Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 7, 1961, p. 8

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7siyiw r gdttwtolptye low tide- pwwi m informed voting trnfnlosr yonwshlp eounelllori are study- nni nugqmiion to grnl 10 lx reduc tion to housoholds in willed ftuglbl voluri cm hillnts nl iho munlrlpnl qlflclloru thn suoifsllon mwl inst wnrtk linn bon rolimul o iho fiiiiinre corrtrnillmi find to iho onkvillo trilnloi nuiiitinrmlion ram- mlttoo i it nil nomnnd so incrsxhblo wn could hardly bolleso such n surosnoii voukl bo oivon moro tlian passlnn tllmition porhnps ii will din at tlio cnmmillne slngr i mcnntiino it mnyjinvp stirred svrw snrlous ihjnkinrj municipal voilnq never teem to tat any nronl nvords or atlttndancs at the poll in tho lnr1 trafalgar election 51 par cent of the olpitnri t ihuir hall this illuslratis thoxlent to winch voters narrciso the iroe- dom not to volf it is indicilivn ol apathy that in haiiohoiii it 11 sliillfiiiui to think tlial in llns dum oency svf in- ill mi supposedly pioud ol the alnlinhly rlolhi should have to lie intro duced as the incentive to vote surely lhat tnki ui only slops away from the illunllnn now being sxpoiitd in qunlwc where lax dllari were being used to buy influence and eventually vole there are penaltioi irtiponed arirl induce menls olforod in other rounti ies or volino but ihoie appear no mprn aneplnbln to ns a forced vole is not necessarily an inlellin inl vole or an informed vole ii is simply action takon for immodialo return inlluir exemption from penally or to earn an in ducement while voting records in any municipality mldom show an encouraging interest by electors votes are not held to accumulate statistics they are held to elect cltions to positions of responsibility experience has shown thai the apalholic section of an olei i- orile does not resent elections controlled by a minoiity until some crisis develops then ol courso the electorate bocomns aroused it is unfortunate but true and a 10 lax inducement to votinri would not nicessinly leid to any more ellective votjncj than w hiivn at present worth study announced eh vrj- in the secondary school syim litivi in 1962 ihit will provulo ihno ditinct branches it encour aging not only lor iho tudent whole inter cii may not be rolrly nrntlomic but for the goneril public 11 wrll who are seeing nn incntung number of dropout aiu un employment hon john p rohan hii announced thit secondary it hook will be encouraged to or- ganie into three distinct but equal branches 1 arts and science 2 business and com merce 3 engineering technology and trade withm eich branch there will bo an m- u remmq and challenging five year program ending in grade 13 through which students miy puxeed 10 higher education and train ing carh branch will offer as an alleinative for tho whose aptitudes and ambitions do not liki toward advanced education a four year program ending m grade 12 with a distinctly practical emphasis which will lead its graduates more dneclly into the field of their life s- work in sepreiiilki i9n pupils entering cradq 9 would bp interviewed and jounselled and choose one of the three branches in which to enrol at the owl of grade 9 successful pupils will bo free to transfer from hriitrh to branch and after grade 10 it will bo pos sible within cortain limitations for pupils to transfer from branch tohranch and program to program oboctives of the program are to make school moro interesting and rowardmq for