Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1961, p. 2

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thr- acton fr pratt thursday may ffih 1t61 cmotchru graduation achievement day church hours visits in news mr john jiukuon of mnrkham spent the weekend with mr and mr charlie bfhnle mltt karen hamilton attended j ho 4 ii aihlcvcntcril tluv ut guelph on snluitliiv mr hnlllc ill sholbume is pending a few weeks with hoi daughter and mm in inw mr and mr john near mr and mii aichle kerr and mr hon anilunnn m tended the giathuitlrm nl giivlph on wed nesdrty of mi rohon kerr mi ami mis frank rreemim and sntulv tliineion mid m mil ted rrecninn intended the cameron ilarwnod wedding al dunlin hulled cluncli guelph on snfuiiluv mi and mis normnn tumor ml nnd mis ralph mckeown and famllv mr and mrs juck mcadnm and family held a pic nic excursion oier the weekend -at-barrlcv- mi and mm harold swnck linmcr ol hiimlllnn lsilcd on snndav with mi and mis arthur suuckhaiiier nntl mi and mrs leslle swuckhiimct and fiimilv cnngiattiliilions lo mi and mis blown onllie gift of a son hsl week church chanted a rcminrtci ihnt church service will he i hanred for the summer months sinning this sunday ut churchill chiuxli service i al 10 bcliwk 0j sunilny sihool t 11 oclock mi and mm ralph worgnn mid debbie of toronto visited on sun day at the home of mr anil mrs bruce lollch miss muriel menlchol of we ion visited at the home of hei titter mr and mrs ward ham lllon over the weekend mr and mm archie kerf mr and mm don anderson and mi uiul mrs duve williamson spent the weekend ttt their ml luge ul tenelon tallti mi and mm john macrao of mninllton mi and mis jim thompson and tenia lvnn of llixtmplon were puesis on mon dav willi mr and mrs aithur swuckhamet and fnmllv ml and mrs ward llumlllon and family vlsltod with friends ut palgravc on suntluy visitors at the home or mr and mrs frank rreeman on sunday were mr and mis l c cumeron und john of kitchener mrs glen mcconnell anil miss rlivnila mcconnell of kincardine and on monday mi and mrs p worslev and unujitlcrs cherjl and peggy of kitchener ut the same home mr and mr charlie blnnlu nnd mm jackson visited on sun day with friend al biamptmi donations front outoftown swell arena project total lcor sir kudosed picnic find n small contribution lo the community centre hind wishing vou every success in this worlliv cause 1 remain yours very truly ernest a brown 27 kirhy rd downsvluw opt pi v v k1 mil j aclon council continued from pane one the llfth riiuiuclul statement amounting to jii4aa77 was pie- seined and uutlioiicd foi pav ment cun hinss 1 id united gus lid acton hdym llec com j b mackenzie son can tire coip aclon llydu ilct coin nrcrr j 3uim 4131 1161 799 2127 274 27 with tho acton boy stoats by bruc williamson nn ilnnhl your son hns slated thot he is in the fox pa i nil con par paiiol eu and vou muv unmlcr uhiii this patrol siysicm is nil ahmii it is hihicallv turning the unkcrsnl jiunu insttnct ol enrl ntlolusctmuc to yootl purpose for boys ot i ik jiil ol sloiitinu tend to go nniuml in smll heruwnr shipping groups with one of l hum bet mist of umo qukknesn of mind brightness or pergonal it inventiveness of occupations or mcuj some mustulnr or botlilv tulvantage as be nxog nizttl htroleadu it was ihtse groups nnd these itiukrs lr whom bukn ptm ell lotindir ol sloiiimi vast- his luu lot topitsuiule the leud ei to lolluvv the path ot good the path ol slouting and his torn panums will follow him b p saw the bovkulii as mission arv instuitlor and the rocks on vvlmh the scoui mmimmi coutd bjbaoulll leader han initiative and in ihc bijjiitiing that was how it u is the bo with the initiative got hold or his willing palrul ami became a pl his pal ot pel haps his most ob vious nval became corporil ot as we have 1 1 now adav s scorn d and scouting was hoi n 1 he pixsent elav patrol nttmbeis noi less thm font and hoi lltote ihlll eight m mils the scletlion ol his patrol is neiimdlv i ik ehotee ol ihc in ilivielual bo upon oming the hoop however his decision is vuhtct t to ihc grot nunc of the patitil ami the eoutt of honor it the pitrol does not vsish to accept turn alixadv has eight bovs oi the eoutt ol honor dics not agic lo his placing then some ti ink eliskiksions with the scehitinaslci must take plue and the niosi aeeept ib k s lution must he tonnd toi buih the hn niul the hikip ot exclusive club while eet