s-vl-aiv- -e- has a i m classified advertising rates no chargs fur annotiiicement or births marriage nath and engagement in d mentor- itnu 75c plvu 16c p i line for vtrmc articles far al cnt lcj v vord minl- wumwih 50c bulod 75c boif noto thivotfice 25c additional catolh vetw7ftc mlrilmum lint rive vrieg each additional uh 16c card of thatnlu 1tc tor for tint hnwi each oddltlonul lne i6c accounts are rendered avfonday following insertion laitst insklttion ytmtf lit rm- wkdnehday phone 600 births marriages deaths etc bokn cot are happy to announce the birth of a daughter on jnn- dwyklrjml ol guclph general hospital for rent for rent heated npnrtmotrl lmntf room urge kltthen 2 bj rooinx wiont 300j a205700 foh reirfotnblsrtmctlt erivutt itntrancu pmvnto 3plrct atti phone mh amw8a for rent room house vna- hn apply 30 mill st w buck door between fl and i pm 0som74 for riknt smcortilnol 3- toom hented apiirtmcnt btllltln cufrlspard hardwired floors in up ortment building- phono 01 ntr for kknte room hole fumiure 1 mhrqomh poxflesfflon february labpfu bo ohuroh st e for rent a 0 room burmalow near schools nnd stores reason nble rent apply 122 lontfhew hd azum70 for rent 1 bedroom apart ment hented hot and cold water imindry fnclluifi nnd locker in modern bulmlnk owinne sos be tween 12 nhd 1 pm or after o pm j tf for rentvhonted liporlment 1 innaebrluhl rooms nil conven iences clothes closets cupboards hot writer jnpnrate entrance tv nerlill central phone 1m n2nil81 for rent 3 room apnrtmtbt oltrnr furnished or unfurnished downstairs separate entrnncu suitable for couple with- child- phone 70 between 0 nnd 7 nm o20iu70 for rbnthouse to shore whth 1 person 170 per month includes henl hydro nhd wnteri inrtfe wit ehen with modern electric stove nowbofkcanittr mr nnjlwfsi v- rmmfor extrn frlk suitnble for n rowbotiom nee barburir conpu- or slnkle person phone mil uku in nnniiiinl j la med mcneill at the cueloli general hospital on monday january 0 1081 ihwitwth rnmshirw mc neill of hoclowood beloved mo ther at roland moncill of de troit rested at the rumloyshnemnlter funeral home acton funeral ser vice wns jwld on wednesday lit 3 pjn intarment rockwood cemet ery cardh of tnanks the employees of hnlton cen tennial manor milton wish in thank air fchelr friends and every one that bought tickets for their christmas draw turkey dinner rn piulit mnl to mis q teortfe c imllton aecond prize to hornby ajuio body many wtanks to lovoll i h acton for the turkey- acton creamery for a bushel of fruit and vejtttafato feedfors 1 ga torc acton tlpnation hornby womens insllmu 10 donation mountain union institute 10 don- ablon it wns very much irppree- lotct by the employees a205801 after s or iweekends wanted wantfd 10yenrold lrl wants housework full or part time rox 025 acton free press a205473 misciuanlbut ominimimo have your cttntcrfleld suite r- uoholstared by ua and save ravln- r cull t ishlniv one wek wo lions music store rbasoniaible rates damn teed worfcmnnahlp general clean- intf strtd- mtntennnca russ and upholstiry n vpacialty palntlnu and decilrntlne- actdn wallllr sirvlcos pliortmi 137 711 acton aiamuintf pacokii deadstocit removal lie no o c eo no s nr od pay lm pr 100 lb jfnrjlfa cows and horsas more for cripples according to slw- and condition old- horses 5c lb amall ahlntala re moved fre of chor 34 himf- ser vice 7 days a woasv for jrompl service phona zrnfnf byoso no charge tayflu atf dead stock ifnflt service ifdr umi and din- aftled cows and buraes 1000 each meat horses jlc lb nlkht and day service ollekh ta 36471 or milton tr 8b2i0 collect 1 a lorenz lie 43c0o nkltf wanted hnlton poultry pro ducts dealers in live and dressed poultry nnd frenh eggs custom klllimt phonomttron tr 84401 tf welp wanted help ranted womnn enp- able of anwerintt phonu do linht hnusowttrknnd live in phone 300 n20r700 helpwanted mnn exper ienced in lumrber and building supplies- write civing age exper ience and salnry expected to box as t a press o20s701 iielp wamebd llfs tf coming events daughters of knox daffodil tea saturday april 15 n205704 acton womens institute euchre nnd penny sale in scout hall