Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1960, p. 6

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the actortrcy gru 7hurajy auguyl 25th i960 campbeuvhie just ii more days before school opens soon it will be raking leaves and then shovelling wiow holidays are just about tompkkd for many residents highways arc happy ways but only if you dnvt canfully griss at the park is being kept wtll groomed by ilu care- idkti nutitlhow ihc days art ujminl shorter and the nights longer suntiav s huiw rain smaller nl pienakers in anon park in quick order fanners art making the best of the sunnv weather and an bus threshint don t foreel to keep aeton fill fair dates in mind sept ember 16 and 17 if volt hie anvthmt for site let a small elassided ad in the free prevs do the job rums are being pnpred for iaing a ruu sidesalk from the sehool lane to riir si pknliful i tin and eoul ieu thei this summer hae kepi the ejass a pleasant grexn color the town doek seems lo be hntng a holicla it wasnt run mil the firs part ol the week an i mum oungsttrs irc liking ahanlae of ihe t leilities at the widing pool in the pirk this iumimr chaiks musun s flower g den on willow st is ionlinuin to bloom in a prolusion of at liaetie colors the cne opened wednes day many high school students thoughts are turning to sehool as they hustle around looking for text books to purchase ouile a number of the side road crossings in the country are a hazard to motorists with tail weeds blocking the drivers view many amateur photograph crs are looking loiw ird to the fall when they will be able to capture the beauty or the kaes on film the swings nd slides u the paik arc a popular spot for the tittle kiddies these dnvs as mo ihers relax under the shade ol the pine trees minor sports baseball and aeton softball leagues have started their plavofls and spec lators have seen some interest ing games so fai aeton junior pipe band it tended the highland games in fergus on the weekend 1hc were one ol the 17 binds who performed at the annual event st john ambulance bngadi is keeping a steadv vigil at he park on weikends seeial mm or casualties have been ire tied b members on duty this sum mer the free pixsn ippieciiles ihc cooperation of m ins it id els who hive phoned lis news ot ihcir msits and visiiois this summer this en inks us lo maintain t bright ind inteiem ing personal column keep the in coming phone hoo or drop in ii ihe free prcvs or dills slition er store umsavftivtjsj j hold anderson reunion sunday as 36 descendants reminisce third lourth and fifth genera when the run had passed and represented on sundas the sun shone bllfchth neiehbois hen 3o descendants tables were bummed ind with ddmon ol some uul link afiernixm ol the laic george addison jane i ritchie residents of nasv aavtcva township pal hind in ac ion park sundas lor a get together learn of relatives the uuniun ms planned lo af lord in opportunik to meet some relatives visiting here from mieiu gan who learned during the pasi vear thtv hud manv relatives lis me in on l j no a mid alkrnoon rainstorm ejused a mmoi upset in plans torcinl f he roup to uki shelter al the block ave home of mr and mrs f anderson evervont enjoved the dflirnoon malonc and mr with an exchange ol memorable toronto events ol former das of man such catherines old photos mnv old i mills nhul wei passu i wind lui ritiitndirs u tin i is it jcneftttion who ji reititmhtud tv ihc older meir bet ol iht clan a large tamilv t ibk was set the lawn lor supper family present no survivors ol ihe t imih nine children laised bv mr i mis george anderson remain but six of ihesc had reproenta lives present thev were as fol lows robcrl s tamilv mr and mrs william anderson mr and mrs robcrl anderson jr milion mrs m sturds and miss louclla siurdv mr and mrs jiek andci son and don robert of toronto james andet son mis william jean ma torn christie church memorial service