t 11 tmqf rwtth thtt qdod tflnhlt wlmwtwimy nt to aneouratpi tutt twjft rttf laijw fw school it i tuiaju wm in toronto suburb mat frmtfr ii hould b paid on banal hu4mh up id years of at ptm 4 mturaa h 8- month ulloanei hat wttmt mm bastkm th it f a ik batwimat fu child don not comply wmh fthmlhcml tyl regulations in proposkttt he t4wtt wi ling on ottawa to xtod rha bwmy agt the vlceehalrrhart f hsi ntmh 6k tchool board aemsay weeallmtal ewthmlhaa tald wo kaap harrilrtd aay l pahtttts to keep their chlldrati in lehbttl kw w dont offer an lrunllva tha tttblutlen wu d- opted unanimously with no ermdarri imdlharj h to live of the corhmltmo lliut4a1tma4hilh whether a wayar patfneht to iwari would prevent many v-vr-4uuhiic- old from dropping out of kehdtjl if l urn that probably doe not ajqual the average teenagers pocket money for aywr and on a 96 annual allowehce could anyorta hop ijtfl0jk-m- olrl or feed an 18- hu httpf perhaps there are some par- ribttp mti force a tbn or daughter tt tylnafbjfor an extra two yean for the mmtfei an liramonth cash windfall or to awaltf tha laainer of ejetllnrj work permit if thjt mimrtittatflno 0 were advanced to 18 4kt hiempuplls would be bodies not stud- tttte 4lnerkll burden on the taxpayers a pftyttotl burden on the school system a tlen4kp to earlou students theve at about half a million canadian yourtflstars in the i6 years jigeroup end about 40 per cent are taking schooling of dntmh we can regret that the per- trt4i h n higher but more welfare iptyawftl h in doing to create any more vflljkwoelltijdetltt that i a matter of in- dlyuwnwijbhtlbltity on the part of par- tltff iiii thwrn in fact the supposition that hur ilways be more welfare spend ing arid that thlslfs the easy answer to all problems ll 4 pretty good way of dlscour- doinj individual responsibility its a bit of a shock to learn that when children go out in costumes on helkttraen night asking for shellouts end wore recent ly contributions to aid unrcsf they at ac tually carrying on a rather rhorbw festival called samhaln celebrated by the ancient druids in prechristian ireland end scot land on october 31st witches and goblins were a lot less friendly than they are nowa days they used to carry off children destroy craps kill livestock endgenerally terrify the population departed spirits revisited their families people went from door to door de manding food to stock up for the long wint er and a pretty miserable time must have been tied by all nowadays of course its a lot more fun children look forward to halloween excit edly and really let loose when the night ar rives we adults have the comfort of know ing that the ghosts and witches we meet are spock sp commg harmless nj will probably disappear when given a hndlul of ellybeans peihept hough we have our own brand of lurking demons accidents thoyro a idt mora likely to appear on halloween than on any other night and they spoil the fun in no time which is why the ontario safety league once more offers you some tips to help ward off these evil spirits at home try using a flashlight in the jack olaptem instead of the traditional haz ardous candle light your porch and clear obstacles from the garden to discourage pranksters and avoid tumbles in the dark help make your children visible to drivers by dressing them in light colored costumes or decorating dark ones with reflective tape and to help them see better use makeup disguises instead of masks above ell if you drive be doubly cau tious on october 31 and keep a watchful eye out for those 20lh century halloween spooks our children day in day out tuesday was united nations day it didnt produce any spectacles or parade no bend trumpeted its beginning and few knew of its cefebration but actually every day is un day it is conceivable that if it were not we should long ago be blasted out of existence es the worlds nations continue to spar with each other in his talk the un stands for man on united nations day last year mr hatnmarik- old expressed more clearly than ever the vision that inspired his wise and patient ef forts to bring the nations to work together and which earned him to his tragic death the following quotations