tuktp his ihc light to itliim admin iiue lo am bov ibis iiht is mil unuked ptltcly on tho ground u of tin popularity a eout tronp or patrol is not an exclusive club f later a boy finds he luu made a mistake in hi choice ol patrol he is yiven the oppor- lunitv lo change the creation of a good palwl ilerniuu veiv much on the ex ample set by the pl and hu second and the extent to which thev uncouiage the participation of each member in ihc affuir of the pa l rot food is a vervrnporlanl part of camping the sue cess of a camp depends u great ileal on ihc meals ccrtainlv if they are xmt he camp will hold on pleasant mtmoiics cmul fod and ixguhyl nu iw tiic immirlant factors in good health und de- eloping a hi bod if ou are not lamtliar with the piepantion ot salails ihc following txetpe will add a little tuhle to the saladw vou will be required to prepare at enmp boiled salad dressing i qt milk os flour ii o7s muslard v os sugar i 07 salt ggs 4 dtps vinegar 1 7s bultcr l heal 2m uf milk oer slow heat 2 mix drv ingredients ihor eiughlv add rcmarning milk and mix to a smooih paste 3 add gradually lo heilcd milk sin consianilv until hick encit 4 ctnik stirring occasional 1 until no flavor of raw starch rcmutns 10 lo is mins 5 beat eggs add a small pot turn of hoi diessing to eggs and combine thoroughlv 6 stii uiio hot mixture and took 2 to minutes 7 re mov c from heat add buttei cihii shhllx and stii in inecat 8 coci and chill thomugh iv bcfoic using r hold 60th annual of hallon wl s aclon wmmns iiwntute had 12 numbers in itieiuluue al ihc tsoth mini ll meeting o the hit ton 1 uisiiiel annual held in the pix shv it t tun c huixh in cjcorgttown on tuesdav mjv 23 mis ccotgc 1 and ihc oldest pasl picsident who served a le lelei ol aelon btaiieh lot two iais i s2v- 1 y u uj able to at tend and answei ihe roll- call 1 he veai lilt bianch was organ icd will and ihc tit st prvsid cut was miss mcda ncfscm later mrs j r kmnedv an invitation hum the scotch block loi 1462 was acvtpud veitb the mcming to ix held in boston chut eh control phone trips false alarm friday aclon tux men spttl lo the tux hall i ndav afternoon whcn the t innciv snen sihindeel onlv to tmd a talsc alonn powei had bcen cut off ihc teiwn sirens foi a khort time uhile repair were being made ul the fire hall and oidv ihc tannery siren vou n tied on cheeking the tall firemen mki learned lhat one uf the cun trol phone fur fire calk wa being iruiikferred to fireman all dubv new home and the control switch had been tupped uhiihi ing the buuer at the tanncrx tht resulted in the tanner siren sounding ancient egvptians colored glass with a uu tonal containing cobalt harvey laverty heating humbina and lavuttouohino ipaiis to all makes of futnacjs custom shkt metal wotk oil and oai rjm4ace installations convltwon hirnhs saij5 and urvice mainstrtetn rockwood it mm in omrnt piiihv dowcs mavin j h gov s tinminl a duhv inst mini asstssui s j d lilcllhllllll 1 d i itliuioni ailclresy mullliiiiipli corp tu collutlui cumwoll co 11 il leui houkln ti cn munninu hlociilu dills print ii pub vvipern wasle pruil i ii wikki ft co 1enpii dimrlhutors cun pulnl ft vuinisli synimt hilwc onlpwv ptiliw p k mtwilllimih dopt or hlyliwavs cnr m l baxter lul oul lilc equip cupitnl conslmction pco surviityl guvlph siiiul ft giucl f prome moliirs fllnlkoic cu cun oil compiinics wallace ft tionin can ludlow vulve r tliompucin fuels twp of esquesini dtp i of tlcullh bell telephone co tisliiii ft porter aklo dimli t vin nomiim c f lejlhiiluiul j7w 21 m m it iii ft woo 1010 1741 7100 217 70 1110 04 16 10 007 26 8 10 209 47 1610 2h0 4 61 34 41 i 08 2040 41 37 40 ml 82 2 020 01 111 10 4 40 478 84 0 00 48 00 9717 14 80 4812 100 18 15 116 81 18 11 811 0121 7100 180 00 1 16 3100 fire accounts atlon hmiio com towi of atlon uilci kewu thompson motors j mcolliim cm tire coip wilson ft cousitih hallon the prcitnlion hallon mutual aid uniuil gas bell telephone 1 1 04 1 44 28 41 8 47 iso 100 108 16198 10 00 1000 0162 58 01 anietdnli- out may 11 m mr l yoiinghhlt aiton oni dear sir lililliimd please flrjil mv chwiiie ii my uunalion lu your antna tunil hiine you arc tue idivfiil in vnur mmpalgn a i was ntlail in acton bin left for muitltuhu in 1916 imvlnu only been huik their a iouple of limes slniu i biua nnlv ben in ihu iiraiwi once when i wan hntk lo mv nioiheis rununil i went one nluhl with mv cousin die lnlc pr nelson to see a hiukev inline