Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1960, p. 5

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oolei classified advertising rates no chart fur unounecmeot of birth marrlaim deaths ad knitttaiaihi in memor urns wc plus 10c per line for vene articles for tale tent etc fe i word mint mum fctah we silled 79e box no to this office 25e additional coming events toe minimum tint live line each additional line 10c card of thank 7sc or for flrat s line each additional line 10c account are rendered monday tollowini insertion latest insertion tim ml tm wionwoat phone 600 christmas gift money selling through want ads awwajttw births marriages deaths etc born verbmek mr and hit w verttreefc are happy to announce the birth ol a son enc robert on monday december 3 maflmmsbul and marion nee qirbr are happy to announce the birth of their daughter don na ettedbeth on december 3 at st josef s hospital guelph richvale are happy to announce the birth of their baby daughter on monday november 28 at die newmarket hoapltal a sitter for debbie and eased to announce the birth ol their son on tuesday november 29 at the catherine booth hoapltal montreal quebec a brother for drag died haltdayafter a brief illness at the kitchener waterloo hosplt a kitchener on friday decern her 2 i960 nelson david half day of r r 2 rockwood in his 7wh year funeral service was held at the rumleyahoemaker funeral home on saturday at 1pm interment nassafaweya presbyterian ccmet ery caftdb of thankb mr and mrs john mclaughlin ovould hkc to thank the acton firemen for answering the call no promptly on friday evening we would like to take this way of taring wood bye to the many friends we nave made during our nine years in acton may wc wish you all a merry christmas and new year 1 frede a 24 37d inmimoauam mookaoway in loving mem orjf of a dear father and grand fatter william mcglllowav death is a heartache nothing ran heat soma may forget you now that you re gone but well never forget you matter how long lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son jim daughter law freda and grandchildren a 24 5683 coming events lakeside i ode christmas par ty and fkt exchange tuesday december 13 8 pjn legion hall a mms euchre friday december 9 at bj0 p nu limehouse memorial hall prizes lunch gib altar school association admission 50c a 24 mb euchre and penny salr satur day december 10 8 30 pm par iah hall good lunch and pnies admimhti s5c procecdi tor juv cnile orange lodge 45 a 2t 24 5s39 acton scottish dane club christmas parly and family night saturday december 10 at 130 p m ymca afamtsaton 50c uaenu ssc box hincti bring and buv table 5c proceeds for retarded children a 23 258 rot sau cwihntttd for sale plastic rooking horse on chrome plated frame hea vy duty springs in good condition rfione 77tjbt acton a 24 3705 for sale aluminum doors self storing 1 inch thick complete with hard ware price j30 50 in stalled phone tr 73904 a 233 5687 for sale all types aluminum atorm windows doora and awn ings saawest prime windows for free estimates phone 385 a 17mll u for sale made to order stamp inks ft stationery out phone rubber stamps stamp pads and delivery dills st- acton a47tm690 wt d mill for sale st albans old rec tory 54 willow north to be mov ed from lot as toon as possible anyone desiring to make an offer phone 455 a 24 5691 for sale19m ford ton p ok ip in good running order equip in new 70017 snow vcton phoi a 24 for sale outboard johnson 10 hp motor and cruise a day tank good condition 100 or swap for good running car same value phone acton 862 a 24 5664 for salhehi952 chevrolet de luxe coach fully equipped good condition 1 pair mens ccm ice skates size 10 used only twice phone 636w am5686 for sale large glossy prints 8 x 10 size 9100 enquire now at the free press office 80 willow st or phone 600 a tf for sale smith corona por table typewriters factory new for as low as 7995 alio typewriter ribbons for all makes carbon pap er etc dills stationery 56 millst acton phone 603 a434572 for sale surge ptptline and bucket milkers and vacuum gumps new and used machines ipe and fittings for milkers and water bowls