from that speech contain a wealth of explanation for all of u give us time give us years the un is not a world government it is a framework for diplomatic operations here we maintain contacts across dif ficult frontiers a forum for discussion a schoolroom for ihe future and above all an assortment of techniques and instruments of reconciliation here the most construc tive forces in international life can find in creasing expression it is because world community does not exist at a time when world interdependence has become reality that world organization hat become a necessity as a bridge which may help u pass from this imrnense period of tfentition un it not only jawjaw instead of war war not only the world town meeting and world forum it is all these it is be coming also e quiet room in which nations can com for a quiet settling of their disputes by patient diplomatic process here one can sense the impetus toward peace and the obvious interdependence among mankind when we give to this work daily what is ip ourpowerto give and when dajly we meet the demands facing us to all the extant of our ability this will lead to a world of ustice and goodwill to a world of nations truly united the crimson forest probably few fall seasons could be as beautiful as the present season experienced in this part of the country the warm bright days have served to highlight the beautiful colon ef the leaves october has a particular beauty of it own as the mantle of color spreads over th trees of helton while the heights of land reveal the spread and magnitude of this colorful season from spring through summer he green pigments in the leaves subdue the other colors until as is often proclaimed jack frost wields his paint brush actually theres no need to change that imaginative description but reelly the fabu lous fall color spectacle in ontario is caused by the chemical processes of plant life re acting to the lessening hours of daylight as the sun passes through its autumnal equinox and recedes beyond the equator e actqn free press bnfc1lre and pubutnlai co ltd every thursday at 59 wiuew 8t aeteas oaurie member of the audit bureau of ctrcubltoeu the cwjijl and the omanoouebec division el th cwjjljs advertising rates on request subscription payable in advance jum ui canada moo n pip ami autfr ffimmnrjitiillh cmirimn nn in the united state and other foreign countries single copies tc authorised second class mail post office daptrttmitt ottawa tlmeal r lmtd bs ados pm g a dills bdlwmavejhlef omhd h oil us editor businffls and eoitoiia1 omim thomt 600 acton the good old days backlrvt41 back in 1911 as the green chlorophyll forsakes the leaves and the trees prepare for winter the tsriqpter pigments heretofor unseen are re- healed in all their dazzling glory because red is e sugary pigment and the ontaio maples are high in sugar content it is this species that accounts for the brilliant scarlet to soft rustat tones that so effectively enliven nature annual pageant but we didnt mean to really gel that serious about the subiect and introduce a nature lesson its ust that we ve noticed a drive through the country is often less re warding than a walk through the bush about this time of year whizzing by in a car a glance is all that is caught walking along the colorful panorama seems to reveal new colors and splendour at every turn along ttv line of smoky hills the crim son fontlt hands someone caught the etntosphe so well photo by cllhr taylor zzizvxnmzutrcmimkrmtm suyevi and sfuce some pimple would like in uke all ihe inn duijitr mil ex 1 1 lenient mil ol itle unite 1 lew of them are editois the le woise than preicheis alwts molding awa at us about some thing ii il inl highwj atci dents its fne haaids and it m isnt that its boating sakt the keep nagging at us to sia ahe but what we want is to he the ieat il agairy nght now the le ilwiihng last eais edilonals about hunting iilidenls ii s ihe same old song the onl lontession lhe make to novellv 01 vanet is tu slick a new ntle on il last eai s warning was ailed death stalks ihe woods thts ear it might be uunlcis mat est annual ci op 01 souil thing of the soi t i wonder who leads those edit