students elicit maximum achievement from greater numbers of students at all levels educate and train a much larger proportion of young people thoroughly and to a higher degree and thus help canada to meet the challenges of today s increasingly complex soci il and economic setting naturally the plan will depend on good counselling good teaching and co operalive anil tiious students it will upgrade technical training that has for too long been looked on as a poor cousin of straight academic study we sincerely hope the local board will study the suggeted program thoroughly to determine if its implementation will he prac tical and useful in this area happening here other peoples in other places may lot their governors push them around but any canadian will declare that sort of thing ust can t happen here however and let there be no mistake about it that sort of thing is happening here public officials elected and appoints d trespass on private rights to a degiee that earlier generations would have fount intolerable how attitudes have changed is the subject of a thoughtful edit- 01 uil m the financial post which discusses the recent seiure b the government of bnlish columbia of the assets of the british colunibi power corporation the take over of bc electric by the b c hovl mment is rem irk able beciuse of the deque of apathy vuth which the public has wi trussed this exercise of naked power partuuhrlv m the decades since the begin ning of the last war the public seems to have become numbered to government de- cree no matter how drastic no matter how conf scatorv no m ltter how great an in- fruigement of what were until recently gen- erall regarded as private rights piitit at succession duties towering in come five and stale regulation of many as- pt ti s i lumhis js t have apparently luii timed the cinijnn of 1961 to toler ate 01 not to be iurpr ed at almost any ait of qot mnuint a mere hilt century ago the overwhelm ng lipid in view was h e eitrv is m no b 1961 it would seem thit the prec 1 ng v ew is whits nine 1 whii gov 1 rnment lots mo hue as u ft oei a ompinv nq th s v u r y profound chine 11 h it tlie pi b k setms w ilmg to let couviimit nl iio has there i een any m re ise n publ 1 iiion sbolt the solectton of people to whom it entrusts power of that we see no evidence we do see a great deal of cynicism m government and an in crease in bureaucratic folly as bureaucracy continues to grow because of the enormous efficiency of the tax system we do see gov ernments able to make prodigious handouts to particular segments of our society and to collect rich political dividends therefrom it has long been an axiom that parlia ment can do anything but turn a man into a woman it has long been a principle of democracy that majority opinion rules all history shows there is no turning the clock back but for all men of affairs the bc take over is instructive it is a very powerful illustration of how far public opinion in this country has moved in only a few decades of how drastically political and economic con cepts have changed among the public at large of how much today s individual is enhanced by the government he helps elect musical triumph i admire that last piece you played pro fessor it had a sort of wild freedom about it you know a sort of get up and go that lust suited me was it a composition of your own madam responded the eminent musi- c in i wis putting a new e string on my viol n a weilthy tex in returning from englmd wis asked