Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1961, p. 8

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tho acton fraa pron thord4y saptenibsr 21 w6i gone id dogs tv aerial furnishings complete in free doghouse bc in the uuiiiioum ilkyinccror cmv uuu if ihev con buasl of the typo owned hv ii- yenrohl kimiuih mlciiii cuttiei- on avenue yoimil kmiwtlt an tirilint u no fbolh nppiuretl un tv to uccvnl i he ulfl from all reports younqler keemeil lo free0 when lite lirluht siiullu hunts were tttntetl on hut lite venule nnpeur- it culm unit collected tml ilntl- viewer of citptnin amlv on lln- 1 let iiroiinil lite ilouhoiisi- like u mlltontv won itlnikclf n huntl- 1 vtleitm aclor some tlonhoiise nntl a venti win- the pilo tlellveretl on lite plv ol tlou loot for lili throe- weekend mnmls nmlut five leel yearoltl bengle itoinul duslv tall ami k complete wllh veiait- the aeton votiiintter sent in dull tv act la tllcv ruins nntl n letter reituiillnu his net anil i run i is ntatle ol clanboaitl kill- was fot innate cnmiuh lo have his j inn anil has a real thlmnev letter thawn from ntnonu thou santls tontalnetl in a huge drum a neisona appeal nice was mitdc hv tlit nntl- imislui anil utk i i tr niluhlxnhnud chllilren tire oiildo lnulliisiv anil hv i he time the kiddles eiowtl in lite house little tooin is icit- fur the hountl police busy investigating accidents wilful damage at inn police hail a husv week end when ihev investigated mtntn accidents anil assisted at i he atton fair constable ron dunlop investi gated complaints regarding brok en windows al the dtsponl plant and found windows shattered as a result ol stones anil db nuns and a hoi tlu of sulphuiic acid knocked ner and ammle horned in the diamhoard rouml the sink the same eertinp constable dunlop on a imiime check luunil i he irunt dooi tit the robert kil tie school open and si windows in the building open the t dic tator was notified two windows at the high school weie also lound open die same night on fttila coiporal ra mason investigated an ntefdent at the cnr hacks on mill st reel when a car proceeding east and tltiven hv gairv john beerimm tollitleil into the tear 4t a grav coachebus slopped for the tiossing damage to the beet man tai was estimat ed al k satin dav al let noon constable brute ktvsslei investigated an at titleni near piuuse motois when lie v eat old brian wilson ic ceived a bump on the head when he was knocked tlown by a tu driven bv jolm klmck ol aidon ziz1c mswt tkctul summer separates new project for 160 haton 4h club girls malum county 411 homemak- tng clubs aie once again in prt- gress approximately 160 girls will take part in the fall pro ject separates for summer the traininu school tor 28 local leaders was hed m the united church m milton on september 12 and iv under the direction mcpnait mrs r cunningham bdtlinaldd mrs jesse mcuneiv mrs ellwoocl snow bannock- burn mrs w j mcdonald mis waller linham dublin mrs d moffat mis m nellis homh north mis ruv j wilson mrs uvelvn mt ka iloinbv south mis cecil pat lei son mis t ol ihe cotiniv home economist bousfield lamehouse mrs c miss fiances lampnian i wilson mis t blown nassaga cliib members will plan ami m- m mohal mis c i make a skirt and simple lop sun j wiig nelsun west mrs j lil able for sports weai and il ihev 1-p- mis m hamilton paler- wish a pair ot beimuda shoiisl mis w r tovell mis c club meetings will begin shortly under the direction ol the local leadeis a record of each meet ing is kept bv each gnl in her record book and this along with her separates will be displayed and modeled at achievement dav held in milton earlv in fcb- aidi there will be 14 clubs paittci- paling in sepaiales lor sum mer the clubs ant leaders aie as tollows ashgiove mis j h kingston palcimo south mis ci weese mis m ilai i mglon scotch bloc k mi s f