Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1963, p. 2

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rxjjztokiima su- mwz wjjlpwltiy fclf 1 tni act rwrygta kiuwdy w uary 7th 1943 l ii i increase in aflttntjince noted h annual aeltin of church t age ahtndance may tirtritoa tbe fjjfwip mills whlps tuesday ev- bducarloa 5 aite immsyemel eleslrj eitk to ttattstlcal re- wmmm l ever- and mr ftamtekfor lwhr leadership during the past year i6 horn th diurch trea- from the previous i wn veettbu rpht tiittt on ik church year vtth a ow vettlbule and elmer wilton wat elected at a new aider and ttalph thompson fawtiethsie mktmj pjtmma fbguagtafcahspammt jflhjhnbbjbj jlllltw fpmpbwsotp arfprravo wr mwesyjeswe nastaga- john w a muty cord of wood wm ptj tide ready ihayahtst tnri nttlhiroany 10 be loaded when ai well a font two uw r ile taw ralue than we a lot of heading emp- ipea t be matt into barrel fault cedar mate and telephone jjtitt waw alao loa care w4 available wt and vutofcer fat mul and portable it w central shipping point ft hop had cattle there waa buiuimat done in ahspplngj train out mm in for tto dietrfct tm man waa brought twice a day la mjrt for th tulrround- iac district ttyla wat a tarvlce to ithe community before rural mall luarted i thaw wa oh of the beat pa uinajr tarvlcm hare up until tamtuvi 1m0 that wat to be ifouad in canada wa prater svat ajeni hare until he enlisted in ottjlims war at that time we win mra m g prater wat aopoeamtl carelaltm and remain ed m nvoaltlon until raeata cloaed a thort tune ago htttill hauled on thin uch operate between and caderich they tt r marme ittat vuflt up disappearing faet oaaeball club held a euehw parry in tm httluh mof fat on friday evening with seven or eight tables prllet went to mlw catherine curry for ladlet high john simpson jot jnent high harold jarvlt for low hand and mrt m p mullln for low prlte curing the lunch hour plant uwe made in hold another euchre party and box social in the near future the boyt and their leaden made everyone wel come and all laid they had a wv enjoyable evening we hone they have a bigger crowd for the heat one church annuel meeting the annual mewing of natta- saweya preifcvrerlan church wta held latt thurtday evening the rev porbea thomttion of ouelph occupied the chair and opened werbeeln with prayer after the reading of the min- uttt of the latt annual mtlng the reriortt of oil orfanuatioht wredtcuiied some had an ex cellent year while othetn did not do to weuv thite ne r inted for three yean don mc- thite new ntanagert were op- pointed for three yean don mc millan blmer dredge and mrt m p mullln mrt david hender- ton wat reelected for another three yean to the cemetery board an allocation wat handed down from the pretbytery for the turn dt w100 and after tome ditcuttlon wat accepted a lunch of frulibrcndand cake wat serv ed by the indies and a social hour wat tpent sttmday sarvlca ntuagaweyfe war occupied rba thphwtdn of chdrch guefphthe tacrament of the lord supper wat celebrated at rhlt service waa reappointed to the board of emera new n appointed to the committee of steward were edwin walton and ftobetr wardle ehthday school auperintendenl mr mabel parer waa reap pointed edwin watson wat re- atipolnted at orgahltt and choir tattler mittionary and maintenance treasurer elected wat mra pradu thompton tentative plant were made to help the sunday school buy a projector in the near fut ure for their work ftev madcock thanked n s marthall for hit work at clerk of settloh for teveral yean he it retiring rrom nffke mrt wil liam waltacewas thanked for her work at mlttonary aird maintenance treasurer for tever al yeartshe it alto retiring he alto thanked everyone who hod helped to build the new ves tibule and contributed to it in any way the meeting closed wlththe rev hadcock leading in prayer llmtwousx lllnets mall item in news thli week tr witt mudhell kt ttiu hopl- milted m georgetown wlchad spwier it droerettlna ntvortbly at home following a tormlllectbmy at ceonjctowtt oel dmtict msmsytat a week ago david lindsay u doing well after a bad itart from the aam operation about the tatue time we regret mrt prank hube has been hoaplnllied whh pneumon ia but hope for her return to heolrti toon mrt schwealer it pragreating favorttbry colwwlng hurgery i week ago monday we with the bett for all the tick folk mr harold mcmenemy hat re turned home after three weeks of treatment for severe branchial ninets in sunnybrook hospital wc extend sympathy to mr and mrs albert leferlnk and family in the patting of hit fa ther in holland lair week imr and mrs leferlnk vltlied the albert lrferinks while they were living in umehouse we are sorry to hear that rwo tmttll cwwrert in the village have pneumonia they are ken neth aakin and rotate voskemp we hope that they will be well toon thimchiu sighted growsign df spring another rabid animal killed mrs frank freeman saw d crow flying over rtielr home latt week- x sympathy isxcxtended to mr and imrs franksjipmpbon on the death of her aunt mls mar garet locker of rockwood sundoylsltoirt with mr and mrs chat hlrmie wero mr and mrs alex jackrmn and fnmlly alto mr hugh jacloton all of frin mr and mrt dick fines and vlckl of orongevllle mr chat tbompton killed a rubkl fox at his garage last week mr ami mrs wallace swack- homer rny and janice and mrs cllrrtdrj swockhnmer visited with mr and mr arthur swucanamer on sunday sludept taaehar mr george evant and mn david covinsbulh-of- lakethore teacben college are under mrs- c dennys supervision at wood- tide school for the week friend andrelatlve are torry to hear that mr john harris of rjrr4 aoton it a patient in guetph gcneraj hospital and all wish him a speedv recovery prlemlt and retatlvet are sorry to lcam that mrs mdista rclmas of u r 4 acton it a pitiot in giielph general