ball game auxiliary accident in news rev forbes thompson of st andrew presbyterian church guelph had charge or the chris tk anniversary service on sun day with mrs mibel living as soloisl and mrs wynn clark as accompanist chcsler service and richird tinkler dedicated ihc offering to a hospital bed it ihc sir wilfred grcnfcll mission mr thompson conducted the memorial service in memory ol the late d d chnslie who inn it ihc sunday sehool manv ins ago and his daughter mrs w p gamble of guelph still cynics on one service a vear fot those who have labored in this vine aid rev thompson advises nunc te ichiill ind less picichtai the wind ol the lord jesus christ which jn uked an x a click u ound ihc x means the knowkdcc ol god a second circle aiound l lie means ihc seeiel ol hum in behavior and ihc ethic ol love a thud click ii ound the x me ins ihe great comprehension ol ft i low ship and ihc f out ih hick iround the x means ptisuuil id iltoiiship to chiisi m inv old file mis gathered thcic lo icricvv acquaintances study africa mrs robcrl menics w is hos tcss ihc augusi meeting i the bl in evening auxiliaiv on wed ncsdav evening when mis rod cci mvhon presided ind mis j inns robe i son g ive llii su iclirvs it pott lollowcd bv mis james wall ice kitting in pin ci in ihc ibseiuc of miss ji in mcphul speikci who is hospit illeel the piesidcilt took ihc topic on the cduc ilional svskm m alncn a duel w is siiii bv mrs wm mihon ind mrs juk me ill ul leeomp lined h mis 1 lovd 1 iwloid the duel vv is ihc 21id ps dm to the coven inicis aim mrs james robe 1 1 son j ive i lie laxki thought hmiiiis ik ioi sinking the id 1 1 c ill w is hi swercd bv ill ixpe time iln inst 14 books ol the new teminkn mis rodeer malum closed with prayer and a social hill hour was enjuyed by all nearly in pond a w55 blue chevtulcl driven by all in ketns of pushneh and who woiks al ihe canadian tue store in milton skidded down the embankment of the ponds edge in f i out ol the home of mi ind mis jiek mi phail on sunday illcinoon iboul 2 pm he ippurcntly had a iht tire which daw htm lo the cdec ol ihc to id iml down he bank landing between ivvo liecs about six led i mm ihc watct roy wood pulkd him out with the low truck corili ilul itions lo mrs i ois tompkins r r 2 c mipbcll villc will copped sin il illinois il ihc ii million dishiil e1 ulioh show it ihc rovil botanic it g helens i isl week conci ilul ilions lo mi mid mis icnniict stokes on the hlilll ol i gill friday guests mi ind mis robcrl mel it i i in of c decloni i sptnl ihc diy hsl i ndiv with mi ind mrs i lod ci iwloid mis ii hold dm iuii uul ditilhu is ol wileidovvn spent two weeks with mi iml mis i i ink bill mis dill is ucovu irtl i mm in upei uion mi mil mis 11 mson i iisi spmt till weekend willi mi a pie ailhin whilcsell ind turkey poilil e 111 it ion eds mi ii evlllllll lilt w is lcs lll vi i uul mis ind luiiilv cks il buice i 1 i biook ntoved sdiuel with luo erul ludsuk i ibk ami ill dine k cltipk onels ituek spending luu ich on 1 ik iiiii honor newly weds luic1 ol am mill hi lol 1111 dv held muciul ind clou the mi hill moiid n slides talk on agriculture highlights dublin wi meeting articles lot the i hi he lo be brou c ill lo the in line intl ne to be u licks lot i b iln showei oi i ivc guest speaker mis chi is biiuon is lodutcd spe ike i 1 marfan currici mi nines mi i andu nd d l land ol st c iml mrs geoijc pbelhilk anclirjn mi anderson a h vtic m and th tocut mrs al mt in geor je l fn iiim t iwrlliam andcrsoni mr tnd mrs v d robertson son david gtmiamt and mrs robertson of toronlo mr and miv fad andeivm hojd funeral service ms joinn krapek mi j hni for sarah jane smith m s relatives allend mis getttel robertson n iss ti oniric sell h acawev i v is hostess lo ihe dub ind 14 repoi iln women s instiuitc thuisd iv memhets cvcniiil august is in the absence of mrs h blvth ihe president ihe eh m wis ac eepled h mrs c mclnlvti