Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1960, p. 2

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tk acton ffi nw thurwhy ofmbtf 1 i960 public school board chairman murray smith in giving hli report dbring the nomination meeting thursday november 24 told the 72 ratepayen in the robert utile khool auditorium that accom modation for school children was adequate with two empty class- noma being used as nuuli and library rooms the chairman was questioned by o former councillor frank watts who asked the reason for four rooms in the old sionr school being empty he remind ed mr smith that when he was on council the board had been cautioned about the new expan sion program in view of the un certainty of the future of avro the board chairman staled thai actually only two rooms were vacanl as ihe other two were too small to accommodate average classes another ratepayer vic bristow sprang to his feet arid reminded ihe chairman he had at tended classes in ihe stone school and the rooms seemed large enough unless the facilities have shrunk or the pupils have chairman mination become i lot largr something is wrong he quipped itai tnmi up in mr watts asked what the in creased pupil attendance figure to date was over the 1937 figure and learned from board secretary w middleion ll would buroughlv 200 pupils more during his report mr smith said the board in rcctnl uars had approved participation m an insurance program for the bene fit of ihc children and pointed out the board wo not acting an insurance brokers or agents he nlw lauded ihe home and school awociniion for their co operation and assistance he told hli audience the board had whole heartedly endorsed supporlln the schools of ine international jun ior red cross and unicef pro gram and approved the attend ance of ihe pupils during the fall fair parade he also noted thai funds had been raised by the pu pils selling christmas cards and ihe presentation of the operetta he pointed out that returns from these sources had been used to purchase equipment for the school two from conference the firth annual institutions conference of the ontario assoc atlon for retarded children was held in london recently mrs emcsi ball institutions chair man for the north halton assoc at ion for retarded children and mrs max english member of the research committee of the oarc attended the conference was held at the new psychiatric research insti tute tor retarded children the 100 delegates present represented uk local associations throughout ontario the conference theme 1a new world for the retarded away from home was demon grated dunng friday afternoon when delegates toured the clinic dr donald zarfas institute sup erintendent explained that an entire dav is spent with each child and its parents before a complete diagnosis is made if further ob- sfenation is found to be necessary that clinic has facilities for in patient care for a short period of time there is no charge for these sen ices there to right on saturday dr koeglcr medt- qal officer explained lo the dele gates there are three types of pa accepting mental retardation 2 most who accept it within their own children but fight against it generally and 3 those who fight for all the uctims of men tal retardation he said the dele gates attending the conference obiously belonged to the third category halton attend oh retarded dr alex finlavson superintend ent of ihe new cedar springs hospital school near windsor stressed that this new school will represent another step in a new world fur the retarded awuy from home dr harold frank super inicndcnt of the smiths falls hospital school nnd mr mclean home new superintendent or the onllia hospital school held i question and mswer session to acquaint the delegates with new dcclopmcnts anil problems in these schools see school workshop the delegates were the guests of the london association for rctirded children loi u outfit supper on fndav night he d al the new kinsmen school built tor the retarded children tv the l m don kinsmen club lalei dele gates toured opportunit work shop sponsored by rotarv club of london industries in london support the workshop with eqn tracts for piece work throughout the conference il was stressed that everyone miiit work together and devise more wavs to serve the needs of re larded children in a struggle