friday night march 3 1011 20m72 tho operetta sunbonnet girl will be presented february h and 0 at lherobcrt little sdiool 021125717 acton scottish bancv club reg ular dance january 14 in liic ymca dance instruction or the burns supper 730 to ujo ad mission 50c students 25c refresh ments burns -supper- and dance royal hotel guefph january 21 reception 630 supper 7 to 0 dnnctne 0 to midnight tickets 300 a21125770 kitchener upholstery insurance free estimates on insurance of all kinds if you are ntuudering n- change from your present policy or looking for a new plan contact omoiuj park er phone ul 04405 a4im047tf for sale for sale id cu il gilson frcoicr phone 235j a21l57b5 for sale used oil heater medium sue and 30 feet copper ubing phone 7110 acton n20547s for sale 2 jersev lielfersl fresh with calf at side a w al len r it 2hilekwokl caoiubell- vllle ul 424w a205707 for sale 5l fond pickup reasonable speysttte general store georgetown tit 71173 b2h570 for sale all types aluminum storm windows door anil awn ings sashless prime windows for free estimates phone 385 at755lltt tor sale rubber stamps made to order stamu pads and tamp inks foal delivery dills stationery 58- mill st aeton out phono 603 a47ttituw for sale large glossy prints of any starf photo appearing in the acton ftire press 5x7 silo 75c b x 10 aite 100 enquire now at the free press office 50 willow st or phone600 au for sale smith cvruna por table typewrtlem factory new for as low aa 700o alav type rlbbna for all makivi cirpon twt1 er etc dills stationery 51 mill st acton phone 603 a434572 sale ltl aujo fire theft accident mortgage tuaur- ance for dapandable service with nies contact syd- you need money but cannot work full time we bnve the opportunity ytm need pleasant prof llabu a v jnc09mbtics write miss zleg- ar norfolk apartments guekph viving phone n2fl emproyment wanted employment wanted young ladv would like houseclenn- inn work hazel collerton 10u0-j- 13 n205477 highest cash prices paid by george gibson llcencee ijead stock removal dead cawn hflnim 1 pr 100 bir old lenlbhvf homes ac pvr 1 lb smull anlrnulft removtxl free of chnrfle 24 hour jicrvic call collect brnmpton ol 13007 ciielpli- ta 42a7h ferirus plnnt 032 rat 231 w 1 2 uconcc no 10c00 real estate 2100 down ipnyment 3 bedroom brick iburtftalorw hardwood nnd tile -floors- nluminum -storms- nnd acrcpnti oil irurnnco 5 mort- uajic enrries for 110 monthly jn- eluding taxes full price 10200 mary gibbins phnnf 233 acton 274 arthur st at acton bowling lanes by k en hrw lfo rr vnmn vriaririiiw rent estate blue spring nufmry january 3 the lowly carnat ions staged a bit of an upset wrwri ibey mttdelt a three game win fwim the violets the cam- tit lion win was paced by joanne lnoe 607 trlpkindteiry ar- blcs lis sinfle violet were shy on the wins but- coming up with the singles were audrey pendlclon joi and millkt stltl 254 -ittf- gtadatom aster for loaa glatk did themselves plenty of good polntwise whep they tossed asters for a three game loss with lll wagner 681 triple nnd ming hurdiigcl 204 single heading up the win beryl jordan with u 653 irlcount hied to gel asters on llie win trail but to no avail neat 313 single roses had a tirsl game win from mums by tbc narrow mar gin fllsix pins mums- crashed the win column in a hlg way in ihe second when audrey uiqu- hart had her annual 300 game a neat 313 roses came back in ihe thial with iheir second win but the pintail was in mums fa vor for the odd point mums were happy with the three points which gave them possession of first place ruses lop trundling was janice withers 623 triple and sophie oehlrichs 248single mums cashed in on urqtihaits 632 triple elcaniirguys 223 jen nie clendennings 214 imc belly hardies 218 singles dies 218 singles league standing mums 58 asters 55 violets 50 glads 46 roses 43 carnations 42 industrialcommercial january 4 reliable taxi were on call foralhrec game win over ihe al dulitry the 430 hoys paced bv jeff fryers string ol 353354193 900 ed mcgillo- ways 639 and fred kentners 704 triples had an easv time disposing of the alers the de forest brothers carl 617 and don 601 triples