Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1960, p. 3

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contest bubfboord john a milne nusagaweya reeve others acclaimed a r service opposition for seal john robertson would tiusl service nassagaweya votes on deputyreeve n iss igiwn i will h m jn tin hun to junk ihui itpiismi um loi ik tkputi iint ii ippi ed on noinin hum nnhl 111 u thm luulll llsil lx 1 uhlkst loi l hi tuunul suits unit limits thum sun willi un l twite i di b d oun ross coition mil i ld thisholm m i ik runnnifc but ross cut jon inj i lml tliishulm hm sum duhnul in mi pi in ni i hi mum il in otlm in ml iination also nil mind wiu rum j a miiik mil sellout liusius a otlv sun and li c i uuiij runtim loi tlk olhu ol dtp un run will hi i tin ritbolsim ami iniiiiiibiih r isuuti mi suiiu ii til ivpussij lus intui hon ol uiiirnm lot run in i ins iliiliun hul ikuikd no to inn aginit mi mtliu when mi milm said thai mns u is in in his hnil u ii is iui il in won ih iki lion muki ii 10 run miiik im hs union lint in hul hun m olliu lot nun u us mil w iiiiiil in in iki it piiiluts in ik linipoiit il hill j ilk sinkh ot id id amiss flam tin moiliinnnl in moll it h is hun wuknul mil is hunt piip uid loi h ii it liinniin 10 ii md i knl i pmpi un i mu pu umis i n a lot ot mmj woik his kin llllk hi iss 1 mi i hi sd hi pointul mil ilyt l hi jinn lion r ul piin lui imilk bun lumpk ud ilii ihui n ns tin iiilph inn his bmi pntti will iisiiikuul in mij in i tho in now uiiikiin on tin inn rx ii w inipkikilli mj should iwn h join mi n lln rum who u i mud linnniliikli din his uktnss spoki ol j mi nuiiimint ss icin vhiib i runl npin pi in hij to rn s nt lo tlu ikjiuiminl ol umspoii mix ippnuul hi m niiomj thit tin nvu sit of appmi il lii i iiinl in i j road h ltd topping riinwiiit his i omit iiiiiiuil woik in dtsuihid tin ikui l mi buildings md s ml ih n lln umnli w is pussid lot room i hi louii huusi ami mil ikluii ollllts till d i is h ill bull pill ihasul iioiil tin b isi 1 un ii i mw buildings at thi um ol 2 iht in am hi nil n is p sihk ilin lln ijmimsii hion huiklins in lonipklul hit thiv in i linn lln rtustr olhu mu lo lln ik illh unit two new hospltik tin buttingum hopi il in sud wis ilmosi lompk 1 1 i u i lln iiiiiitown h ipit d i liih no ibli hi kumpkkj in i n tin hihun cuitinnnl m m i i- almost lompklul mj ih id ditions whin onund will bn i- thi uipiuti ol iht iioiik up lo ihout 2s0 kds tin onund tm in ol 5w00h was i mm ii lln hrul nisi uhnh will lx ibotu i milium dollais hi ml ilui smu i hi iiinsiniition his iwn voing iu ui ding lo pi in in i puts thi hank tuiur tin i mi tor mulhirvtar so ih il thi will nit linj tl netcssan to isui ik ixntuivs al thi iloi ul hi- ijdriss lu i un miphimxd that this wis lo bi his lnidl n ir as run reviews activities mi sunn thin rose io pi ik in ippmiim itik so rvopli who i uni to ihi monj i nonitn hi n mutiny hi bntfli itiumd in- kinitiiv in thi numitmi- orjin iatiotis in uhnh hi btlunjij ihm added thit he was n pre suit inj thi i urn people in thi v mm mg hi kins in ining to kiip a pillillullis jnwn iii spnki ol lln piopk whost itieomi w is jd1iij kiun iii ol ilioi who ai i infill in 111 ios putt squui lln ikpuli rum i imh ik siij ih it in ml h w i ikussni hi ii in sou ih mj ul tin township in upusuhul hi lln u mini ik h s hiih hpvs loi i rims urn in iln 1 uiiii i l ii ilion p is ibli i n ill ptopuli ol dull miill