r hit shot kmt the photographer was made with the camera not a ball at the tutfsday tenrtli class at the mill st count young nlhutlil with their aeketrready for action fire front row left to right cheryl lee patricia last john last john petcal chrithnt brqrtetle oeorglna angell centre row brehda aheme jeanette mllnes brenda aackeown beverley brunolle sally dick aleii patcai back row batty cook donna sterritt dorothy swrilt ruth ann elliott vivian smith alex patcai and george lee are instructing followthrouoh of a strong shot is closely observed by tennis instructor alex patcai beverley brunnelle is one of about 25 boys and girls registered for lessons from mr patcai and wae h- r ockwood auctionsale upswjfunds lawn bowlers tops league the rock a long women s in mr and stvtute held their jul meeting crcemore at the home of mr and mrs harvey buvne with a la rye at tendance a feature ol the meet ing uas an auction ac as a side line for added lunds ror institute purposes with mis wm ritchie j as auctioneer refreshments sen cd hv a committee in charge silver wood were enjoved and a pleasant cc- nipg enjoxd b all picmnl i on top i congratulations to roikuood bouling club on siunssful games so lar this season tht are the highest storing club ha ing deleated georgetown club on then grounds ivcnth citizens of rockwood and i clnit wvrc in geoigetown saint da taking in the oiungvnun s celebrations a numbei of wrestling lans were in guclph mouda ol last week at the memorial gardens mis e b jul i ilk- who has been ill due to spinal tumble is spending some time in montreal where mr jolhtle oc is on a uamirul i qsr mr and mk fred luvttxi t weiv guests at i ik golden wed ding annixeisan ol mr and mrs i noah mitki ol kitchenei the celebration was held at the home of their daughiei and son in law mr and mis atthui molded mrs alex campbell mi and mis neil lambert and daughters lnn and maureen hamilton mr and mis sun mclean ter- world war 1 vets picnic at cases picnics were held at the home of ben case lecenlk lor the hid field batten association and the th i ield ambutanec association ol the lirst world war and firm swing puts ruth ann elliotts ball over the net at the tuesday tennis class youngsters learn proper stance and grip y staff photo assistant george lee each tuesday at the courts lessons were instituted three years ago and have been very popular mr patcai has two sons learning mr lee a daughter tu v vjubsr ft mi and mrs ean macdonald dorchester mr and mrs john ackerman guelph mr and mrs maurice hind wesion mss t mrtwn h tnmnln a large number ol out of town people patronised rner side park adjoining the highwa sun dav mr fred austen of hamilton again conducted sen ice at pres bvtenan church sunda goes caravanning miss sheila husking lelt the prewous weekend for the united church training centre at fii oaks paris where she and 40 othets will undeigo a week s naming pic pa rat on to c ua anning with a team of three others she will work lor thiee weeks at indian resenes at cape crokei and oneida thev will cam on vacation bible school work and make a communit suie lor munmes new housing a dent mission held or area caravanncrs ret pa but local chinches li ing accommodations foi nansportation eas stll a i oral eie no pi mule iinul pa gdfn miiis summer dances tea of interest thf glrk offbull leum of ellen millw pluvcil at rockvvood niduv with u wlnfor uilen the senior mens lenm plnveil un ex- lilhltiun icjiu sunday at aelon park with a win anil monilav evening ill centre inn loslnu 1 1 the old lime dnnies hptinsiireu by eilen mills communllv cluh even oilier siuiuljv ninlil inivi been so successful tlav will be continued ihimibhuut the sum- nur months weekend miesls or mr and mis hunk iehrk were mr and mrs ted denned tmtinlii njul mi and mrs 1piul and lamlk ol wainmeel l mrs ii hemk and dauuhler olane lert tor a weeks hulidiiv wellnnil ind wilnflrnl personal notes of aetonlant villling outoftown poind nd of vlillom in at ion horoai r mr and mis j nesblll and family leave satttrdiv for a week al cohden jjnesls til mi and