Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1960, p. 9

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th acton frt pru thundm novtmbtt 24th i960 iai ii i i m li i i i i i i be ni ihe nomination meeting in ihc robert luht school audit orium tonight plant nix well undtrwny for th minimi santa cluus pntudt in mil ton december i in turning on the raw section ul hlghwnv 401 bun so muny nw sfctfon llllv uulfk i qilllt ihnvv ntws hint toph in tonvti mil ion bin ntvtr makes tin pa net vlpis got tin llu tud nnwipuwimi and lmiutsing ivsidtmls nu reminded of tilth tow nsliip imitilnallim nice linns moiidiiv iviuiini publk school children bml holiday mond when thi lineh- us viil to a tonunllou in ham hum njju hoiiduv ihiisimis timn ut i knit n hnu bet it hus hushing sew is these pist iwo wrtks lui sunn h son thildreii lind this un ini tixsl lug a tin ilnun in rolxtt liii minolkk auon ixti tuil 2qq ihnuv when il wis ditch d on ilk inst i ini inu town sainr h luliinu in toiontu those who art seeking ollkt ilim i wail lui luiminniiuit night o staii tilth lamnaigns 1ht inst pissnijin inn ol ilk tk limn out itk itvniili aulph juihiiuii t itlw i s until i in mill i ilt 1 utttillls llkl lllslliil mums willi hhhu i 401 upciuil i si ttuie is a muhiu ml drop in ti itlk tuimiil up 2 ihruugh jtown ihusv nimhling dinks u tumblliil iicht on pist tin at tun tunvult mihiu to ciiululilis toi ul tin wiui ulmiistnknts loi iul weeks papu nuisi ik in h lues di it o pm production sehe- links nuke ii nupossihlc to u ixpl ids ilur this linn jim miorn issisimt hi cuuni mi it ilk bank nl mom uil his hem ti instctrvd to gui ua md bui hilhd ul aitun iinwcil up into tin posit ion ol avisluil jnountmt islll u pli isuu to soi tht ci nis paiadi in sunshim no stmcitne m m went ist satutdn to toronto lad i lot ol tun shouting ho nch1 back it him united church sunday school hours chanted tut week at 930 during the rirtl scrvicc grade four and up meet during the ii oclotk service grades hint down lo ihc nursery met i campaign lo build a new school tor atarded children nl uoinby tor the north hulton minimis is underway bui htrt in ailon no group con tailed hnu bom willing to hike on uil tun timing damage was slight in n iwir- mi collision lutmliv morning on mill st in turn i ol tht roviil ciifo whut vthitki opcrtiltd hv al mlkntvt mnin si and lain williams liuutklh dt were in ohtd a proud lather was talking iiluiul iht inttlligtiki ot his son you kndw dtai in said to his wilt i think lit must hat i gol his hiains lrom mi lit ttilalult must hatt rtplktl tht wilt l still got miih ii ou i in i lind uiuiigh ul uwr hlukls with tkkus to sill toiill till otll lo ilk i hh pltss vsi i ill ulltt ou ittitthiug itom ilk oi in deliuied on tlu spot to ix ut sik ik kits wt it bust ti klnit ihatkis to llu ik iu iii ul quid a liw oigniiiitfons wollls ill ilk wlsi iii till ol itti tout lilt m iki us sii i iu ti is 1iu l 111 ill down ot booku 1 tihit hoi 1 lug oiign ui wnikii i ipi mm diags ktlbiuli piibtu is ilusid hi jinn hihil whuh inakt w i sihool will ik piiuliimil b uiu liuiun tuim il lot si vw riiiotiitioiis to iht l u ik ul jbotil s8mhi iu ipcilul shoitlv lo in iki tin buikliiig iu lilalik loi list is i i in hill lt uii tht till ii and ma wt tut unit stnipilhii with tht