onils i would la a small bet that the onl peopu who peuise them aie the same oiks who it ad and shake ihe 1 1 heaiu oei tlu edttoi lak about highwti ate i- dents tuulisji inch and unikui sai dummngs i hat a mental pie lure ol ihis itaelei amlieiue il is made up ol gentle old ladies who hae mur learned to ell 1 e a lii lit e i smoktd a eigai in bed ikh niklen in ainihmg lamei 1i1 in a tow boat anil netei hum til ans thing wilde 1 than 1 hiisltmd this puts the ediiois in ihe sune podium as ihi pukhiis wihu blast awiv at mii on sun tla 1101 nmg 1 a haiullul of tht laithlnl while all ihe sin tuts lit at ininu in bed tum et ing horn the 11 saiuala mghi aiuviiits all i tan s i is that it si 1 t s ihe ediiois nght 1 hi ie living 10 t ikt all llu lit ill oui ot hum mg it s a tlint di t 11 told spoi i a1 hi si i ik oiii 1 u nu nt in it hat appt ds lo ilu man ot spu 1 1 is tin d mgi t inl miu in ie is link d 11111 1 ol bv nu liamplid to dtaih h t 1 ibbi loi n lo bits b 1 p 11 tt nlgi 01 siiuisheil to a hlood pulp b i in thaige ol 1 uild jikk tin hum 1 1 nuisi gi t his ki ks in this iounti horn tlu voiist nit awaiituss ihat ilnitis piobabu anothet huntei ill aw iiij a bt ad on hnn ai this l i moim nt we used lo satist out an tienl hiht foi blosul with wais but then s no tun m it am moie no man toman tommt nothing but a monotonous manipulation ot slauhui mg maehuuia as 1 itsult the on l vva in whuh a mm in as sure himsclt ot hih phsuil enduranwv and eoujaye uiihi clfele age is to lake to ihe wotxts in tlie tall and pit him self against ihe iesi ol the lei lows in the tut toats tei man loi himsek tcts lake a look at this hunt er he mi look like a potbellied merchant or a llabln school tea by bill smiley 1 lit r or a sol t jow led law yei but beneath that disguise lurks the adxenturei the teal lang-and- 1 taw killei 1 his ktllei has re vet led about 4 000 ears that led veined nose snills the air as eauliousk as did thai ol his si jlking antes tut behind those biloeals pieicing eves sweep ev ei inch ol ground for a range of as ninth as a hundred feet thais not realh a shotgun hes eu iving loaded cocked and pointing at his left foot its a hoar spear me is keved lo an incredible piith of pure told nerve he senses danger and sudden death all about him and he re vels in it who tan blame him when he hears the grunting tough of a lion whirls in one giateful movement and i ires 1 10 10 into a cow with the heaves who can scorn him when he snaps off a beautiful 2h aid shot at the white hag ui a deer strolls up to claim his quarrv and learns that he has jusi shot the cap off a hunter whose hag was a kleenex into which he was blowing his nose j who tan point the finger when this hunter hears the snarl ol a sabre toolh tiger drops to one knee and cool as onlv r born killer tan be lets go with boih barrels right through the rear lire of the tractor the farmer has been trying to getj started just the other side of that copse preach on ou editors but youre wasting uur time theres no thrill in life to equal that of creeping through the woods on a freezing fall dav with the bird shot ripping through the leaves just above your head the high powered shells slamming into the tree four inches left of vour heart and the hope that ou mn gel him the next lime he lifts his head takft frtmm lit imtur dl th fn rrvw tburwjuy ol m 141 ihe huntlny ny 11 taxi u here bill rnont fellow 111 hew purls yo noitli for ihcir deer huntlntf on mtiturdiiy afternoon john doiiauuon hem most ol the hunler to u near eileh when 1 deer uillided wllh hu car on no 7 lltfhwtiy went of at ion the uiilmml collided vvhh ihe front riuhl fendei hut scrambled up and bounded over the tnte liilo u field utile danuyi- was clime in ihe fender cilicns of aclop were surpris ed luhl tuesday evening as exti ed younipters knocked on doors iruckinu down clues lo a irea sine it was the untied church young peoples society and they were planing a treasure hunt it with in charge of mrs james ad unison following he excitement everyone enjoyed hot dogs pum- pkln arts and tea the atlon high school dance laued by ihe students was a huge siktesh last tndav evening old funds raised will be sent lo ihe