hotpltalnnd all wish her a speedy recovery rnwrouksowtiaa noettwooo march of dimes raises 114 for retarded children fund in connection with the mo thers mar of dimes hr the benoftt of retarded children tome 114 was raised by cltiiena of the community as a result of secondary teach ers attending an educational cort ference at fsatt priday students from rockavood enjoyed a break in their school attendance some soo teachers from cone- slogo district and guelph were present and addressed by dr marcus long professor of philo sophy university of toronto plenty of skating oue to open weather the pa week young people of the com munity enjoyed lots of skating and hockey on the open air rink adjoining the highway another ot our rockwood citi zens in person of miss margaret locker titter of late john lock er of acton the late jannie lock er and elwyn of brantford pata- itvufctttmft 444 awiambm wl among the 1 10 haltort 4m club members diiplaylng thalt wintar projact houie- coh and dottarl tt the 4h achievement day in milton taturejey oianna snow iran kalr and louit snow modal thajr thrthtr ttttttaaaatkaatagatystxtmgtjggtsibtjtst wi visits hafton aaanor for january birthday party w4 anioyad u of uraoaa at haltatt catttrnnial 1i wtaaa thev eattrrtaitttd si ai i jaattery btrtntlty party for all f v m p of oulie a number from thlt conv tottw navtatl birthday in janu ary eapeeiauy satth evervune lolaittt lav nan ware 14 honor ed guests the prograca tnctuded toju by mrt p hoden tad mn p t shorttu amtjttby un momta sinclair bad mr krnlt mcen- mc mn fcoptn wsktmr ad mr tj janleaon violin mutk by m and mrt rnuc m bmty and mr jaata mcenary ttk hoaoraal guaau war tea td tli apeclal table all othart alaaau tablet a nice tttaa aerraj by the vallin hjdjbm a birthday tm batumtt tnada hillsbunjht new community hall on friday night mrs harry shortill returned home from guelph general hot- pital and it convalescing at bar home mitt marie mitchell it in oeurgatown batpltal uiidergnuu treattaaat may the have a quack ry thik being youth weak the cc1t aaag their hymn in church on sunday morning diana tttawabri tram fto ttma keir gay a vary fine coaamttv n their exhfcvss p o ma alex kalr 13 osptlnoi illnesses us trip in weeks topics mrs rot moewnn relumed home on monday from the guelph hxi4piral where she underwent minor urgeiy lovi week during her mothers abserne little peggy mcewn has been staying with mr and mrs clif ford storev garry tiilleat threenonthold son 4 mr and mrs charles gil- leot wis able jo cume home from sick childrens hospital to ronto on satunlav fooowinf sev eral dnyt trtsttmrnt a member from here attehd- rd the funeral at hllttburgh last wednesday of mr wtrham glata- ford father of mrs norman mc- keniie mr and mrt l buck return ed hnmr on friday fouosring n extended motor trip through sev eral of the states congrtttulattom to mr and mrs ben klunvpetthouwrr nee wilma kjoumrr on the arrival of a baby daughter catherine marie on january u at bramp ton hcatpltal ed away sunday in guelph gen crol hospllgl following a weeks lllnees ipunorat takes place tuesday with service at actuitjin rumley- shoemaker funeral home and interment- in rockwood ceme tery imr and mrs thos maltby of putlinch mr and mrs alex downrx of elora were sunday visitors in the community sun day medical services fcrvinc8 op ontario crlajtthiw cotlpoftation since 194 now omits a nonprof it comprehensive to residents of halton county doc s ksss surgical benefits include hmwtrftll ohkattons phactums and dislocation buins and laftwations i shivtci oh a cystoscofic and 1ronchojcopic ixaminationi diaonoitic x4iays conhnimints pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 9 watt s mturh gait telephone uim each grade l practising a tottt or dance ror the rohert ltttle school operetta tom sasv- i yer the cast t ertoaeo i warm ami and mot watm matwo mod4wn rtummno frank carney and sons ito ockwooo medical benefits include hospital visits rtgme and office visits v injections health examinations examination of eyes for correction of vision t the above paid from the first dollar extra major medical benefits 10 of the annual premium is used to create a major medical fund and subject to a 100 deductible the following benefits are paid according to how much is in the fund semiprivate room cam in ixciss op ward rates as paid by the ontario hospital services commission oj v ambulance charges whin needed in emergencies nursing care ordei1d by doctor laboratory services prescribed druos and medicine appliances and therapy limited amount op chiropractic osteopathic and psychiatric treatments payments are made in accordance to the schedule of fees of the ontario medical association 19624te general sec tion and subject to the absolute minimum of conditions and restrictions effective date of plan march 1 1 i area wide service kt km m im aatattui aj m mhmsatmlh manning eleqric mmwtfa rates only 1050 pr month tor fcuniltos 500 per month for sirvgl persons terms quarterly or annual payments as desired monthly rates for employee groups on request reasons why halt0n cooperative medical services can offer such generous ienefits at such low cost 1 ownership and control by the people who use hs servkes 2 operation solely for benefit of mem and loc administered for their convenience 3 service at cost services of directors ere on a volun tary bash and in the best interests of all umbers not for profit not for charity but for service act- now for a limited time you mf join regardttss of oge and without a medical examination name pot rhkjmwssbvjcs send this coupon to halton cookrattve medical sfrvtcis mm tor couinr m i vlf ontamo aomess pwns oesirtt tamiit- stnoie x chick wmtcm you wkl unmi no oasuiaatton memibt of trie comyatlve ttowkmtmatorqh1lbx imfyvv

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