Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1962, p. 3

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ht aifort eightyseventh year no 51 acton ontario thursday june 21st 1962 twelve pages seven cents r sun phoio carried from fairy lake blue and apparently lifeless no pulse i of the water by james taylor of grjmsby afler being in the or heartbeat detected 17 yearold elizabeth ziegler was brought water three to four minutes pictured above are mr taylor back to life by ron douglas of acton and ken howes of george arrow two unidentified swimmers who assisted in locating town training taken years ago enabled the men to revive the the girl firemen bill spielvogel henry butorf sam tennant girt with artificial respiration when a capable crew of firemen wilf mceachern and fire chief mick holmes doctors d a and two doctors arrived the girl was breathing on her own and garrett and w g c kenney recovering her normal color she was pulled from the bottom j i cheat fairy lake of drowning victim as boyhood training recalled sunday boyhood first aid training flash cd back to ron douglas and ken hawes sundav afternoon as lhe worked fevenshh applying artiti cial r spiral ion to heat tairv lake of another drowning mi dm the blue lifeless bodv ot 16- yearold eliiahclh ziegler ot e erton vvas recovered hy j amis taylor of gnnisbv and laid on shore when mi douglas tailed tu detect a pulse or heartbeat mr hawes ai once began applying the hulgvrneitscn mclhud ot art ificial respiraliun brian ruddyufguolph engaged at ihc park as a tifeyuaid was on the seem assisted in searching and helped during the application of art i final respiration park at lendanl ruv ai null rushed blankets to keep her warm while jim pope ol aitun ran io a he ii bv lesident mrs cluk atmslrong to eall firemen and a doctor mr arnott was commend id lor keeping the crowd back lo allow the iwo men to apply artificial respiration j doctors arrive shortlv al te r the oung gn i beg in to brcalh firemen and doelijis d a caret t and w g c kcnncv armed to continue treatment after she was tullv re vived miss ziegler was allowed to go rclurn to her home with her cousin jerome cudnev who had incd lo save her after mid nighl she was taken lo guelph general hospital und placed in an owgen lent afler seui ii hums ol lie men al hospu il she was illo ed lo i e till ii honle mond i illei noon wtiltc sin lias lonipktek recovered from hn ouleil willi death miss 7icgler uionipmnd hv i ounger brollui md siski john aui rubv w is dnvm hi the p ilk by her cousin juuim ciulncv ns well as otllci cousins bcvulv cudnev jean cudmv mugunt cudnev eddie ludinv ind his friend giuc scvuiuig i ol kile he ner this was then hist isit to aeton puk a wick ijo ilu kglus moud irom inn to lie wiili ilu ml ncs quick change there wile nun people ell lomng the pleasant afternoon at tin puk willun seconds the ell in itmosnliuchad l hanged willi ul ol the iiren ileiling liumlieds niuie thai i he re ii ul hem i iliuwmng aeeidenl a uowd i im niinutes be ton in picas lor help burg il lo ilu he ich tllcl did best leading election service vote tells tale jk t ill when tile girl began to i in nil n mic urv promptly un thi scene and the nsuscttalor w is used loi a short v h 1 1 c to r ilu gill owgen tin chul mick holmes bill spiilvojil ami hmiv bit tort diovi otliirs who bad come in jiioiih inhuv s i u back homi io i virion ind remained unlit dr ken walk i aimed a 61 vole plurality was award ed sandy best hal i on counlv s conservative candidate in moti days federal e lee i ion over lib era paily eandulale dr ham harley but the election isn i over yet bolh candidates aic awuliiig the result ol the 4w smile voles due lo be counted raxi monday be lore ufliuillv claim ing a victory and bolh eandi elites an prepared lo demand a mount ol the 45 410 casl in mun days licavv ballotling if the ic- sutt is nul in ihcir favor ll was the closest vole in ii il tuns history j a total ot 4s410 eligible vulus east ballots lo m