a the acton free prtit thursday june 3 lit 1963 grits charge irregularities confusion reigns as votes are tallied monday federal ckx lion in halloa count will prubabk tx remembered forever as the most confusing in halton s histor reluming officer richard west conducting his first federal elec tion explained his stuff was irt ually snowed under us iktkm re turns poured in from must ot ik s32 polling subdivisiou- at times throughout the night the clerks could not keep up with the returns as the were lilephon elizabeth ziegler continued trom page one water along with tht lirgi irowd beverl m cousin and imsill began to wade near shore nn i hi left side of it beav h lww uk tng along in ihc w tier hui 1 suddenh dropped into a hok it was murks and wved in 1 i can remerabir as i was goinv down for tht firs mm btvttb grasped m hind but wi wire unable to hold onto u h other and 1 went to the bottom bcer h was standing on top tit itn drop when we let go as 1 begin to surface again i saw sort ut a bright light 1 rcnumbtr gom down the second tinu bin wan not temembtr nivthmj it n that until 1 was biin hji m i lb ar to go hine after 1 armed h vnu 1 v pu o bed and a doctor w ated later in the niht 1 bet ami qu si aj was taken to yw al wbcrtf i wa put lit ai awgtn wo ahou iv n the moum i saved there uail aai ant was taken out kf enough o eat xhtae brciifcia aj tvn tv un- td waaii ncoa 1 a ae a faasre al and am hwiw w 4v t usjj a er 1 an lhvnkjhx br s va 5n ac joe sac fv and a fce 3 ss aird o m sxt- ktt itsrecac wix v r a jot 31 a rwa- a -x- i je a i gojfrsihj h un a vie tjjlll jtxlxt sof jvcaii va 1 it sni vjru n t- br tit- s v- v va mf in in i ai s i i xr x i i- j tv t oi si ij r 1 2bac tso w av v befcer so p j a i u i rs ix i i 23uc 1 as i ju a j suaiat wa ii j i dm taieod o o aa ed in litter in the owning a kvt t it of the dcput reluming officers hadu i rvpurtcd their vole ami he had tu go searching for thoui in the end the final result wn nt uiitwutcesi until 10 p m tues da evening a full 26 hour uficr ttk pnln had ilmed the return int offun s figures whkh still duln i ulk prokik ou wcdnes d i morning i gaw conscr atlve i uulklali sandv best n 61 oti plutatits ojr linml candidate industrial brochure issued or halton hrst copies of haltuns first iiiduxn it hixxhure were off the prevs this wvtk tnd wre hand ed mil to hat km lountx counkil- i rs tuesda the nkk dmftevl b the new iikhistnal imminitlee amis the sktgan build tor jood businevl build whm tslsinev is good mi ilk trvuit coei inside are maps ot the count showing nvi in uul bihw is mid the procimm to disimt ihtes and countki ak dita sheets on sep- ai ui nuinivipahtics and photivs showing haltous evluational re- rva kmal tliiious finning omttkttl ithlustnit resident til powxr ind labvu ptissihilities lah mtrnkipalits is listed m- lu linv ppulati n vleiks ntme iav of mdiwtntl representative ia trtk tire i list of industnil in 1 and cr i wl i ind for in tuirs lahor poii iitrruu wr ace wacv rat s hsiv of water moa as aviniit and t sxwuihv1 failuie- schools vpi its boosin khuixvs n i v m j vriui i tubs an or harry hmhon thi httltun lib ml aviov liittmi has knlgwl a pimlisl willi tortu da s i htet eln lornl ofl li i nrt mui ttlonita at ottawa oti the manner in whkh the ilevtioit result wcre handled al 2 urn tuisdtw morning dr tliutov him si if ihisheil alt a leleguun to mi attongua he iluinuxl ttu ix turning officer eouidnh lill hint wii who wuk ahciul in ilu ou let nlone quote am flgiuxs h snafu it was desviibed a ihi biggest i lc t ion snafu in thi hlsioi ol the i uliim b m libtta sup- porta willing oulsuk itie ivtiun nit dlticei s home wellafui mill flight mondav he was one ot over i0uho stormed tht honsi to pixilest the dela m i in tiguis dr hirlcn visitcil lh txtunimg olttcei s home after 1 10 i m in esda and found him not i lieu assistants explained lu was out 1niin to tind uul tin ote fl gures fmm dros who hid nut hothead to ulcphmu with thtlt i suits mi iiiw lillt i hi amullim iv liiinliig ultkii mi c aslimgutn had nt ni k ped in mi wcsi boulttuioilfuhiuu hi old the hallon ollktr lo lake his llitu atul ik mii iiw tlgtuts wut right ihiuh making am sink mints mi wim ixpliilmd lu mule u tiw ilmngis in tlu timiiis svs- kin inpasi whin dros win ask- td lo hi iitt ihiii imlliit boxes ami ix mills to n ii ni i al itmitiou mr wist put a noli in uii it ballot bov l tils tlnu iusinu ling llie dko u tikphoiit him wiih the usults at iwo pu id urns siiaiii litl inminmn ixsti i ills soiiu oros uiikd to np lu ivplahud dial loiikd tug hut lluu in g in