famprfoatu toother lo prevent these children from suffering delegates and parents were asked to show an intimate interest in the welfare of retarded children to learn more about their manv complex problems and especially to work towards solving the probtems to e mc of children still unoom 18 halton wi members at rug hooking course eighteen halloa womens in stitute members representing nine of the iatitultc attended a twoda course in rug hooking at st pauls united church milton last week sponsored b he department of agriculture extension home economics service the course was designed to teach the two representatives of each institute how to draw and hook rugs these ladies will in turn pass on their knowledge lo members of their own groups and next spring a summarv da will be held when club members will display their work instructor for the course was miss isabel leslie of the depart ment home economist miss frances lampman of halton and peel counties arranged the course lbt participants attending were the following homb mrs w coulton and mrs l sampson dublin mrs clark armstrong and mrs george robertson scotch block mrs c service and miss eva chisholm mountain union mrs f had icy and mrs maurice readheid drumquin mrs m lister ind mrs fred tuck silxcrwood mrs b jones and mrs d williamson ballinaiad mrs john snow and mrs r b kirkwood ashgrove i mrs f mcnabb and mrs milton bird campbcllville mrs ro parker and mrs a peterson political pot begins to boil in acton prior to municipal election tuesday actum political put is beainn lug lo boll wllh 13 candidates seeking six positions on council during the election tuesday the irec press this week killed the candidates tor ihcii viewpoints ind comments ugtrding ihe el etltun usteil below ure shoi l summiu ies ol the eandidiiles h lek grounds mill where lht ell so me tilled hi ie i e online nls mayor by acclamation mayor john ii coy 40 guelph street returns to office hit an other term hv ml mint ion me begins ins tilth u i in on mini icipil count ii llivnm served ivsu as councillor one js iceve ami one us ma oi when he stepped into the brench iflti former muvoi w cook resigned ik will he id i slate of nun nu mints nl council ugiiin ihis u u reave by acclamation jack hatgrave 214 ailhui si is no newcomei to locnl politics he received the ippointmciil ol i ce e bv ace lam u ion mil will begin his 10th lei in oil council he served six veils is dcjml iceve and three is commit t be sielt ins duties wllh llle lot ll government he will rtpicmnl the town at totintv council daputyrtevt by acclamation h h hlnton 24 park avenue u newcomer to polities in ac ton and along wllh the reeve will represent the community oi countv council leve since he was iiiluiuud deputv reeve a imm ik i of tin acton legion mil cliiinihct ol commerce he was n eh if lei member of llu y s mcnseliih md home and school assim iliuii mid pnoi lo live veus wllh the rca1 he set ml us pics dent of ihe ymca ac inn businessmen s issoctnlioii nnd acton knnis iltih ihls venr he will complete one tcim on llu planning bouicl for council tossing his hat in the ling lor unoihcr ittimpt al count i this vtit is g v barbcau 2atlhut sliee i vvh has served on count it lot the pnsl lour ve irs he is plain in mage i of the a p green rnchiiek co lid is a chnitei inemlxi or the chimhei ol com meiie he longs lo llle biol he i hoocr ol anglic in chtiiclitni ii ind is silting on ihe mdustiiul coin miss mi mi bui be m stale i il clcclcd he would ittctllpt tu pio niott iktissuv piotcls ihc i ale p ivcis would benefit i mm md slim in l hi leonomie pi ogress t act n public meeting in school stirs up election interest intended tor list week in tndei to slir up moic inter esl in muilleipil ill ins tspcild iv the school tiilslet s lection meeting vv is held ill hi i c il school wilh i iii ittciuliticc 1 en muck was electee is cli ill mm alter discussion on son il hclils pertain tig lo millets at ihe sell htl ll wis ihe nil millions jee line tint i trustee should be on tlu uca boiiid horn ihis lot ihtv which h is ihe lutes school itlclielmce ill the lie i bviun brute wis dulv pinposcd and he vv is lumiimkd u hills btirch mrs ken miedonild ol the grceiuick scthoti wis dso pies ciil ind he 1 nunc wis ds sub mitted to k pie suit this loe ll is at iiuimn it ions si in 1 idler w is prev tiled on to allow his n inn