bill do nol remeinliei ninth uhout ihe hullillnu we dlil must jif our sknlinii on itiliv i nke uml lluihlfrsiins- ponil anil oiilikxn rinki ul thin lime auitlnhoplnii vuu nre mirrebir fill i leniiln yours truly jno b nelson 100 murray tilen drive sinilhiroiigli ontario mav 20 191 mr a ymingblut treumircr ac i hi communltv centre fund deur mr youiibliil wo were very pleated to re- telvo a teller from the lakcilde chapter or i lie ode bring ing to our notice thin very good project you have underway community centre for acttin thin will provide adequate re- crcullnnul facilities for ull ugcu lutd will hu oiineiiully uod fnf the vouiiy und verv vatinu pi vldlnu n ucxki plueu fur rccren linn in theliiiwn lown mm bimllon and i wish vou everv succeus in thin vary wor thy piojecl jmenie find enclosed our chaiiv vjo think vmi will tnnki ilaile good luck i yours sincerely j ii bmiltun thr fire bureau to award plaques during fire prevention week plans for the full flic pieven lion piouimt in jlulion s ele mentary schools nle now helnu loimuliiled by ihe counlvs fliv pietniion bueuii i aiul one in noi iilon of ihls vein s propotied prouiini ull ih- ihc awarding i pliiiiuestifiliii lop tliissroom in each munlclpalilv fj ii vinton visitors in district on holiday weekend weekend lslors with ml nnd mis hurvev jesiin and bobby nnd ml t o mcculcheon were mr waller pasblci misses nell and 7ilda pushier of brice- biulgc mi and mrs roberl mc culchcon and dianne of kilchcn ei and mi and mis stanley mc kav ol gmlph miss mary fountain toronlo spent ihe holldai ucckend wilh her parents mr and mis chas rounlain mrs john alton and miss jen nieloiell spent monday with mi and mrs rube it patten and family guelph ruvmund cutting returned 42131 11466 77 a untie can sia undei water loi as long as 20 minuics then 11 must eoinc up lo breathe dining ihe x toiler fire pie vent km week the tire brigades in cuih hallon munlclpalilv plan to hold open houses and the clushiooms- hnnglng the highest percentage attendance of child ten anil pnrenls will win a hciui llfnl trophy fur their lehuol failler in the school teun the children will receive home fire hiiiird checksheets und these will be filled in bv the parents und returned lo ihe fire hiigades at the open bouses plaquei give inlerail awards lo ihe lop classrooms will be piesenled ul the annual lire prevention dinner we feel these pluques will be a big in eentivc in gelling the parents und children interested in the gienl need uf fire prevention in ihe home said ait peacock of burlinglun who is organizing ihe program for ihe bureau more final delails of the local conlesls are yet lo be formu luted al a meeting last week ihe bureau heurd counly muluil aid coordinulor douglas wilson cluel of ihe oakville hrignde explain several courses und speaking engagements that in home from hospital in guelph other hulion firefighter on saturday after spending a few das there with llllectlon follow ing ihe flu mr und mrs max milne rock sood iisiicd on sunday isilh mi and mis ted jesiin pasly and nancy mrs maude of guelph is spend ing u few duvs with her daugh ler edna al ihc home of mr har old sunlcr monday visiturs with mr and mis mcneill ueie mi and mrs noi man dryden and familv of puslev and mis dryden and diubclh of guelph have ut tended he told members lhat hulion u fire prevention bureau hni gained acclaim ac ross the province und scvcrul other counties have asked for information on selling up simi lur bureaus coop ration chief george wright or the trafalgar township safelv coun cil is hiterchled in assisting ihe bureau wilh fire prevention work and a delegjle will be at tending future meetings of ihc county group milton thups thru wed liwf miiton may 35 may 31 ip its vmmhtvuftvouue aptzfrl walt disneys irf onehumfrfedowe dalmatians rtewuieotoa smcial aooto atttactton walt disneys 45 min fcatuhe thi horsi with thi plying tail 2 shows each night at 7 arid 9 pm 3 special matinks sat may 97 m 12 mxm daan awn 1130 nd 3 pm ea ejmn 330 taumaad water into church completed men help wa with project the wa met at ihe hojhe of mrs trutik smith for the may nwollng und opened with the thm song wml- the lordj piayar in unlnoo and mnt eov mundijn ehar of ihwripiur study the peraunal or irtdlvldual ll acts j 113 8evergl thank vou nutei were read roll call win unawered by ii members fashion snow films shown the fhendly circle mat in the young peoples