Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1960, p. 4

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ltadoq ft pfu thunday dfctmfcw 1 1960 contest esquesing re6vship wnjpkio nu deputy reeve by acclamation g ctlrrie candidate tor reeve c sinclair catidldate cor reeve council seats w pope candidate for council j v wingrove candidate for council ratepayers pack stewarttown hall for esquesing nominations monday in spite of dense fog and dm zling rain the largest crowd since 1945 jammed stewart town hall monday evening to attend the esquesing township nominal ions mrs- srnrlci armstrong made political histoid when she qual ified as a candidate for the school board the first umt in esquesing that a woman has run for office following her qualif icatiun speech when she outlined her platform the woman candid ale wing for one of two acanc ies on the school board received a huirtv rouyid ul applause one acclamation dcputs rctvl wilfrid bird wis the onl one who was accorded an acclamation with all other posts being con tested m evbtton weekend visitors speaker of interest mr and mrs ted jesim patss and nancy visited on sunday with mr and mrs llud hunui and famih brartt ford sunda visitors with mr and mrs ro hindle were mr clttt hidd talbot and mis alun tjthot of oaki lie mr emu cume guelph present rcec c sinchu being opposed for offiee b a former lownship rcee g cur ne three seals on couneit are being keen i eonlcsted b jonalh an wingnnc waller pope wal ter linham george leslie and wtlfred leslie two stats on school board art being sought h fit candidatts mrs shirks armstrong william pomcrov arthur roi willi un hoiaek jrid stanlev brown township cluk k c lindsm was appointed chairman lur the meeting reese cam vntlair outlined touneil s actions during thi pisi tu tht rceie thanked the i he pavers lor attending the mutiny in spile ol weather tondilions h lold the meetint ihil at count i eouncil ltel diflcrtnt pro ten is were buni eonsidered he jaarned tht ralepaeis thai fsques ng h id been caught in a itsidenlnl building program and tounttl hid slowed the program down bv leiiing a j300 building lee to help with eapital expend i t re jstl betn in choosing the lowest len dcr he told the audienee he had served the township in i irious eapacities for ocr 2s icirs and was prepared to do his besl ag ain if elected drivers turt dcputi rtt tuned b ki d a propose t ind re ne we el congratulates m m coles reported on act i tits of ihc aelon district high school boird as esqutsinl s re- prc sen utile and congritulated e g tiler and his dniers on their splendid rceord trinsporl int pupils lo school william himpshire forme i rceie ind eounrv shenff reccn ed a ht irtv round oi applause from tin ratepaiers when he spoke biuflv but firmli to oul line ihe dingers fjced hi future auncillurs and sehool luistees he stressed that eierv ehild in the province regardless ol fin aneial position is en til led lo equal education right and sug gcmcd that costs should be burnt bi ihc toitrnment mr hamp- hire warned that taxes in the ould no douhl be in md urgetl the p papillon returned president by halton liberals on friday peter papillon aelon was turned as president of the hal ion county liberal association in milton friday at a meeting at ended by 8 named first vicepresident wns morris manderson georgetown second vicepresident bill kelly milton sccrelary mrs o mullin oakville and treasurer dait wcndovcr palermo jn a panel discussion semior divid croll tony abbot i duk stansburv k y dick ind hughes cleaver dealt with such questions as ihe new party s future tht liberal plitform the suggestion that talking of unemployment was predicting doom and the history of liberalism new in name only senator croll suggested the new parly was only new in nunc he noted it was the liberals who had given labor the legislation that introduced the right to col icetive bargaining k y dick sugegsled the liher ah had built up the welfare legis lation including old age assist hospital schemes baby bonus and tdiiwi npilul pensions jiius ar through lioitnt bcnelils giants lo univei tony abbot emphasized the new parti would be well home ed and would nltiaet ihe piukst volt he suggtsttd libtials uetc obllgitid lo ntlriel t iihiki lies who can piuwdc posit ne dn unit protjams 1 ht i ibtt il parli his ilwais been llu i ills ol ittovuv ik sucttsltd gave labor all huthts cltiui lurnur mp tmph isicd the lihet il p 11 iv h i i given 1 ibol ill ih h tan ht jiitn b legislation tin beiulit ihjw ever hid in come fmm i toiiiilii thil is piosperous just as sixin as the tories ccl into olfiec thtv boost tht lilleiest paimints mul play faioiites to their own gioiip untmplovmtnt would ht whim f it w isn t hit the untmplovmti i insurance tund on the subject or rcstotitij the cconomv mr ckmr tknoiirut i pump primmj ind siilce sti d draws sales tea raise funds for lakeside iode saturday another successful bazr wis added lo ihe list of many when lakeside chapter iode held its annual fund raising cunt in the legion hall saturday after noon gtneral conveners were mrs h he i wig and mrs j mann candy and baking were soon sold oul while t variety of other units tound man buyers con eiicrs were candy mrs w