pcopu who isktd last wnk win it it tin inws slot us wirml in llu pqui hurt wnx 10 lull lokiiiins too mum ol mws tlu number ol pigis in tht papu iuih wnk is tliknnineil b thi nuinbti ol uuhis ul ad tuiismg tis thi onl tit tht piptr t in knp in thi blaik last wetk iht adtirtising de- uvtil 10 pis and 10 tulumns ot ttpt hid to n satiil for this wnk wt ix soi 11 halton wentworth teachers institute holds first annualmeet in hamilton the first annual convention of tee k blutk mm h humllion ttatlitrh college lot ii tut the first annual convention of the newly formed hallon no 4 wentworth no 2 ttacbciv int itule wan held at hamilton tea chern college on monday r rev j w oliver avilliin miniilvr or wtslilate united churvh condutltd iht devotion al cxercliwn j d londnvllk ma m bd printlpnl of iht tcutherx college welcomed the vlsillng ttathcrn to iht lollcui in his remarkh w l mtntll b a b putd initptxlur of publk sthoolh slixnutd llu luihii tatue of good publk rv in lions t milton pmldcnt tht following itmil ol llu nominating tuinmitiet lot hit 4m txetutlvt was aittpttd prctlitcnl r umg milton vke- president min e shippnid wtsl f liiuiboro xetrtlnrv mrs k al gi i at ion treason t w i oi si v waltulowu ikttiilltt loiiimil nua etrctftsihvb t tnl iimihouu tee k blutk l hill and mil b robinson tht hpenktrh lor tht morning minion wtrt dr wllllum lock inglon or water down tind his nssotlatt lincoln akxnndtr a piomlntnt hamilton luwtti liny hud itttnlly ixluintd itoni u hip to aliitu whtix they had vlslled the kev lountiks and many or hit mission rklds tiny sitxshtd iht importnntt ol he it ai lit is wuik in t hanging tin ulmliiilt ol hit growing gum ilioii iu loltianti and toopti ailon insltiid ul hit i ai lo pu i iknt atlitudt ol halt ami it ti iht shiikti was inliodiitid hv d ilikkwotul ol wultiduwn and thanktd by roy jolmsioii itisi 1 iniiithiio tht toiimiiliou llitu hiukt up into it dlsiusmcni giotips lui llu tun liniki ul itu tuomiing at noon ilk u n in is assun bkd il iht uikuiia ul llu college lot ii tut kt v dinner head lublu giknln wiro introduced by ilk ntw piunldunl raymond ling j d ijjikkrvllk imiulpal ul hamlllon luiehcti culkgi gave a vuy lint adilrenm on on iub ctt cllinblug livto iri il in urged iht lukhtin tonoiiiut llu thlku iimlutal lovi ol piutiy j mtktnk ol at loo luuodiutd mi loiukivllk uud ilk appitt latioii ol llu gioiip was voktd hy miin m dowmy ul wul lliiniboio a highlight ol hn lav win a shoi l musk tl piogiam pu suil ul by ilk ills ilinuiilili ul dak wood publk st luml dining llji alluiioun llu i i i ik is wtfit iiitiduilt d lliioogli llu plain lailiitil llu i lln it v llu in w divinity ihilldlug anil ollur points of ink i til at mimailu llnlvtislly present life membership pin during wms november meet chumhu j liiniiiu thdl villvk nl ml ii in i lis i i ill llu wms nul in llu lunm ol mii itliislni min dulium lul iiiuimiiv nuilliiu vwnliiu utnii mis kiikp ilili k tint milpluu inul mis iktilon kd in piuui km vmiui ustil ia jilt kiim inhi uivv i i wis miimi tl willi tun luhiiius sikiui mill uum mill iiiiiiiliits n nl lllll hi ihhiiis inl iiiuius prcwnlh pill mis iuii iknliiu plimil u loiiliini iiiiihihis iiinl in in h ill i il lln til lln uiiituii i unils pilsnul lulu iki innllni iii 1 1 mhil t iii iikiiilhisluit