Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1961, p. 5

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nassagaweya vqte yes or no saturday townhlp of nnmaga4feya vol crs ko lo the poll this satur day to make a choice between a dry and a wet towmmlp a ionic percentage or the 120 eleglblu voter is expected to turn out to mark yes or no on ballots asking their verdict on mens beverage rooms wo mens beverage rooms liquor with meals liquor cocktail loun ges and cocktail lounges for beer and wine vole i for track a proposal to erect a j3so00oo harness racing track on- the gueph line near cumpbellvillc har cauued the vote approval of the five ballots by u 60 per cent yesvole will give the track a full resit icted club licence if belter than 40 per cent of ihose who vole casl no ballots on the five questions the township remains dry the way it has stood since around 1908 when a local option vote closed up the existing liquor outlets vole yes and vote no forces tiove been marshalling for weeks and both groups have con ducted literature telephone and public meeting campaigns throughout the township on election day the polls will be open at the orange hall in campbellville brookvlllc hall and the residences of duncan moffat and hugh patterson from 5am dst lospm d s t no forces are providing transportation if you xall ul 4- 223j 2576 2465 443j or 4432 yes supporters will provide transportation if you call the committee rooms ul 4 9911 or ul 49921 this group is also sup plying free bnhv sitters for wo men who want to gel out and ote results unofficial result of the voting at ipe five a 3 1 nos say who owns it a vole no committee head ed by j lick r mcphntl of camp bell vfllc and supported by min isters nnu volunteer township residents hus been campaign ing against the liquor beer and wine outlet vote in nnssaguweya township which goes before the voters lhs saturday a public meeting in nassnga weya township hall thursday evening of last week drew a crowd of nearly 75 to hear mr moulton ot the ontario temper ante federation speak on the perils of more liquor outlets several ratepayers are reporled to have walked out of the meet ing when- they were told by rev r hadcock of ebeneer united church thit if they planned to vote yes they might as well jeavc the meeting speak in churches ministers have spoken about the coming vote in the township churches and the committee has prepared literature for distri bution to all township residents polling subdivision supervisors everton visitors prominent in community homes sundav visitois with mr and mrs harvev jestin bobb and mi ted mcculcheon were mr und m robei t mccutcheon and dinnne ol kitchener mrs cvton rae mis mabel ml doug all ol din mr and mrs thomas aitken ol harnslnn mis pearl mllnr of brampton mi and mrs llovd muntci and dim 11 v brantlord visited on sun- da with mr and mrs ted jcs tin and familv mrs 1 lovd cutting and rav mond spent the weekend in sat ma mi and mis beit palftaman guulph weie sundav visitors with mt and mis ham hoi top and famih mr and mis jack mankind eluin wen sundav wsitors with mi and mrs joe benhani mi and mrs clifford simons of detroti spent the weekend with mi and mis peicv peavov mis annie hae spence is visit ing with hei hmthci mr t d mcculcheon and mi and mrs harvev jestin mr cllftord talbot and mrs alan talbot and tamilv o oak vhle and mi and mrs dan hind have been named and transpor lation will be provided for sat urdays vole the committee bases its stand on the thought that the people an- not thinking about the mor al problems which arc involved in a wideopen township com mittee organisers are disturbed about the heavy emphasis on the financial side or the coming vote t who owns it the group feels that the tndi viduals promoting the track and subsequent liquor vote should have declared their identity long ago voters have been told that the promoters are a canadian companv one committee mem her told the champion but lo date nobody has been able lo learn just who ihe financial in terests lealty are we are asked to give a vote for them without knowing who is building the race track and with no assurance that it vs ill be built after ap proval is given lo sell liquor and beer he said baltlnarad wms wa held first fall meeting mr t j shot till and his bro ther robei t ol milton sire on a trip to the west coast rally da seivice was held on sundav morning with caro line mcenerv and brian sin clan assisting mi beaton the idnior choir sang two lovelv solos evening auxiliary meet the vvms evening auxiliary held their september meeting with mrs jesse mcenerv as hos tess eleven members and one guest answered