sick childrens h0spn1l in london england winners ol die lutkv door prize were wilda me lmghun and jatk blow work has commented on the mill slreel hast home of mr and mrs charles t lvatnerland the footings have been poured and carpenters on the site aw readv o begin work four persons had a narrow escape from death wednesday when ihe tar they were riding in collided wilh ihe rear end of a ruck a tar driven bv jatk glendenmng bramosa and car rying billy and grate siewjrt iivvearold twins and jean major all from eramosa was proceed ing north from rockwood when ihe truck in front stopped stid dentv when a child ran in front of the dnver i runs waxman o atlon the trutk stopped in time lo avoid sinking the young child but the approathing tar was un able lo slop in lime anil trashed into ihe rear of ihe truck the four passengers in the car were taken to guelph hospital allnumber starts soon the all number calling plan a svstem ol listing telephone minibus as seven figures in- sttad ot iwo leiteis and five ii gun s vv ill soon be inltoduced in kovkwood c s ktilh bell itlephoin managci for ihis mla sill ka iitlv i n iitw method or listing lele- phont numbers will go into el 1 1 1 1 01 ne ul 1 ng with l he el f et live date ol the 1961 telephone illlttleiiv dellvelv of which will btgm m rhis area soon ii kciih added he said iheie wiu sttial leisons for intiodu ting 1 in new nuinliti mg svstem u tlinunating the lellers we an itinoving the ehante ot mis spilling and in isin lei pre ling ex- tliiiirts names lomellung that his tiippnittl 111 the past mi ktiih suil tin change also ic tin lis ilu possihihtv ot eonlus ing tin it 1 lei i with ihe ligiue kin ill ihe lellel o willi llle hguit i 10 many more numbers 1 in h ii manage 1 pointed out howt it 1 1h1i tht most import- uit ttason lot making tht thangt to ill t igui 1 1111 in bv is 1 oik crneel ili uomi ol substantiallv in v 1 im tlu numlxi ul possible u 11 i nunibtms iiinoiiham t 1 ii sud that unitci the two- it i a 1 hguie ssiem iheie ui i 1 uimbiiuiniiis on the di 1 e 1 v i iiiuld not be expand id i 1 tthange names this te stiiwini tin numbei ol telephone nunibiis that toulel be lormeil mi kiith stressed that the swih to allliguie numhcis will not constitute a thange in the prt stni numlxis since ihe let ttis will meitlv be replaeed bv 1 ik 1 1 01 tespi hiding figures on tin dial in the case ol rln k ucmjj ilie ligmrea 8 and 5 wilt leplaee the letteis u and l ol llsier new cards new number cards for the dial places of rockwood telephones will be going out to betl custom ers m thai eommunitv next week mi keith stressed that the cards should be attached lu ihe tele- calling plan in rockwood phones as soon as hey arrive in order to aoid heir being mis placed besides showing the new seven figuie number these cards also show he area code number si9 this code number is used bv operators and customers placing long distance calk to rockwood for example 11 is now- possible icjr telephone users in manv centre ol north america u reach rockwood bv direct di stance dialing your area code number is part of vour long distance tele phone number mr keith said when vou add he threedigit code to the sevcnligure number vou have a telephone nuynber which is noi duplicated anvwhere in rstorth america ii is the three- digit code which makes the num bet unique returns fo homeland after 20 years here alter 20 eais absence from his homeland i eshe m kula 7b chuichitl road south hew bv let plant toi a three month visit to poland he leturtud home to avion saiuntav october 14 when he left his native land bombs weix destroving buildings ami he war was making its maik as he countrv was itdueed to ruin his return visit was memor able oteasion and he reports the counik is being built up and vust improvements arc being made he was quite impiysted with picturesque warsaw and other eenlrcs jie imled but was happt ttirelurn home to canada an employee ul ihe h k por- tcr cumpanv hemoved jo acton three cars ago when his com- panv came from toronto and ha lived in canada since 1441 both he and his wife are pleaed lo live in canada and arc ruippv with aclon t he departed bv plane july 1 and relumed with souvenirs