fi eneh mis j brown silveiavood mis g w buit mis geuigc lion- side 4h ilomemaking clubs aie open to all gills between the ages ol 12 and 26 am inteiesi- cd gills shook gel m loinli with ihe leader in iheir communit oi with the onlatio depai tuient ol agi idiltuic in milton mm i immiti proudest doo in town is dusty throo yonold doaglo hound owned by kennolh aanc- coll cameron avenue- tho dog has reason t be proud his mnslor won this handsome dog- houso and n yoars supply of dogfoed for him doln cloy mcl masler are pictured above wllh tho new doghouse won on jhe captain andy tv show hydro refuses power line gift hears of operation sunshine ac ion hdio commission dm i il would be in lie ul ullage ol piomolloii plan mg theii leguhti meeting ihurs the hdio depailmenl lo own news vis received ol t new tlw septembei 14 i in tied ihe lines in the eenl inline pi omul mil plan lioiu onlai n thumbs tlown on a gilt oiler c ustoiiuis in ihe uei iei lined hvdi n operilion iskiuio a liom cooikii ol a powei line powei limn litis sotiue 1 sluiiie wherein ioiil ineichaiils sen icing the cluiiclull road noith pumping siition maun j ii gov innoccnuv asked if a in tho ciislomei coiiiu 1 1 thimg hi it would he i in apt i lo own then own powei line ami now ihev lind l lies have i ihulv uuiaiked owned his own powei hue would inissmiiei led ivlei si oking he he in line lot cheapei tales h the inavoi leuiukeil ibis ihui one who didnt asked lot was on puilv tine is u was a specific esampte the niavoi nniiuils opinion the commission pointed out i he town had piul could opei ate i he powei line toi ihe powei hue sei umg hi pumping station ind siicssed the town did not leceite an special rale cuiitessions mr gov put suing the piolv lem lurlher staled the commis sum was the likelv puiv to own ihe power line as powei was their business he emphasied mile i the i act the town woi kiiieu sei v mote ei ouoinic alk hn in liained men bit he woi k failing in his plea loi the powei line to be taken oei bv the coin mission the mnoi sug gestetl council might lind it necessai lo c steiui the powei line mot her seven eighlhs ol i ihe proposed walei i e ilvilio supei ttueiulen selling it 1 1 rgt iiloi i icei i units v on lil pai ik i pale and puichis its woi i itl icceive a icbate i e teivetl ihe nod of ipproi lioin the local commission moulds igo i he new plan wheubv pint h isc is ot an elec die divei loceive a lieeeledilc bluiket on i i os i shaie basis w ilh mei c hauls on tu io llvdio mil ac ion i kill o was not so i cadi v accepted until the secie lai v has leceived lie names ol ii r lie i pa ting met c hauls nul commissioners sludy the plan luilhei young elemeiilai v t sec on ilir st i lot j i otaloi s will he iwutled i pi ie on bed ill ol tin w uttir to tmi loffo scout news i j scmilmuklvr hrueo wllllttmtmhi it im tniiiloilljig to iealie that many of mil boy scmils ol lodav will he ihe leadeis ol the future in un era when discipline is al a discount and the old vlitues of coinage initiative sell mliiinie lind toiiitesv aie al an ebb ihr huy senilis slaud out liotn iheu lelfowij in even shu pei conliasl ihan before i hev not onlv c ling lo ihru sljndaids but aie pioml ol them ihey not onlv leluse to hi de eudenl on olhcis but voliiulu feels liquor editorial is away off base scplimlur iv iwill iiiijwiim on hie iiirfun- rels on mollat oiilmlo i liils vole iiml ihlnk well- before deal idiloi von put y persinul phohluii rheie iiie i lirw ihwiu in vir hefoie ihe tiiluie of your town- ediloihil iirulti ihe heaillny in khip you iiiiul luve luxillori lo joilllliule omlillmlioit wlildl i uml your ihildren lo uood ihiult should he toiretied and si liools md vour hesl thante of hiouithl lo the iiiimiiimi il vi uellinu h is lo ii- 1 lommenlul lenleis von eslllllili lln- levi- livtlion uuetohe liiiiiiiln in lv ihis yuius