Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1963, p. 4

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tb hfrlwl cfpffwijffrffyywiyt ffbhrawwy t ym matl an mlhtanf wxwu gain amm at the community ttirtrt osl friday ntatrt wilmit charles will bd in towt eager m catch a playoff tjertn thai v only one obstacle in- their way acton tanners now ttccupvinf that fourth and last layoff slot sin polnh jirtru the two turn at hw moment but u win jfbr th charles priday would mean erlou trouble for rive act ohdutf reason mlltorthatt ponl game wttft hlllsburgh asal thuyr akrwat certain to win tine tanner nteariwtille have a game t chelterfham grin next thuwahy and hllkaaurgtt hi here the folluwlno hbjht there are aha two games left to play with btor ttw reek baiwftltbut by ibatr tuharal leawwjtav nl- ffcayj ad irf trwatfiywrt s- tuea- day than own hkuwiek al- thasta thy laat m aftu4ltt- tomtlsaa friday ofhem g in the l saw orartjwvllle trim milton m mondav in the dufferin capital cheltenhnm jusi week dumped orartitevllleand they wound up n the toslny end of a fame with blora there eem to be only two thlnga certain in this league orai top fthevve trait onlv a hand ful and hilltburgh is doomed to the cellar the other positions arc open for the tint bidder h the tanners could shake their slump or k theyve shook it leis say its conceivable they could still end up in second place the first and third arid second and fourth teams meet injhr pbvdffa jack marshall wa back in the hate ktabariag up wadaa day at pntetlei ha way b ready lo rahava tuhocked don bd hw aattaraaa rad haa had nightmare in aonw laoaaa whua jack haa bean bv tuid itwttt b hard ehoiea lor coach iho manolo choose- batwaw tham far frldayvfl- team playing ibh stocnmmv na tmimr f acton mhaa h chtb wax fsatflto iom thai faaysflfaetas to hpkr pc1ny by tie hesaw bin thmv tw way th ball bodnces weiv eanetmamy indehtftt to rhe people vhute utmalron made it possible to operate the midget club this aeasan bill mhhoh wlthdut them there would haw bsmi no itwmri the logkin tallies auxiliary sajedglmifcvjohh gowsr ima mason- knitting co 00 rl warm i70 nhiu beatll i500 albert marshall sio00 fiddle hcrformiin hot and ted porce 1500 the club also snoiiwrwd n hjeky draw to defray expenses of new sweaters the draw look place saturday at the legion dance fi p at 411 voucher was won hffred auefior ft h 2 aedon bxlo mnrxo- won the 110 tecond prllm vuuchar ami tad force the v third priic both the tost two turned buck their winnings to the club two upteis ftjglstsifetj lll cyclones snaffle first place owe wapin rh lutkmhal lefii cellar cydfone thlir week taruvowf ftral plot by wallop- lisg the preyuaj occupanls hald- ra lumers ware never-real- ly m ihe mnw as cvvlimes whuspad in m joali before a reply was sunk then the hif wind hoys oalmly nmped in three more n cunningham and boh hructf paced the new league lead er with pair of moau singles voiiw lo bkk wtllle and walton fred dunn at bruce barber eadi collected a pair of alsis kullh imarlln polled raiders itnty marker assisted by jim bui- loughlo upoll dave nortons shut out bid wlfh only a couple of mlnulet h go in rhe nightcap another upset was registered when town criers edged chargers 1 1 nd vaulted over litem tnlo rhltvl phiter oradl withers rlretl hk first hat irkk of ihe season to lead the cetera lo their victory his tlrsl was unawlslod and he wns helped hy inscoe and andrews on kis second and andrews on his third barry inscoe ami bui dawklns rapped in singles for ihe winners inscoes unassisted piltsll fend inscoe assisting dawklns outfield with a pair paced charger whllu jlmmcdonald hit rhe mark oikc b shepherd col lected a pair of assists w i t pis cyclones 1 1 1 11 raiders ii ii town criers a i 10 chargers 4 n i in cheap pe oust acton a trip to hilmburgh monday with i b- tatmers gave rhis scribe a chance to peek at the new hillt burgh community centre jim mc- leanonaof thecprime movers of the project gave us the- grand lour theyve done something similar to what acton did to the front of their arena rhiped ii down and constructed a cement block building that is rhe largest in ihe burg new drewing 4oqms and lavot- ories a refreshment counter ticket booth and a mcntanlnc comprise ihe lower section while a huge dance hall rakes up the upstairs hardwood floor and all so far jllthhurgh has done no thing to enhance the ice surface or seating this will happen when ihe other purls paid for their big opening night was last