cut and installed call horace tomlinson 9 mclau ghlin brampton gl 1 1275 a tf for sale life auto fire theft accident mortgage bwnir ance for dependable service w th reputable companies contact syd ney k lamb insurance agency 8 mill st e acton or phone 524 a 514811 tf for sale car parts wreck ng 55 ford 54 butck f rd and ohcv s3 chcv dodge ford 52 plymouth and ohev and numer for sale private 1904 met eor niagara 4door sedan custom push button radio rear deck spea ker windshield washers back up lisjhts new matching seat covers 2 tone one owner excellent con duion ss25 for quick sale vic morris 113 elizabeth drive lake view acton phone acton 607 a 24 5445 for sale genuine hartz mountain canaries all male birds sjaranteed to sing imported from urope the finest we can buy will make a treasured chrstmas gift hat will be remembered through out the year in beauty of song use our christmas layaway plan sel ect our canary we w 11 keep it ii m hintons 5c a 233 5676 used car sale 1083 chevrolet completed ov erhualed now brakes tires etc a 1 condition 1950 dodge a good buy for the right person 1947 plymouth mechanically jack mccallums service station 186 mill st phone 47 more and more people are finding value is a fact and not a slogan with us 1959 pontiac automate 6 th s another 1 w m leage cir back d th 2 000 miles f verified w arran ly 1988 volkswagens 3 to choose from each ms down and monthlv full verified wir on each unit 1957 station wagon a kept un l with new snow and radio 195 down monthly 19a6 morris a locally owned car can be purchased for 29 a month no money dow n 1965 pl mouth with lots of un used miles for only 34 month ly ni money down to approved crd l for sale for sale babys crtb spring filled mattress phone 6s6 243691 for sale cub uniform sue tor sals or rant t room house in acton o i furnace and garage no down payment tri angle 89647 a 3456h3 a well w t tvs and 941 km iau eswhmw safe buy used cars 56 ford fordor cuitomhne te- dan 36 ford falrlane sedan 56 meteor tudor niagara 56 chev bel air fordor sedan 60 meteor tudor hardtop all cars in top condition come in and test drive the new 1961 mercury frank toth motors 12 main st phone 52 dependable used cars 1957 de soto firedome 2 door hardtop fully equipped 1054 chrysler 4door sedan ful ly equipped 1954 ford coach new paint a x condition overhead valves 1952 ohev sedan 1956 morris oxford radio 1080 plymouth fury hardtop fully equipped demonstrator bill toth shell service chrysler plymouth valiant dealer for rent for rent 3 rooms downstairs heated all conveniences separate entrance phone 334 j a 21 5621 for rent 4 room apartment k th ail conveniences available mmed ately r n br wn phone 366 j a 24 5694 for rent lovely 3 bedroom h mc itkc new unlurn shed m m date occupancy can be given apply bank of nova scot a u 24 1704 for rent 3 room apartrrfcnt downsla rs furnished or unlurn ished reasonable rent suitable for cuuple with child phone 79 be twotn 6 and 7 pm a 24 5443 yeniehce fujnace tastefully doc- orated urge tot close to lake ap- for rent 1 bedroom apart ment heated hot and cold water laundry facilities and locker in modern building phone 305 be tween 12 and 1 pm or after s i 17 3 pm 5399 tf wanted wanted 6day clock or works from- same for geology class phone 239 after 6pm a 24 5682 wanted to buy canadian and american coins of all denom natons acton 1078 after 6 pm a24 5700 wanted halton poultry pro ducts dealers in live and dressed poultry and freoh egg custom kill ng phone milton tr 8 4401 a tf wanted young man w th car to represent acton and rural area for fuller brush co supply cha actor reference and particulars to box 310 acton free press a hap p man s a worknng man are you a245701 lost and found lost in glen tea area red and wh te tricycle brad painted crossbar ph ne 513 a 34 5686 mtfcjuafctous onhhuwo insursie of all mflklfrou eofisliehai a ohanit from f y igt from looking i ri policy or looking for a floor nmmshino we now ive a modern sender abd edger e will reflmih your noort or rent you the eguipmsnt to do the iob yourself f b frank phone 177 47 frederick st 3 acton a if reasonable rates guaran teed workmanship