to si md foi eouilell ind he vv is 1k0 numui ited il hillshtiilli the i idles served ictlcshnicnts t the conclusion two cars collide two can were in collision at ospnnge corner on s ituulay jf ternoon with no one heme injur eel cars driven bv miss lna 1 ig lecon of oi iiillviic md dick schrivv ot dt ivton weic d im ig eel con slab k hueli alton if the opp guelph eietichmciit in vcstigaled sherlock aitken had the honor of giving the valcdicton addicss at the graduation banquet of er in district high school on fnd iv evening and he also received a memorial burs irv four bursar ies were given bv the school board in mtmorv of the three students and bus dnvcr who lost their lives in the tragic bus acci dent lasl vear kirccn awrev godrun koch donna jackson and calvin leitch sandra mcewan received the garner irophv for the best erade police warn corporal ra m ison of ihc ac ton opp detiehment this week issued a warning to all motonsts th 1 police will be m ikinc t thorough check to 111 ike it on no vchi ies ire pitkeel iviiincht on tht streets he nitid ih u ictoidme ti bv law this is prohibited md with winter last appro iiil this hv liw must be cnlt to ism 1 ait snow pi v ig halton manor of dosido echo through new auditorium by miff muriel thoavpaoa the dixie mixers and the ever ccntun the events of the film for ihc first ume since it was popular trail of the lonesome began evert before the experim opened last spring ihe new aod- pine several lovelv walues cnts of ihe wnghl brothers in torium at the manor echoed and were danced among them the north caroltna in 1903 and reechoed to the cnes of dosi do altamandc right and alia nunde left when about 20 members ofjbe four corners square dance club of petrt cre dit came to the manor to present an exhibition of square dancing the president of the club ronald brogna and mrs brogna were present and as on previous occasions bert everett made ex cellent use of a record plaver and microphone while acting as the expert caller of the dances while the audience was waiting for some of the dancers to arrive mr and airs everett gave great pleasure lo the residents by dan- cm several graceful dances to gether among them the rye waltz by request the progr that was danced by the vmtore as group was a varied program and proved the skill of the oancers s uo- trs were tepractfrttb9 the dip and dive the double bow knot velveeta walu and th danube the boston tw and other jwo steps were also presented during an intermission period a chocolate bar was presented to each resident b the visitors cigarettes were also passed ar ound bv the visitors dunng this same inlcrmisson period lea i g and sandwiches were served and i jj htfr wftosc blue tincivcl through ihe two grt il slip vi rs t the igc i f the m ulern also salt till j tht hureh senitt on sund tv ilternxn n nmlvi was ondu itd bv rev j 1 cuham ninistcr ol st puil s l nitcd hureh milton mr grahim real pan of chapter it st johns npture lesson ersc titht as hi a happv social time was spent tcx p wrst wth thi with these fncndh guesu whose i informal and tuneful dance pro grams are alwavs so much en ifoved mrs s ajlcn thanked the visitors for this vxry plcasani entertainment on friday evening s allen the superintendent ran the man ors own projector to show the so minute motion picture him powered flight this frbo was one of manv that are on loan bv the shell oit co and it depicted the history of the aeroplane dunng the first 60 vears of this ind bloweth when sermon words the it lisle th mr graham began 1 b saving that there i tendencv in life to have even one conform to certain sit rules and situations thrs verse tells us that there are mans wavs b whieh we ean reach the kinj dom of god wavs which mas contain the element of sudden ness or theelement of develop ment the impomnt thing is to come to god bv loving him bv praver and bv following the teaching of jesus liidcnl liirrv ci tike ptsed ihc i list i tile si shu oil ucssev buiv clilke till in rohel is in icetivtd ntiiltitili he eel milt ites sluiloik ailken ictcivcd second iiv si hool dipt nil i and is picscilllv cmolled 11 john ross c tilt guile voeilionil insl lule il guelph the sixih mtclinc ol the 4 11 hoinem ikuie club wis held it the sih kil llle ic llle is mis c stun v ootts lines mil muleiic t title i led a diseiissi u n suit ihlc lelicshmcills