and had 457 double were tops in trundling 4 a jwiscellaneous- floor refinisiiing we no have a modern snndcr nnd edger- we will refmish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 377 47 frederick sl s acton au reioter upholstery spec- ializinit in reupholstering all types of furniture rest quality- material fine workmanship prompt service also furniture refiniahlng and rug cleaning phone lui marks grocery tton atl repairs to all makes rcnfiatmach- ines bv the week portables used from 2050 sec the latest singers sbwino machines free horn demonstrations dyson ratwino centeb okorqmrown b 74sjl trron ocutnnn hardware jtp atf philco-bendix- equipped coin operated launderette nrv k lamb lnuranco anvncy r mill sl 11 acton or phono 534 4 a514iutlf ki tu ring cojiimerciil tap tonblf loud tloblcpriifil wiishirs and tirvorn plus com tiporated dry climmnk luoohiiuw lhilconknlr emij mxnitwl liiucitmrtts thjmpamhl willi com- tmkreial waiwitilltt ant ohy- kus ir doliwrinn fulltim prof- uvihti sikuic lime mm compitl4 inftrmitun on op kktum viluihl hilp in iill pluiutkvtptiiuntitg fmancinc and proniotmn a lumtix qupiwd ijurv diivttf 11 ivunbu frin tlu iiii- in hmndry dislributitr in rtm for satef suiie ptpelme and bitekt rnllkrn nnd vacuum punipa nw and uhi machines pipe ncf i limns fur milkers and water fcowl eut hd initnlhed call horace tnmllnaon 0 mclau- jhlln bra ol 1127 atf vtor saue imrt unun u itn hind ouartern s0c lb fronu sac lb aicwa 42c lb cult mi ruff wratrntni 3k b axtra modern r cualom ktlhiv wanl if irs coaajnaercial its philcobendix white wtrf or phone koin laundry sales ltd 20 coll toronto onurio tletihor wa 3h91a rr s a clos tatown centre 8100 a full piuge 3bpdrnom 2storcy homp nwly decoratod imjtc it itch en dinlma room llvinu room bath bme- mnt furnncc storms nnd screens owner will tukt ws00 duwn carries s35 monthly attached garage 350 full down payment 3bedroom briok burntalow 4- piecl tile bnth larue kitchen full biisimenl oil lurnncc own- lr will decorate to suit farms etc ner campbellville 23 acres bush pond small barn hydro w askmc st50 full price with- si 000 down 10 acres some bush asking sloot fidl price w4th low down piy- mrnt sydney k lamb realtor and insurance ii mill st e aetoo phone s24 member canadian and ontario heal estate boards also at milton georgetown and malt in a3l gnrnc from goys cartage jjien joys grubhed ihe eventipper in the sceontt by- keveit pins coy came to a full stop in tho thlrtl hut il vins ledgers foralwlttnd totals win juck biillouyh 639 boh mcctitxiy a23 diivc manes 704 nnd bill shannon 741 were tripling fov the- iga in a like vein forgovs were jim gtbwtn ml und ches pcycha 629 league standing als snack bar 79 ledgers iga 77 reliable taxi- 75 guys cartage 46 jullv roners 31 al delivery 28 three game upset the hit upset came when jolly legal notice to credjtqrs in the matter of the estate of cordelia fedora mason late o the town of acton in the county af llalton wlaaw de ceased i all persons having claims ag- inst the estate of the said cordelia fedoru mason who died on or about the 30lh day of october 11w0 are hereby notified to send them u llhe toronto general trusts corporation 2ss day st toronto one of tile executors of the said estate duly verified on oioofureihc iatitdai of january 1001 after the lost mentioned date tile assets of the saidesuite will be distributed among uv persons emitlmi thereto ha vina regard on- iv to claims of whieh the executors sliall then have notice wated at guelph the 9th day of december iwtfl acker moyrtt vorvis allan guelph onl silleltors for the executors the toronto general triuits corporatipn and wuuam totvuimtit i3a2 x rogers scullledllic league lead inttais snack bar for till gam es the rogers three game upsct was sparked bv arlie white 41 and wilo near 657 the lunch bnr kids tried hard to grab the last game but fell 12 pins short they w trying as per bill johnstone 605 fon grein 636 wavne spires 60 and cv rvan 492 double ledgers take 2 totals ledgers iga made it a first acton ladies janiimy 4the bowling or the ladies league was reminu- cent of snakeondladders the way the evenings