w t v proceeds fqr retarded scottish dances european songs at family night christmas party i young dancers entertained at the acton scottish dance clubs christmas party in the ym ca saturday evening and were accompanied by the acton junior pipe band pictured above are three of the youngsters with a member of the band left to right margo clarkson milton heights sisters marilyn martin and susan martin of campbellville and at the back bass drum mer danny holmes of the acton junior pipe bsnd ik airy girl guide news wc opined with god sji tht qucxn md roll l1i immidiakly allir lull call wi ind a charade panic and each p urul s is a leant the it mi was to nl oul i point or salil i ml hrst iid the rest ind lo uknlih the mlualon next c m timid lu patrol coiners lo plin our pol ot the christmas nicxtint uhicli is intended lui nem week uitc i e c nunc joined in a fcame called alllc itoi shuttle sup ervised b mrs watson carnplirc was taken b the thistle pitiol we iny clinslnus carols md mam olheis tik n ling elosed with sofllv lt7rttttcmlghvot day nnd taps greetings nejl week ihe free press will cam a specnl christmas gieel ing supple nunt mm business nun md industn ol the town nnd disliu i although mosi ol the aiheltimn inr ihis issue has been ouilkii nnone sllll wish inr lo iimi linn thiislmis wish cs iiultiekd sli uld eontael the i m puss no liln hi in noon to morrow i ml i l1mehouse over 5000 donations to date for retarded well over 500000 to date and siill pouring in that s ihe turn m icpoit on the north hallun association lor re larded children s i9o0 fund rais int lampaign aecordint lo pu sident gcrrv addison all of the funds eollcclcd so far have been received i rum the town of millon and ihe rural norlh ii ilton dis tiiti he noted millon kinsmen cluh has so fir turned in the lurgcsl jjoup ot donations with si 900 eolketed in their town door lo door drive the women s insiuutcs of northern jjiicnuulvfissed the ruial areas and to date have turned in i 860 from cittnf the ii institutes par ucipating when the tptal arrives it should go over 2000 members of the rotary club or millon have been canvassing nicr than is and industrialists on be halt ol ihe school building hind and so lar have turned in tiht midline 1 w 1s ssonitininiis ilonal lllese ol iu dunilum- mu ik p isl week meltllcd 117 lloin mis 0 itilll lilt i i il1lple ik ilk ilk pin eeeds ul uimii m biuokulk ii ill uul ss l 1 dontlioil liom ihe llolv rosuv counil citholit tt nuns u ijni hit t imp ucii in ailuii md iuhjaiouii has heen nt lived un ml lite issittiition rituls suiiu lioup willme to tonthul llu ttiiu in ihose towns it wis iipuitnl this week til il llu st illisli d met cluh in at ton h id iliecd to handle an ac ton campaign caily in ihe new vcar prcstderil atltlison snd he wis quite h lpp uilh the don ition lo d uc md ivpicssid tht hope the leuiunuil doti it ions would swell tin i l il even hijhii wilhin lie lit m lew weeks me dso expussed a vurittv pitigrum interspersed wrhh dances filled a pkusunl even ing when the scottish dame club leld lis i imilv night christmas party in the ymca salmdav vtninjj the junior pipe b md with itpt m islet phil culdlek selections in 1 it h 11 ill ol the pimiiiaru a duel i ik i nil f llu k ul was suiil l chiistinc louis and vie kit new l ill leeoitipilheil b mrs 0 moi tn a get mm lolk sunt hinstlitn klein wis sung by maitinne hielntr mts i km had lit i uilrudueid lie sislti use rulkc newlv inivtd trotn vteniu mis k illit ii