lln build n would ion inn ohkils ol i vlui in n tin jisiiu t in lujnii in iii i mill 111 jlmkll willi lln t t ih im u w in ipus mini in n mj ti iki piohluiis second candidate mi r initou il- mjtdiu loi lln lk till run posihhii iiinwul ihi u dun u in- p i i n t i uiinill i ik ml thu tin in i in n no mu r pi ilmii il p il 1 i n i oiii i i hi 1 rli 1 in up n i tlk i hi p ms in itu ii iu u i h il lln is thinps i ul ill i il lllllul il i w 111 ttll linn i ulki iml hi h i mu i n iimiii tint lln i i ul i i i m wul m i i i ihi busis in itu simh i i l il i x ml in in till k ttii i lln limaious hill li ml ik io i ih i i tin d i lot ui ii ihs i mi hk hul 1 p ml h i ih i ik un ml lln uoik n tin nmul need rcpnxcnmtiic i ukk i k i lo h u i iipu- it nn ii m th v hiihvnst m1l ik si i il ii ik w is n t k un th w iliiiin t tin lonmil nid pn miid r d his tx t loi tin punk l ih i iiiitiip ail gibmii ijnnnd juki personal notes of actonlaiu vultlng outof town poind and of vititofi in aclon hornet t mi lorni humlln tif lomnui ilslteil with mrs r l johnsuii un mnndti alkrnimiii mrs i kanui cook kindirski sask is visiting with her mill mis llaiiv mnliod mid olhns in llns v ti mil v mi mil mis hoiii mason ami lamilv an mount baikluaitun hum iirilph to hu in tin i imik honn on huivii an mis indin cuiin mi knh iijcutui mis kinmili inpilloii mil mis i dilh hamillon iliuni ut tin h million ruk wuljirij in loiunlo on saluijav mi md mrs i nil unlo who in ulmiunf to i ii land with lln i son in lkumhu in id an iliiliun sdi it linn uowu an lionn siimdiv iltiiiiuiiii mi ali migtiyur rituiinj i nun am hm lyi at iska by uii iiiompaniid by his d uighkis mis ann i ilhul uhuhijcorn to tiski tonsil him ami mrs aim oisln whu hits in alask i halton manor mi 1 ii nil ul c imbir is umiihv n luwn with illumes vimmr 8 i lly uilh ml anil mis w j mill muki a ion was linn 1 ujiki mis willi un ii lion and 1 iiiuli sin ul iwa us caiul mil su mum ilnv ulsu llslllll mill ml mid ml iiiil 1 kjliui j mllm yhin ropti s sllllll is iii llll ullllll fnbyt rv in iii inn lall i ilk sniuliv ivmiiii ill si dlmlls ullll t til phi iii illi mil sci ml iii n ihii il undid lln hi a 11 mi km i hunui 11 v iii siduil i 1 ihi 1 ishvlnv 1 v p s iv is gutsl spi ikn mil liil l pps iu il thi si ipluu thi tillh aniiii j instih ns coiiuiuiu ol lln ontiiio as soi latum lot ril ii jul inljrin wis hi id in i onjon onliiio on noiuiihu ih mil 19 mis etnisl h ill institutions than man bit lln ninth hallon association lor rilaijut chiljnn and mis mix i nnhsh nnmbu ol tin risi irth cominitlit ul lln jarc atknd ul association plans euchre bake sale 1 1 mil nrnonijuncnts fur the tuthrc and bake suit this friday wti e made at the novtmbtr niu llnu or i he scout anil guide moihui assotlatuin in the si out hull tuesday wllh is mmibirs pit sent prtsldtnl btrl ntwlon opimd with iht lords piayir lln sitnlaiy and htasurtr u pin ltd in thnrgt of iht bnkt libit lomoiruw urt rllu divir llaim robti isoli nd marv dunn un tin kilthin tummlltte urt aim nuilon unit beryl newton and on tin tut lire uimmltltt un i uira mteathtrk and aim ntwlcm ilnns ivtrt mudt fur ii christ inns pnity january 13 lor mtm hits and thtir husbands ai i intitnniils win mudi tor titan in y tin si out hijll nd to patk i box lor a wv hurt in an at dili nl allti lln mipah bun jiilion liinih was tniovul the aclon free preu thuridny december 1 1960 at the console sum tutsdny organ luntr