trundling wenl up and down lovell bros sort of took a stranglehold n first place with tu three game win liom coruntishoes the meat maids win was sriarked ky the singles of morma robinson 258 jean mclsoac 213 slef pcytha 200 and 209 peggy lawson wns the loner for conioas with 200 and 210 bensons take proinscs benson shoes heeled and toed for a fast two game win from pronsc motors then thcmotor- ettes found the ignition key and turned on the power for a last game win joan mccristall came up wilh a neal triple for ben sons of 625 janet brennan 218 gcorgina van fleet 206 and uel en otierhcin 202 made- will the singles prouscs best rolling was of the single variety with nan hursi 203 peg ballentine 244 charlotte holmes 220rand freda perkins 245 mccallum services take 52 go mccallurh scfviccvmu1c the big shareiifa 52 go in their favor from lurrih real ilstalc the lillle lambs almost had a zero couni but won the second game by 12 pins marion storeys 621 triple looked good for mc- callums the top singles came from juan knight 2i helen holmes 211 phyl patrick 202 marks 208 d krapek 209 and 206 joan bi jusn flight freentensles tooltlt easy and were free from big singles triples and winning games sugar lets win 52 ob suga jet- hud satellites dotvu- for ihccourit in the first iwd bill couldnt make the conrtldown 4n th iwrd so had to be satis fied with the largserthare of the 52 go burhnra im not late am i smith give ihe liu 11 iill with a double of 40 ami dm earle singled in the cause with a 229 hurry- rogers wllh slngl- ies of 213 and 207 gave lite sat- miiles something to cheer about of course the sntetiric did a little whooping when they won their last game by 19 pins rarebits take sad sacks sad sacks sacked- away the first game fr6m the rarebits then went into a lailspin or something and rarebits latched onto the next two and tojals jessie coleswilh a 613 triple and jim gilison with a 251 single brightened up the sail sacks score sheet jjhnrtley coles was sporting enough to heat 0111 singles ol 2uajid 215 for rare bits and scutch mcctilcheoh woke lip long enough likchalk up a final game of 249 joni bosley had a 203 to regain her faith as alnnyjer in ihe second league standing sputnikse8hj t 64 satellites 62i rarebits 39 free- neasies 34 sad sacks 30 your ad elect officers for choir during recent annual meet eblnezor choir lieui ihfir un- nuiil nutlin in i he home ol mil and mrs flutukl sviki mts savaye rnosulcil lorclcltiun ol 01- flcer lor 1961 which rcsultuil lis lollows choir icauur john kir chuij president mrs il sav- aijei secretai vlreasurei lion ice ntirrkh lihrnriaiis susan kay- age carol tiveiyjin harold vvai- soil ilintl jdavid gtilliths it was also decided- hy jthu meinheis jjun ihe execttlive could iclas a way and nitans coniniillee mrs- mj anderson coiisenleil lo carry on as assist anl organist ffmi r lo snare the odd point lor tolats ihv 12 pins scoret thai made gnide the sutur-iuiy- nirn yoimp- siers showed- he ellecls ol i heir leslke seasotvlayoll and score look a ilownward dip in the main hut some ol the trnndleis nvftde ihe urnde lohn dunn jo2- 131 291 jack pringle 1w1sv 287 jatkie palmer 19184 2755 brian sheridan 14vi7j 114 saiidv cripps 126209 cw jean elle spires 161-112- 273 jane mccrea 106165 27l league sinndliifi rehels 46 sloopcs 43- rouph riders 42 fivers h black hawks 27 yonubears 24 headpiti hilitet legal continued dcpnrtniont of hichwavs ontario auction sale of buildings for removal on demolition property sale no t01016 2storey 10- mom frami dwillinp 0 x 30 situated on lot 2f cun- cesmon h toiwnalnp of esquisink county df hnlton on chi north iicie uf h4fh no 7 nbuut it irnus wfst of gliruuwn salt- to be held on the prcmisis at 1100 am est wednesday january 25 1001 teihms cash or cheque plus 10010 perfonnance bond to jjuiir- intee that work will be convpitled iccordlnk to dh o rrnudntions toheoued to be made aynble tt tilii ireosurtrr tif ontario i for furtln on met ttifdnintion please the aneuinpft mr j a elliott 1 court st north milton phone tuianjile hir233 ftn dartment af hurliwavs uistrict ofriee 1iic north shore blvd burlliigtnn onuirui phimi- j