ike it in avei age 80 pli cent luiniwt mr best received 18 282 voks nearly 300 less thin lie polled in ihc 19w election in all tht polls the liberal and coiiscivativc voles were taiilv close but in burlington mr besl went ahead by 2000 votis he was lust cleeled to puln mini in 1957 when lie look ilu sell vnated bv ihc death ol the lute miss sybil bcnncll ol geoigc igvn he won il again in tin match 1958 elcelion when the tones swept into strong povvu i ollawa that linn he louiiiniid ed ihc eounty polling 21 000 olis tu liberal k y duks 10 000 and ccf jack hmivs 1400 dr link dr harlcv iccuvcd 18 221 voles 1 veriluallv mondav and showed his pown loiiiiiiuin b winning in live ol malum s six btnyi municipalities he wis ahead 400 in i squesiuj mx in aclon over w0 in milton indo ik villi and ovu 700 in georgetown it was tin oikvilk plnsiums hisi h al pohius the returning ollieil s iilaucs show new democi uic putv mukv c indidale cul roukiu receiving u ils 7w0 votes md soual credit a kin i indidale irving wilson with 171 ihl e mr rouleau in his lust in it be si u a iounl s ledeial seal was not too diseouiagcd although his io- 4al wus far below rile iwo lead ing candidates he polkd more votes than mr best in 28 polls juj more than mi hatkv in ii polls land he heat both k idus in uglii polls in toui ol he is he tied willi u1 idi harlcv mhu alihough main votus moss iiutnh ihi counlrv knl avid suppoit ti souil clichl mr wilsons pdln vole ill hal ion wis nol sigmlu an i i bolh mi roiikau md mi wil son will losi tlnii 5200 diposii a t uuliilati must poll hill ilu niiin bu ol votes ol tin wt ir e in didati oi linn deposit is loi idled obsuveis uimj ihi l58 clci lion in uulmid to led ilu sirv lie ole will give li ilrlev inodjli ul i iiiioiil to wipe oiil mi besl s plin ilitv bui lunotu i is w iiting iinlil ih mondav count is imal hiloic miking am iish slalimuils in ihc i9i8 diction mind loins givi 1 ibu il i in did ik k duk i 27voti cdgi j volmg ihi 114 loi him ovu mi bisi m a wvou ballot it lilts is mill mi ihsl is wuil hiwu thinking t lie ir m in loinioil hiu vvt are bloods hul had again been mi lotions unbowed said mis bisl as shi due lo hi dilav in ballol eounl j ii kl ing and the lact ol a win i he usual vn lo lln uulul iii icht a the u iv hours ot tliesdiv morning win miuiwliili in hut luicjon ii i ilhci subdued mam pnius ii u lev i nul i sitnil u situation vvetil on howivu lln biggisl ol oiu iiioimni his in idquailus tlu rn bung a consirvitivc galh ihi le would uiuvi woid lie was cling al kills news oakvilk kiduig uid i ii w inimius i 1t r vvlntc sindv best and his wik itioihei kw polls would pul linn i inli d i he night ot contusion and behind mr llisi harley wins acton vote takes eight of nine polls isk to ii ihi vok is slill 111 mi bisl s ivor i ibeial pulv eaiiip ugneis ii pup lied to ipplv lot l li ount i ither w v tin ii dtont inn on ilihuinnl hill intv nol iv i iighilul owtnt toi niothii mi weeks lhioulhout tin iviiunj ihi oks loi bisl md h uiiv sie awed buk and loiil in iceki lkt i ishtoti i us iisiilts com int into mie uiiilfiuig olliiu s tnd loe il pulv orlms shovvid i iking i shjhl h id ihc it and i lb i d lommilki i ns big in uolinj dllfllltll iluus dlk lo lltots on tin pan cil itiv suuliiiius il l llll i dlolllll pi iii dv bisl has louiidid di hon h ukv h is won ii toi ilu i il si mt kw muiiiks hki ton uiiioutuu w is ittit nit eonuuulatons lo s nuh bisl on bung ii tltkd willi ilu uiiiouintnuil ihu di hukv bid lust eotudid tin ilntioii both win wrotij nuther cm didik has lotnukd ml i ik phones in both liberal and 80 per tent vote onsuvalivi eoniimllce umims ovu 80 pu mil ol tin ailon hegui to mgk iiiipualivik volus wuil tu lln polls uid east shoillv oiler tin polls dosid lllill blllols t l spile ol i slirw mondav and the lust re soils ot si 111 i lllv iii hi dav bv eve tin fe lie t il e in hun big in lo mug otus wi c klllllg lo hi loini in wlun lux mutilation voting b nl ikpiiiv ke turn hid bun nude h utv hiikv 1 ih