the roll call with the names ol their tirst school mrs norman sinclair presided and led the devotional with the theme the wav ol beginning again which illustrated our need to strengthen oui hcai is minds and imaginations to do gods aoik in a world ol tiemendous change thetc was a business discus sion i ollow cd b the topic pre- paied h mrs leo jumicson this was an introduction to the resources for this vears study which include two basic books signals for the sixties and has ten the dav the meeting closed with polling plnccivill fee strictly un official said township clerk and reluming officer don mcmillan until the following monday at 1 pm however the unofficial fl gures of each dr o wlllbe pout ed on the townshtp halls bulle tin board saturday evening as poll figures are turned in inte rested ratepayers can also get up- totheminute results by telephon ing the canadian champion tr 82341 according to the act 60 per cent of ihose voting must cost yes ballots for any bf he five questioned to carry voters are reminded lo vote early to avoid an expected lastminute rush nnd to be sure to mark each ballot with a plain x in the space provided with the pencil sup plied by the clerks the five questions are sprint ed hero as they will oppar on the ballot list question are you in favor of the sole of beer only under a public house licence for consumption on li cenced promises to which mcrri only are admitted are you in favor of the sale or beer only under a public house licence for consumption on ii cenced premises lo which women are admitted are you in favbr of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence tor consumption with menls on licenced premises are you fn favor of ihe sale hecklers at yes meeting ivvuumamllvoi jvllsbuig were mn whj w m s henedic sundav vtsitojs tth mi rov hindu local view the anniveisarv serv ices at chuuh ot chi ist disliples weie veil alleiukd tin sundav the tuikev suppei the following night ptoved to be quite a success mis percv peavo attended a showei toi miss donna bough lie i mondav evvning at llu honn ot miss dotothv bagg o guelph make season plans turn a pot luck lunch was loveel b all christmas eaids an now available toi purchase i mm the evening auxiharv nicm bei s wa meet for september the vva met at the home of mis llovd marshall ioi ihm iiuut i- r septembei meeting mrs tom r su given presided roll call was an toi the fall thank otter- sweivd bv 10 members sexeial items ot husiness were dealt with mrs cam mcfnerv look llu scriptuie stiulv whom about 125 vote yes campaign supporters and n few vote no hecklers attended a second pub lic meeting of the nassagaweya township vote yes committee at brookvlllc hall tuesday night to hear details or harness racing tracks and ihe proposed liquor vote prior to saturdays voting day i the committee had earlier cal led a meeting by invitation but tuesdays open meeting was ad vertised and drew a few who opposed the vote as well as many supporters hon earl rowc a well known canadian standard bred horse breeder was guest speaker and told the crowd many of he de tails involved in the operation of a harness track such as the one proposed for campbellville he explained the track would be well managed and controlled by canadian interests chartered bv the ontario jockey club and ruled by ihe ontario racing commission night harness racing has re- itali7cd and cleaned up cana dian racing and has especially given the horse breeding indus trv a shot in the arm the m p said the speaket explained that in his manv ears of racing he has vel to see a drunk or rowdy ism at woodbine saratoga or many other district tiacks di b d young reported his committee had touied the wood bine laeevvav wtth ontario jock ev club officials and they ucre ama7cd al the efficient operation ol the track he also mentioned that ihe liquor control board of ontario had promised to hold a public heanng before granting an licences if the saturday vote is successful rev r hadcock pastor ot ebeneer united church also addressed the meeting and said i am in favor of good clean spori and i agree with the spca- rnrt7vvv vir jr rea tour mason garden before wms meet mrs c w mason was hostess lu the ladies of ihe wms ot the acton united chinch for the scplcmhei meeting tuesdav septembers 12 upon arrival the ladies took a tour ol the gieen house and the spacious lower garden the piesident mrs h r force welcomed the societv after their summei vacation opening the meeting with a hymn und piuvci the recording and secre tary s reports were heard and approved as read loilytwo wilts had been made dunng the last munth carels of cheer vim signed to be sent lo