mrs a frank heads wa mrs robertson life member everyone present enjoyed a pot luck dinner in the sunday school room of the church for the annual meeting and the el cction of officers for the wjv or ebcnezcr t before the dinner hour k griffiths minister m charge ot fercd prayer then took the charr for the installation of officers for 1961 proposed hy mrs e ward convener of the nominal ing committee slate of officer the following slate comprises some new oflfcers some un changed president mrs a frank vicepresident mrs m howard secretary mrs s trou sdolc treasurer mrs j henry wms convener mrs h blyth wa convener mrs g thomas cchcr secretary mrs e mission band leaders mrs w dunbar and mrs e watson baby band superintendent mrs a diamond iradlc roll mrs l rerguson supply secretary mrs s trousdale missionary month ly mrs w freeman punisi nfd reporter mrs w earlv mr griffiths thanked the re tiring officers for their hml work through the ycai and uel corned the new ofifccrs he also urged the members to study the following pamphlets the com mission on the work of women in ihe- church ind the united church women year of preparation he pointed out that 1961 wilt be a year of preparation for m traduction or the orginiation of united church women mrs a diamond moved a vole of thanks lo mr griffiths tor so gracious ly performing this duty ol in stamation mr griffiths closed this part of the meeting with prayci a film on ihe chnslmas story vsxsnvivr w rockwood annual awards given to eramosa 4h clubs the eramosa junior farmers held their regular meeting rcc cntly in st john s church parish hall and it was the annual re- ward night of the 4h clubs of eramosa ken jessop the prcs idcnt called the meeting to ord cr and thanked the parents 4h members dnd friends for such a splendid turnout the guest speaker wis pro fessor robertson of the oac staff who spoke on father and son partnership he was intro duced by gordon leslie and thanked by dive frcure sponior calf club the junior faimers sponsor the calf club with john bcnham and eai osborne as leaders calf club 4h awards were pre sented by earl oshome the jun lor funnel trophy lot the call club 4h member obtaining the highest marks was presented lo ron storey by ken jessop the wiberi a freeman showman ship trophv was donated lor ihe first time and won b ron slot cy with wilhcil a ficeman pre senting it george leslie presented gills to the following 4h members shorthorn calves clifford allan lurry dyer brian lowry susan pearl and john rulherfoi d george storey presented the an gus awards to don carnev and ron storcv grain awards charles mcnabb leader of the south wellington grain club presented awards to alex me nabb sandy mephcdran harold ml eat hern and garry ritchie grain shown al erin was in the first prize group al the roy al wintei fair the bovs obtain ed fifth eighth and ninth pine ings alex mcnabb was winner of a tup in 1 lor the land tour this club was sponsored bv the federation of agriculture who also sponsored l hi tractor club awards in this division were presented bv bruce hind ley al the interclub compttit ion doug rowan und bob jou t cjnted fifth out of 3s this sundays henry stanlcv assistant agnc ultural represent itivc was call ed on ind eongr uulatcd all 4h members i hanking the ladies and parents lor their splendid cooperalion he mentioned some 4h members who did ucll il irious furs ron store uis eliss a il ihe renil wmlei fin al erin show in the beef see lion ron slurev uas in a group wilh susan peart and clifford allan in b group in he dam lass gerlie freeman wis in a group while sand mephcdran h irold meeichein ind bennee ficeman were in the b group siher dollar competition al the kilehcncr trade fur alex menibh and gertie ftee mm were two or ihe ien honi wellington counu certificate of merit mr stanley presented alt min ibb with a certificate ol menl loi completing 18 piocck ihe highest in wellington conn l gertie freeman his eomplel id sccn atiiiulluial piojeels certificates