viiv trulv liiihiiiik in lie h4mmihi win i anliiir i- iailhury is llie esliinaltd li venue will in i losii lo siiikhiihi im iii i von si lie lhil ihe lluk will lie llillll wheihei oi not lln- vole is iiiiiiii lniill- hmiks and mlny live unless vr iiloiiniiiiii is s tiniitllun ihollii i liil lllmie lld i iuisllili n i bjln lhll il is i iiri sine lliil iii w11l u will -liimitil- ii- m lln sr vntl s ivt in vour tom- niiifillv fivi yi netoutlv lo tlic iiiiiiii sjuilini fk ijiher 2 mm hi in 2ihkki iii lift- hooks tulilile lo hllixl readers in eliiiiinil fownshlp ol ne pel ilv help ullieis when jir tnulliti ihev lind llieii own wiv init 1 1 it k in hi wllhoiil hliiilliiu millieuiie else hiwivi as i nli inislikts and onlei- as 1 loriiur mum illor h sness siiun and lalimif ihev lowislilpol nissiiw vi i ue lniidii lo he ihoiiiihlliil e hmimii tunsideiate inl knllv ipiotide ihe semis thai 11 llie elm i if in ii- lid 01 mil illins 11 pin ilov sloii ivtlllilll is lhll it iv ksilltllllll llklllon we 111 his tonllimed to ml 1 1 out hivsouipelled lo seek iiiiliisliiil o tvlii tut- siiiiniii niiiie iiiuilv li11n1n1111il iixuioii 1 10111 111 b gm a ir and hetlti dls iphned iii us 11nlnsl111l auuli llns lnvuslnp migraine cause elllv veusji liholfil lllldl iii- his iii i latlhlls il hill i sei handicap i 1 eilun iinoiiul i pop11l1lu11 tliu will i iiditule on llie pail i 11111 inilusiiv fut township s uiemhel hovs lie ol iiit lieaulv illallv slut iii leiinl vus ll has heenxl il lliil il ill homes nil ll eiiilanetltil lv ihe eiiwiiil- link with iiiuieitlil lini slukliess mil ilisliithiialliili loi lmhltes 1 111 pi tide t n sell dlsuplnie il vhi1m and old ivui ill loi 1 liuue population dike in 1 iiil sense llieieloie iheitloie ll is iiiipuililll lllil ii has passed lhlollll llie llie ihe wiles he mad- await ol hu lls eineiueim- stloiiliei and tin 1 unioi linti ol what llns vole ti ihan eiei means 111 s means in the inline ol llns town dislintd in toiilmiic i flow hip 1 i smtl ftn ihe tuslin ol whellur a trmp isjewx food nine tan he had wmliuil coiiiualiilallons lo llie iiitin heel 11 liipioi i hunk voui edi i ff hiintlittls ol 1 as s of his ol hie niidilhnwk i ls r liiliuime tuel loi liv junpra iil iheu istellenl sliomiin il township is siiiiouudil willi iis fth a ueu toinpleti ly lilietl the at tun i all iui olliei nullui ipalllu s ulttit litei and ycily rehevetli v 11 lln- sl liiplol tan he ohlauied ami a s un i o e vmu thr vmif taxpave wll pe i huopiuie tre is he most e mnsue e so o be u nl one man geing dunk 1 tellable means or n moung he me e theconne le he wants om simlud o living atjsf ol mi k he uc he this mm is s w lie e it mhii thai 1 a man wmis lut is ausut lo bv the ihuti- iw m ail dnk aul can iul he tan sands ol lestimo letles wilt- b ilnliie wis celt v vo uirreloie as mi long in by gailul people who now uetoialleiit is nv tomc l have impli le luedom mm llie scous guides cubs and a 1 peivm wauls u d ink i souee ol migraine headaches hrownes who pu ticpaled in is privilege to do so as ihe iair puade saturday did a mine to not drink il i want line lob ol inuching and iheu ol imiloims vvee spc and span and hl sav to the voters ot tiedil to stoihing i nassagiwcva mm h moie than senior patrol our wo n lands ivi i an aiea i h million smiin- miles ily w roy rltlitcll dc ooclor of huopratiic migiame fsic k hctdaihe has its origin in he nervous- system and many suffer untold agony with his condi tion ill i j t oinrnission piovidmg ihev have inn been t hosen to enlei the linals j a t oniiniiiiilil ion hum orilai io llviliu ieiiiesitil he comuussioii i mi lit ipalc in llie public speak i iiijj coolest ami donate pnes at w i members tour free press plan projects for fall fair weie mil lanuliu with powei done masui sliud llie inslall anil tiulil not make iiitessai v i lion ol in idliliouil