mem hi i s in ihe hospital the piesident reminded mem bcrs ot the executive meelinu called tor september 19 at 25 at her home notice was gnenol hi loint tallv ol the wa and kcr mr rowe but this whole thing is tied in with- beverage outlets and this is disappointing to me he agreed the race track would be a fine thing for the community without the betting or drinking facilities the church is against it and im sure god is against it he sftid in answer to questions from the floor committee members said the firm proposing the track plans to spend 3500 000 the tracks taxes would be high ihe township wouldnt have service ihe new industry during racing season the firm could employ up to 900 employees and there would always be about 40 permanent employees no tax concessions viere being granted the track would draw other in dustry lo ihe township it will probably operate about 42 days a year police and fire protection will be the responsibility of the rack and manv other points ol neral information of hquoi under a lounge licence for consumption on hcenceel pie mises aie vou in favor of the sale of beer and wine ontv under dining room licence for consump tion veilh meals on licenced pre mises oimiaty resident for 23 years anihhitued thai is a ullafc q oaco dies c ilubs comnuimtv night rty 7 tl during dance meet the ac urn scottish dance club held a pot uuk suppei in the mca on sepumlui id di biu kite i wt lemuel c vclv one following tin mi in hum tceess and n n we d last season s at ti vine he of ih in ac urn paik on june 24 tlv building lund ol tin nouh hal ion assoc latum loi re t aided children had hi minted bv 700 he thankicl all llnisc who h id woiked toi this cause di biuktui also outlined llu recomim tula lions which tiad been dtawn up at tin lest cciu t iv e met t ui g f i iv one pre sen t agived on one etaiue a month it was also agreed the woik load should be more eenlv disii ibu ted tt the coming season m was agreed also that the second satin dav of cwh month should be- set aside tor i list rue tion in ehaigc of mr dave uatt last vear with two hours tor df we serve matthew 6 24- m hvmn 2m was sung the meeting closed veilh the benedic lion mis stairvtl served a love l luiuh 4ssisu d bv the hostess a clcotcd wilt and niothei and vi e ii know n ac ion re side nl mis j osmund oakes 27 knox axttuie died mondav in st an cllws nut suig home felglls fol lowing a six week illness she was in he i tvih tai 1 hi toi nu i idi louisa sharpt a tlaughiei ol the latt captain geoige shaipe and i habeth cop ping v as hex n in row don que bee she mat i ltd w j osmund oakes in jolhette out bee in iskls al ter w hie h ihe couple lived in johnsville quebec in lsi2 ihe couple movfd to a farm in tiamosa township where thev tavnud tor is vears ing meeting would be mrs kate i aitken who is a united nations rcpresenlatm the pioeiam was in charge ol mi s amos shik make i and her gioup miss domthv simmons lead a paper on social drinking and a i so one on 1 1 rh ing psalm 121 vi as tvad bv mrs steintt this was tollowett bv a paper given bv miss benin tt on the loui iron lie is ot this pilgum psalm a fuithei conmbution oh migiatei bv mii ckave addetl niutti iikhi toi i lie soul ihmn ft7 was sung the meeting clostd with the mipah bene the lions a woid ol t lianks was given the hostess who along with the group committee st md a cop ol tti aiiel sandwiches janet aitken tops 4h calf club show ah members ot the ac ion 4h call club completed then club project al aolon fair on salur dav 16 members look part in the club program the show manship class was very keen judge for the achievement dav was dan rose assistant ag riculiunil representative foi yoik countv the acton 4h calf club is uniler ihe sponsorship of the acton agricultural society in cooperation with the canada and ontario depattmenis of ag riculturc club leaders the club program is under the direction of j douglas burn side assistant agricultural repre sentative and club leaders nino braida sandv buchanan and mel mccullough the results of the calf club based on an award ol 1 000 points are as tollows janel aitken 9s russell murrav 9w jim an ken 912 frank anthonv 908 thea trvssenaar 902 mur rav fall 901 nettie trvstenaar 900 wavnc aitken 900 bruce coles 890 john krancndonk 882 chi is krancndonk 866 gor don van gils 828 grant van gils 796 brian phillips 779 jim how aid 7vi roy rognvaldson 690 i present life membership pins during knox auxiliary meeting present memershtp pins during the annual life membership meeting of the aft ernooti auxil iary of knox church wms was held at the home of miss robena clark with mm dougald ken nedy life membership secretary