and many memories of his homeland taken from th issue bf ihe free press htursday oct 24 191 1 a urge crowd was present monday evening and heard sir adum beck explain the details or ac ton obtaining hvdro electric power acton is mrlunute that iiielph is a ktipplv centre and all lhal is iff 1 10 be done is creel a number ol poles ami run a hlnfcle line down from he reformatory lo aclon in the event il is desir ed n line tan by brought in i nun brampton and il a lalline occurs the switch tan be iluown and power retched iiom this source members of couiu il from fieorgelown ami millon weie pre sent and inteivsied eitiens iiom rockwood mr link old the ga- ihviing it wsis to eveivtiiies ail- vantage to piin togeihei and ie- duce ihe com ol powei ii ihe people of ac ion decide to lake advantage of ihispowei mi beck staled ihe i tins would be tret ltd immediaiclv burglars allfmpiid to blow up ihe safe it millon posi office oil mondav night bin wm lnihlen- ed awiv bv a nejibv meiehml before thev wen atoiised the burilars had set oil iui loud blasts whieh it 1 1 the loot handle off and ihe doot hullv damaged fhi door did not budge iiom its position however and the lub bers went awiv empiv handed detectives are afiet tin bovs who smashed ihe ilietm lamps in he melhodisi e hutch shed serious fints will be levnd mu a lum in ihe tells will be given he tulprils when thev ate caughl officer hirvev is working overtime in an it tempt lo have all drains and waiereourses clear ed before the host strikes and ihe ground fieees butchers are an 1 it 1 pa ting a searcily of turkevs for thanks giving his year and urge even- one to place then ordeis eailv perhaps it will be the same as last vear and the birds were quite plenliful in spue of early predictions professional directory and travellers guide funekal praectors dr w g c kenney physician and sunjeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 7b residence 111 church st e phone 1w dr d a garrett phyiicmn and surgeon corner of willow and river sti entrance river st acton ont phone 2m dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 679 office hours 08 p m afternoons by appointment appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser anfl insurance over 50 years in aclon dental dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick strert office hours bv appointment telephone 19 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street office hours 0 am to fl p m closed wedntjday afternuun telephone 148 eegal c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary public office hours 10 00 am 12 00 pm 10 00 pm 100 p in saturday by appointment only offite 22 phone res 1m i acton a braida b a barrister solicitor n ury public 173 main st s acton ont phone 575 office himrs 6 pm 9 pm 1 pm 9 pm saturdays 15 cork st e guelph ta 43m2 office hour jim 5 p m saturdays 9 am 12 am cnlft6hueroe phone flm nirflt or day bruce e shoemaker mar opticas and hearing all8 e l buchner r o oplometrist contjct lenwa heannat aicu 41 mill st e acton in acton wednesday only 200pm oooprn for appointment phone in robert r hamilton optometrist eyes examined gljue fitted co main st n georgetown ont office hnurv 10 am in l pm mun to frl eveninss by appoinlmtnt cloned saturday for appointment please phone tr 73ot1 aud accounting lever hoskin churtend accountanu 11 main st n brjmpton ihonev gl 14u24 212 king st w toronto 1 em 4 uni traveuf m guide gray coach lines coalrei leave acton divhsht saving tune eiiitbound 813 am i daily excipt son and if 1 1 8 w a ni 1 1 31 a ni 1 ou pn mb pm oil sm 8 33 pm 10 uu pm sun and llnl wctb und 10 27 am 12 57 3 27 pm pm 11 32 p m 1 12 112 am ifn sat sun and fl 1 12 p m 117 david w gohn d c 25 mill st e phone 1053 entrant on willov st office hours mon wd frl- i o 9 pm tuc thur 9 am to a pm saturday 9 eon lo 1 pm x railways canadian national div light saving tunc eustbuund 6 44 am to toronto dally ex- icpt sunday i0j3 am lo to ronto i7 pm lo toronto daily except saturday and sunday 9 01 p m lo toronto sunday on ly westbound 9j0 ajrii to stratford 6j4 m o slrattord 107 pm to tralford lit am to stralfor- 7 days a week 222 pm ip sumuord saturday only 4iii v-