ing ollius llks hid st illtlllc u l i indidati hid diletkd its win bun l keu biisv smdv bisl coiisuv mvi i nidi dik in ill bin one ol tin nine aliu i nop hid bun duk lll luukplkls mil md ivuvonc polls in ailon kll so itu dn vt io builingion both loiiiulillee moms wue md oikull loi vuloiv nk bra ciowdcd md noisv ki mills win lion ilk i i id o it lolls llldlill hslid as tiny i inn i 1 ttianv id bisi wis uling his other huiiiiiis wen answeied opponents 3 in ilu liberal hiiduii ii ti i s howvu 1 itnl it suits hum imiliitiuil i in high tin room the in idquuk s i ki ling oi w is tilled with intitistid sup tun duk vi si wut nil tvail points w ililuiil llii liguies in ibk i i in sd iv m mini at iiij labiilaled and iluctine cvuv llul linn it w s 1 utud hut mr inn lluti iuididili seotid m bisi ld ovu lis i lost si oppoil olllil viuiilv 111 1 poll ml mi hnkv bv m voks wilh in ihi consuv itm loxii sup put ms win nol so inbil mt s lln annul si in in ml iton vlles poll sllll lo hlui i did ik m uluillv slppd lln inllmvii r is in tisiill ol iw iv llolll 1 vlitotv iii avion lln auull jnl poll sub uh ik si r ink in kiisihi spui rii 1 ib con n 1 1 stkild niflil rinin liknl miii i r liin hun nlln t m pk isk i hi lllill hulcjii in uiciiik mihiumi 1 in c hi nl 1 in similiuul i mil jiiio i ills lull ulfhlims cdiiikii iwiiiikis k il i hum s mis k biiu intjls aih inn till tiiuid loi rescuers cousin tell story of near drowning sunday a loiism ol the mar drowning u tun mveuold bevuh cud mv wlm w is in lln wakr when tin uiudiin took pi in in a per i sou il inuviiw mondav told the tin puss iln lollouinjj storv i bv bcerly cudney lliibiili iml i hid gone into n w uu villiu lust in swim i u i- s m proposed 25000 industry in acton construction to begin next week pin isinnkd lisooo k ithu lu sl iikl lltvl shop m l he 1 tin j1tm sh p imiihk iwn iv d lu iln i ik hi r 1 mm ii ihv litis p mill mii d lln iiiupim nili pu w uu up ileal uillid within i w w is t mn lo- uki on iwo- nul i i 1 r ovu nd uuitlv puulusd on vi uu i i lb ilx ih slice i suuh coownus l tin win n sudduilv busimss jtilrin 1 n md i i ink lp uij ol alton in in plul t h iv ird m ihi inw pi mt in pu uion iln top wiilnn tw i nionihs ilu 1 md showing w is pui i h isid trorii illi 1111 dm il st nul i hn 1ipill 11 1 line pcimi t itus lunldiii lln iditv will b til hi k n il i i ui i hhli tnpv 20 lllabbth zifuir ron dolclas kfn hawis vt nod 1 vutoi belli njlu suivuti with tu oh sondav tliunhui whui in w is uvivil bv utiti bnisli ron dotielis r r i tttu km llits uoi mini i tonnibukk nuisuns wh el n i 11 it 1 1 1 a is oin ol un swuumus sun to uvivi llitixih it i iv who hilpid lo rxvivi 1 r 11 wlu wis h wniii cial iisnit iiitm illu ihiiil 10 tlrtiwuiril gul mtikih iiju lk sutl iv n 1 ned i10111 i 01 v liki thi vnung ol fvt rton up 11 1 in t 1 1101 girl ulutiietl in in uiulpi euiu in 1 ixisnnil uituvnw wilh iln 1 11 f utu a hospn il mond iv ilu moon vimi lav puss in told tin lo b ken hwc- afui bun volitiiiitl 111 in 0wl111 lovvuie siuia 1v w 1 u i i 11 lent bv ron douglas rn iv oi f w t in imviulimimmi wnhlht v mpiuiid bv mv t inn v m pirn ml w w lbcard sh told iln ltw i piottiti l mi md mis jim in 1 prvss ih tollowmg siuv u r p t mr md mrs k n h iw wsuisull v i ing hi 1 t osi shm hi h kub 4vl sin tl ih h iss h v m1 n 1 by filmbcth 7kikr wtiui sud kn v kt 1 who w is 1 u 1 t 1 1 t atlu olivine it oil pi k iiiisiwiiohiltj rinrts k with mv miisms i hniitn r md 111 m 111 in wak r w ih his o his ht i u 1 1 1 t sistu wi divided to tin v v 11 1 111 hnij ik ihi the i i in n v contimnd n pij1 iwoi a 1 mml 111 pgi 1 hu l 1 mi i i ml hinds showing mi i mtvid as last will in 1 iiiighl hind tml linn in her is pulk i under loo utni liter lint wis b 11 111 ol the uki oii r ihbine wh11 i 1 iitih inn i 1 mv 11 kilh eloscd i vt w 1u1 1 1 mijhr ol i s it pi tot i qui ot hit ot il heicrl x stulcmcnt i slthmhi rul 1 tin pi hi 1 iquipnuni 1 s m ul in un ih 1 s u i simkki ii s m t 1 tl t it 1 in 1 up ins ihis im dmt w i 1 inn