a 79131 deft ok hirthways s onfauio auction sales auaion sale or furniture pumo te the property of ttie late gforoe ii ridlev i 250 mill st acton on saturday january 21 at 130 including several untique piocis terms casl b30 so lint nivkt wiik framk petc1i auctioneer 226 arnt ihe men- estatcrs mtimiail 210 yol tionable lor ihe real lcaaw standing luvcll bros 71 mcciillum ser vices 56 prousc motors 54 lamh real esrate 54 benson shoes 53 crona shoes 48v acton major january 5 some more patches of fur were peeled from ihe hid es ol the tiger cats the casar- in flyers did ihe peeling this week with a two and totals win spinning jhe prop for the flyers were mono casarin 693 and pele turkosz 687v three ol ihe cals did some snarling bill william 7kv mikebennctl 622 and don grcin 716 301 flrefibhtcrs lilt jackpot well the firefighters finally hit the jackpot they outtulked oiiihowjcd and outscored the acton billiards fur a decisive three game win the firefighters were hoi lor thisgo jack pihk h97 353 bill xnight 635 john krapek 745 305 and bern van fleet 7h2 dont know whether it was the thoughts ol their annual buniced alter bowling ornot bui whatever it was the hose totcrs relilly wound this alfair up the cue boys had their nwinicnls wayne spires 726 jell fitcr 645 nnd bob agnew 428 double hotel lilt wlnpot ten pro star led oiu to over haul ihe tourlh place dominion hold with a first game win but he hotel boys wcreitt liking to loo much and hit the wfhpoi for the next two and tola is grab bing ihe brass ring for triples were dominions ches pevehu 6o3tinnie masales 749 dee de- forest osoaiul hank earle 627 harry phelans double of 420 came in hand v gord coulighan 6s8 mu ralph jrlartiin743 hit the upper brackets for tenpro league stundlng tiger cats 86 casarin fivers 67 acton billiards 56 dominion hotel 52 ten pm dfstributois j acton firefighters 30 x acton friends january 5 its sputnikswiiji a three game win over freest basics lt spuller up o the lop spoi ted jennings locked out a 608 uiptc for ihe sputniks to launch them on he winning thursday toppers january 5 catchers lied a eouple of knots- in hhe tiger cats tails for ihe first two games before the cats got un tangled enough to win ihe last canto the catchers didnt have any rouble calching the odd point fortoials ivy martins 653 triple lil marshalls 2l3sihgl along with ihe singles of 206 and 213 i mm eleanor gov had the catchers sitting pretty point wise tiger cats just- couldni find the range hunters salvage i game totals hunters- had no trouble salting away ihe lirsi game from busy bees the bees yot busy in the ieijiuljuujjrvon a close go by seven pinv rtmttmi- hunii inp for the third game win inn bees buaedin with their second win by nine pins htinturs sal vaged the odd point for totals joan knight was ihe busiest of ihe bee with a 605 iricount the big jcorw eluded thc hunter legue standing catcher 70 tiger cals 55 busy bees 51 hunters 48 acton mixed january 6 wanderers took over the top spoi when they blasted the atoms for the first two garrtts they were all set to make it three but the atoms squeezed out a last game win by 14 pins beryl jordan 654 and blackle paetorv 607 led wander ers duwn the win trail phil le- sueurs 613 stood out like a bea con light for atoms it was all bv itself saucer clip eagles wing saucers got a bit saucy wilh the eagles and clipped their wings fur a two and totals win the fivepoinler got saucers up i lor a share of second place two triples and two singles did won der for the saucers elsie whitham 641 ed browne 66r and bob martin wilh 200 and 217 eagles fluttered a bit with don grein 754 312 triple and dol thompson 258 single bandits powerhouse lo win stragglers were really bringing up ihe rear in their go wilh bandits the bandits w ith millie stilt 788 and mono casarin 619 triples and bob brown 219 single had bandits powerhouv ing bobskidgtnore with a 615 triple and jim pope with a212 single lied id rally ihe strag glers bin ihev still strangled league standing wanderers 65 stragglers 62 saucers 62 atoms 58 bandits 51 eagles 38 teennunder january 7 rebels rode rough shod over the rough riders