by ctn artistic friend if he d p eked up a vin goqtttdr a picisso naw sud the traveller they ire all left bmded dr vers oet there mm besi s i already have ttuee cars the acton free press publish by the dills prinllnf and publishing co ltd rumckd ih i7s and rhiblihcd csors thurvdav at v ilhiv si ailim ontario miilibti nl tin- audit buicau nt cinuluuin- the cva and iho ohlanuouiboc ilimmun of the cwna aslscrtimne rites on rcqucit suhsv 1 ipuon- rmiblo in ulitiki 500 m canada 4 00 in i neloml and ultili cminiiinuiulth lounlik- 00 in tin initelt slatis and ottiei luuign columns single- copies 7 authoned as sitond class mail post ullue donailnient dlliui the only paper ever publuhed in acton g a dills hdiloimnchicf david r dills managing editor business and edijor1ai office phone 60 0acton m 1 m 0 wnf ssfvr t v f i i j the good old days pikiim liy klirr rl r wi w suai eutd sfuce rum mln i inip1e il uk k ijn i u is u lliiih whil i w t k nl pi ul llu lh luii hmiim ami ul llu- ilu ulliil hi tlk ml wlmh i mi ul u li ihli vji ip liuiii i sin ill hivmi v in stninhli p it ikiilnl it lu s it llu i ui i i hu ll 1 pluilllmll t lulltllllu k ullll ssilll iii iiiv wild llls m tun s iii it ill ti i hi llu m l wit k s lollllllll imll 1 vullilll 1 hiirii msill tn tin n al u i si it uis ihcitt hi linw ii i i w lu l u 1 ii s lll dlll tn n i il tin pi i its inl ilu- pilllums 111 l i ss in tin lllipi iii it mmi 111 l 1 s ii il slioillil v ii ii liinl slip liiiin llu piths ll i l uiislli ss is 111 jill till i y ii uimmhi i iii it im n uhn kniius wh il sii niiji ii ul w lw uil ill slli s i ii ul ill i uk hi i n i lipin il il i hinkv lumk pi urn inii ami llu n hull shorn it niu l lilom uk ki 1 i mi i n llllilis in whuh llu uluis si t ill iii tlllllk si is iiiiiu mill sill llll lst ill klhiw ii is will i is ipnl tiim tin u mill ii ul ill i muih 1 i t sll llill h ll k l ill ml hi ml i u nl i p niiph i i ill 1 i u 1 1 n in i s sups t mini ii i ui i in in nil nipi i i pull hum ii tuji i tu i hni i uil ll u is l w mill s dui-llm- suinillvjl ih4 i n illi ml i i jllsl is i w ilkiit p isl this m ll iiw ilil ihiih il h ipp in j llu itonl w is ip huh pi ipli 1 uphill mill i llknl ml llu illlllk hhlid ii ill mil in m tin dip lis t llu inuis i nnlh i mi i swu i sui in 1 llu link 1 a jmui ll i iniimn l tnlp il i hum i unl u tiki il sli ii hi in 1 imis luu 111 ui i vx is in in h mil m u 111 ill is l s ill n si i in 1 n il mi sh i l 11 ii lu i u- i s til it ill ill ll i ill v ll ll va is l i iniv ilu ilu i xii i in iu n i mi i nkh h mi is ui min t 1 i iw h uk j m v ii i k nn pk i- nl u u i i 1 w i m u w i n i sh k in in nl u hi h in l h u i i mi hi lik i i i i 1 i h ii hnii i i milii i hi i ii ill 1 i in i i nkm m i ih illollist lu i din si kn ik ll him il twn is i it is n i ihr u h i hi iln h iii u ip i in m s n i ik s l ih ilst u i i l 111 hi s t utii j iikiuj u is nn it n s u i pi p iu tw nt pn n ii vx is l nk nisi l on t sni ill lulit it p i i i in tn h ninhlli i tlk r mm in ih ii uu nl hi n i i i l i pti t l pi i i w lilt ill i p u i h ui unl u in t l skin in i w hiu ui th ih il r iiiuil is slw s in snlsuiiijs unl lni sotvs unl tiki mhijiv n t liimn miius sk sill piiklll thitll dili is illlllll l mil shfuniih is sin pnkiil hut itli itiihllp illlllll 111 nl till jjilll ii anil lhit w is m intuulik imu to llu piiipli onmn tiul thi wdiui by nill smilcy nl inik lllllsn hllli lllil 1 i iii ll i hiu i llh ml i 111 u lit ii i u i llllll ill i ulllt i lup on lln