wire prtsenled to s ind mephednn ind berniee ficeman lor lompletmg si pio jecls the junior tarmers held i short business sm m if lex which lunch was served and i social half hour was cnoed first skating as a result uf the recent cold weather last week mil oir hi weekend then is eoxl iu oh ihe mcr adjoining the hteliw i young people tl ihe milage hue been skating for tin lum turn ihis season due lo saturday ntphl s ind sunda mornings told wiathn ihe feed pipe for the i urn in u st johns i hun h wis dktleel resulting in tool umperituiis for the serwees r b sink reef eondtickd a biuf sentee in the altemuon mt and mrs john hileh ind ehildjit ol london w re week end isilois with the latter s pirents mi ind mis lome 1 in loot church calendar the church of st auan the marty angucan rector the htv h b stokreef lth stb 183 jeffrey st phone 389 the fouith sundaj in acht nt sunday decbmbfr ihth l0 8 30 m hlv eiktornt 930 am hulv eucharist and church school 1100 nm choral euoharwt 7 00 pm tandlilitflitot md i i ml se r ce hid week celfbrations wednesdan 21 dcnhu r idtio ivuri ut st tt ma ajw ll and marur iii ui hi fi chantt saturday m dwmber 1160 chi mimas ec 1130 pn midnu chural eurhari t all art wflcom- acton ffnticostal lapttst church acton pastor james m rudd 39 nelson court pti ne 206 sunday december 18th 1g0 1 1 00 am thr ach ei f h s 00 p m the sohr if m p in stmdat vh i wfdifmliv w pravr mf t ii and bib r stud alt are welcom with enrols interspersed through out was shown by mrs h blyth lor the devotional period mrs g thomas acting as commen tator mrs a nurrish also read i christmas story entitled those gracious gifts new life member a tiappv moment in this part of the meeting was the prevent uion ot a life membership and pin to mrs g robertson who laken bv surprise mrs m moffat spoke a few words and mis if blylh made the present ition of the ceilifieale and pin mrs robertson sincerely thank d ihe members for honoring her n this mannei she said it was irulv one of those gracious tills mrs k grilifths favored with a loelv solo business items were dealt lh and mrs h bhtli ind mrs m hawsard wen nppomled lo look atler the chnslmas cheer boxes lor ihe sick ind shul ins alter singing a carol mrs j rnbet ison closed the meeting with prtyer s s meeting thi sunda school teachers and offieeis mel at thi bis l h home for the december met line s in tin blvth was pi mist for thi half hour of singing f ionie hsmns h blih led in pnmi and mis e wit son read t p is ige of senpttiie final plans wen made for a spend scimcc in ihe sunil i school on white oifl sund i hull is ihe i8th ilso lor the clinstmis enleil imment whtih will he ik id in the ehiiuh on the 22nd try air layering to aid old plants it doesn l uke lint lor some house pi in is to develop thai lone slnih hiyhlv unatir let look lhe lel loo lare lor a room more often thin not thev ire removed lo some farawav pi iu tilt poieh loi ills inn vvheie tht live out the duiadon or i lives in iwkwird seihts this is thi lale ol loo m un tood house pi mis winn i pi ml oultniws lis al uliuncs it i in iften tx hel cd h a simple method of prop- tun idled ur livirme sav hortuullunsts with the onl ino ixpnimmi of atriiulliiti produce roots tins pi uike lels plints pro duce tools on shuilir st ilk- smiller vi i fullv divilopetl md itii ulivi oil spnne usull pi ini most suit ihlv piopiiikd hv ihi- imitikl u tin mil loli l ivp- es siuh is philtkiinilmn aibber pi ml ill ie uni ind diitfuihi ehn miri s how it s done tirst uokh ihi sum where miu vv nit tin roots ti foim keip the wound open with a foruen oh jut siuh is i sink or nibble add i root 11 ivvih tniviuix mil wt ip we i sph timim muss u und tin sum tie il lightlv in plan ind cover willi i pine ol pokthtiii hit when the rools h ive f uniid ihe shoot m be itmived hum the old st ilk ind plinkd while ihe voting nmls an mill foinnnp he sun t keep the moss in a moist i mdit iuitr pnoto charred beams indicate the headway made by fire at the home of mr and