mis don williams mr and mis ted balden and tainilv are en ovine a weeks lamping tup at teeswalei ills trict mailha philips guelph is hull daune with mi and mrs j cartn m and mis w minn weie in biooklyn uvei the weekend willi then dauuhlei mi l mis sid barnes and family mi oum ml lean ol siulhurv is mm iiiiv his brolhei fin a lew divs mi and mis w mil can mi alex milnloshmonlieal is visiiing mi and mis ii mi iiitoli strawberry tea a sliawhem tea tin the lawns of the beiltv home was luglilv sulllsshd wednesda al lei noon undei the auspices ol the w m s and wa ol nden mills united churlh mr anil mis don mclean and familv coinwall were msinne llieir paienls mi anii mrs i easierbiook guelph and mi anil mrs w mli ean si mais ann ken bellenlle is hohdavinu with hei prandpaienls mr and mis w cole katkerine davis guelph spent a week with her gianilmollili mis j gilbiilsun mis slni vttison is tonfined lo si jnslphs hospital guelptlj mi and mis j hamei havi kit loi a week al bane mines mrs rob rov is visum hel patents al athens fot tvvo weeks dr and mis j hmrv and loin lhildun kit loi home al cob- don sundav aflei a months huh- dav vvilh mis kave stevenson mr anil mrs garnet mldou- izi ii anil lamilv also bixndj wripht left loi a wlck al oral beach mai ilia stevenson is in guelph for a week with mi and mis bob davis mi and mis howard james anil finiih spenl the weekend al waiilsv ilk- mr and mrs k spink of this iklown weie monilav ulss ol mr and mis w wilson w at the door you bill loiicl tors alwavs call al the most nv oppoi lune lime pisi when iheie is somebodv home if you enjoy raiding ihlu col umn wont vou help keep it in teresting please phone or mnll the free pres any articles which loiiiii lie included visitois hull iluvs parlies all are wellunle miss clsle k stevvail or tor- onio is shntllii hie vveck in town with rejalivcs mis w i sproston jennie and david spent last week in jovce- vllle visitinu vvllh her parents miss t lewis of london nnu- anil is spentlinu five weeks al the home ol hei sister mus john l ast i asi p evcn ii or ihc firemens fmivvlinu team took their wives dancing to i els uic loilite mrs clint tavlor anil sons aie enjoying a lamping holidav at port elgin this is iheir mrsl lamping trip mis swllt anil hei son horn blue spiings nursei ics lelt sat tutlav loi iwo weeks holidav al sauhlc blilii miss lillian tiovell of downs view and itiend ol annua visiled viitb misses m and c ramshaw pnl si on monilav mi mil mis w t ramsilen ol btilfalo spliil sundav vvilh mr iu mts c w mason in hunur of ml masons biillldav john mil tenv dowding are spending a monih in clmago visiting willi iheu auni anil uiilic mi and mis it w usiick mi anil mis jack new ion had mis h cluke and liei loin ilau glhms visiting iliem list week thev aie i loin viltona bc william klmck 18 had a k opeiallon 1 ijesdav in oakvilk hospital an aliitlenl about i veai ago lauseil the iiitil whiih te ijuitcd suigeiv miss dianne newton sknl julv isi weekend with hei puenls she is now at lending a six week ionise al mcmaslei univeisitv jaking 1 ilelaluie mu philosopbv congialulilions lo mt mis bruce beckett on the- birth i he- church ul then daughiei fi idav julv 7 oiikis mav go to irontiei u cicoigctiivvn hospital us is lumbenng or mining com waltho groceteria groceries and meats fruits vegetables confectionery ice cream soft drinks tobaccos stor hour open tuesday to saturday mmt0 6pm friday 9 am t0 9pm closed mondays 10 young st acton phon 440 elmua hollda olida high hauer in quebec mi maiiku ostiaiulei oueboc em a two week iv with a fixnclhcanadian school student francis motet had ehatgl ol serxices sunda at stone- i huieh ond rovkwood united chuuhes mrs 1 pieixe was a iiust ol her sun and lamilv m ouelph durmfl the wcekenel when a birthda celebration was held in honor of her son don murra and earl patter- ton hae returned home after spending some lime in the west rr r r connor and mrs connor and mish elaine connor arc awav on hohda mrs david me far land has re turned home alter spending some time with her son clarke mc arthur in windsor