suit in llu i i luh ih ii in h ill i luii nl llu iu in i tu it now intik hki ill ii n iiiiqilltv i tu lit li ihlw iliink hi i in h is i i iiui- niu n mil in sunn in nu in uli pni n i in in lull nt knls ui tin ii i iik ul litis s i 111 lllllnsphi li i iiiiiiii iu i in si i ith n i id 1 ih ami i its it in musk in ll ii i nl urn hi i i i s i iki i ixik it i ik im pli oiuiiii i u sl tin iu 1 1 in i hi ii thin pu tl i ip in si i u n hsii ii inli nl i v i i iii li hv vnllll hnws in kli ilii sni 1 1 i nnl ii unit it h h uui n siuif s ni u lln in niinj nun i iitl t nupli s sup pin union snup a li sulimil hliuuli ul mis iui imu spu i h it ihnul llu lllllnsphi u ui ii lln wtlilisi iliinks si ti il iu imi ippli i nli i unl i uih lul ni him in i illi il i nki iu i ui whnh in lu m il ni tint is nki unl milk ulixi it i in i ntt i i niu is nki willi tin iu in in i mil llu 1 1 s ni smut i hi l mil i ss s smlukl nn lln i unl ii in unl i ish im ml i a h un with i h ml unl i i ilii wilh tniij- hi n k h in sliu i li imisik in lln tin ki shin innkiii hki wn pmpli ishlil up il ii i i p u l ills h ii i ihu with th il ii i slllfi i willis sl rilllslliil i nl s uis i in 1 1 s nn iln ss ii in lll iii i i 1 ii i in ml slli ss t uvu iii i tliiiik ittlt nil sin s n i nn willi h is i m i nus i kl 1 i 1111 i ii va in h in iiiim il snv sh s k luu i im s i ilk sin t h ill mi i in i h in h i iln s iw r n sp mish i ii i sn p si i in il ni 1 ku vis i i sh xv s i ii i i rl lln i h w ui 1 hi h t i i ii unl in n wn i i vn llu sh i is hi ill ii is imp s i t i nl p ii il m w illi m in h in h ii kji uiiil sh sin limn- is nth mi in nh m hlk sun hup s it lit llllll i spl i ill i iii 111 ill mill lllls iii n oil mhj iii ml ll is ill iili i iii ill willi i i s i uinp im i in huil silling wilh lu i who llul s hlllllh i sill i ilk l i mill lu s llu mils l i iimk in i iw c il hiiiusi lu umks hiik wh u in s si nvin at wh i ih th m ill iv il llisli illlli ills hi llu sill i i mis ll v tlh til oil nil lliiu shnws illi si il in plnli ll i i t s ll im i wnid with i lu ui iii i i id s tin minn- i i luw lid is it in ilum is lit 1 lltllll i lull dpi i itll i j illlllll i i piuilldli nut t 1 utk h s i ill il it ml illuiiilt uli v slllili 111 hill so is 111 p ii hum t in minks tin i lu hki lulk nitisu i iinniii lln pi in nutki s i nn i i hin i kill llu gi i till it vvui k uui lilt hill 111 iki i iii ik hlnlh il il ann in i vtiun h i low w iih i huh hi it il suvs ink w i h it ik s i hi in i miiis hui pu it jmiui hi 1 mn s uvi 1 nut sits limn he s kn k stimh w ho h is in 1 n siniti ii th hi ilk su iii ml sll iii ni i 1 llll lis dili 111 ll llll sillies in pis s ml win in iiuhliuii nu w unl 1 h w is 1 ii it li m 1 uiis mm s h j 1 1 1 ii iln im pu oimiiii l 1 p lis ill si tllnl a 1 1 i lip ul inllti in 1 ilihfhtluik i in mtii 1 lln whrik hlisuiiss h i 1 l ish ll llllllhll ilhli i imiili ih il is 1 h iniint- in lln s il i ul iln h ml itt il lln sli i n ii 11 tin ilil llhi nl til nn tu n u it tilul 1 tnuunit i i iii 111 ls i lulls mill i 1 s mil in s iiil ihis uhl ulunimst in unh iiitln imv wi h li k i u p 1 tt is in tin st t it 4 1 in llunkin in ivln ih v imi 1 su sintul itin ill nut 1 h li 11 limn s id n l 1 h hi 1 t hint in nls h n k i i ih l in 1 ks w isitulh w ishnijj in t ivm 11 i ll s ulliil 1 nu i 1 ul i 1 ui 1 tuil 11 bnck in 1941 tiiken from ik umw nf lit lre irthh rimruduy kupl ii 141 in lln animal fminitaiiuiil on siiiiiiiiv lor llu- i illlis oil hlllllloilslip ol ill ii i lsl