mid dlclun mrs j inghs aprons mis d manning baking mrs c leishman pennv sale mrs g sjmcrvillc ind mrs s matthews children s fish pond mis h hin n rug draw mrs j dowding taeh lea table was deconted differently with one member m harge of each te i com en r icrc mrs bill coon mrs h hel lit mis j mann with issisi ml mrs harry olterbcin mrs g w mikenic mrs w sproslon mrs s joeque mrs claie pickett uid mis rac west the christmas eakc m ide hi mis h hctwig ins won hi h coniencr mrs mann miss beth rilchic won the illraetiic hooked rug piltv gibson a doll with i knitted outfit oniener mts m uininc penny sale winners one family wis lutki in tin penny salt si in minimis tim three ehiulltns lois mis s in vlutlhcws v n inolhei doll jihi their grandson bahv h tdk mitthews itup indsiuiei i mi baskets ol gum i its mm n voune gl ukiv guelph mis dorothv irmklin mis ken alln ind mis hid colts other wimieis welt pi ml mis w jjprostun bun b iske t mi s cam sinclur i tine house pili i bank miss m gibbon casseiuk maifcarcl pliclan itwtls mis don rvder in ions mis robot turner i iv si sin mis ji hn gov blousi mrs cluk aim strong pi int fvthn i mimond chnslm is iblc ind so net its mis heihhclwit baihttuc mrs chaiks mcci ie tic m s m uj ucrile tavlor pin mrs roi blown kki e ip mis a 1 buth in in and i i h ktl sold hi one person in toronto were drum i hi t minister went k miss hildi cathy te iplul lo mts poitti apron md oi n nulls h art betl and slip i i mis lei n i blue organdv apron by apron woodcock ill of toroi all council returned by acclamation friday t wilfrid bird re lanution mention tounli museum the proposal m ounn huildint roads better than ever councillor walter 1 inhim ited on sundai with mi and mrs i chimin in ol the nud comnuluv int e ham hortop elizabeth indlpoiltd loid improvements j busi u nanc jnd ouilined iddmon il proiitis j mr and mrs robert mccut planned he told tht r lupiurs n chcon and dianne kitchener i hit gi idtis piuhistd ictntlv h ciutiun in selecting people lo id i minister their limncts no sooner had the nomination 1 milling ended than tandidatts i wtit bus pi inning their ekcl ion c unpaigns rjicpucrs stood out side tht hill in the tain dis oissirip ihor pi ins ind rtiitu oud ind louikii all council returned b yacclama since nomination tgfil ftpday afternoon for the township the lownship council was returned to office b acclamation as fol lows rceie j oakcs deputvrceie ernest benham councilnun douglas forsvthc gordon wheel cr chirks mtnabb nominated for board of ed its eshssrrsr r a elect representatives in erin township with onlv about 50 per ccnl of the voters going lo the polls mondav n erin tow nship to elect school board area number one iruslces and cduneil rcprcs cntatnes officials termed the turnout poor during ihe nominations meet ing fndav november 18 recu george wallace and deputi rceie r m bardcn were ac claimed to office in school board aiei number iwo the trus lees acclaimed to offce were dai id barbour norman cun ningham walter mcfee nelson rathhun and waller huxley dunng the election mondav rov fe rguson robe rl row an and albert wheeler were return ed to office on sehool board ar ea number one the following will represent the ratepaiers bvron bruit llosd marshall and willi im mclean visited on saturdai with mr ind mrs hanoi jest n and bobbi nd mr t d mccutcheon mrs simpson of toronto w is the guest speaker on sundai ai i jj church of christ for the women s da service mr and mrs chas fountain were in oakwood over the week end visiting with retain ev be il tlknt iiuni mud btitct than tur oiher tounollirs spoke hrielli niliqid work heme ucom phshtd b tht council seh h i hoard thairman clar tme coks lhanked coutuil lor thtu ctkperaihki in mainiaming ihc nwds for school bus he noiiei an intras in tea hers silaiitn and told the ratepnurs spot bake birds the board now has 22 leathers presquile ptosincial park is and rnii music lesaeher he lore rapidly gaining popuianti am cast a much smaller balance tar ong nature clubs from hamilton i rioicr than lasi israr as he noied to kingston as an ideal place to thai the remaining time in tht observe raigratorv birds bird i tear would eat up a lot of the watchers have spotted such rar balance un hand wes as a great gre owl seldom former rveit george curnc found south of thr far north thanked ihe audience for his james bay area an american nomination ind stated his pitas i ihe id i lee l ion fin his not i bttn list m fsquising ml rile paiers arc looking forward to i ad h i i amp u tn btfou tkttion dai on mondm an ilkrgi is reiclion bi the hum in bodi to some substantt the re let ion mas lake the form il a skin eruption a respirilon condition or i ehcstnc upsii h is teier is a common lorm if jllogi medical vicnec his kitloptd melhihls of distour ing tin olfoidinc suhsianct and in mini t isis llu patitni tan ix disotsititd nr his cundiiiun illtinttd oyster catcher the first seen in ontario whose range is srjmh of north carolina and other birds uncommon in this area includ ing mocking birds ure in knowing the old folk wcte going to be looked ifter ai halton manor he noted how eicr thai the dclav in ihe build ing rrogram there had perhaps vote wilfred leslie councillor 161 esquesing