Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1960, p. 2

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tht acton ftt prm trurtdty decimlwr 15th 1960 ys mens annual party has dinner gifts dance the yl men held their annual chrmmn paity losl thursday in the ymca when members and their wives met with many former member and their wive a llnr penixl featuring two lines ousters added a gn louth lo a delkiihis turke dinner the ys mens room had been pally decorated loi the kiasiou nnd a live pillv itmtled viih gifts tumpleled the chnstinjs mene tlve ewninti whs planned md dim led in bill wilson and manmll nitlis with then nmi rtii i lee rc dwitihi i nttel wis tht guest speakei md ins message was well reiened hv ihi mem hers he liid been introduced h ijorne doheillikn j s houl f nend of mr rngel w mikuwk responded to hit addnss he wis presented with in inpraed letlei opener the gifts wen taken from be neath i he liw and distributed lo ctcnnnf the ladies shifts were recognized h thtir ittriime 10i j eden mills orcd paper but the men- gifts as instnkled were wrap ed in copies nl the five pi ess hig copeland led a singsung with mrs g w mckenzie a the piano a twopiece orxhestra ptavctt for the darning which included speiil i1hk is and ihus1lii hairs lhe y udes auxilinr inter ed it was agreed this was one ol lhe most pliisint patties hi id in the y men in his address mi fngel said that the jo ol christmas is that wl 1111 shaa 1 wish that ou as s mtn in muii emleauirs ma take a pai i in utmmnii par ihiilark at chiisimas he saul the ys mens task is to put the c bai k in v m c a the para phemaha ol c hnsmas is line as long as ui an aware that it is paraphernalia lu we snnpk it li the rilual ol ytiletide and s the o ol whu chnstmis i- robbery concert meetings highlight weeks events a daring robbers was lommil led in tden mills saturdi mom ing wlun mr and mrs petei oitleih and lunih lell lor town then house was uikicd and sn ciil mutes stiikn imlitdmg movie lameia elei lit slimr wnsl wauh eti thi opp au imestij iltng combine party the animal loinbmed thnst mas paii ol fln mills and hi iii crest insimites was lukl in rdin mills hall mmdn um nig mud a si i ling ol lutlk and chiistmis lnurtinins atur a wekome hoin hoih ptimdenl the iiiiiimitlls in ihngi stagid a paml show 1 u mi a sum uliuli immglil nioiuls ol ip plausi simnl nnmrkis b mrs ci mi dong ill and mi- usln wete itinltutl and mis jimis hiiihi in hii iipihli w i gavi two tiidings ommonin siny ing lollowid alio ninth santa clans and his miultti auimil poiliiwd hv mis norm marsh all ji and mis ron mutm a del minis huith tollowtd mini ini an tnov ihk milling 1 sumlav school concert tin annii il sutitln mihhi ccit ol dm mills pitnlnuiian hunh took plate situuln cv cmng with the usual tstikmeni among tht ihiklrm whin llu giantl old man in md tht lad us pitpaail a doliiuius lumli whith was mimii alltrjjht gills wite distributed confined to hospital at prisint in mis bill mclean si mis vimii and mis i iitm lkink also mis noimin thomas in st josephs llospitat hamilton election dec 19 in rock wood luking a thud tanditlatt lot iktlum to llu bmrtl ol lutskis ol tin vill ii ol kkkwhmi i stt tnul noiiini iiion iiivtiing w is lukl ititln in ill kovkwkiil town lull si ptisons win siandin loi noiiiination iluv mu mis jim johtli liuik ktlso kohtil i slit ktiiikth muiiiv h a saiuultis at il muu i wainim mi unik v wtumiei md mr mini o iii il i itll and om o tht si yi ink nun u i hi ilniid to tin post in an i hon on mondn i ixtimki it i wo t inlidaiis i pmumsh tktttil hv nilinimaii in hank svliiiinkt anil hatks hi it n i grmts reduced no fee boost alihnukti difpnrtnwni uf educa tion grfcnt lowaiij night kchool costs have been reiluled tcv heiv sit in the fall will not go up a her chriiimns tommluee ihaiimnn don bexton said this week the department whith