lot v tilous ivpes ol p u t es ii tlle lssigmihlll wis lo plan i p ii is mcludiiil invilil ms dc e ii itions entci i iinment ind re iteshmeitls outstanding pupil al ihe reecill john ross voc iti n il institute cr idu ition cieotcini wrdce leec ved he leeh he ilitit he md cish ivvuil tiom ihc bond ol ion lot he oulst incline pupil of grade 10 of the school reg bui loch ilso received his inlermcd ntc ecriifie ite congr mil it ions ti ill these loe il students home for weekend miss join ailken ol out i no college ol lduc ition toronto and john ailken ol western un ivcrsitv welt home lor ihe week end and il tended criduilion al gcv1 on fnd w evening when j ihn received his griduilion dip loma and also a dominion prov inenl hursirv mrs w ird bruce received vv id her mother mrs sivers ol acton had i lllen in hei home ind is prescnilv confined lo mil ton distnet hospit il x rays h ivc been l iken to determine the exient of her iniuries ilthough il is ihoulhl no beints were hiokell visiting llllle rickv and he ilher wil kins in ot atlon hive hem 1st i inc lllen grintlpirenls mr ind mrs c si irev while thcirmoth cr is in hospinl with i new bibv recent vsitois with mr and mis george gmndv inc hided ison cooper fergus ind mr in 1 mrs beil ibbolson hanov it mr ind mrs s bildwin ind t hi kin n of aneaster were sun div visitors with mr and mrs d stewirt mrs m jiekson accompanied hv mr and mrs alin fisher of inn visited on siturdav iven mg with mrs marciret robert son guelph frank tolh 8r h guelph st is u ciindieuili for council fur ihe first 1 1 in a resident of acton loi llie past 27 years he ik ihc propiiitur of a shoe rcpu r and i chill store on mill street he i u member of the acton chamber il commerce he muled if elect eel he would encourage new in elustiy lo come lo acton unci strive lo rniiinluin piesenl indus ti v his claim lo off ce is thai tht town should look furwurd unci not buck and he will attempt to serve the rntcpavcis- to ihe best of his abilitv arthur field 62 longflcld rd served on council lust yeur and is a candidiiic ugnin th s vear he his lived in at ion for ihc past three years he is a man ufieltiiing serviceman and is u member of acton legion mr held i ii von increased water sto luge lo lit trail new industry lo acton and docs not favor anil pollution hy inw ul ihe prescnl time e mcdonald 19 mowbray place m indusliiul designer is making his second al lempl at inurne p il council i ist venr he in led lo poll enough voles he sltteil he be in ved in icliun ind would h tempi to promo i c ihc following positive iition on l own debt sensible it lion un town ad in mist radon planned ai i on foi industri il expulsion aid hum tie at nun for iti if ire vti vices john newton 86 agnes street his lived in acton lor the pnsl ii veils is i slation irv engineer selves the lowri is lire chlcl ind his un veirs experience on eouritil he is a inemlxi ol the ac ion ch imbcr or ommeiec ind s picsiderit ol the acton soft lull ic iniit he st lied if elect eel he intended to serve the com rnimitv us i wholi and not tisl i portion oi iiuhvidtiil f pope 10 me idvalc roul has been on council foi i wo ve irs ind is iilicinpting his thud term s u member of the aclon 1 eginn tnd is it met h inn he staled if r oe lei ie d he would it lempl lo do iwrvthuil he could lo keep ihe lives down toi ihc latepiv cis w ii bill denny 39 brock avethc i resident in acton lor 16 vtirs is in insurinee igent md is m ikinc his i rst ittimpt it municipal eounul he is t member ol ihe ys mens club clumber ofcomrneice tnd chiiith org im it ions he stated if elected he would sent the lovvn of acton in the best interest of ihc peopli on all ssuc9 h c joe cflllan 83 rose ford ternte i resident for the past live intl a half vcars r ice supervisor for the bank of novn sctili i in toronto he is a past member of the aclon rul ary club he stated if elected he would altcmpt to lower and keep taxes down ray mlchez 124 tidy avenue has liveil in aclon for one year and s t salesman his election staictncnt m ide to the press runs as follows 1 would ilk m ike known that i consider that insufficient has been done to sell acton to tndustrv if i am elected 1 intend tu do everything in my power to expand this town i be lieve that such progress would automatically increase wages standards of living and take care ol such problems m air