mount kilt has hten at iht un hid ihurth with ed watson in volvul in the painstaking lask ul iiisialling and tuning pipts m hit ntwly aiqiiirid organ iht t isk lakts quttt a ttw days mil may nut in totnpltltd this wick happy laughter music fill new auditorium at concert ii ippv spontiutous laiighttr lilkd lln ntw atiihlonuin ol lln inw luihluiiunt ul hit manoi on liitsd iv tuniuie movtinbtr is whin m tnlirlaiiimtnl was proudul foi iht nsidtnls by i toup nl ladles bi limning to lln rtiiiii atixilnir if tht wms of st johns lhunh oakvilk smial tuttltrntn also i inn to help with lln progiatn this thuith has suit a numhir ot jinnips lo tiittrl nn iht its nluils in tin past and on this ou isioii as on all iht oihtis i vn pit istnl unit wis tniuytd hit pi t suit n i mis i inwkv wis pttsuii mj imindij mul ms horn hu gioiip to ik itsi units iht pioyr un u is an iiounuj by mis bit u iv whu uas tin uinitnn ul this nry pk is ml mnt hi c don ild tin mmiski ol st johns thuith was i uiy wtkomi gtitsl lit uinduidd i hi it i dtvulional puiml dintng wlinh hi gavt a lim aililiiss soon sang along tin sctular pint uf the p t un btyin with a nunibtr ul i oik songs and faiunlt old b il lads plivtd un tht auoithun by mis b ridky mrs radki pi nut llnst in siith a sluttng t ishion thil iht audnntt soon suit ilong wilh hu thm unit thin nn humorous dutls ih it l itisul i utsil tk d ul spun i u i tons i iiighnr thu mit suny in ixulkril i ishion hi iwu tintkmin ii uniili and w cuslimt with mt cushnn pin inti in ittomp immtiiis tin si thiu dutls inn wi ii rant and roai i tr idilionil niuluuud i nid folk turn i tn not sobbin md mi g jlaghti anil mt sin in s h itkukin tonliniiid lln nnimlil piti ol lln pioaiaiu bv pi mnt i mullv ut mil known bill id- on his mouth oit in llnst mtluikd mm ol hirltth mj lokliii shppirs thtn mi n uk look out with his tin mu to pli kiss ml again md on tin sunnv sidt ol tin hu id uuusint skit mr sopht s lln n mi ruin i niinolotiii nws on pmg bknkin took ins m uili nig m in uuki in ai ompim mi vigus out ol iik itsidints ol tin minor in tin phunj of lim stkttions rid wint id tuiku in iht s riu itti lln boms mr viiis dso x ilotnn j i skptl mu lo tht innsi iht httti sttlion tin in nil ipptliks t uisul bv o niinh spun l inious ijuliiir mu iiv is hi ihi iisitins ui h iht mint ol i itu it nipt iml ltnitli ul hint hnatl tonkit lornrx md tn mmi itinarks ol d hiht b iht nsidtnls wtri htaid in apprtttatiun of t his nry inluimal anil highly im using inning ami tin wish was ixpnssid manv itinis ih it uksl i idles anj gtnlltintn would vtry soon pav a ittuin visit begonias cookies and candles on hit afltnukin ul die ntxl dav wt juts jay noumbtr ifi lln itsuknts wtrt usiiid liy anothti giotip ol i mindly and unions tliunh kulits this linn lour 1 idns hum hit marth group of st matthtws anglnan ihiiith in akkrshut tlnst lad us wut mrs c bkinksitin mis r willi mis r slnltoii and mis ii rulgw iv ihtv lourul lln units ol tht manoi plauii a in uini i m 1 1 1 1 v sit k i otini mil pnstiihiig hoinuiiijt took its and tandv lo tin rtsiiltnls tin lliuiightluliitss ul llnst tuitions lidtis was tiy git illy ippriualul with mrs riy wilus at tin pi mo ru d a iuwtll rtttoi ol gratt anglian churth in mil on tundutttd thu thurth su utt un sond iv afttrntkn nov tmhti 20 alkr ixading chapttr ii ul ittksiastts mr puwtll dt hitrtd a vtiy tiilightuung su mon un nrst i of this sunt ihapttt a vust that