lllutir i iln another first council decrees i m irugcd 1 1 ot ilu shoi lee crowd ldrolhijh sukit n v k 1 nhul thru 1 need more office space delay 8837 change in county building cton registered another tret this week when the scored u victory in the com muni i v ps i plan bv nil ting the 77 per cent mark for enrolment according to p s i authorities loclav thursday acton u the fir i i own to obtain such a high registration of any cummunll i hey have visited the total per cent doc nol include acton residents work ing in industry outside of lown who are covered by tbe plan but workers in town onh gem lynch spokesman for lnps i expressed his gratl tude to the citizens for their interest and urged people not present i v covered to enroll in terested citizens mav contact u office on lill st- next door loljivelts butcher shop before the saturday noon deadline a dogs life for town mutts control higher tax passed i m h t ulu in john v 1 11 in o i nlv us i r li husru s i s rniivsuhl i nwi poking rknnn i p lt w 1 i i ipuu run ii jui iv i ihv h i r mild be rescinded i oi sii1 tlnre h iv i h 1 i ii m i i ii ik t inn i i ith a iv bmt is r i u r i iv n r k ti nd il it v a lid bv jill i pi is i i w iv- 11 i mrk n n fie uv vs a h i m v i i t 1 i an ltlmmisiration otlu u qikst toi aikliiiouil oil lee sp n i jn the ivv h ition coun house and udtnimstraikm hiummp tjus cd a kiifctthv liinux tucsdiv wlun counts urtiikillofn ilbiiit ppn il ot the jss57 additional ipui ulnlrc foi ovu iwo hoiu ol the uu bour mceiing couihihois put furth motions and iihiniu mo tions flanxi aemss ihc nbk il oppose rs as a rexiirckd voti won taken and hurkd out thirds ot lobbies and personalities in the end approval of the cxpendi- tun w is ui k luiilni jib i led in blown us anl i p r i ul is s 1 pi nms tin ln pi ovi s eotiimitltvs ntm srviu i un i i ii s v in 1 f k ifn would then occupx nnmini ihin ichipuhel next held 1 spvelll s s- n 11 l x x h sis ptisenilv ksi tor tuistlav ilutiuhin at a spima held it ihi sii rtn hinkiiiit 1e mil in the second flour miinn it council ihe totirroveiv b m iv w it ujjs ieul bv t un il h u stopped work on miv 1 eoniuil issued a whvh the elelks ttlteo nl ft t i mv il ili until the change s mill ind oltne ulmincn iiioii old k m nit inl iskd ihc a omimitice tlisuisstfet ihe allix i klle hi n sp m lb losi tl i adljsun io lb dj s in se bu lieiue out tin cos ot lion ot space in the new cinirt houst md the commlltev was h i- k i tiii i iv 1r rmsinmt c unanimous m feeling spa for plirmd lb u smral partitions counts admiuisintion was made- vvhii 1 hn to b movsj and ihe quite and would hinder expan hi wnill b s8u sion bv ihc ik pact men i ihu smill inn hroortis usuiiiv oikvilk rxputxrecxt het clerk administrator car field grew into lull vj ixsiaurants continued on paov eipht stone school 1 u n l i 1 hn s n n j 1 i n ml u 1 v gets overhaul appfxive parking bv ijrw next tall end 12 imhusss bi b n ii i mi n m will be hi id in lilt old si ni s h l oi l i s m b is lx suk ih rob 1 1 ii k pub n i rn busitnss s ion 1 h v ll ind il s hoped ihe mvi v il i n i vv puk v bv 1 iw ick iot vuh s i most readv bv iipioe 1 tuts i ix iimitv c mn ib end ol june board propcrtv u lor j b vskkl vi is s ik b nrman wallace swaekhanur n voiinf u ih niimiivt m and assistant pnnipa mubn nhh 1 his i ijui h i i bevan aa aupcrxismj th work vv h ns ii in piiknv dm p umbing is s int done sh v e s n business huis t rvv i hiniis ind upboard installed and mnn bm he ui 1 b ns irl desks are moved ovtr srni shuiild lx it d alrer stons wui arena sprinkler system minus booster pump okd ening memhiis bind b i mini i hi engineer t nspu i 1 iv r i hi k urpid ukimil 40 i jiu pru ih ihe the m b11 vski mtortmd his e tni is ill jtlfti r us ik nolcd 1hk1l re- equipmeni goes m next week the d lister plan lid is oniinu b r mi hi pointed out his dissaiie pniperls ihairman hamilton i nt ion with a section of the lid continued on page three

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