miiilniti iiinl pin miklnll lnliii illnl lui wnln nil mis links unl in slliul i jk iklilim luniinit in llu hi itnlk ml mis i i lln ill unl ml i nl w i u d iu llu iii nli oil iii iluulu mis mllkk ss iiiiii il pi sid ul tmill biiunplin msiul unl j i gnu in miltgliumtiit inlk inlitkd 1 1 sniiln mis koulili iud 111 i lln iitiilssils uinitl llu huslss sill li unl mis i mil siisiii nk llml u si il iiui ii a 11 ii mny prizes wl annual bazaar tea raw many to parish hall josephs pjllsh hill w r led fur chnstm i- winning two pnis itul tint uin nuij i ptit she hul doniletl lui when thi lulus ul the cuhulie self tutui moi won i bibt women s u itui hi id thur in doll i kiiii this eai i in uasj ompktt lis ot wihikin is 0 hittedlh hij u poi hues mis pat lut in 11 iik i uk phtlhs it piper bisktt mrs hi id is well with tht tin from liidx exening ie siluidit j kei ilttinihm at un thtjuxnt wus mu sun still mis c m it col i win guuril eomuur while mrs mike me mil i in iiui mrs ken papillun ton titled the te i mrs duaji sr ind mrs aixhu p lpillon thi lanit eihkls and apixm i ibk mn bixndin hmit iht luueh tiul tiki tihk mrs amk sulin mt yxyx alkn ind mrs boh ti hon ilk i mdt tihk mis je n miixihx uul mn ktn mmh nunt ttu kikuil t ibk mis rtnu b lid i uul mr- juk south the pennt sik mis juk lxhimt and min ivn c uiuun ihi lish pond many winners rtthel sluixt won the uul litui i br nil i tht m uk bt mrs hi idei liiisinus john smith in llu pinnt ushiorv m teiin m inn br ml i s ol vlissis wiluis gutlph mh mts jessie kellti len norm s i unit and hp- 1 utu i eon sei mis h ink pipillon to- runto flower ttntrtpictt adek nolin tiapol mrs kit jamis pink pilli ttiisis nul gibbons eihikie tlish i tin johnsiun doll ftllut moilhi plush dot hia ihu lislu lltt si i mi then sale it 2 piiis mrs ilh two people i tiihi limits miciei viiulwuh hit mrs thuks mieru te i nut mrs lil hituns nuns sinks nul women s nt ions mrs ti ink pip illon toiontu ittr piieher mil glisss turn gibbons ntlons md pillow 1 ises m irt union un erus ounna ki ipek imhroitkr ill pill w nets arlu white ish ra mrs man durum tv dug mu j re id hank m11 ihiel selk ind friendly circle names slate mrs w woodburn president new school advantages explained to institute in ul i link held iluir ixeu j t nulling un weilnes i wek in 1 hi suiuli ikmti ul aetun imteil sehtki ihuieh beloi k imiu as ion i i lui ikw lluilk it llsltwel mrs u mistus w is prisetiusj with i lute it up ind saiuir b mrs i i rouit ildviii who told hit how muih sh would he missid 1st llu lixmp it mini wt shell htr inti he 1 i imik miuli h tppinevs m hei iitw h urn min misters made 1 tittmi upl mis imnsuk v is in thirpc ot dtmiiums in i the tid ivdm w is it id jn unison miss benneil eate a ixatllntf on the ul tsaln whuh eplunetl its nujiune miss jean me lean was it the piano mrs m nt lli prvsuk nt vhairvd the hustncsn meeting the nomination committee l presented their slate o irffkin president mre w woodbum tiec prexidont mrv m stnon secretary mrs g w mtkcnne treasurer mrs w watcrtwuse corsp secretary mrs d van fleet reporter mrs c rog- nvakfeon flower and gift mre t ironside mrv f prouse group leaders mrs jenxnc mrs ltudill mrs m rs n mill r lutuh m is selli el b tlu eh uji m sinn i um kin iikd thiou hou ilu tllsl u t mis j imts a van met i ate