general clean ing and maintenance ruga and upholstery a specialty printing and decorating acton walflor service phones 127 711 acton a 245680 koroe gibson pays the 1he3t pricks for dead and disabled cattle and horses old healthy horses 6 cents pound res idertce phone fergus 231 w 12 ilant fergus 932 or guelph ta 4 sis collect for promut service a if re1mer upholstery spec iallzlng in reupholsterlng all typel of furniture best quality material fine workmanship prompt service also furniture relinisfilng and rug cleaning phone 88 marks grocery acton a tf looking fo better returns from poultry your hy line chick representative can give you details on how you can earn soc more per pen housed with hy line 934 series layers contact acton farm supply acton ont a 21 5620 filter queen sales and service for a cleaner and healthier home tr 7 4297 genrgetown phone after 5pm repairs to all makes rental maoh ines by the week portables used from 2950 see the latest slngtra sewing machines free home demonatra lions dvson sewing centfr georgetown tr 74831 acton gordon hardware ltd tr 88201 paconi deadstock removal licensed pays 1 00 per 100 lbs for dead cows and horses more for cripple according to s ze and rfrond 1 n old horses k lb wnall animals re moved free of charge 24 hour spr vice 7 days a week for pronpt serv cc ph ne zen ih 9 7910 charge lo yot add 4000 to 8000 to your present income with a small capital investment wth philco bendix equipped king koin launderette feil ir n d uble loid double prnf t waituri w th aut mat c soik cycle koin laundry sales ltd 20 college st toronto omar o telephone wa 54s15 otkwood united church bazaar success camera club election ih news the annual bazaar in connec lion with the united chunh was held snturny afternoon and well atkndtd in the sunday school oom during service at st john s church sunday afternoon holy communion was cilcbrulcd with e slipp serving rev h b slok reef officiated the young people of he pres byterian church an prcpiring tor the annual christmas uhcrtain ment december 16 mr and mrs jock lmcrty of toronto were weekend visitors in ihi village real estate service station modern dwelling snack bar and garage 7 acres located on h ghway acton area special price for december 19 000 w 11 cons der l ade galltnage ncrcasing yearly roy mcconnell monday ekclkm elections tor townihln school inisiecs arc being held in ihc wn hall this monday mrs al nichol was taken sud dcnlv iii last wednesday ecvnlng nd was rushed to hospital lor un upcratiun she was able lo re i urn home friday and able lo get around during he weekend as a result of sharp cold wcath r last week ihe river adjoining ihc highway hud a coating of kt which is slowly melting with the milder weather over the week end reorganize club with notices scnl oul recently in the interests of the guelph c imcra club lor the purpose ol rcorginizlng there was n good response when some 30 young nen were in attendance con sltlerahlc interest was manifested during discussions the mcel ng was held in foimcr police courl room of cii hall another meet ing is called i r this wedncsdny acton centre 4 bedroom brick home large 1 v ng room d mng ro m k tchen bafli full basement furnace ig treed 1 t asking f tl price with terms e i 01 000 close to stores 8150 full price 1 brdroom h mo mu t be s id owner left hoi c empty mmed lite p issess on bns ment see tfs o le te ms cin be arranfied eden mills 350 full down paymfnt one m rtgage only 4 500 full price 2 bedroom home liv ng room kit chen bath pressure system basement garage btwneditc posses on taxes s35 yearly this home cakries for 45 monthly n second hortrore farms etc last call for this one 100 acres g od m dern home barn ti cres w rkablc trout stream atk ng 12 soo lull pr ce w th 3000 full down payment ci 1 o ir pjeper fenced firm repre entit c mel stark sydney k lamb realtor and insurance 8 m ii st e act n phone s24 ge rgetown and thank you to those who supported me in the recent elfction my sincere thanks wmjmdeod seasons greetings to all firefighters battle income tax cmptlons for volunteer flref ht contttiwed from pops ont the halton county mulual a d