in put lei s and ikiwn at the park or i be pool room oi the poat office the old yenh slek to the kou with con linemen i uck in the sun jriil- vering hut once uguln deflanlly adlvtpurj ut ihevuudup- in their room the tenattii seem to be studying tor nllr easier examn while through their heads mul bodlrn swirl the heailv fluids ul life the juices of spting dp in the altn the black squuiels ptform their end- kss doswlo intetnipled only bv queer periods in which ihev dont scuttle but chortle and ci non to the doubtless thou- sands ol babies thev have pro duced in ihe wiutei months mown in the basement t touch es the cat vast wilh unwant ed killens htotulhig patient giieuevid thus i m id i aid is not the spnng of o to be in england now dial apiils iheie li not ihe spnng ol tmv itntulls pok ing then dalhtv heads through th in i ii v nf tl spnng ul bit dies atul hlossonis ol gam bolling lambs and lender gteen buds all his is two monthn a wav 1m s is i siv age ltd den spnng taw and nigged orn- ei v and awkward unexpected and tiiuomfoi table muddy mil niomly hut it uc vet dull news district brevities thp fillow who counts his iussiihs ivcn uiills gets tired of losinq his aiidincr to llw lillow who mt itiluis i rikiuiihni h tioublo orilhi pi inci iiii 1 hr tioulili ssilli fnost of us is ttii wo w ink fltfur ht ujincj liy ililijc i r i ivesl l crilic i in you hrtvr 1 licit lountrv fuit tfill sltms not ihhcsslmiv nir in that alt ottur ruitiotij ss int lt lt lit youi inciirtn priiic mmibtir jiss iihdf idi neinu viiiting us thr true t ivilialion is wftih tvoiy man il vi to tvny ottii i urn t llt th it in i ll in tot him ill wob it o inj i oil n timtfim iuii to h n i ii i ii kit isihmlion ion oi vi m tliom clvt i iiii i il miins rfn i in r 1st il in un cm- ttu twi nsliors ot man bcntam n dirci- it afihais llil ote wav to w tc i lt sollfj thesi llii ij to tilkt stlt n posfd b one ot ihc fimitirs then jcloii pslst it rrorgftown tin hniluiilliiiil sikuu his plins im lutlhii hiiiiiilisiiinii nt ilu muii this vlii liu litiliil in iluir plannni is ihc plinniii ot tlmvris ilutu ihe mam si islimls ihit ventluttl tin ix hist t uliitt ilu ilnuiiiiiun hylihin w uiiioileluil tin sushis also askul soiiikii to lontlliuc its tree plinliiiu ptiigiitn hurl inckvj jiiiks matfdiliiie bales piintipil ot hutlnii toil intlil llieh sihtwil lot the past 28 sears uis ihosin tin liitsiit- l infill lo in kiimiiiht leil im i9t2 anil was luiiiinscl il a niep i m ilu lipioti i li 1 1 hi teiensil a polil imp stlh llji town out nti il atul ins iiiim ssill ix ihmillvll in tin roll ul lln i ik vs also pu sininl with a siioll dkc ii i i iksulis tin et at tiiiinliii nl ilns in 11 in th p ul lot tin iliiiius ip ilils oakstlli minn nn sikuis ii mill il i ihi i 1s noil 1- mi 41 hblls 13 iuimins iii siimls in skunks tlitu einiui pies ilim muscials llmx hamsltts iinli tin i mills i eioitnilhiie a iill anil a llnlli tin it innu il iisnl niiil 3llo i ills in iiliiiilnl mil of imeln inistiialions win in i uk wllids tlllllllll is mom it ilvmt two lutileis in snlnlt msiiii- liininl ilmeiiiitis im sihool ihilihin ilm usi limn il its ilu siilissilks an neht ixuli ihi mail wilh uo piolntion tin h ili smarts iioni ilu passme us ii iis sueeesuil tailmes nilelil in iim m 1 mil l hunt us ol th im m ill lialaleii oil utl liiumit cluh i til mat ivn iui appixiiil an jjis lki liln i thin i luh duns iiuhuline ilinuie loom snuk hai anil luikus ilu ilul his alnails itnleil i luitnei anil pro shop anil a iiiilini k mill l aililnl soiiu imu in tin lulu i in i luh ivmsis i rlo iiiitnhi is