mrs ha el maud is spending tome time in toronto with rcla live weekend visitors weekend and sunday vudtors lovell bros modern meat market where quality 15 higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavhtiouohino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phont ul 434 rockwqoo 94 hour swvlc jem directions th jam it 12 2 mll watt of aeton on no 7 high way half way bat wean rotkwood and cualph turn laft at forbas garaga lo arriva at lha drivaln thur only july 13 who was that lady ton clrtis nrw irtis jmt 1 1 1ch rivers edge ailull enlrnalnmcnl culiir ra mill ao ni ur rii r fn sa july 1413 dont give up the ship jrrri 1ims plu meet me at the fair uiur d dvilfi disnans montum july 1718 the rose color cliuni invopc richard dl rtos jl av simmons uctor viaturr plus uranium boom dlnms morgan wadthun july 1930 gift of love mlur c mi iiustopo lalrfn bacall robirt stack plu gallant hours james cgnfy fkec playoiounds children undet 13 free snack bar sbttwt nightly at dotlc always a cartoon its almost like magic the wtv 1 want ad in thrs paper pioiluics results last uhen- eei ou ujnt to sell bu re nt or hue cost is tun the acton free press mlwh emmu cole left by plum rrom motion airport sulintluy fur a fllyht lo saukiilixm whore she will spend u vucullon with ixlulive mnny frlemli ure lioplnu for n speed v rotoverv lnr mm alfred lony wlm is u patient in the wedem llntplliil turunto she underwent un cruljun lusl week pillil eyilll of cnelph v lulled with his- iinindparenis mr und mis ilurt7 miilnpilzu this week nnd iheir son mr juck muinprle if montreal snipped iff wednes dav an u huulness trip riylnij iniia i mrrddug tarrant retvimad jhnme from hospital ian satut- uay vlsltlilij with relatives and friends in cunudu are mr and mrs colin mnuhb und their iwo duuuhluis colleen und christie they huve been living in florida und plan to relm n lo the buham- us where llicv lived n few years uuo ills parents ute mr und mis nell minuhh 1nthy- mr und mrs eldon mormvv carolyn und marlene ol nut mountain saskatchewan ue vis illng with the latters parents mr and mrs darwin cripps miss jean lldkcu has resumed her duties al stephenson mem ho i hospital alliston il ui he hid home three months due to illness before refuininu to nuis inu she spenl 1 week visitmu in uikle uid hint in new llosion new llimpsliiie the traikertvpe uruan in ae lon united clin ih virouuht a voiiple fmni otiuwii lo atton sundav thev nltertded thurch seivhe heard n demolish allon or the oi uaus inpalillltles hv their fiiend oiuanisi and ihoh leuder geoiue llholl mid had dinner willi the i llliills dl and mis georjje kell uctvllie vishors he is a phvsleil themlsiwilh ihoni- hi ma i resvaiih count ii and is also veiv iiileusted in oruniis viotwswi m u m cv k uiowne ovil the weekend in- ended mi haiohl wulson past gihki master ol oulaiio west london hio goidon walker past mistei or loiidnn mi jind mis i eonaril aiktn and dmiuhl ers ol owen sound mi and mrs qui maiini ol toionlo mi ami mis i vnn i lovil toionlo mi mil mis sul coiillei i oiidon ami mi anil mis lorn itessam llamillon mi lussam ami mi inimuk wen sihool i muds ami i hail in n sun i ai h mini sime l2s acton business college opening in september shorthand and typing courses hours of classes 9 30 12am i 30 4pm apply box 36 the acton free press july clearance sale mchale shoes for men regularly priced afl9 95 to 21 95 now 1595 pr in cooperation with our suppliers we aro offering these high grade shoes at this re markably low price for the month of july only bensons shoes immmmnmmwhii gdqfitm thursday july 13th 1961 of the holland shop at 71 mill st opening specials- thurs july 13 t pkg shortbread cookies reg 29c plus second package for only 1c fri july 14 1 pkg fruit slices reg 29c plus second package for only 1c sat july 15 1 pkg your choice of cookie reg 39c plus second package for only 1c only 1 special to each customer we specialize in imported cheese confectionery cookies cigars cigarettes pipe tobaccos dry goods the holland shop 71 mill st e huibnan proprietor acton ont vrh ihiry i t