for- imrlv paid 7s ptr tent ul the night sthoul costs has rut this lo 64 pti lent and alton high school board was informed last week 1 he unpaid committee mem beis elected a l an open meeting in lhe high school each war met last week m the high school to discuss the usual mid term agenda ihspliv night inrolmint can nations and refunds allend ur so lai has been verv gotnl it is pointid out it was decidetl lo have a ladies handbag made bv george bow man as a door pne t the annual dispkn night and tickets will be siild bv all the night school stud mr bowman has received tds al tlu cnf for his lea in i oik many winners in sale euchre pkniv of prizes went home af in the xnn sale and euchre in the pansh hall saluidav evening pounds go lo the juvenile or ange i odge winneis of the pennv sale were ham ciordon towels mrs de- ronsi nip towels mis g la uib ivv plant irene gordon londmunl set edna dobbie io donated b hmlon s si si 00 biik e williamson china poodles ann moonev spanish onions tied mi donald model kits mrs j an dm sweater beitv lemon kenage doll mrs mcgladrv tup and saucer deleme gibbons ise- with mom is mis west wool iluster mrs del ores cen 1 1 e put i donated bv got dons haidwau loise shannon utih l kit donated bv svmon hard watt bel tv lemun babv doll mis milhews callings mrs j m issev apion mrs cihik chnsi mas ornament mrs j airdue tiishion tovu fileen salt turn hkis mis calvin ailkcn lowcts i nne guidon modi i kit don aieil in a ion btlliuds v hm iklsoll iii wels b gulhne tup low cls m is i lock disk set the door piic ol a chris unas ubk tinli t was won b mis mil 111 ia a s voir hi 1 ilonaled hv 1c a v is won bv mrs math iws loi ill ins fust in eiahi i and a s mhiihi r from watson s dairv bar went to r l davidson tot gen mi nun s high sioo 1 adies low w is siuk and nuns low j jcssiman 4 oshinoi turkey dinner projects highlight womens institute monthly meeting a bountirul turkey dinner and all the trimmings was enjoyed b the members of the womens institute al the conclusion of their monthly meeting held at the home of mrs t fines and doris mrs c archibald preskl ed fur the meeiing and mrs k slubbington read the minutes und hnaniial statement bimonthly euihres were pom puncd until the new vear a ommittce mrs c storey mrs a jackson mrs e aohibald and mrs w awrey were named to arrange for lhe next one rug making ciku i mrs fines and mrs r taylor who attended a leader training school on rug making in the bill have lommenced a class whnh is being well attended the lad let are being inslruited in tlu art of hooking a rug mrs s fulln and mrs k slubbington were appointed loa school grounds beaut ificilioii committie in hopes of stalling rev g a b moore accepts call to port dover united church rev gab moore has accept ed a call lo the united church in poit dover and will be leaving to take over lhe charge there the fust or februurv congratulations to mr and mrs edward pasmore on the hirth ol a daughter at guelph genet al hospiial december 10 the many friends of mrs john locker alton will be sorry lo know she is a patient ui guelph general hospital mrs dave mifarlane visited vvilh her daughter and son inlaw and familv mr and mrs ralph hodgson tn mount forest recent iv miss sheila husking and miss susan kelso of hamilton teach ers college were on the student teachers staff of tvtkr school guelph last week friends of mr george lavertv regret to learn he is a patient in guelph general hospital surprise party on saturdav evening decembci 10 mis thus garstang was pleas ant iv surpt ised w hen lhe local euchre cluh held a belated birth- da parts in her honor during lhe evening a bcauliful pot of niinson mums was presented lo her bv mrs albert shultis for which mrs garstang graciously thanked the club members sev iial tables ol euchre were ir plav with lhe high score couplo honors going lo mis fred lam