tpliiti liom ruimiani r i lotinti numtx of ihe jeiiiljii choii in klliliciler snng i duel with mis robcrl butkiur sttle nieht md then i sulo dod bless c in id i to show huw well she has iinsteitd ihe ltnglmi tonjue there wis smite luvek duieing including a solo modem j w hv icnnv iill claiksou hijjihiul dancing bv a gioup ol mi laii s milton pupils who did hiliii md flint aneheiia cumclla mai go clarkson pennv 1itl susan ind her wee sislci muilvn mu tin the laller dropped oul while llu louroldci gnlsduiecd the blrrlh spev and ret i leeompanicd b jim i ut on his pipes in iiiiukukhlj ihiee lie ills tail hi lo llu i el udexl ihiklun al t ne stinshirie sehool in millon mis bikknci explained tllil lusl in unporl uitc w is j lining the hililien s inltiesl uitl lint willi t t uileil tlulditn miith uittv irul ell nile wue needed not mil ac i hi oiuicsleis look pill in llu ilcillonstr rlioil in ihe duice ol i he teddv bens wtlh a solo hv chnsimc bnuicllt aruit dot tlm pi ivctl hilliti beat he ithcrinne duni nth molhci be ir uitl stn ill icddv dumueh nah be ir the speci il lesson w is the icachmt ol bs ps md ths in lllhlel vtlll v sunt in bimlu lowed in ill ecie h 111 the eiilvdeioi heel h m iciuri bv mrs k i cis mi dtnrulh mis i lut mi newton mis bkmn ind mi lurnt husk it hie dune nliiwflhti w is liptlmstl i v mis b ii wll 11 uih mis v k ii mis i mi i nine mis w spi isl n in i li s i i iu ml n tii il llun uul bu i thli ippi u lllii llllj uitl dill ill who ling residents win prizes at association euchre tht gibi dt u school assoti ion he kl i tinhie in lutuhousei meinoiid it ill on fnd i even liljt when mis arnold md j it k roillhlev held hreh scoivs fixd gish and billu wilson seconds i and mis mi r dull md j rck ci iwt ul oinstuitions i kit alt c ildu will coudotl iiimmotiioii snkcs it 1 nut i houm ptishmuitn i tun h iicm siiiultv ixvuiikt 18 it w in ihe extniiig i ihttslmis him iimi si i pi li un will tit i talc lmvilrgal stores open tonight and every evening until friday dec 23rd stores will close christmas eve at 6 00 p m announcement of store hou i for ihe chr scnas scjvon through the courtesy of your acion chamber of commerce ii1l 11 ihmk lie tht n llu h i uk nd dou t iu in il i hi inieuius i and his daulhlc rud with ut chiisttnis ii ols uul st xtist sul ni mrs e blunn guild president mul million mid pipes muiifkil in s j jnille bells hie usual tig tit us d inees wetc liispetsed with wnllts polk is id canitlnn bun dmns s2s is t used al the bring ind bu i hit will hi hindtd lo mrs jet piuiiipil ol llu siinshiue st iumii lot llu i nnutli he iu tils n htkiks uul musk 1 n lilt tet nil d ihilihcii inn i iiiulk w is in istci ol tm miis with jiek meeaeliie il hit aims i hit i milk nichl en i hui1is in i i hi iiil out pmnls ii ut d mi int sintjnc ind mis willi tlui1 iluklieu to wtl dint n w m nil ins to he lioup nd i iiisuli i tht it il mi mine ul jin un s in shiiiiil wiih iliuse fs lur tun lit a p link ml- m is held in ih mhms cuild m dm nibu 7 wli iltclid wue hoi i uol slokiecl ik hi dlinin vui newiun lit lsiin itlodlc lirke uowci 1 mils iv hint h dintiei mu dtnnv h i i it iemv bnsiim in d i milli kitehcn milhe lisldllll i ii it lsklnl ik i kiv it mklii m iht i duiiiv siuiil u pi the bubble idle lol bit ul else foi le icliuv toetiitui ition usiiij h illoons in lie ithei mtce lehie amu cioulon btwilix kiunclte md ik illici nine dumueh i is l inn llu dmei ot ihe sc uiciows to te uh lichl hopping lo rt illv lomie leslev donncllv sieitn