atlun was hustiss lot tlu notunbtr muting of dublin womtns institule list thuisdiv etxning thin wis a lood lui 11 out of members to hear lh gutbl ipenker c b lrltch prtntlpal ul the new spit suit consolidated sehool speak on tdutaliun as it is tuuig taught in his sehool ik spoke on tht idt ullages of tiul itpe ut sihimil pixpuation of dilfilttil prides the siting of muntt wilh a ti tiled sehool tin lianspoit ition ul tlu sthot us hv bus ind guidaiut is t iutht by tlu stall ht told of the upeiimt d it whin eteivihuil wis well ot e mixed and ihtit wis 1 mini miim of euntusiun is the child un took their pi lets in t ith room text books tun pissed around 1o let iht ladus obsertt what was being taught rceoid shuts tun ilsu shown which in commenced whin a pupil st iris tu sehool and ire kepi up- todate all through public school ind followed alone through htth sehool until tht pupil uaduales or quits school mr letteh gitc a compiclicti site talk un his woik whuh proicd quite lnlcrcstiiit to hie lulus he extended in unit iliuii tu evxnxmc to attend ihi form il optmiit of tht school whuh w is held lasl tvtnmfc wednesdat mr leitch was introduced tit mrs f somcrt ilk ind was th inked and pnsehteil with 1 small till bv mrs calun mcln ttn busy season mrs horace bltlh was chin m in tot the ope nint ituusis and the roll t ill w is insweml bt s4mithinl 1 hate lixiwh 01 sewn in the pist tin whuh shuuxxl ihc women hul hul 1 un bus season mrs g r some rt ilk n id the minutes ot iht prcttuus nice tine mr ak nt ir gatx report of tht tuihn pint htld mcnilt u tht home ol mr and mrs diuu in muflil ttu n was a diseiission about eilmn tu tht ulliuil unenine ol iht spetsuk sehool ind mis d miftursun md mrs b ren link were n imed conuners tu punhasc supplies and make fur iher pixparattuns milltlun wis m ule ul the hit i wl milling on diicinlur h ind it lumg llu slh inuiveisiiv ul llu hi null spin d pupu itions ux being tiiuk mis i yk sum ei vi lie repoiled that u union jack nnd plciuns of ihc otuwn and pi iiui phdipivlll he pusini ttl il llu olliuil opening ul tht sutsiik school splendid array ttu innti il luelion ik w is hcttl ind 1 splendid m iv of bikini 1 uult setting hull tild ibks ik wis un displ i mis doihjis mupliiison atkd is the c ip ihle luclluneu mil ilinost tiututu luuk humi sonit of htr w lies a nice sum ol nioiict w is u died lur the in slitulc titasuit a d nnl lunch w is scitcd ht l lie huslcss mis vm rittl as sistcd bt mis wilmcr w ilkms mrs h botd ind mts mtl me cullough ind a hall hour ul social tisitmg w is cniotcd b ihc 1 idus mrs will ud britton ex pressed ihc ihinks ut tht met i ing lo ihc hoslcss and lo all wtio hid taken p irt on ihc proliant ind the lunch committee nov 24 thurs adult tnlertainment si 11 iiiil 7 00 pm a rial thru li r tor yolng old the tingler m unnl vincent price 13 ghosts a meet ng of the municipal electors of the township ol esqoesing will be held in esquesing community hall monday november 28th at 730 c clock in die evening for the purpose of nominal ng candidates for the offices of reeve deputy reeve and courslcllcors for the year 1961 and two members of the school board of the township school area no i for the year 196162 k c lindsay tetutmng officer mi win kim 1 1 1 lm1 wit i mi un il wiiil in will lis i s 1 