pott itpails i ii s-mul- tills 1111 ttis mill n holly refuse essuv attoiliiif n itpoits in ollerinu the itili uianpeil teivetl in hint lioin inlai power line to ihe toninussiiin i lh o mavoi ciov was met with slunev h-lou- ihe ku lei mi sessmu the lotal level stales as the eomnussion halls nidul hit inavoi alihotuih it- i set irlu lieasuiei mis and lelusetl stitkini lo his 111ns hevel 11 ihe siipt 1 uileiulents i 1 1 v iuiuhiil ttis aulhiined l mi ouv itviewed hit- 01 1eu11l iepii i lold lilt- toiilmissiiin ii illentl the weslein nl 1 at tounlllli anil ollite adnuiuslia lion tonfeiente at pi udhoiunics fiiidn cenlie vlneland thurs dav hepleinhei 28 annuals passed loi jiavmeiil lolalletl 16014 12 installation ot the powei hue vim waul 11 ihe line is viaus li and reminded the tontnussiun i the lakinji l plan projects cleaning bee at scout guide mothers meet when the membets ol the ac ton womens institute met lot then septembei meeting al the home ol mis geoi ge rrci the piesident mis g hugrave an nounced thai lollowing ihe in slit tile ode and piavei a sin plise hail been planned tin them this was a visit ot he ac ton i lee pi ess wheie the pai l was met bv david dills attei dividing into two groups one led bv mm i av snnv and the olbei hv mi dills ihe lathes weie shown ami old ol llie main pukcsses that go into making ihe wceklv papei i his wis tuile au educahtxi loi ik membei s print other pupcni ltu ll was katned that noi onlv is ihe lice puss cdiicd and punted m aon but also others 1 in hiding he milton canadian champion and a new wceklv in the town ot gcotgttown mem ixis luinnl it inu resting io m the thlfeient membei s ol iht stalt al woik llie mciiwnv til 1 ik isii will jie tu h nu nilu 1 a jeepei mteiest in the likd papei on leaving eat h oik was gi cost up or down a souveuu memo pad ami a lew complimentary edi lions of the latest paper light oil ihe picss buslncu resumes membei s leturnett lo ihe home ol mis g i ivci loi ihe business ol the month the area omen 1 ion will be held in guelph at the oac on seplem bei 2s and 2 mis sam holm es and mis lied andeison weie named as delegates the resolutions to be ileal with weie lead bv mis i ail i amber t ah dee isions agiectl on cieh mrs gar nel rose ic por ted tm agrleuluiie i s i antler son on public i flat ions and mis hai gi ave gave c in lent events lair duplu ihe display toi the tan with a lhiisinias moimu ihtine was tleeuled on and mrs haigiave agieed lo take chaise ihe booth supplies were volunlaitlv donated with mis i iei as booth eonvemr mrs t lowl ma sales was in e lutrge ol making tea and coluv and mis i an tkison ithtked aliei iik sand wu ik s diaw was nude on a pietlv ihe septembei meeting ol ihe men walls n cl seoul anil guide mothei s was men held m ihe stout hall fuesdav night septembei 12 al 8 v pin the meeting was opened bv the pi esideni wilh ihe 1 oi d piav ei theie weie h membeis pie published in ihe public inter est office located ut 17 mill st actnn ll was moved in 1 lie i ii ll vale seconded in man dunn ihtt eookies in st i veil al tlu mi i ill instead it saiitlwithes i ill el ilage tt ed rue niln is have am iiuilis eonlael he i lo bliv oi eebange ullltoiiils ihe nueiing e losetl wiib tlu mipah ik ik the lion and lunch was skived sent the minutes ol the june nieei mg weie lead bv ret v i e w ton m appioved ihe tieasiuei gave he i lepoi i i hank ou cauls weie rad hum i belina vale ami hetiv bltiun it was moved bv kthel ma gelt seetintlctl hv bel v i new ton that the earetaker be paid moie moikv loi v leaning the inu iidid loi last hall aiiingements weie uiatle lusi iikiiiii iikmimhi is loi the peiiuv sale and eiielue luui iiusdav evening in iik sunn u be held the eutl ul ibis hall wrrji mis lltnst untenant month in tliaiii lui mt tlu nun to cuter for ilanquet pw was disiius io puiol the lalhei apd