fire services association has ta ken up the cudgels on behalf of the firemen and this week dush cd off letters lo municipal cocin cils ontario and canadian fire marsh ills office members ol pu lumen and the ont irio fiie fighters assoc a hon in the dn eetivc they pad for aclion to upset ihe income tax ruling no firemen do ihelr wt rk on ly for pay but thev do it willing ly ihc letter stales it pleads for action lo either have ihe dc- pirlnenl ignore such incomes under 250 or amend the income ax aet o provide for small ex thank you to the electors of acton for the support accorded me at the recent municipal elections s ncerely hcjoecalla milton arena thursday dee 8 figure skating 430 to 6 30 pm industrial league hockey stilting 8 pm spectator vs glen whjjams rams vs quccnmon saturday doc 10 public skatino 2 lo 4 p m 8 to 10 pm monday dec 12 minor hockey night in d of rel ided chldun tuesday dec 13 figure skating 4 m lo ft 10 p m junior farmer hockey 2 dimes st irting at 8 pm wednesday dec 14 adult a preschool skating afternoon 2 to 4 pm public skating 8 lo 10 pm era so there it resls tor the pre sent but the firemen are con fident there will be mure action wilhin the next few days tracks narrower newfoundland s 704mlle crow- island railway was completed in 1898 the newfoundland tracks arc a fool narrower ihnn the standard canadian guage citizens of acton i am please0 to serve you once again as your reeve seasons greetings to all j hargrave ieeceteetctc lost small frey cot in the vk n ty of lakeview subdivision hs pet call 955 rtard a4 5690 194 austin in above as cond feun tf need a second car that you can depend tee and or ve tnts un t f upon 22 monthlv wth no down ment 1933 ford w th orifpnal only 2t monthlv no down ment for sale- pumues refl teasdea weeks oml collies rs terries phone tr moi lies cock tr m085 a m5682 for sale parsnips per bu i rq contain acton ph ah5 1953 pontiac 4 practically new um a special to clear at only 19ss chcv deluxe w th radio a good solid un t for only s34 month w th n down payment max mckee at cross sales and service ontaro street south miltor found holstcn herfcr year old strayed to farm of cameron k tch ng nassagaweya twp own er may claam byajdenufyinc and ettl ng coals lnbved a 233 5440 help wanted help wanted men or om en full ot part time no txper rnce necessary we tra n ou no ncstment wr te rawleiflh dept llll66 4005 r chexei montreal sincere appreciation your confidence in my ab i ty to serve on the school board as your school trustee for another term as expressed n my re elect on by acdamat on s s ncerely apprec ated merry christmas and haffy new year to all c w bradley wanted hatch n enrs hatch ns esx producers wanted by well known lon established hat chery flock size 200 birds and up day old and started breeding stook available on short notice brar hatchery j c enns queen east glendsle 13508 and norman mec eastern ave olen dae 15316 brampton 23 2 miscellaneous kitchener upholstery he vour chesterfield suite ra siolstered by us and save refln mi one week service call watsons music store avtf sincere thanks your confidence in acclaiming me your mayor for another term is sincerely appreciated may pride in progress of acton be ours to share seasons greetings to all john h goy arthur a field would like to take this opportunity to thank those who voted for him and wishes the people of acton the compli ments of the season i appreciate the support accorded me in the recent municipal elections tuesday december 6th compliments of the season john a newton looking for a good reliable fuel oil dealer htre art some reasons youll like us guaranteed top qual ty ba 5olar heat fuel o i w th assurance of supply every gallon f lie ed each t me it s handled our automat c del vefy 5ys em keeps your tanks filed exact accurate del ver es w th cert f ed t cket well tra ned del very men you1l find our prices competitive our service efficient and prompt thompson fuels servicing roar ana with jk heating chi4 adga50une phone ahek houb cau w4 say m e m a s every week in the year with a i o n to the acton free press

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