bert and mr albert shuliis a bountitul supper was scived lq complete a verv pleasant ing mr and mrs fred lambert vis ited lor a few davs recent iv with the formers niece and familv mr and mrs j sommervitlc barnej hill mrs george watson of oi ion nnd mrs m small of fergus were guests in the same home recent weekend visitors mr and mrs maurice huid ol west mr and mrs don tin son brian ol guelph v and mrs hugh graham ms and ith mi white gift service sunday sundav school scholars of the unitnl church tiled quiet i v past a smjll lighlid inb to ji thur while gifts around il sundav even ing the special while gilt sun da was attended bv ovci 100 children who sal togethci at the itonl of the church adults join ed in the seivue sitting behind lhe voungsters and in lhe gallery the rev dwighl engel led lhe sen in and junior sunday school superintendent mis e lulkca redd the chiitdmas stoiv ralph mckcuvvn supciinicndciit ol liu senior sundav school told a christmas story the junior thou dressed m their gowns led llu singing ol christmas carols and sang an n them snow i lakes genllv falling george elliott plaved the organ and led them when lhe gifts were al lhe al tat he congregation read logith er receive out gills dear fathci and bless mum may thev help others lo learn of thee and to know the real meaning ol christ mas as we bring our gifts grant thai wc may offtr all that we arc as will as all that we have youve got improvement ol the grounds in he spring following approval hv lhe trustees an apron sale was planned for hi march meeting program presented a reading keeping christ mus was given bv mrs wm matpherson two christmas in- stiumenluls star nl the bast md silver bells were played by doris fines who also provid id anoinpanimenl lor inrol singing a presentation of an institute nip and stiuier was made mis margaret robertson who has moved to guelph an thange of christmas gilts i hided the meeting attend banquet mrs c storcv doris fines and marlene fullei local lead- irs or the girls 4h homemnk nig club and several of the girls mended the hanquit given by the kiwanis cluh al guelph tasi ihursdav evening mr and mrs mario contim and iwo ihildren who have ken living in the house on the second line owtml bv david slew art moved on saluidav back lo guilpb vvhuv they have punhased a homi a number from hen attended the plav duke ns christmas cdiol at tim dislirt high sihool last week thil was well presented bv mu students children ol tht looil sundav school aie busv piipaiing loi then lomirl on i ndav evening mis d 0 robiilson spent the weekend in si thomas where slu was guest speaker al the cluiixh of christ disciples daughters knox enjoy turkey dinner a chrtslrrtw tfprv wtirahtp tvr- vtv and the nonunl lurkey tltrtflcr were the highlights of the decem ber meeting of the daughter of khox held ol the home of mrs clifford ashley recmilv the din ner was under live direction of mrs kerwin miphall und her as sistants the worship service which was led by mis marj masters con sisted of lhe reading ol tht christmas story with christmas curuls being sung ui intervals throughout the siorv mrs char les kingsmill rend an amusing letter addressed to sanla the president mrs william spielvogil was in ihnrge of the business session rcporls were read bv lhe suretarv mrs herb pi iie anil l he i rt usurer mrs william toth a slate of officers was read loi the coming year play carol firemen art rcplactog the wall of the fire siren with the fattiilur tune at christmas carats win this year they will be broadfiwt- ing recorded music over their public address system which tile men will install temporarily on the roof of the lire hnll the oyous music in heard for blocks on crisp snowy evenings kwvaaa n two silver baby cups with in itials were presented lo two mem ber moihcis during the gift ev ihange miss stevenson of lhe cgit extended