rt onily 3 clays left to include yourself and your family in the benefits of the community health pun for acton through the services of psi hukk f hunk y f you have not signed up as a subscriber by june 23 1962 you cannot participate in the group be- nef its offered through this plan until we open the group for further entties mail or bring the coupon below to psi acton headquarters at 75 mill street east do it now no other medical coverage plan offers ths kind of protection there i no age limit no medical examination you are covered for chronic and preexisting conditions there is no limit to the number of calls for essential medical care during any period of time there are no claim forms to complete you need only show your psi identification card to your participating doctor psi is a nonprofit organization soon- sored by the ontario medical associa tion over 1 45000 ontario residents are presently covered by psi you the residents of acton are one of the first communities to subscribe for group privileges through psi dont miss this opportunity to obtain the many bene fits which this plan offers you and your family subscribe now wvone for detailed information study the psi folder which you have received in the mail or inquire at acton community health plan headquarters 75 mill street east i wish to sign tor the group benefits available through lhaj community health plan for acton through the services of ffly- skians services incorporated i am single married i have children under 19 i understand i will prepay he above coverage on a quorw- iy basis beginning july is name address i i community health plan tor acton 75 mill st e phone 8531710