friday when over 1000 pack- ed the new community centre for u dance and the usual hoopla as sociated with opening thev raised something like 1 1 wo wed ilk to direct question at tha parka board in acton wheats taw offialal opening of acton community centre to take place or la than going to be one beat bit max stafford out of action the past month with a knee injury may be ready to rejoin the tanners soon the hard rock defensenun may have his ctsst removed friday and de pending on the doctors wishes it shouldnt be too long before hes able to operate again at the bhidlne two of actons mln or teams midgets and pee wees aware both eliminated from tri- un l m p ties spelled doom for acton iiim ness mens pee wees in the third and final match of the b group tricounty playdown in milton on saturduy the hard pressing win hungry local squad led the highly touted county towner to within it lnwn point referee mcduffe milton s tricounty convener handed ihe acton squad two penalties givlriit milton enough extra manpowcr to score two goalv in two minut- es and leave the ice on the long end of a 65 count the county towncrs opened the scoring with two unanswered firstframe goals and it wsnl until the halfway tnark in ihe second iperiod that the local six replied camjyjiarklcy notched the first acton counter tipping doug cashums pass mlnutcs fater mike vale notched the se cond acton goal netting a relay from casnurn and harkley mil ton camclback jwlfh jwo jnore goals lo end the period in puv session of a 42 lead not to be denied the young actenllea stepped back on the ice and before you could mumble group b champs had slapped three goals past the startled mil ton netminaer the flrsf t came off the stick of imoe mason one a solo rush and one on a pass from team mate bobby an drews casey harkley and ken often combined for actons fifth goal minor thefts word of minor hockey wek in acton spread to most undesir able circles friday night at the arena three wallets- were lifted by puikpockets and discarded ugain after cash had been re moved i start iniofo thriu of a llfltimi came for these two youngsters friday evening at the community centre when rocket richard refereed thb peo wee game staging the initial facooff are left to right doug casburn rocket and george cook excited fans seeking his autograph flocked to the boards as rocket appeared on the ice the goodwill ambassador for the montreal can adian team obliged everyone he could per m i n nsmvir in srr i north bay kitchener rlllsbsjrf and juroniq maple- leafs naked up wins while rhwlplxlagara lulls huinljton and ill cathar ines tnded in sfulemaies in 8l iirdav town uugoe ucilon al ihe cointiiiilv cetiltu junior at in- ihe first jama of this leagues twin hill quvlih and nlit- gatafulls hauled tu u mill bind- rr hi or lug for fitwlpli was peter morrison and lih bullenilru as sists runic off the slicks of bryan death peter morrison odd denis tviiih ior niagara ilitts it wus john htiiiu and dovld kennedy hihing pay- dirt mi passis lromb mf liillncli and luiry holmes m i uvole and ii tolh huiiillmn iiml slyatharlhvs lions lose to arthur last second a uoul in the last tecond of ptjy hiukv a vi lliund gnvu ihe vislling arthur juveniles u4 1 ver iw ovvi atiim iiuns junior- in finished lit- ttv list after iw periods of fasl dealt hrtckey thoy mpttrtkuf 1mi was a pen ally in owry ftssriituf kjjuw jttth bay trsppers took a nur row j- 1 decltbm from fjtirlmi in the first gam nf ills pm we dhihuf header f wrg ook w thief i tapper marksman as ijc horthid hrilh goals and lid his leamjio viflorv alslsllng the ti i cth ci t the uhiiimmliy leniie sunday rflernfn the tlons enjoyed at i lead ikiilyin the iliird pitlud ihe re fliemahlwgs dave riper ouehec lingutlon was sniped bv lloh wbller unimslsled the set mil makjt was iui n i lose as kitchener dowrwd hud bury 10 only uortng ellori in this lilt rump nil he nil k of tav walton utltlud hy llni- nugaskle a atsssriea league tluliluh flying pllltmru hr nets irue again nandud jjjhip lesshuff atrr bluwi a inlldtrwrr el rig ihls lime in ihe lune at 40 harvey taylor- ww high point getter with i wo uoals bvrt lig gun ami bluhle rusk adding tin glrs and in ihe help mare ilzpart inenl it was tom jolllltr hill hogan and jim coorvv ydlng the unr polhlers in the nlghl cap rhe new york rangers anil th toronto muplr tl umtrdstg at tmslsi ktraafin hssssw thkr it j astyosta twta in t toast of boys to the usss piei up tr msjslfce 3 mytv cmm i i se saw t f fl are