ns convener and mus o moron presiding the service of worship was led by miss d folster and mrs r m mcdonald the mission ary topic was given bv mrs r r parker who introduced the new study book taio church ot workin british guiana sie gave a word picture or the country and its people and the growth of the christian church there prewnt wm mrs h l bennfc gave a brier his lory of ihe life membership department of the womens mis sionarv society since 1899 em phasizing ihe fact that life mem bership certificates and pins were presented to those who had rendered service in any branch of the churchs work presenta tions of pins were made to the following miss m somerville bv mrs h l dcnnie mrs joe janv by miss r clark mrs r everton visitors prominent irr district homes intended for last week recent visitors with mr and mis wm macneill were mrs jean mcgregor of chesley mis ramage and family rcrgus mt and mrs george buck kitchener and mr and mrs len muslim lei macvilte mr and mrs robert mccut cheon and dianne of kitchener visited on saturday with mr and mrs harvey jestin and bob by and mr t d mcculcheon sundav visitors with mr and mrs wm bruce and familv weie mt and mis douglas mason ot acton mi and mrs harvey jestin visited sundav evening with mr and mrs stanley mekjv and mrs f mccuen guelph mrs clara black lock toronto is visiting this week with mrs rthel alton and miss jennie to- vell in hospital fnends of mis harvev dol mei ate soirv to heai she is in toronto hospital we wish hei a speedv retovcrv to bettci hvallh mis hurry huncoc k of tei i a cotia is staving vvuh her bio- ther charlie hamilton while her husband is in guelph gene uil hospital for treatment mr and mrs tetl jestin pat sy and nancv visited sundav ev ening with mr and mrs tied murrav of guelph mr rov hindley is visiting with his son dan and lamllv hillsburgh mrs harvev jestin was hostess on tuesday for the women s christian fellowship ol ihe church of christ disciples mis clara bhieklock of toi onto was guest speaker sunday visitors with mrs ethel parker and colin were mr and mrs john gihhnev and famrlv and mis elsie eggcrt ol hamilton i r parker by mrs a h mc- kinde mrs h sayurs by miss c moore and miss mcgregut by mrs o mbran uttct to th1 tditofc writer suggests band should be out front dear mr editor please do not push acton c bens band into the back ground jeverv year my two daughters cuax me to lake them to acton tall fair and each vcai i say lo them i hope uu will hear the band play but even vear 1 am more surprised this vear where the hand played last enr was the dancing doll tent after watch ing these people advertise them selves my youngest daughlei said lo me mummy what kind of people are thev and i said to her lets gel out of here with that we watched the horse judging which was much more appealing as a small child i can re member standing beside my fa ther and listening hi aclon cm 7ens band and the audience applauded for the band and vou could be sine of seeing sueh inns ic unci s as al antl jack leisjiiimn not man mcleod em eison andeison and jack blick listening lo them plav music is the highest of all the aits and please lets give eie dil wheietiedil is due a nil keep it in its rtghllul place wheie it most eetlainlv belongs the leader of the acton band is very highly qualified and 1 do not think the taste ol ihe people who go to ihe ac on ran hus changed thai much you also have some fine plavers m acton band i should know as i plav cd with some of them 20 veais ago under charlie mason in ac ton concei t orchesti a lots put the band wheie il belongs out in fiont i think evei v one will agice with me that the band makes a vui what il should he anil also keeps the standard much highei i am not one hit at laid to sign m name doiothv orouike p s lets heal liom soineoni else on this ice skating and lioekev aie lust around ihe comet and base ball still hasn t quit loi the sum nier for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 330 easy as falling off a log lo sell bu rent or hire mi 1 winl ali in this p iptr the nisi is smill chi- actum tast tiuruil ailtlilirs jvinl iiur iill pnoivir mo us the acton free press he couldnt wait to enroll in metalcraft at acton night school the adon frw press thurdy september 21 1941 four in acton hbusefohouse canvass- to xssist 68 halton blind the nnntiul flnanclnl nppeiil ol ihe canadian naflomil institute for the blind in acton will be gin on october 2 1961 taking ihe lorm of u house to house can vnrssthe drive will be headed bv a committee under the cluilr mnnshlp nf mis l g fianklin assisted by ihe duke of devon shire unci i akesidc chapters ol ihe lodt sighl