fioll luh il tu oijii lown miss lloinliv mi ilu isoii ol al ion 11011 illi slut iii i inlili in illi ot llll ll it loi llll ii i ills is llll iii i llllll i 111 shit iii ll is i llllll 10 ai ton mil li ii ntu hwi i on lfllllllltt- miss mi iili i oil oil iii i tint uui llilloir tiintoi llouitiu ikcls iuiiiiliii imi k lilirli tu s hoiu iii i slllllllloii willi llllll mill i iluli li nu di iiioii liifions viini wi lifi i vtollv mi and lloio lln simile mm lo fit is in llu lloilli i onolllh i ollljii illlllll hiu i ii iljou nu iiiih is ol lln llllllol i ii iii i llll i loll ik ii iii 11 llll iii u lllllllll i llllllllll i ot 111 lllls iii llll lllli i oiiill iii lot vviilli ll llll lll iii pill ho nop llii im k id i i ii t ii illlli i iii lll i pill ilo llll ll ii ill i nimi iii i i i i 1 v ll i i ill il ill llll i o i i unilo im i s i iluilil lul lo i in a ion i ill i iu in xl v i k ion i l on ol hi in i lo 1 i llu im li o nu 1 i ii i llllilli is liil llli llllll i iii iii ol kill i 111 ll i i llllll iii iii i iii iii i i illlllll h hill i iiio i ii llll i iii i llll llll im iii i iii il iv i ii ii i in a hill iii ii llllll 111 iii ik i k 1 i a ii lu i i a i hi ml on villi i iii iii ill llll ll hi 1 i ii iii llll llll ll ii iii im i llllll lollll ki iiih ll i ii ll iii hi lill uliul ii lull in ik hi i i ih li i ill in lnii on inn h si in mi v i i ol 11 i illi mull ii i lun ii linn mil ii uliii i i on ho i i ih inn i lo i l ih inn i lulli ll in i iinn i i mil ho pi 1 li n iii i ii ii i m ii in i hoolh il hi 1 i i il i ill ih ink in in ml ilkil lo iii i i liliiiln iii lilli ii a hlllllh i or lillllo i ll llll m kiiillli mill lioi i i i i ii i in i i n i nn h in i i n k lln nil im i ii iv ilhi i in i i i in i i o i i sin miiii mil m ii i il nil h i i ih i o i m on inn i g about relics of the road i siiuilii- il his mill iiiiii 1 lion nt ins in uiu s 1 l ui l k i n i ii in 1 lln i ii i ill km is 1 in ioli ii i n ji i mill hi i lln us nh is iimnii 1 in im li i unl p ii i is ol linn lis is issikiiiifi ti i uu in i u s 1 i i u s in si t n iu h i t i 10 in i ii ui oiuli m s i i ii i i i i il 1 1 ion i inn i inn is u hmls ssi h h s u i in ins i n ul lliilshui- ii minimis nn ml hnnps llm i is i h 1 1 us i l i hi in is i hunks ml 11 ism inks ml s is sun nu i unl 111 im i hi si ils is in i 1ikiuh in i r n iii h ns lis liiiss irsil slulih ikis ami i ililns ill is liiv irrl isln nnililli pilis soilli ol llu ni had 111 v i ill in nnn in -lllli- had hunks on lln his and nimbi h lu in it ik is is si ils mn li il i i iiiinil ml i p s li 1 1 do sou n11 iln lln snli and all nt 111 in iliu pi i ssi lln oiillil in nli 1 11 1 in alunn uid nil om i nlii h mn ii si nn iniin usu ills hoilinu mil ttn niu imin ini ussl lis lln ssali1 tank m i in ins plans in llu pnisnni ih ii lln ihiisluni nnnluni will 1 hi- old s l a m hisslnis lln ism ill mil on s iiuntas hiniifhl tu ms niind mam ho i i iii lln iii hoiss hood ihouihls tinis ssas cnn it siuis linn is in issm1 iiiuil dills hluksmith simp lust ilossn inn in dili uui im the pnsiul conlliiiiiii on pane nine back in 1911 talon fisam lh wot itm pn fretm rtiuyiultty napl 7 111 i asi w iliusdw ivonln iluml until oihk l lu inolor mr of mi tnit ii sliuiv wai totally ilisiiovid liv im mi sloiiv isis lu din iph iliai i wiiliiji mid mi mat kliu i uminihi uf w liloii ssoiks look oui llu sai alii i diiihiu atioiil own im a illlli isluli in ss i in n llu- iilovi is in us in laki i supply nt 1isiiliui ii ss is iu ii