few lo driver car will issnsa ms parking lot at p tlnte i 1 jm county baseball assn meets the rrvlng need for a rs pllr rirgaiiillon vrf the chinlys minor set up wjsuw miin topii til hi- when ihe ljin ijuiniv flivrijj asarxls n n l 11 rlulr annual mastmbg in ili- ijvi hail uiilon ll urliy iflriwrffli many prtyhuim csuiirij wiituri ih nunhi cam ttibtn w1iftfljrv tviv-tin- of cijfkvn imirmm f the ml ors too to the eewfkw pi m mullv tut rmriy s ihw if irjrir hasehnu in ha- vtttrty a4 uw4 04 th assa nvm pfssbleisf fr ilu- hrrriti i ftit smktsaj in im mi mv v4 it ru sen rut s tituhu d 1 1 sttum irilhirsll mitttl ttt et1 md imi jiwi tmr rlsftt fa fkaf ij cn lie for supcemacyas the lurafv drfeated the- rangers ii lfjf goals werr scored by mike prys las a pair and orali snrrin tanners back on beam whip burg lose to flyers grief frtim bod biatins fri trqt bu outclai burgee day joy frum a bin win monday iminusjtm ca in fcrtrus were the mixed reactions from the ta n ne ri ifui ved the first the camp of the acton tanners period behind only 21 fivers this week vtiiiintf in fergus friday the tanners absorbed their most humiliihirift drtfcatljrf the season at the bands of the dobbieiess flyers finni score 112 firtt in five ploying the tatend hillsbiirj7h pourcxl five goals past rookie andy williams in the acton nets in fhe second despite the barrage andy played a fine game norm love sniped his second marker of the gume to start the third period but that was all that was heard from the tanners club at the burg monday the tan- j while fergus pumped nerswtm their first game in five home tou m b akc starts a 107 decision ovefitte l hc first period the acton club never scriuusly threatened bob dobbie plyers captath directed operations from the bench postage stamp ice hillshurgh started mond ivi snta midgets ousted from playoffs despite holding hespeler 33 actcsn midgehs wore ousted with a goal bv brent from the tricuunty midget b hespeler chalked up a j- 1- lead playoffs here friday night deiin the second stani swing the spite holding the visiting hespel- tinlv two markers of the period cr team to a ii draw j tone and picken were the marks- it was the second lie of the men- series hespcler won the first in rhe last chapter rh gajne andmros the first team to i club realty put on the prei chalk up the four point nee ll they were rewarded wilh two n take the scries wtintrrs in less than an minitte heapeler manager dennis hit 447 and 5 j j knitting the warm- jubilant at the resvlh i count despite continued pres- nevtrthelew commended the act- j sure and a wide edge in play on team for a fine performance thev couldnt sink hie winning he pom led out the acton club counlci men marshall unassist- input hillmburgh ahead tl eulv a j contest ofti m a rwb goal gallop in their postage stamp ice mic- face before rhe tanners had their ice legs jim casburn polled ilu- first aclon goal at 1050 the burgers sniped another then aettm w onlv three minutes kfi in ssure j lnc rknim1 tirst ron mclean trom ron mellon and then hamlet ttisvnslcv assisted by don autiln put lluir heads together- tor a pair df goals and it was tied vv dn mckenie the burgers hall oi fire teamed with monlgtimcrv had lmrruved considerably tn the i ed and john gov from philip test few games and both clubs j drysdtde put the biscuit into played well in all three games the haskct fur avion for coach tlllormurro and man- 1 referees ed oven ami norm ager paulxawsnn it was a tough i svhulia handed oui ihree penal j series to lose the teutnkad jus ties in ihe contest two of them counly ov t weekend the started lo realiic its potential i- to aohm pat wee imv leaaoir to com- 1 hihtllon gumes ul be amsngcdl attun oarv waller g henrv plain two cheap penalties in to round ouh the season the lam few minutes enabled the ac eon club took the lead mihun to tie the score and pot in frktav s contest on an iiuis the wsnner the mtdgei carried siated guu by mm marshall in haebeler to the hilt oeforc bow- rise first period- a minuie laei ing out in three ganae however the visitors tied it up lleikimip philip mario def mil marshall c jun riddall ruli rlriulermin wings ruld holmes paul muit keith dunlr bill cool john gov philip disdalc duug ford alt aaaaavs- gallery of celebrities here for dinner in the second but mclean popprd fn his second gal of the evening to tie it again couple ai mw trtrr mclran made it a hat truk uhen hr yonvertrii ron mr ions jves and the tanners were jhad for the lirst tjme