lor a double win and found them- sebes to be belter in the clutch than the black hawks and flew off witfi both games stooges get tplals by 12 wnn stooges sturtcitiff allrighl againsi ihe vogi bears bul had o take a back seat for ihe sec ond game the stooges managed cyiiinty wenl if i suiamsville and ajisjy1 ed a three game defeat which put the stieetsvllle oulil hack in tirsl place on tc atjuulfn- es van norman fleclt icians were gelling ihe shock treatment from the dixie eynn stampers antl dropped ihe works next saturday the merchants will go lo dixie lo ave ahil ol a gti wilh the dixie bowl ingrtt van normans wili be at home to the oakvthe on kief weekly awards jell fryer wilh an even 900 triple wins ihe pauls clothing award bob agnew rang in a 365 to make a selection i ront gordons hardware slock millie stills 788 stodtl up to warrant ihe services of the ac ton drv cleaners ivv martm hit a seasons high single ol 561 to win the ledgers lga awards most rerth bowlers i the week popped up rn ttrr tccnnundcr league tony hop per with 126126 and vmilu joey marshall wilh 35 and 35 qualifying round inthe fttjalifvingronnd nf the bpao allslar fivepin east ern canada championships five of actons male bowlers will ad vance to the one rohoffs in the spirited fivegame roll emerging triumphant as the late harry bullough of madison square garden fame would say was bob mccurdv with 1310 don grein 1220 ralph barton 1213 mario casarin 1178 and jack pink 1138 congratulaiinos fellows and mav you make it all ihe way lo ihe finals that anirbolrvtfitl il up adios thank choir lender mis vy early on behalf of- thechoh thanked john kilfhhtk lor his untiring ef furls in iraiii- ing the choii fjohn hanked ihe choir for heir kind words niul said thai he had always been immensely interested in singing with the tihiperaliivn and- good umejulajicejului piacilifctlmt tuteitivgten uc pasr he wtiuuptu ye happv loconllnue as choir leader loi imoihevcrtr v allcr a spirited sing song of old luyoijus eveiynne cntyed a hofintilul repast set in buff el at rangement t wa meet mrs iiorge thoms was hos iers tor tlfiiiir w a lirxj ituicung in the new yearw viceprcsidenl mrvr m hayward presiding mrs w earjy ieif in tlevolionswjlli mis 1homas reading the scripture and mrs norrish reailhig a lovely poem always christmas mrs m ma lum and mrs k gril als mavorjdvih a duel many thank you notes were lead and several items ol husin- ess discussed alter ihe closing prayer bv mrs wjintlv eveiv- otie enjoyetl a sneial hall hour together he acton teams- in t j jalrmo aajlrqll t sbarejf wins palermo deleated norval 87 in junior farmer huckev acliorl iuestlav night al millon arena in the other game in the win hill milton junior formers col lected a 41 decision over acton dave mm ray lired lour goals don vivian two goi die greer and harold beamish one apiece in the filcimo victory for nor- il ken richardson also notched lour while bill richardson goi two aiul jim riciiaidson added one norm fleming ton dick snv- tier bob merit anil thornton taskehjkdiit the scoring for milttju in iheir 41 victory actons lone 4lly cume liom the slick l doug black who was also injured lale hr ihe game black was cut above ihe eve when checked by ortti fir ml n it t t am tt rv moved lo ihe iwvpital for m ft elms mlfd battles there wcjc only tyvti penalties handed hit jn ihetameyhne in the norva i- palermo till palermo drew three minors while norval was assessed one this tuesday the second last night of the regular schedule will be played millon meets palermo in ihe first name al eight oclock and in the second game acton and norval will meet the two remaining games bevnnd these are the ones which were resche duled from the first of the sea son when the milton merchants made use of a nighl for their opening bowl bowl er has sura make it date for saturday nite go bowling acton b0wung lan phona w7 alelubb objpjs i uau breakfast gems a large a medium 39c d0z 36c d0z new cabbage 8c lb 2 bunches green onions 15c 2 bunches radishes 15c cucumbers 2 for 25c fancy macs apples ot basket 79c 65 clovet jl j ooid tin ib acton creamery umited phone 53 freedtlivirv