fred barnes presiden juniors pick new officers i inn jum mi hikt hi l th it si in mush i at ilu i s as anmiit mil t stlmil on kith l tin i v ni ifie k t set it i it i iil i in i t the acton free press pumuhrtl h the imiu rrtnllng and ruhllahlng n lid i ou tnted m i87 iul puhhsluil eer thutsli at ss willow m ai tim intiii mrtibet ot the audi i bureau ot iiieuutions the c sa and the mtariooiebrc division ol ilu 1 w n advertising rates on injurs t subscriptions p4abu m jdvajne v in canjla 4w in 1 1 eg land ami other omrmmwealth lounines ioo in the untied mjio and other tomgn countries singk copies 7i 4ullnnrtd a second class mail rk uttkc drpartmvni ottawa the onw paper err nuhhslmd in cttti g a lillv rditnrinctnrt david r xhs managing lditor business and editorial office phone 8532010 il lubv siiival mdittn iii nul i ik i nt i nprx s n vl ilu- nm tnil wluu all im u 1kil lr 1 s ki t i ti 1iivi i t i i sv v th hi v lit imw i lib tllit iu in x iiiii lo otvl i an i ai in is i tu man 1 t ilu i i nmg kisits ttm i u ii ol the lo ouuij tvuiii viiiiu mi in fv i s h h pilmlllul oltt lllopli i m it tls ti i tleswoi th st i it 1 1 m astiu i and unt ittrr tut cure rrt aui m ihr ii tltin tle intirt hib ft impituisfiip tn stored on their parin the inimts tountv ti loittrs b juimmiiiii tnvn th counts organization bill wilwin diilruun or this tomniittee art noiithid the umiiis which wtrr as tollowc orval tirsi miltnu sxmui aon third anil palermo fiminh the election of 19fc3c4 uffker uuilud u luilows s i l 11 tu- cast ptisuluit 1 it spi i hi hutiiivtun pix siilent t n it hi ins rr 3 toiui town lust in pu suleiit js llasxtuil rr i alton sotiiutl mi ptisuleiii m nihil wilejswinh k u i n t m ti miuin i i ii i mi r r i months to m i kvi vi ii shall r r i milt hi imrrttor 1 wnmittcci t ounts tit ri tut i il vii i h puts rrpnt1 marion miintt r r i bui imyton ititu s hit- stuime hill wilsui rr t 11 h t mil aililitot j x 1 1 ill 1 ivpt ol aem iiltni ii ill 1 aim s t t 1 1 e 1 loin limit 1 r r c 1 1 junior riosnn anil ll ill 11 plni mens thtixtatton 11 srtmortli lohn wikot rr i nonal uij km rohinsin sorxa momr i tnnfimisl mrs is i son ivpartinrill ol xerutiltutr rrartiptim innirnrr il tumor lit stituirs mis bill wilson rr ficnrffrtfiwn cihinls cnp an i sfil iniproxrmrnt lssv john wilson alln brownrular rr 3 crurpeliiun hatlon conwn1 ikmi cummittcc a scpixvnrth haltan federation oi agniultun- jcitrcy nunc r-r- 2 ceorvo- slllii imisslllp is tilt 111 xi sli i itom just saslmie aies anil klnes i 1 1 niimhi 1 i i asl wesl nine 1 ahli ikalu lasl north s k 4 h a i x s 4 3 c o 10 8 3 wcl lal s 8 3 so iii 7 mrj r 4 1110 7 a i i o j 7 1 i a ft c9m k 7 1 smith s a j 1 11 k o i lk ml ra j 3 ijmi south wed nihih riss 1 ni im mi pass i m all iiss ilu tmlilinu 11qimis htlli lutnntinl south has a tlassi i no tiunips hul 18 points anil all suits stoppeil ninth has no inlitist in a maim so in huts 3 so 1 tumps to shoii 8 1 points soitlh with a maximum taints to 1 no liuuips wist opttls his louili h si ihimnnil ilu 1 ami i isl mm m hit tin 1 1 i hi ihm on i 11 linn is 1 tkitl mp i it ts- 1 no 11 is 11 to llolil up sin v 11 1 111 nils halt 1111 inoti il 1 til mils at this point wluu south pi ins litis p 1 i so hit lii slants to linist hull t inhs itil s l vu 1 sll 1 l ssllll hi m s kit to v t lo iluiuins to laki jisul tilths 1 th 1 ml iii 1 luh miltmusnih ta v i ins loi lit 1 sons lilt inn ss ss 1 ks u s ill in si 1 oiitl 1 nl to 1 ash th 0 ul uhs lull nil is 1 h in r tot inn ssi ih it kali s tin it 1 i 11 il mum i ii s 1 iul 11 as 11 is i ii tu isl impoiiatil