m the janil- i sia htfwitirjrh7brrastse thelrnei tuuuki t ulii in pot in tin ip nea riikf n iitoaax1 ainljr w i hams 1 nun the tanners and iul stoppcd alot of nibber liettirv hiiiild towns lev ctmveriid p its es from spike soti atnl lkm aobin to pul acton ahead r4 emmerson beaver baxter made it 7 4 fromtownsley avihuuiih acton was short handed four goala ahead don aubin stretched the trnra- in to four ijoals early in the third period assisted bv jim casburn but then the- tanners seemed to let up before you could any f f k hillsburyh had two biscuits in the basket und it was a loe aame again acmn ran into three straight penalties und weathered them all they almwt scored midway in fhe period when a hillsburyh player jumped on the puck as it lay on the line and carried it in officials called a penalty shot ft was taken bv jim casburn but hewas toiled bv andy williams who outiniessed casburn in the next minute however harold luwnslev ioinpleteil a hat trie lor himself assist etl bv glen spike scott four for harold don mcaithur siiuvk in to pot hillshurgjs final 4iiatati542 bin touirslev lirtened his soruip avliatje b tiriny his ithirth jjoil nf he nikiht aidel bv jim cw hudi iiwjs llillslmruhs runt wo- kiaine siike the official open ing ot then iunw commimitv cent re at the aiena liitntii ivliv ilu- tanners plcived withini krexl kentnei and hod hnn ueh as max sialbud rhititt fm i tll fc h p murks from- onry munlrq nd mob dixon ron malcolm aided bv wayne bfkven und mcmann him ind phihtp uiil bid paw- kins arthur reduced the margin at the 10 itniniic rnurkol the third chaplit when mcnarrmra hlamed j phit bhfti riiall in ihe lions cage despiif beinu slxulhandttl they did ihe vamc irkk atfuin at 16 40 iknsmfjre t h v marksman ukbardson aitinff with econds left to play j denswore and ridiardson the i same combination won a faceoff in the acton end went waltzing in to rifle the winner in the puck barely hit ihecorck when the buz zer sounded to signal gamex end it was the second win for the arthur club woaa juvenile champions last season they had ihree overage players in irurline- up while the liuns used merv miirsball and john goy from the midgets mine penalties were assessed by j referees id owen nnd wuync i marsball six of them to the vit- or acton b mccrktau g t wsiterhtntsc c rosrell merv mamhair p maries j coy r malcolm i junyiflin g masales d lindsay b dawklns w bowen h phillips dixon mc mann arthur d rouike a b rjchnrdson b jttckixjn b denv more d lowry d macnnmard b workman n porritt t gpsi- ham g dlnvman b buntlon p j thompson j ftnr a rd iff w uttfsxi wjihtl ry tiuurt d a iffigle- only ranffr comtfer ur- erl bv brid thjrfio on a sol effort a at- ii mif industrial hockey league statistics ifsoaltytjlrlatar hunter inscoe andrews duffield vitkerv cunningrram mecrlstall pim 11 24 21 l h ii m ton uifr lnt nd ff ukjl of burlirtr vfrf flstrvl tot hut strrury lrcaurr ln marie of uilti s mum l the nsi for snottwr yeas members of th tutie r- intrl irtisr from harold townlry jf afn ijllng that ih-r- iinni4kiu jrtrfmdlat entry fnim that town ulmm searing laadara g a tv inscoe mcdonald bullouirh bastell martin andrews mavon 12 in tit 6 ir 8 i 17 12 j 17 1 ii 1 11- 10 10 ii 3 14 robt r- hamilton fredl a hoffman ortomrrutsts formerly e p head- wonl ouawh ta 43071 si o squarv bowl mam rr a tutoay nioht datt go bowling acton bowim lowes hhm u34in maasfcar obvrva 10 mate acton community centre rhidav hb 4 pm boys holy school 5 pm- girls hockey 830 pmwoaa inlar lattrmctckbv 7 millon vs aclon saturday m 1012publle skating 1-6- minor sports laarjua 8iopubllc skating undav mi 10 12 pm junior hockay 24 pmfamily skating 4 30 pm squirtpraclica 6a pm induslflsl hockav 8 30 pm adult skating club monday m 1 1 curling tuisday nil 11 curling wtombday m 13 4 p m shifinypatlocl boftr 810 pm pleasure liing thumoay pm 14 2 30 figure skating 710 figure skating for san dimndabu isso rurnaci oil cat john waldorf 8532580 buy a 1963 rambler wowj 2295i up on to s4 rot yoor tradi s now- f g bourne motors ronh street south miiton ito how about you are you a nuisanc in your neighborhood are you imposing on your neigh bors by removing snow from your property and creating a problem for others may we sujost hiat ach property owner retain tfe snow from hit walk and driveway on hit own property z x your cooperation will be most ap preciated by your neighbors corporation ot the town of acton i aivumtiti

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