ik u iiutli to si ot ilk in 1 ihiial siippm h iwevu aix looking inlo ilktetl ilk gal t kins oi iiilt ilhikid hvdkos and poll rotarians from aclon ml i jon and georgetown spent tueiovy evening as guests of the ac tpn club for a tri town meeting president al francis of mttfwre views the program with guest speakor rev w c both well and acton president dave manes about 75 attended put up a good fight rouleau ve put up a good fighl do- fmiltl itiiitun ndp mndidote cut i rnukau ot bnnlt sulu tucn- duy ultli tin unal nnnuuntcmint ol hultons ikillun nsulh mr roukuu wllh 7 900 volts stood third behind pc sandy bisl and llhirul dr hurry harky he picdltkil howivlr the ndp would doubk itx voles in ihc mxi ikillon i wui hoping wl would plaic miodii he xald if ntimlnalid ayln 1 will ilund as an n d i mndidnti he add id k wis shocked al iht gnat lusfi hultiiid by putlv kudtrtom mv duugl t in s iskalihewun miiiij capulu mlhon kcpixsl dim ol ilu assikialiun ntylld claims ilu ndp lulpod ikcl sand best hv splitting ihc lib- irils uhls wi were oul to ihilkngi both parties unci wi mon lur douhkd the hallon i li li ttu cc i last clcillun ik mi thi i ibirals had dune as will us iluv did ikljum uuv win also protesting iht pc gov irntmnl the miltun organl7aiiun sti oul widmsduv ut r i mint all their i impugn signs m milton and di sunt no olhir parly has yet in uk simil u diringimmis pictures of europe entertain wl group ts si xwxvi worn ns insti u ix s 1 a iht h inn of m s k i n lav i th thi iden is clare i n in la t c lit oy ned v h thi i odi ovwid b thi lav s war col us i minutes t i t wen n id nd a w l iitwl red b a s vi n t ui krandpanm ken hawes tells continued from page otu i is wrxkig and then saw hi mn waving his arm aroun i i th nl the three ot us men tumped a the same unit and ran to tbi water at once k oun man din tified later a james tmr i gnmsb was ih lirs jikii iht bodt of a piri lim ai hi bottom of the laki ind mr dou las and msjf helped him br nj her lo short we laid hir down on ihi sh rx and i immcdiaich btgan t ipih arllfiu3l rrspirati in wh 1 k m straightened the git is arms md presented hit ir m il imh her tongue she was blix whm brought out ot ihi waur ind i am pumtic shi w is not bn ith ing after about i iur it fin mi i ut shi began to bnith and continued ot appl aruli il n spirahon in rhvihrn w th tu breathing until tinrmn in i tw doctors amisj i thm wmt mi i ihc enmd m wife and imih hii hnxn visiting h pirk fir th pw four or five isars in 1 1 d n t nlui there is sullkunt sakti pros m hon cspeiialu uhm pttrons ha to pa donn thi ti mi mm r the st john amvilii i 8t h ul have bein on du it hi p o k ll this car thi m t n on n qutrv i karned hiv i un ib i lo continui thts fim nin becaum ot uk of pob nu o and a shortagi f in m th is a shame m nii m i tim ed first aid from thim hsi sum mer for a unrated ti i ap preciated ihur ittorts if lack of intinsi in t ns taking first aid ind hilpinj iv st john ambukin e bn uk s th sauu of ihnr ibstn t i mi the park it is a n thi people of alton don i n rlii h m fortunate tbev art n him j brigade and arc losing ix km w ledge and mipport t i w r h wmlc gnup al hi saik had iht si john a nbul in t been on dut at thur uuu ilan th ik t wire iid bv mrs s r so i of thi ditrvt aniua anj bv mrs gcorgt hm- jiod ltm hi tb banquet showed ptctuns mrs can wilson introduitd mi jiun ruddi who shoutd pii u if hir trip to eunipt th mcvttnc tlowd and a mxial hill kur w 1 pcnt over a cup t appktard i hanked rud kit ihi hosii and i hilpid 192 fall fairs atxrfivlc sept alton sept h 15 an ii r sept 20 1 bitti sipt 27 29 biton st pt 28 29 bi impt m stpt 13 1- ckd i sept 7 8 tim i auj 31 stpt i and 3 f ii xi u y rvus bspl 21 22 jit sept s 8 ci iit wn stpt 21 22 ki ih tur sept 24 29 list mi sept 24 2s i md n sepi 7 is mi t n sept 28 29 or anwl sept 18 19 ol w i cmital canada aug 17 2s o im l nur fir x i 22 2 t i n if t i m am 17 spt r t it int r i ti wintir fair nov 917 ttu i wn spi 18 1q w kklh n xt u i s vv i ul i hti i id pnimpth wh i si m ni rl i lentituil i i us ti i hi it wninft jz tl 11 1 i kit t r hrp insitad thi v it in i t ok it a i tnkc iun mim tsi tu 1 thcd man inmivl n 1 lk i f im ii i inn whin n i nhl in ftiplinit ind this hi t m i mi i hiu cur tn 1 i i m rn kn se li sut i found thi u n n v irtaink in as short on storage space i tiy our ilono plan w1l trora yewr winlvr dorh- lag bbakali pidowv ruos for yoo uf oeonom ol ouoy wranood coin hna thao you woou on- 4abk custom cleaners smim day swvica excpt satvnuy in by 10 aan out by s pan cash ant carry mam st r motsuulm