township monday oecembe 5 i960 9 am to 7 p m ucalion were wm hindlcv ben husking dime in mcphcdi in ind eirl osborne possible nomimtion for poliei trustees will bt it i liter d ite since mr ind mrs robert bastell have left rockwoocl for acton mrs alice hilts md mem hers of the fimili hiu moved in next to mi mil mts don hills ind firmly mr james mctk of flmin ins home for the weekend ihe only way lu cure uriempkn hunt wiii lo make industry pros pemus we need a government that has the confidence o busi mess dlelenbiker has not given us this owen mullin provincial c mill tl ite in the i isi pruviruiil tki lion reported on the utlivitlis ol die otginizing eornmitlie hi liesscd the- hnpoitiintt of lot h nig ill the i ihouls in tht umnlv piodutlion ol i halton ilhtril p ipci ind pi ins tooigimc tin toiintv tribute lo member ubinitjitig the pitsuknts iv t c r pupf i ion rt v it we d hie lumiiuus attended hy the es eciitiie appointintnt ol i immil ttts and paid tribute lo lorn wiok of anon who hid icicnilv dud after some tunfusion delekutes niintd l the nillonil liberal rallv in llt iw i in january were lonv abb il hi k villi mis dor oihv mullin bitrlinglou and mr ns muidiison georgi town firemen douse fire in burning vehicle in cpoil 111 a si in rlv pk i desttu ul ol the i tumble oul i f bed it saturday morning to inside ol l tai own idli willjw slretl l it i k n of i trine r y m ilaiv m aelon dave do- when ht spotted ihe mtil vtliitle wink iclurn s m h diikt it tin tht e it h m t in mayor attacks system urges publish salaries cohtlnutd from page ont mr guy advised the school boards that an expansion pro gram was ihe last avenue to look towards until all other pcmibll illes have been exhausted the school boards should nol heslt ate lo publish an itemized list of ivcrv tcnchci s salary the pub lic his i right lo know where ihelr money is going he stress ed continuing he remarked there is no reason to be afraid of making this informal on avail ihle since this is public business and s il tries arc being paid bi vim r tax dollars ind mine no distinction addressing his remarks to the board members the mayor pointed out that there should be no distinction between making ihc salaries public and making known the silaries of the clerk town foremin and all oiher em ployeis lalcr in the evening public school board chairman murray smith expressed his opinion and suggested the boird would be prepmd to publish tcichers sal iries count i ring the mavor s remarks reirdlng the over paitl profession mr smith said the boird t uinot g be von d what seems to bt inditiled in pivmenl to u it hers we are re ceiving nothing bin the highest reports from tht inspector hospitalize acton youth following rearend crash bill oost 21 yearold aeton youth iv is liospit ilied m guelph with he id licerilions following a rearend i tljision with iwo cars salurdu n icmbtr 26 a passuiltr in i t it duvtn by robert all nb 20 ol atl m the injured i will wis tk did bv dr wot kim ev it thi stint md sent i gin iph h spit il h he i an aci slimmon poll i mud n oik bed i flit txt ihc ownci s c ie ir window ul thi hi il nluisho ind wi iscni smashed i md bej m lo r the all nbv m hi ing i oi ih til mai it slunk p irki i i ii lohn kimirim w m stn mho i mu ie veil when he w is tossed forw i ihe windshttld by the f n impitt opp i ns ibk mm i invesltgittd tl hi idtr t it td lit kimmm r a pie it wrttk illtr it v i l i jit it ah i ph mr 0 ld hi a ne i hi slrtti injuries v u lo but iet out mi ulc ck mid ulrr mistr il lurninc jiek mini the rouble ii d i mined itch put i lu al urn f ir lire mm on u ii il ihev remove 1 llu bi c i st it mil linalv ixtiiii lit smoultkiinc uphokltrv int crippled civilians i training outlined tin usu il tuesd iv evening mid ng ol ihc rot in tlub wa h in eel bv ihc president the rev a h mckenic with guests boris pukinson and brian si u i tht of or injci illc the guest spt iker was robert brown of i toronto prorim director of thi mirth ol dimes who spoke ir ihc m inv pluses of rthibil talion of ettppled civilnns he lold how people could bt tmncd to o bitk lo work ind be inde pendent of their communits wcdncsd u of i isl week w i rot in 1 idles nilht md ii coup its wtnt to tht cuiicn club dinner and lane ne p ml ntilsen mentioned then would ht i fireside mittinc al the home of tom shields ifto next tuesd i s mectinc to the electors of the township of esquesing i respectfully solicit your vote and support on monday december 5 1960 or councillor 1961 walter linham 10 years municipal experience save save save remember to save our dollar days specials handbill for terrific savings in food values at ledgers iga the annual meeting of the acton branch canadian bible society will b held en sunday december 4th n tb church of st alban the martyr at 7 30 p m everybody at r c country maid bakery serving acton and georgetown opening today december 1st let george do it vote barbeau canadian and european style baking come in and qet acquainted acton store 35 miu st to the electors of esquesing township- art roy respfctfuuy solicits your vote and support on mondty december 5 1960 for reelection to the school board two ywri exporivnco

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