room of atlon united church on wvdnesduy of lust week fur llielr r meal ing films or ihe pauleliu ash- ion show held earlier hi wur were the highlight of the meet- ina many of ihe ladles were itelljjhluci lu nave the opporiun- hv lo see ihls as on the night of ihu show they had been work ing behind the scenes carman woodbum showed the films and was thanked by the group mrs nell millers group was in churgu and the scripture vvus read by mrs a irwin the slory of albert dttrcr ihe manor who palmed the praying lunula was read by mrs a iron side miss j mcluun pluvod for the hymns mrs w womlhorn pre sided for ihu business und ihe minules were read bv mm c w mckenie mrs wm wal erhouse gave ihe treasurers re port correspondence was- read bv mrs d vnnflcci g w mckenie gave an out line of ihe community centre program and verv ubly answered m mv questions i unrh was served bv the group in c barge sorry the wrong group was reported in ihuge of inst months mcel ing it should hue read mrs r nvcrdells group wilh mrs c ledger in charge the reporter jpoogics especially since il was mich an inspiring meeting h s holden optommnst eyes examined glasses fitted 36 cork si cast guelph miana taylw 37 iso tell about or luke something be longing lo your mother items of business followed the minutes treasurers report showed the water and wasn room in ihe church had been completed und many thanks to an who helped the wa ifi their proecl us quite u number of men helped with ihe work meeting closed with i hit benediction mrs d mclean was in charge of the program readings mrs smith the television trance mrs snow the mothers place in ihe sun u lontusl soclul coin nil t tee wus mrs hills und mrs edmunds assisted bv the host ess winnipeg vullnr mr walker hhorllll of winnl peg visited wilh his uncle mr und m v w shonlll mr and mrs alex neur mr and mrs bert davidson mr und mradbetrmccneryr mnntcf mrs george barnes und mr und mrs conies of milton utlended u hirllulav purty at wusugu for mr alger crlpps church change church service will he is min ules inter in flallinafad church for ihu summer starling sunday may 27 churchill ut 10 ocloek ballinufad al ii h reapaeted clllien dies ballinufad lost one of ms ulil isl und most respected icsidcnis when mrs murv iph swindle hursi passed awnv al milton man or on rhursduv the svmp iiliv of ihe community gies oul lo hei family cheicr vidur rav llovd of ballinalad llhcl mrs keith webb ol norval 4adil mrs 5vd haves dunnville tiro- ihcp inc prln wllllnm bramp ton jlpt delrnit skier maud mrs arthur spears aclon riiruiiil services were held ut the mimleyshoentuker funeral hoimt mr beition in charge in lurmenl wus in erin cemeierv camping tour the seouls were nn a camp ing lour on the weekend sii444itt wionimhyrvth mam whothwkswi0ow0 foetyaiwatwhimhlf wrfhhilwkmilvl no gulsswork when wrj iservice vour car for vucullon j idrfving besi in gnsoline spe cialied luhricants equipmenll and know how complete line ol tuts billerits low prices lilieral trade ins i bill toth i shell service 31 ooeen si f pbooe 5h 4s44s44ss4s4444si notice to property owners destroy weeds notice is hereby given lo all person in possession of land in accordance with the ontario weed control act 1960 sec 3 13 and 19 lhat unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the township of nassagaweya are des troyed by dale of june 15th 1961 and ihroughout lha sea son ihe municipality may ener upon said lands and have the woods destroyed charging the cosls agairisf ihe land in taxes as sat oul in tho act the ceaparatien of all cltliens it earnestly telltllad vernon mcarthur weid inspector county of halton order continuous forms now the 3 provincial sales tax becomes effective in september we would b pleased to discuss your order for continuous register fenns continuous carbon forms carbon snap sats ale specialised business forma such asraptir and sarviea work ordars state ments etc salas book manifold books order books restaurant checks counter chock books etc a minimum op six weeks reouireo for delivery our prices are competitive coma in today and ut ut ove yau n ealimele on your order for business forms and save that 3 provincial sales tax streamline your routing rillino shipping and filino operations by using our customprinted business forms free estiaaates no obligation dills stationery jo mill st acton 4m 1u fl jrv

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