mrs witlard britton r r 1 acton tuesday afternoon acton firef ghlers made a fast run fo the farm home and tiad the blaze under control in shorl order caused by overheated stove pipes the fire had gamed access to the allic before it was extinguished santas claus distributes gifts to members of mission circle the women s missun cikii i the bipnst chinch held thin deiimbei meetiut ind chi ist mas piitv al mrs w goidons home on lhuiellill road i lie preside nl mi s c l indsboi outli opened ihe meeting with re id i lit i chnslmas poem and the gioup sinking a christmas eaiol o come dl vi i ulliful pi ivit wis given bv mis l inilsboioiilh miss piikiniilon in ihi seuil ji s ibsenie ie id i hi mtnulis of i in pi i v ions mie line w hie h win ippiovtd r ii vv is i illnl and visilois well omul after i shoit business elismssi m j v i the woile is suit h iii l1 up with mis 1 bulmei i iiiipinvtiie t the pi in i miss i id i i ivii hi out hi in in tltisliiil ind timtlv divninnil u ulint fiom i like s dispel eh ipur lv ilul i innlil hi in on chiistnns old mil mvv mis d dunk mil e isi put on i pi iv sill viinus missuns mis i hen ind mrs dunk supirvisnl ihi eontests whuh ivervoiie en time out i mplovei i wish vou would not wlllslle while v ill i e w ilk ii1l i mplovei i wisn t work iil iiisl whistling ml per eint i t c inuli in in ins in dm lo nigliiini robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists ronmrl i p head phone guelph ta 4 2071 58 st georges square pesythhan chimch in canada knox chitkch actov ro ndri h i ba b d mnmt short ll sheet metal plumbing and heating contractors gar wood oil and gas furnaces muiinu til f ihn atme of ill kinds t ivcsirouihint all ihi neitsirv pirn md lmm t i the ik 1 lll tl lile oil but m i sirvue pumps pi iu i urn dr md sun p i hoi willi hi hits i water s if tenn i ci mplete stixk of pipe ind titiiiils i inptu t inks md beds shop 184 churchill rd n phone 464 acton ont s3 church iu road paoc rv kenneth j reid ps5tor 13 cook st phon m w sunday december 18th i960 1000 i m sunday school 11 00 m mornnif worship t 00 pm evangel imic tueadat 8pm prayer and bible study thursday 8 pjn christ ambu wrdors you are always welcome chmst1an retotmed chutch itcv j nutma ba b d minister ml queen st box phone fiw sunday dccembfr 18th 1960 1800 am enihili u0 p m dutch nda ifx pmbfr lih 19s0 9 ix churrh lx vat i of vrvkf 1 1 00 m marninf worship thrnr mim t r n h manm r junior conrtjati m ps 3 mrttt dunng rtn n p r mirwrv eh idrm carod f r at matvc i roo i m nmijl cc it ch united chutch of canaoa ahm oatarto rev dit bmel ba minister mr georfe klhitt organist and choir master mda decembfr 181 ifi0 9 30 am earl serv w 9 30 am senior sutida sch o trade 4 and up it 00 a m morning w h p 1100 am jun or sunda ihtol up to cade j lh nu erv 2 30 pmsindi scvcxl chrm mis concer r crt lawe a id linum poo ptnctit chrtmv vr per erwrr 30 p in uung people mf r christmas grtetings from q choice potted plants and cut flowers potted mums cyciamen kmnsettus kgonias memorial artificial wreaths for th convenlervce of customers we w ii be located at the corner of mill and m n 5reets def ng the chr sifnas season l iv d l lluwnv in- i i int lit sjnn ippi md md distuhtil d lifts hum under ihe in mil lulh elei i ikd cliiislin is uei riliishnients we e smeel in tile uu hosti ssis mi s coin n mrs helwie mss pilkintlon mil mis mitiitiheon mis i iimi mm i urn l ihmks l i mis gui dm 1 i opeiunl hn lititm loi hie chuslm s pm wrap up your good wishes in a gift mofrey order from the bank of nova scotia get six good weeks out of poinsettias as a christmas plant polnset tli has tew equals yet isii i it maddening when the plant lades just as the hulid ly season rulk around horlieultunsts with he ont arlo department or aorieulture say lh il voti eun t six good weeks mil til our ptunseltiis il oti he ii in mind lliese tips keep ihe plant in i bright sunnv loealion uoid drafts or hoi ur reejslers pomsellns mid sle ids tempeiatures w itir is soon is the