son baiuiiu t tonuis niu ale and i itu is lo be held 111 the legion hall mmlh h ell lite l the glliu oil oelobei ealeitd lo in iilsui girl guide news tkt hie stoul and mule mului stoullllaslt i h will nils was ii he ipjitiit lu d li hi iht shis siiih ihe iiiii vs s iktultd lu ask 111 pi hi t mill 1 1 it lo itpall lilt ha- l ui d i t tnipl il lotl it hit ll n it mt ii imp kiihi al dunin ill i iih i ii itl in knv illsu itstiihil llin l iil l uliith tlu t umi1 in slvil tlllltl lea tlnlh d 11 it i in li tin nei itil won in mis iiahani ihe intelnip tlosttl a pleas mi id mu v 1 t d nt 1 hit it 1 t ops i l 1111 will review hospita grants halloa ouniv couikii is plan ning to lev ise its pi ogi am ot gianliug m vi txd lo new hi hon hospitals oi additions to existing hospitals but whellu i ihe giant giks up ot down siill has lo he devitted at tuesilav alteinoon s spi emlxi meeting ol ihe eountv e an tu il e toi recaju k li giivc asked eouiieillois n hold up a request i uuu the oakwllc- itafalgar memonal hospital lot ls000 the gianl al mx per bed un a planned wvbvd ad dilion six thousand dollars per bed is more than what is required from the count v he said that may be okay for a new hospital but they dont need sa000 per bed for an addition we have al ready made one grant to oak- vuiertrenuf ar hospital for on ad- j dltton and if we dont take teps flow wullbfl getting more ml 11 tlu l i l loi s apploveel the ieitiesi to ihe hospital when oakville reeve livd tillev point eel out the b law vis on ihe hkks atul eoiuieil was legallv ot ligeel to give ihe giant vp or down it was suggest ul ihe i iuaiuc kommiuc and tieasiuei coulel uview the hospital giants bv law and s it u e uts should be made tof tutuie hospnal ad ill 1 ions hm ling ton reeve in kvvkman suggesietl hovever that il am ehanges weie pcnd mg the i ova i hospital boauls should be consulted the reeve said the burlington hospital hoaid was eonsuleiing an epan sum ptogianv and ihev i eel in view ol the using cost ol hospi tal construction that theniyuic should be substantially uieieas- ed the mailer was left with the finance committee turkeys farm fresh dkissld amd oven ready for thanksgiving a gerber ritsshiii p ilioiu- st i lnifiils wjw caroline nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south si3c one stop for gardeners dutch bulbs are now in top size bulbs tulip daffodil narcissus crocus snowdrops grape hyacinth scillas calla lilies madonna lilies come in and compare our prices cut mums 49c bunch floral designs for all occasions open 9 a m lo 83q p m free delivery phone 37 anytime a new si moi patiol has hmi loi nied and is made up ol all stouts ovit ifs vtais ol a ll nii aie mieiested in betoinnig a membei of this patiol contaul hoop leatlei cteoi ge wait i ot lobei is i eg ist i a i ion month so it is a iind idea to get vour legisiialion in is soon is pos sible out i atliei ami son haruioet t is to he held october 3id ami all scouts and cubs are expected to attend with then lalheis it i tor some reason vou have not leccued vour litket contact mt l newton at 407 w j milk for health relush with ou i delicious guernsey gold 2 milk canadas liucst table milk only 23c quart i or prompt courteous delivery call j acton dairy piionp 242 don timm1ncjs prop llar daze every yveek you shop you will be dazed how far your dollar goes at ab supermarket before you shop be smart see us first for highest fruit and produce at lowest possible prices prices effective all week mather is pork time pork chops pork liver pork sausage 59 29 39 westfieid 48oz apple juice 33c pineapple eatwell solid pock fancy tuna 15oz 19c toz 23c puritan lj ib tin wieners beans 49c pernor boot lie toilet tissue eatwell 6oz flaked tuna 19e bv special ogilvie cake mix 29c extra potatoes 29 ft rt n u

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