dubois johmn mcgc ic hie dnul mt m ii in keiih 1 u 1 ml ind hait tavloi as one child shucked ihe lunnv men luit iheir straw mrs mori e is it the pi mo with singing sftlh ditk and anne mcmillan a luclv box lunch was served boys girls j look whos coming jj santa arrivm al 245 pm in i aaon park j saturday dec 17th 1 santa will make the free living draw at 3 00 pm in j the acton park i gooooiost nick ts loaded with candies etc fob every boy and gui in town immtfitfaiimmaiymniniiaa sponsored by acton chamber of commerce ajtfjjaajtfmfciiomiajajjjjioiioj deiiuv winnie kt 1 1 nic km tht turn suppn at 7 picsent 111- 1 10 p in cr side ill mis l lolli wine llit indachiislmi the acton froo prois thuriday decjmbf 1 5lh 1960 south seeks continued from fay one tlittn mmiulpalillci the hulance ol power 61 council lo study a motion hv himself md bur hnglon kccte irv rvkman isked the 11 council lo slutlv the sit uiiliun and muke pi ms fur somi rejidiuslintnt wurikn douttl is siiinnl njieed iht problem iiiks exisl iind suniesled there was no re i son tor tk living ulioti ant lorictr council un minumslv p- ptotid ihe motion until ilso il tutsihv s mtc line acucd snnic icmsion in nun miltic sluietun is ruttssitv md asked th il i90l counnl tonsid tr tht in i in kiiommtml ilnl llu siluits ol ul guilds i birnes md a luhiiie he met eased l i woo is iht si men will h iu completed six ve us with ihe ul st ill ium vc u keicittil i ho ml ol ti ms pint oitltr uih uinti llu pr lu iiisuli shotl aim lilies k moiiitn on llu vwnth i i iln ir missing i slim un s4m00u md the i iintv si be 12 tcr ceiil r st ts will anitil o okvilk 1uiil itouil lot t worth md nort the lluilirietiiii hon loi ijm lc iotv i i the hicli school uul rovs setts- m hopkins lo 1 i i kit i b llllttd h illuiiu tint llu mild ul with puis lllkt 1 ut tow nsk mitltlnie 1 tt ind aim wilkinson adult dance to merv tolton s orchestra on saturday december 17th from 8 00 p m lo i 1 30 p m at the robert little school auditorium donation 1 00 merry proceeds for christmas baskets for those less fortunate won t you help us and make it a bumper christmas sponsored by hc hi y club of ymca ymca board voti ii nml our pucs t m pclitlvt our service efflcl cut ami prompt thompson fuels ba heating oils phone 69 vfter hours i ill 3m socks sc ties ti socks sets 4 plaid vol j sport shirts j3 14 m wc reserve the right to limit quantities food prices effective dec 15 16 17 avlmcr choke bartlen pears 2 49c choice cream style save 3c 20 oz tim aylmerc0rn 2 37c aylmer boston drown sjve lie 13 or thin beans with pork 4- 55c tomulo or vegetable 10 o tins aylmer soup 4 45c mllkbone 16 oz pkg dog biscuits 25c domestic shortening 2 65c fresh fruit easy to peel california seedless navels sunkist hz jrgc oranges extra fancy grade b c delicious r apples 5 39c extra fancy grade bcdanj0u j pears a 5539 for the family fruit bowl u s no i grade emperor n 2 s 29c grapes u5no 1 grtdt garden fresh california celery 19c ea aylmtr fancy save 8c blade bone removed blade jq roast ht short rib roast 53c lb tablerite wieners 49c lb bums mild cured actium pkg sliced 6 ox pkg peameal back bacon 39c humi i lb cello pkg chopped sun 25c tomato juice 25 sjv 6c 1 1 ot btl aylmer catsup 233 nmf 30 oh instant coffee 99 iga super economy uquld floor wax 8 oi ir 32 ci tin 69c nucoa margarine 1 lb pkg turkey ctikkvn or bof frozen tv dinners 1 1 oi pkg 499 63 sweaters 29 95 l extra special maxwell house coffee stock up now for the houday season 69 lb