notln it south i s i iti spaik knit nul iniisss sllts hi mill h huk 11 south s h mil hon 1 1 south it s 1 ilu spl ki ami llll ss s lulls u mil 111 luilmis it th tin ss 11 k pi it is pi mil 1 i h 111 iii s lh l 1 il i 11 1 ml i h i s si 1 i i k hi 1 1 1 i s s llmll i i i 1111111 1 i i i uh 1 is l 1 p 1 1 i s ii i lt 01 s mil ii tilt iii- 11 i is 1 south mill h tl ll k i i it lll 1 1 11 tilt t kin 3 i tin linn s 11 ilu sis 11 1 1 lis i 1 1 m- south i i kt tin i lulls 1 i lis ilu sii ss si is i uls 1 s i s s i st mil 1 k i i l i it il 1 i 1 11 1 i 1 i i 111 tl ii s ih ts i i pi is i t i v 1 hni its is v nth 11 i s lnitnp hut ttu ion is uitt 111 l iu 111 i 4 i1l s l i lik i 1 t ut iti t t 1 ii h 1 m ss n it 1 i urn ss s u hoi i thr rthl r is ii north dm s n t hisr ih- lih iii il larrr u vul a 1 low 1 uh i 1 noimil tin tsr this viasrk t minuets tutl lr ail i mi innrn ktll 11 i to mtond jiul thtd mi and m a j norns and mr marx alan m anil alls ona fu l r tit rt tts7j imsn ivnnf sinclair r r i buthngton delmar ford rr i miliun and dun swaekhamcr aklua muni 1 s sssi lis anil uliiis his lilts ami tmv o nu tiuv aient we elad lo see it professional directory and travellers guide medical flinkral directors dp w g c kenney rhvsiitau and surgeon oil ui- in swnon nitklt 4a mill si i acton olluc plmnr ks12i1 rcsulcnt r 115 churxli sltti plmnc s lm4 dr d a garrett plimiiin and suriirul corner of willow and river sts litliantc river st ac nn cnt plmnc 85vuj4i dr robert d buckntr plnsinail and suiiicoti 19 willuitun st aitnn out riionc 853 1240 dr t b moore s phssuun- 2tiiii slixet noiih loiiurmiin and mill sliret attuii unlaim phone olluc ks i 2181 ru rm0iu dental or h leib iklltal suicroil lilt t i r mill and i 11 1 1 tt k sttrpts oltitt liom h apitouitiiti ut liltpholir hmuhlll dr a j buchanan dctil 1 sutiicoii klin hulih st i oil 1 mollis t a in lo ri p in llostit weilni sdav allcrtlooll klephuiir ijvj tio5rvntonratirortiy llrutc i shoemaker mgr optomitrit e l buchner od ptnftictrit com 1 1 lenses lleannu alii 6 john si s alton in alton wednesday dnly 2 00 p in 6 u0 p m im appointment plume ihvi04i ii no answer plmne waterloo 742 88a7 traviuirf oui0i r gray coach iines coallirti lfavc acton- standard time lastbound ah a ill f daily rueepl sun and llol i luint iihim 20a pm 5 08 pm 623 prn i pin 1018 pin sun and hul i westbound 10 37 am 12x7 pm 2 x7 pin s 27 pm 7 27 p in v 12 p 111 ii 12 p in i 02 a m sal otils i i i tl t t kajhfpiand q c liat 1 1 slri and s lu 101 nlaix puhlii ollic llouls iii j 111 i p m i p m x p ni sa in i ts in tppointmcnl onlv plmnc ihluc s llil ret s 4j aton a pea ida pa bjrntirr vihjtrr notarx puhlit oflice hours in aclon mondav fndav evcningi f pjn 1pm saiurdav i put x p m 21 paivlcv strwlph ontario phone f szmis oftue houn in guelph salurday 9 tun 12 ajn daily 9 ja 5 pab canadian national raiiways si nut lid i tmc i aslhoutiil 6 v a 111 to luroiito datlv ei pl sit 1111 sun 7 18 a m to iront 1 us rxtrpt sun 7 42 p m lo rumiilo tla s rxtcpt sun 8 111 p in to totoulo sun mlv si is pm 10 toronto daily hoalil at htofgctossn nitlv vxciltxiuii 8 iii 1 iii to sltatlonl daily rl- rpl sun r 3 1 pin to strait iril dills rxipl sal and sun 13x9 1111 to sliatlonl datlv cxipt si i 1 tuilhrr inform n call s ill litial arfcllt 8m34v i amuiaimc and jnbuatancb v f i wrigmt lailhur st a ion ontario phrme mt720 appraiser and laaurane oter v year la ados ctinonucrmi david w cohn dc i yjjunf street corner or arthur it young sit olftta cluun by appolntmeni fhpna 1511171

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