htgms wilh tht unids cast thy brtatl upon plainul th it llnst words jo nol nn in wh il liny apk ir to nn in loi hn id m i his insl mit mt ins tin sud ol gr un mil wilus nn ins tin rniindiltd in ids ilmn- tin nik run mt puwtll wuit on iu sav that ihui is no ulling withoul giiing i i nt lint holds tiut not onli in tht it 1 1 in ol nalurt hut also in irk i1mii indiiitluils ihuitht- inj unions must gin insltail nl uaspiiv in orjti lo lxis md tisiih ihui txistcnu no a dull moment an unusti d md ik hghl ltd nun look pi in in tin iiuhioi him on srind n altunihn nov imbu 21 lollumrif th ihurth sirnu whin 20 in niun pupils ol tin oniuio cunsuiatun ot musk ii oikulk piistnttj i until ol msimmml il nuisn iht insiniiiknis xuit attoidions i low iinttv swttt at ion and two hilar- lln lilting wall is dmubt wavts md villus ol spi tug i in sin i nig sharp shikilus manh lu h iwuan uougn lo nanit only a itw sunn ol iht iltim st kt irons ivtrt luoiihon md guilar solus whik olhtrs wut dutls itios or hand stktlions tht program had suth git il appi il toi iht nsidtnls thai l in v would bt glad lu havt thi si t iluittd voung ptuplt thtir t tp iblt ii ulitrs and mis vin hoim rtluin lu iht manui lo tm tinuthti uiiiltil at an lilly dalt thanks i hereby wish to thank the ratepayers of erin township school area no 1 or their support in reelecting me al the polls on monday i will do all in my power to the best interest of all rate payers wishing you all the compliments of ihe season w l slim marshall md tuit two mu md pit hul i in shin t mu with hi hns mil gills mil look pnl in stur il ol iht miniums ihi inns md utls i inttd m igt hum ujhl n irs to tin i ik tuns x illuil mistus of u n mon its md undir hit cipibk dim hon llnu w is not a dull muni mt in tin uiiiit piou un it is utim ul ih it spin j not pumil thi nnlusi hi ol ihi nimis ol ill un uumt ptuplt who look pirt but mtnlion sliuuld hi in uk i in i i hi thoiu ol sdu i irons i infill nil ihi u iroin i tht loi ill old inmn riimg mil tht inilisimt arms thrnut iht i muli ir old folk song- luggage is ideal for pleasing gift uhki wisbi- loi happi it ml ahijj an uihhxi uhui ihi uhs thoui tor hu- nt hitgigt and nixil uussnu- thi- xiar to maki chiistmis uung i- pcvitlh pkasing a fcnatir than eixr xjriix ol tipt- and kils is axailabk finding an iitii tat to mix ot matth with tin lutagx sht alnatlx mnn unplilioit mall xx asion j or n ccmha pnxvs fill thv bill h a tht i curm in thv tonn ol unit ur to ktii cam duffle bag- and train boxes tompltttlx outfitted with plamii furnish ny- or wiitmg to be filled wuh i personal stlet ton of t oilt trie- weigh the i he m otin 1mm inttb wuh lompkli niu lugti un k i probkm lor tht gmr solution litn is to tonsiikr ihi w n ihi tase w ii be used for ixiinpk tht plant irawllcr would apfiit- tiatt siurxlx luggigc uhnh in iivc tht bumps of rhih hind ling uhik a girl who uc hu iwn or for laatmn wxmki n most pliacd to han i stl of i ghimtiht zippir lugjau a basn starter stt uu ilk in iludis three piece- thtt max n a nam or xanitx iau a pullman or ardrubt taj and an overnight or weekend bag layaway now for christmas do vou christmas c ii shoppna now at vcur e sure wh le our seleclion s at its best a smau deposit wiu hold any axticie until christmas ednamay ladies nd chldrni wear s now and get the cleanest burning fuel oil you can buy texaco fuel chief dependable delivery anywhere our trucks ara in your area daily