luylik i ink rsihl ins ill iu i ills liusl ss iiiiii mi s kllkpilllk s i p il ills ti iv un uj m lln null inn un ii mill ind sin isslul i luml in iii i inv siiimt ills i nsl w k visitors prominent in community homes nl mis bum alkn vis sund kv will ml mid mis ii nut kshn ii i hi md mi i ii mdinliiin in liltikliuk loiouln d ivs wild mis jilul churchill local events highlight happenings churchill wa held a uttcn hi i bnjtnr on filday in hlnioim corner store on main and mill mr mtd mm kd orccn of tor unlo mtd mr untl mrs gilbert midutinld ul sunk a khowsii vls- ikd wilh their toudti on thurn- iluy mi inul mis pted mutar linn mi and mi alfred suumkri hiivu riiuiiiiil home i ruin vult hill wilh rtlutlvn in ihc mm itlint pmivhut mr nnd mi jwiu lcdjjcr ami ounna ul aiion luivt muvtd lo huh ntw liiiiiu un the hill wt vvik ortu l hun lit our cuiimiiiii hv f mi and me chuilk mlinl i mlid on sunday al hit humi ul w i simla ul illluhutuh mi and mix i ud mmaihiui iiiuuhd llu i hi mutiny ul klin i uhiiim huky hull ilaiitjlilu of mr mid t iiiiilh mi lluny an ik i ul hornby linn ii on sunday alii r ulluid itiu iht in mulnu dluiki in id al llu unimljmitntr mr and mt v akiki mt and mis illlull and lum 1 iv ul poll aithiu vlnittd wilh liu patutln mi and mm win m donald oiijliitluliillotis lo mi s i llilllll llkl mill l wllllllliu lj u in hull liiinips al llu wink mi and mit iiuik winlii and nul ol wokislkk vhllul un s unl iv wilh mi and mi unci vviulus wefotwoop p5j surprise party for bastells calgary wedding of interest wcdmimluy evenitm nilh nnd frkidi walked in on ldt wcdmimlay cvejiiny utlh mis nnd rrlut mr tinumnexroberl bmilill und liuvc them a rturprlot parly mr and mir bimitll htivt moved lo at ion lo reside on chinch hi idler living more than vt yium in rock wood plcvloun lu tht pithiilatuuii don lllllft uuvo ti hi lil hptiihtuul neluhlxmis navt n lollti lahk nnd fool moot a vuy uijovalik iuiiiiiii win htld hy all ni lull lx airs nuivcd lum h wad in tulgmy word win rttclvtd limn llu yioilhwtiil conn ininu a wtddlnu wlili ii imik plutt in snuilimliihiu unhid chutcll culuaiv ot lolttt 2 ul jomtph allan hauls mi mi of j ii men llan ik who win ul kuikwuud ind in lost itu fluid ii nils and it y hauls kutkwix lln in llu nitidis on pail luir uiaiulfiihui s i mu si hum john hauls uik lo h wihki ii hoot jfl2u lioin in i ii steal 7 groceries from parked truck ibk i v mid i ah i uul mis mi ind mis i i lui ihiilniklu ts with mi i km mis 1 1 mil i i lie lovil i ii ill uili mi uul and n in lloyd hun i j mill i i ind mi illy hi mtl mi mil mis anduw bishup uitt ky in ul auinsvilk ohkuii wile leet iii usilois with mi uid mis pttcy pc ivoy mi no lde and maty rubcrlnun ol ckvelund wcr nvtrnt vlnttoni with mr nul mis duncan klngv hui v and c itlurinc mi md mis wn itetttllv lo spend munllis in i loud i kov hindltv ms wilh ins sistu mis dunpier al the home ot mt ind mt jissi mel ncrv ballmal id hume from iloipllal 1 1 lends ul percy peatu wcie t1 ul to lit it he ins relumed hum guelph gtncril hospital mi n ill ml ihc wtillc enllt mt mid mis ft i divid mt mid mts wm mtailhui md mt- inwt kulii nl k r 2 a inn vlslltd mi sunday wllli mi and mis ihcaduie m it lln i vi ul ml iu ss mikn all ui i she is in llu hohph d lui a tjhtdy itiov girl guide news llu mtttiiiif