and wat er pollution 1 also intend to op pose the reservoir project be- c iuse i believe thai acton has sufficient water for future dustrv but n must be freed from polluhon i pledge myself not to be intimidated by anv person or inv tndustrv cyril bishop iso longftcld rd his been a resident in acton for the past five vcars and works as t sheet metal worker he is a member of the st john ambu lance brigade n acton he stated this week that if he is elected he will irv his utmost to do a con setcniious job for the good of the town stanley j brown respectfully solicits you support for trustee school area no 1 esquesing 4 years ixpflllence lm duby in chuehlll road north a rrifdcnl of acton lor a number of yearn is a memlwr of acton lcgkin and wing 419 of the kcaf ajmielatlon he served on council thli vear and taled if reelected will continue lit form hi own personal un biased opinions on all subjects concerning ihe we if are ol ihc municipality w i melaod 43 main street s once ugaln running fur cuun ii und if elected will begin his ninlh year in municipal govern menl he slated he alwavs favor ed a progressive mun eipollly hugh lowe 92 churchill road is completing his third year on council he stated ihis week lhat if reelected lo council he w ll pursue previous policies of trcine care before adding further to the already heavy burden of he aclon ratepayers debenture debts and would work vigorous iv for the following i exlcn slon of improved street lighting program 2 extens on of side walk improvement program 3 completion of arena restor ulion program 4 oppose fur ther increase of residenliul waler rites acton hydro commission wilh iwo members lo he ekcl id as hvdro cominiss oncis e c tyler and c bcatly woe n turned lo office by ueelam ition public school board three vacancies were open on pubht school board this carand r e t urni d by ace lumallon we k i i us tees e t marks c vv brad ley and d manning with the election date set for nexl tuesday a large turnout i expected u ihc polls carotme nurseries gardea ceatre 2 m ies west of acton on highway 7 south side say it with flowers 7 days a week to serve you hours 9am to 7 p m rowers fox au occasions cutfiowers house plants tropical plants etc weekend special mums 75c per bunch ree delivery 1 00 and mr telephone 7s0w1 rtd rose wtri stin flour shiim ihis wk near lour congratulations charjes cults of ellesmere faitti wishes to congratulate the parents who supplied the pupils of the new spey s de school and we hope they will keep on supply mg them only wish i could help them thank you chas currs legion ladits prewnt television wheelchair members of the atlon legion ihe older forgotten vcleram ladlra auxiliary continued to t mr i ik n md mrs c muplesden mrs k r hm- und journeyed lo sunnybrook pllal wednesday morning ana mkt m r m printed- ht a l rtwh i cunlirujouslv p ivlng vlills lo the hospllul md h nidlnu oul rnokes and innl md i mdv bis s ihe lidlis elindtil to in ike he geneioiis dniiuiiiiii lo usmsi a hlowoul caused n car drtv tu hv akin clublne rock wood lo veer out of eontrol und strike i i miilbux on highway 2 north ol 5 side road tuesday to the ratepayers of ihe township of erin ia0ms and ointumin i wunl lo lake this upporlunitv lo thank you very much for the generous support vou gavi mi at the polls on november 28th i will endeiivor tu cartv nit the duties vou entrusted lo me to the besi of mv ability thanking vou igain i am vout obedient servant ray ferguson fuel up now for more economical warmth d comfort wllh b a solar heat heating oil youll find our prices competitive our service efficient and prompt thompson fuels servicing your it wllh sa hiatino oils and gasoline phone 69 after hoims call 964 layaway now for christmas shop now at your leisure while our selection is at its best a deposit wiu hold any article until christmas acton home furnishings progressive farmers and small land owners now is the time to get your soil tested and if sultablo wo w 11 show you how to make up to 3 51000 oo per acre clear profit by growing our specialized items and have a market suppled for deta is write to specialized growers association ltd 130 hock stteet north whitby ont make your choice early for best selection i ys mens christmas trees acton ymca december 9th best trees best prices

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