is so commonplace tew ihink about il yet more than 2 000 canadians lost then sight lasl veai lo them and lu 4 he thousands ultcudv hhnd he im poi tanee ol good ovesighl will always be recogmed training prog mm to make up tor ihe loss ol sight the cnib has establish eel a training progiam designed to meet the needs of both child i en and adults thiough this program blind i persons in all walks of life become useful cili ens earn then own living and lake up again many activities ihev thought gone lotevei along u ilh then v ision numerous seivites aie needed lo icstoie the hi i nil pet son lo normal hv ing to make them possible- ihe cnib looks to public donations lo piov nte ser vice lo some 68 blind peisons in hal ton eouniv i out of whom live in acton these gils will put ihe vvotld al the fingetlips o the blind silverwooo womens institute plan fall events 1 he silvcrumod womens in- stitim met ill ihe home of mrs tom applevaru with the presid ent mrs c wilson in the chair the meelinu opened with the in- siliute ode followed hv the mary i sliumit culled members inswered ihe roll uill how to keep your figure ihe minutes of the list meeting were leul and business wan dealt with mrs willinm norton l lu he the delegate to the area uinenlion tn guelph on sen- k inner 28 ami 29 mts harrv marchlnglon and mrs dure wilson were named to attend the training school in mimoii on october ii and 12 the theme will he sew to save dullais and make sense it was decided to have a w- inp kit showei at the next meet ing to send inciseas a euchre anil bake sale will be held in stewarttown mall on november 10 the meeting closed with a social hall hour over a cup ot tea congrntulnte parenti congratulations to mr and mrs ted worall on the birth ol their daughter c at rv i vnn shortill sheet metal plumbing and heating contractors car woo j oil and cos furnaces sbeelmetal fabriealing of all kinds ravestrouglung all the neeessirv pipe and lillmgs loi the hint mg liade oil hut tie i set vice pumps pressure laun ch y and sump moi water healeri watei softeneis complete stock or pipe and lutings septic tanks and beds shop 184 churchill rd n phone 464 acton ont wanted male clerk for the office of the county assessor at milton ontario preferably between the ages of 19 21 with at least grade 12 academic standing good mathemetician of good address and general background commencing salary 2400 2600 pension ps i and ontario hospital services plan in effect apply by letter stating age marital status and previous experience prior lo oct 10th 1961 to- mr garfield brown clerkadministrator county of halton box 998 milton ontario g brown county curk it alter retiicmeni ironi the taim thevoung pccvple and ywo hours j lh a where thev have lived tor the past 2 vears mrs oakes had few outside in terests other than her tamilv and those associated wth her church for the older members a recent newcomer to milton with a good scottish background was introduced and welcomed namelv irene waldte mrs lad r ouccur who will shortlv he visit- n a mt f st ing acton each week to teach highland tap ballet and folk dancing the evening concluded with scottish dancing protect our precious forett albans guild mrs oakes k survived bv br husband one son dr frank oakes acton three daughters h azc i a t home m rs r bruce tniere marv of guelph and mrs gordon swans ton margar et ui rock wood- alko haft to ae ton st john ambul nice bl igaele we re on ellllv eltn lllg the iveent caleelon i air a elite and two small lawns weie sighted in the elnvewav al the home et jack bui lough wit uw street al t v am this mom my thuisdix t at lei tumping the stone lenee at dr garrett v home the eloe nibbled on grass while the two tawns leapt the stone teiicc again and ve indered onto the fiee pivss pntpertv mourn her loss is the onlv stir iving brother of a tamilv of ii vie toi l sharpe almonte on lano seven grandchildren and nine great grandchildren funeral service was conduct ed by the rev donald vaest at st albans church wtdnesda afternoon with interment in fair view cemeterv pallbearers were- paul li w son ken blow cliff brad lev onie lamb george shavpe and w k graham we take pleasure in announcing the appointment o f mr sam brunelle a s o u r area representative dum0nt aluminum products onto umited change over sale of acton dry cleaners to streetsville dry cleaners save 109b off save on all drycleaning orders save now save let us dryclean your drapes suede jackets 0 suits etc dresses we do invisible mending tailoring waterproofing of rainwear shirt laundering etc free pickup and delivery phone acton 128 s

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