our bulk tank is located about five miles east of acton on no 7 highway budgot terms arranged bill bailey the oil man georgetown call collect tr 74031 watch tradein your old watch regardless of hs condition may be lsed as trade in on our now lines of gruen longines wittnauer bulova hoverta free estimates i see our window don sbext0n watchmaker engraver 13 contest council seats bettors to vote monday contlnurd from page out link we have to attempt lo til lintl industry attack reservoir plan during iht qutslion mid an swu period formir mayor md iltor b d rithltn look advnntiigt of a i line ininutt uirkiv for spi iktrs and laiimh id into un uttitk against tht pioposid lestrvuir und loss of iht south spring wattr supply mr rmhlin suggtsttd lu tin muvor tint uiuntil was hung ltd down the gardtn path if thev htlievtd that walu stur igt would briny mon industry into town me also suggested that pro- pustd industry pay the shot fur this txptnditurt mavcr gov told his former tulltagut thai tht prcsint water svstirn inslalltd in 1921 was out dukd and tuuntil is attempting to do a 10 uh with this obso- li t ivpc of sysittn mr coy also luld him ihtil prestnt industry was himptred from building by pnstnt water prissures and told him it wis honed to open up i md for industrial purposes by looping tht wikr sstem from hit c hurt hill road north well lu tin m nn strut lints nvrtrtemzriizt st andrews dance at legion club heads drive for school a la i gi truwd ol im a i and oit ol town dinttrs tniuvtd mudun squin and sluttish d anting il hit st andttws night d inn in tht 1st g on un novtmbtr 2s musit was provided by mtrv tullons orihistra prits fur tht spiil d inees wtrt dunaltd by mr and mis curm d of iiitlph and wtrt won hy mr mil mis bob di ink waller ol atlon and miss anmt ernsht ahudetn stotland pari m rid bv ifubtrl saravanamritloo uf for unto mtmbtrsof iht stottish oimt club gin i displ iy of minis wtdding undi r hit di ret i un nl dm iall horn clarkson tin prtsldtnl ul tht tluh dr kohut butkntr gavt t brief ad dnss of wt koine lo tht many lie sis stvtril of whom respond ul di binkncr also mentioned that the tluh is now providing insliuilion lor ulults as well as iht junior uuup tvtry evening pr or lo tht ttgutar dante he ilso thmkul kobttt foiers and jim dniimllv who htlptd to in ikt iht liimng suth i success bill wilson hn un president annuuntul thil tin atton scot lish dante club had decided lo in ul i loi d t impugn lo assist in i us ng tin muniupilttvs con hihuiioii low nils tht north hillon sihnol lor retarded hiklrui to hi lot itul at horn hv vote for john newton municipal council tuesday december 6 i960 fire chief for five years and former counciuor i offer you the electors careful wise planning for an economic future in acton big advanc 25 years tca victor rlairline series radio model x41i fimttittt a nrw antenna itcxien that filter mit annoying rleutiml inlrrfrrcncc jmsyoii lxt pufnrniuiki yet in an sl tl whit morr this nicpttonal radio ha limihoiu btjliiig to mati h lit prrform inir frit tires inking new hairlm- km wttf fhhrk mmtm hinrtry 1 two tone color com honntlvttntmhnutndm htar iht diffcranc today trkoi mim i u ihm w ml- manning electric voti mrs shirley armstrong monday december 5 1960 the first woman candidate fox esouesing school board area no 1 0 improve education system spend tax dollars wisely

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