iv iluk and iu liandlinii lilt ijamiliui siiint ul ll spillid muklin thru not imu lln i ii lliluit sliu imu avvav h in ins plpi tan lfslv ihiowliiii iloisii llu in in h lu i flash tin i ii ssas cniliii- i ll in ii hill s ssllli ll sllol illlllll mi oi iii in i in llu ui ih ihr hiiiiiti is is i illiil mil nut still iiiuil pu llalllis lull mil luloli lln at iv is v tnlnl tllin 1 in ni ii linn isis i 10 inn s powi i i llllll slioll hid ss is i sitoss i ul in ill i i sllllnlloli ll llll loll lo i iii i l i i ill ll ss is v lllllll ll mil hill sll 111 1 i iv ml j slo s in oil iii 111 s lllll lip llj v i nu i ii ill iiiiiiiiii iii nun iii ii i lll i uli in lln l i i i si ssi i k iii iii i ii lipi illlill 111 i iii ii iiiis iii hoini llolll iii i hi i ill i iii aii ill iiii iii mi i ii t ss ill iii illlli ippi i ill il ishi ii ssi i llsdli i i i t lion s h ml opi in tt on til il iv hi i ll ollll hi loi llolll l 011 i kill liinl i pillllli i llool in lint i lo m a iiinnli t t j i i i iiioll i a i lout i iln i ii lull in i si i it il lo llu o i iv llollls al i iii i imi of llu tlllslii ii i ol ll jthl iiiuil i i l ssi i ilii n iiii itioll ol mi vs nu will is i i hiii ml lj i ui t ol si is l ii dill i i ti si n t pi t hi tlis llllll in ll ti t ol ii i i tin iii illn s ii mi n 1 moiili i ipp milt l in llll position ih mi i lllll hi i 11 llll lln ill ih ih i i lollll sll in i is s iiiim li iiiiiiii sirin k ih p s i h in i hul iltti iiln lul nil ti ill m il n i lolliid hi 1 mil li hi il mi i i ll id ii mn i mil i ii p hi tl llinlli d i il is sll i is i iliodrrl dill in iii doss iiponi anu somtl ii ill i ll iii is lli i hi llu l ii us professional directory and travellers guide ml- uk l hshiai iiikktoitt dr w n c krnt iey phs n ml si nn ol ii ii n i it i t i s i ai m ii i i7 it 1 i i lllli i v f ii iii i i ii dr d a gaprett iln i ui il s ut n nnn r v ii li ill ni ito n ii ir il 17 ii ii i i si inkir mjr i 1 it it st ii dp ponrpt d nucknrr f ii ml s n ii v ii s i f i i i itl ri ii i t i a i a lfltk ami issi lls f i wright ii v s a 1 ii illi ii ii ii uistu lu ii le ib i s i 1 o m 1 ii s o 11 i 1 1 1 1 1 1iium- 1 dp a j buchanam 11- s ni 1 1 1 s of hi i t i t 1 vs ll ii 1 i 1 ikil c f leahfrland hi s s s p i ii 1 1 1 1 ill llll v i s lis is 1 1 1 1 ill ill 11 j ni m i vis 1 optic al ani hfarino athh e i buchner ro 0l m i t nt a t i niu it h n a i 4 m si artun a r w im ii ivi only 1kj p m ii 0 v i pi in robert r hamilton in t i s i x 111 im 1 s i mist iii mini v n ir town ont- ii iurs iii n i i in m hi lo frl r i ipninmfil l si i 1 v t im ri is iitl mi- llll 77 1 umiivi accoisitinci lever hoskin i a hi i t s n k iik st w i i rni l 11144 y m 1 hi 11 travulebs goidt gray coach line5 coac lltm iav actc1m ll ss a i ii i i mi i fj s t m i x i sun and sv j i ti m iw iim i i j l i p in u p li mi ni in is in jntl w slllll 1mj7 i m 1j st pm 2 17 1 j p n 1 r p m i j ti m 4 1- v if ii- m 1 j im i s sun and 11 cton a braida ba n ft- s s is put li m i s s i u ii iif i off ff it int b piru b pni i p ni 1 p hi s iiiii is s li cuk st e gunpli ta 4em offici- hiinr 0 am s p m isalunlil ii am 12 am railways canadian national ilisl ijtit vs mi time fflstklll 11 1 f m m t i t r in dulv rxvept m i ts 0 k a in i tisrunto 8 07 pin tir n11 9 01 p m la tu r sit snniljs oils wmtiiound qin im li stratford 41 m om it sntfiit h07 pm tu stritford 1 11 a m tu sratftird i7 ul i ss k i 2 2 p m to slratfurtcsiu urday pnly

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