an invitation to the members ol the group lo attend lhe cgit christmas vesper ser vile in knox church on decem ber 18 the met ling closed wilh he re peating of the benedntion in uni son still shopping eight more days i be a santa help the acton hly club fill christmas stockings buy a ticket for their charity dance at the robert little school auditorium saturday december 17 dancing 8 to 1 2 p m tickets 1 per person drive us you wouid wwi 0ihers drive msaijuiikiftii with genuine hortzmountain live pets and quality pet supplies hartz mountain canaries guaranteed to sing impotted fom eukope guaianteed mali uos aquariums supplies hartzmc tain budgies hum i mill arrfff gumrmttt wtth mvmry bml you1t tkrill to lh glonou rfcxf ich pcullj ttnd ngr h oa tth j sturdy birdi with colorful plumig thytl bnghitn jout hom with hppm and lo hartz mountain products for your canary christmas canary special l mkil hid bul wi tlu nli in llu lilph qonlitv hiuttnv tins insiins ioiikis ol in ixvfrlrth n win h tin will til mtu ui oui m hip- ls 1 mi llllt ut shp mi tin nt i i m nitr ihinmiv fma1it 6 9t mjl 1 91 stlm mt 9 98 christmas budgie special i it huju is t 1 1 ccnuine hain mountain rour canary guaranteed to sing 1 canary starter food kit 1 canjtycage book canaries as pets m95 75 695 35 ilm sl spfcii court fte ir harti mountain 7s bpm re cords for icacmnf budbjtos to talk niwl canarlrs lo ting bird cages stands and accessories wt htc n largi anet cr binl iilvs lur biidnics jnil cmirus in alliktit new shus mil toloiv rtlceo rom 4 49 to 14 95 bird cage stands wall brackets from 125 to 798 special cage promotion mi ullir a brautilul plastii imi iiippii iiin rmntar aliu speukl oniy 10 95 shop eariy for ihb one bird seeds foods etc hurt mountain bird stvd umkk trtatv gravel khkii lion find inc hark v11u miluh hud rrmorir mine hunk mik vpra and pnudirs mjk bird baths ck gold fish commons 19c to 39c also fnttls shubvnkins and buck moor tlsoopes goldrtah foods 15c goldflih bowlt 35c lo 19 pcail chips aquarium niul hartzmountain hampsters tlu so miki- liml pels ln the lininjisli is tinv md inixptri kitty litter ii in in i in pi i christmas goldfish special i inmmon iliirish 21i i gulilfhh biml w i fldfiili fki iv i bk goldish iv pit- tv viliu 1 if special complete 98c haitzmouniain turtles ailinhli babi gnii tu riraili i chiisimas tuttu special plamu liirtk nwl wilh bam tnrn lutllirt nmli iiki b tuili- i rk special complete 149 hopical fish aquarium plants and supplies ftc wi him 1 nitli mil i mini linr ul lnipiiil lisli mil mip pluv aqiiutiiniv hi punipn dims iiui in ilm iilli i mi iipiaiiiim ji ml thiimii- mitoia iiinamtnk ilnik ihaiiil liissuiil in liis luhiiij tish iiiiuiliis impii il tropical fish llppiis plt 11 ill mils slllll i ills bltls till is asscmted hopical plants plastic aquarium uimpkti unh iillimni ins limn il n in runilmrm nil rs i hli 895 othet aouatlums piiinl inmi 39s to sh95 golden llampnlcn each 9tc albino plnlo and honey llampilerii each si 23 hampsler fnod 39c llampater liner 49c hampiter cages s3 9 in 15 98 christmas special s lb bag 10 lb bag is lb bag sanitary trayf 6 125 191 35c 115 hadtzmountain wild bird feeders rhniuph ihi sinli id liu lliinpsin in wilh l hi i s w mi b i 4 llillipsti i i w ilimpsni i hi i 4 1111 lliinpsin ilm ic1 special complete 595 christmas gifts or cats and dogs value 1700 special complete 1195 hintons 5c to 1 store the store that gives you a betthorce a better quality a lower price pb ttrts feeding dishes riarnpo1 ilea collars and sprevs qiiaht leather and metal leashi collars and harness caimp tovs dig -um- mles etc kihls iiluivh mill hnhkis 125 to 498 wild bird seed mixture isunlitil in pilvnl jiowih in votii yaiini vc ba sunflower smcii 69c bg sutt smd ckt 49c ekh be sure to visit our basement t0yland wau down

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