uptmd wilh 0 tun id i imimtlfattly ulltr lull i 11 vkkv nwiun j et kijtn t ikisun md jilt lluisl took ihc kills wikhuik tu pass klin laiiit il inw town to the sluit windumt me hiliuu itu olhu airls win sludyirik mil passing ksls we ilusdwlh un slllv 1 ills llu uhl ul diy md taps iller two wet wlsli him i i bet it i hcinh mav i iiui all uly rceutcry tu for spit healer oh and confectionery suppiies your texaco dealer corner mill and youiiji strccls opn 7 i m toll pm daily nov 25 26 fn sat starling 7 pan the lost world 1 101 or a 11slmas10pl sunin michael rennie jill si john and comanche station theatre closed materials available at kinslow sales builders supplies i mile wcsl of acton on ivo 7 hwy phone 4i3j tor your convenience i parking facilities open daily from am to 9 pan saturday until 6 pan ample i romam rii 1 1 ui iv ufuht buiy tv tin ov r ilu wti h whin i bay ul fitieilcn v il humid 17 w tiillmd p ii kid ii lit k hid i u wlui win mti ihhed in ui illunjm uhl ill gtot till a mrr irar r r i a luld pulke lud pm ii i mits in llu i r tte k il llu it i the i d a hioii md whui itliiliuil tiny wtit uuii anulhi hi i itsi in lumplillnj tin iliuppiny vii itu slallun holt i wiun in hi nul tu bin linked u iuiii my flu wn kind yimuli mu win low hid lum mil ii when ihiivti iiilurtplul lu i the t it ii in bcllcwd liny i liiuhttind ul in ion they i hu ik iht window tutnpklcl alton o i i dulatliiiicnl invehtlualiiiii the bride wun mks muriel si llttcin ol calgary formerly from cmnfurd conwahr england i pol lowing ihc wedding tht couple itd on u honeymoon by i- nuio lo red dctr alberta and reildc in culgary joseph allan iliirrl hoiiunleadtd in soulhcrtl alberlu in iwr continuing farm ing iii lm and rt 1 1 ring lu cal guiy juinc harri and wife luimtrly lived whin hurry bd- wiinn now llvu al i hi lower end o miln si iluy moved tu mtuloid in tin- lnu 8uh hk nmnv irkndi ul mu k ii walltr will he pkasul lu know hint hi l liiiuluylng mint rc luiiiliiu honu lrom hosplial duiliiu suvke al st johni much sniidiy alumuuti duly uiniiiihilun was ctk hnilcd ihc it i tut thhik mivid by sllpp mi mil mti alvln roui arc it w itskllnit hi hull new rciv i lun t un iippu mikuiil si iddli itul w k nuking ru- fitsi in l lie inellun ul his ntvt liuiiii id upptt m iln s mh lllli dull ul aulph mil i lanl we k with mit o jnltandu to the ratepayers if erin twp school area no i i mill i ill i i suki iiumi i i s iimi an n i i i lot ul esill it m jtiuiy tin i i suppol jos hhall erin out h i mu tftelil wtg j christmas cards we hove a large variety from which to make your selection other boxed cards from 59c to 300 truly yours personalized social stationery makes an ideal oift order early for christmas delivery smms and surplus phone 403 the ab supermarket 9- 11 mill st east before you shop see our specials save 1 chicken 35c lb beef liver 47c lb bologna 31c lb stewing beef 69c lb t- rolled brisket 1 49c lb rose sweet mixed pickles 31c raspberry jam 37c mother pehwi 10c tea bags 71c hawcs liquid floor wax quart sn two fn afx fab green gtant peas reoukr lc 49c trmwcv reg so 59c 15 oi tina 2 31c chicken stew 2 31c thie cold bniml green beans 10oi tta 10c grapefruit 8 for 45c yellow turnips 5c lb pinky stamps free delivery

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