soil appiurs drv tempei mire is ihe import mt laetoi lladiv temper ituu of iboul 71 decrees fihrenhul md i nitht leinpeialure ol 60 to 6s tie m untamed vour pi mis will thrim ihrouth and foi somi lime time idler christm is plant ailments if the lower leaves itirn el low uilt mil diop hi ime dr soil ind i sudden temper nine ehiinte if the plant is slunled uitli mllouiiif ol the top leaves i i hiolen deheienev is probab ly ihi eanse attir the plants aie estahhsbed it s i tood ide i lo leed them euiv two weeks with a eompliii in lihu ii vou win lo i irry pi inls oier i r anolber iat he res whu lo do alter ihe flowetine peiiud resl thim in i eool spol md it i ihi soil div out cul the planls hiek pari wav then p ne the plains in i itger nuts vaiir ihem lie lliein lols ol iil1ii ind fit iu 70 degiee temperilur the acton free press thursday december 15th 1960 ii mrs h mainpnze hostess to chapter the christmas mealing of the duke ol deonsbir ehapter of the i0df was held it tin s then lln li oil llu w i 111 jsllll is llhi 11ii1l don t let pon stilus li ui lil k wu fin the til- siptnnbir i flout iiiil lie r pollock and campbell m muf leltirers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st norm galt telephone 621 7580 for space heater oil nnd confectionery supplies your trxaco dealer cinnii mil nd yuunj streets open 7am to 1 1 p m daily home of mrs h mainprue the usm i don hums weie allotted la several i i uses including the children s aid buisaries and si hdl irships at hi elose of the business m ss dtisv folster and mrs ixorfte young elite t t lined wilh hnstmis mdiiins mis j whit him ltd i singsong of enrols ind t liiisini is solids with hir banjo llu mini il due of mwsprint i pi i pioduiid in canada fir e l buchner optometrist optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 48 mill st e acton wednesdays only office hours 2 00 6 00 pm for appointment phone 115 acton churdi ol st aban the martyr sunday december 18 1960 llll 101 kill sunday in aiwin i 7 00 fm annual candlelighttng and carol service everyone is cordiauy invited to this musical act of worship i ik cihii h p ts lh i ihe ilh dl il ill t mniunii ints will ik sue mt llo minium n il dl limes me in e ihi ci iislin is se is n rrnt til s tx m ml h r ph me 26i il ou in suk or un ihi ii muni in cliuiih it llns time so th i di io tikbi in the h is fmhinsi i ill ol in llu liospil ll as a gift or a treat fbr you ire always sure oirfslmas to p y friends we have an excellent assort ment all deliciously fresh and gaily gift wrapped for christmas of boxed chocolates choose yours now while the supply lasts from rowntrees neilsons moirs jenny lind tired from christmas shopping drop in for a snack or full course meal and relax bring your christmas photos to us for fast m hour photo finishing service other gift suggestions choose from our com plete ine of smolers suppl es and camera accessor es watsons dairy bar acton h you dont mcmullens home improvements sales pay today have acquired ihe habit of giving lets pay in 1961 may they are going to give you 15 00 in cash if you own your own home or not- need any improvements or appliances ornamental fireplaces ctc 1 track colored windows at the price of 1 tracks quality products at fair prices tv sets electric stoves refrigerators washers dryers space heaters aluminum siding aluminizeo 1rixite stone siding mixite shadolap siding stone stucco stucco asbestos siding asphalt roofing and shingles 1500 1500 winter work cash coupons cash up to 15oo if you qualify for a limited time only yoij must present coupon for cash 1500 1500 uhd refrigerators etc inside pustering tile floors new furnaces bathrooms new or remodeueo mcmullens any serve or repa rs on your home can be done now w th up o 36 monhs to pay no payments requ red until may 1 961 and further we tl g ve you s 1 5 cash f you can qual y it cos you noth ng bu a phone call to 1 nd out all acton labor used on all our ob phone or visit home improvements and sales lt mm st e phone 6