the singing of the institute oik ind the repe ilmg of ihe m u slew it i colled ind the l jrd s priser opened the meeliril roll call wis insweied bv nun inc a salclv me isuu in ihe 11 line which was quite intercstine 1 ll showed ih it the me m ik i- win sui eonsliotis in support i the r inn sidle c imp icn re ccnilv held in hilton counlv business session mis u r somen ilk is see letnv e died the r ll ind u id tthc minutes ol the picvious nice i ine ila will he sent lo cari i mis m vlhsaiidmrs dune in k lmv ilds alofl il wile chosen is ihc 411 girls and will ning for mr and mrs kenneth elsky uf guelph newlywcds pmgiessive euchre wis elljuvcd and on bchair of the eutiimunilv the happy couple wele picscnled with elm end tables and ivvm vises bv jack mcphul plles wcie won by mi and mis i tin agnevv audrey h iinblv mid ro bcil inghs the bantam bill te im w is defeated in c tinpbillvilk bill puk on ihursdn atlcinoon bv luntiun d bill u mi with a scoie ol 175 1 lie n tin silliiihv illeinoon c imphillvilk oui nc veil to linton ind itist ij mi with i scoie ol 144 1 he in in it n idwaid gusold ind louh james b ivlon ikseivi i 1 1 ol credit lo help the bovs iloiig thus t ii the bovs pi iv i good guile ol hill bill s mie tosllv emus seeiiietl lo keep i hi low belli illek ihxt ve ii don mis ni ol mill more vlhllom mcphul s kbiv mill il m ill ul mt il hsl ind mi di ni churchill guest minister trip visitors highlight district news events luv jam- kliknil il susk iklkwun tmnailv a hiillln il itl boj was glul spiukii at t inn ihlll on siiihihv mill ki an l spniiib iirsmiiii ml anil mis llgnlil nllln kiiimp mini lv mt mil mis lliitlh kdil ol im pi ml mi a up wis miimliv ml mil mis niiiiiiiii i hi nil lllllltllll ilk i lllllllllls huh ii siul nil siiinln in mil i ml sl 1 iuii s i isk li si ii i a kw days ill llu i slsur ml unit ml diniiv iliilph mis annus rhnpipsun movltl hiiftil atlnn last viik mil latilkis an husv ill itil lui vest nirnbiiiiiib and llirtsli 1118 clai il iii ml ilili ml llillsl nil hi i ii i ki i mis aiiiiii siiiiiiiii hi hunt viiiiini is s i il ii in ill s ullklllll ii llll illll 4r in i mil im nl mi- mil ill mis illy il in il wlngimi im ii kl nl hsl diiiiviis mil il hull im h ml i mi nl mis mil ml ilul mr i ann i ik nl snililir ishv 111 iii lull miithii will shi willi up iln anpil ihi wiikuii w j mil m llii ii i i ii w lihl willi kilph wiiiiiin i ihisll i iwii ul it i simiilmk i f sv in i inn mil iiiul mis aiiiiii siiiiukis issl i iim i shi i lilk isl mis illil i iii ix i m lime h miumil mi iln whiih i iln ii in im ill nkul in i iln hisliss sl in si r k i i m guijpti t vs oiip 1w1 7 v i hp u mil iw sanlid miihitj e nl 1 1 h jdiinns psk j l dub si wion j dance for teenagers i iru imlcd th ilkth anditsoi iv ami kilikn ncphrw on hnd preset 1 vcjs ml nel a a t i nephu mr r rbe r is i 1 i ink mcc i wil ii don aug 26 27 fn su because theyre young si uuv dick clarktuesday weld plus the hangman willi robert taylor tina louise ul vi cj ate t t trukhikl si 1 al t jiiimiild 1 sn irh w m j lotlljhtt ll 1 u it lin si dvpki ii iii 1 1 y ui iikmu ve v elu led bs ktv hvion ii k llh ihe kumkv n 1 ill ttiiu r wed in k mn in u i lverton tun ml v 11 v v re hitlii sin hh smith 1 ink rionison mm m t iii lieon 1 11 milllleh i i el 1 111 met uiiheon mow two acton winners in kinlegion bingo women ii ind tin milion kinsirteii binco al vwlcm emnt ol last el hi nhinj privs u aiwia thursdav mrv c g ocktndii chuiehdl rixid look home 50 ls a con miulton pruc in ihe si oop joe kpol painc mrs john kcntmr 21 church st won a homevs chair fal tueffcy dnw door pnw a cudpb nun c hardie ot oucbcx sl woo 70 in the share the wealth game about 430 attended ihebinflx acton lions club bingo this friday august 26 1960 at 110 pm acton legiotst hatt snowball jackpot 175 in 53 numbers special game 100 must be won admission 50c caroline nurseries garden centre 2 milts west of acton on highway 7 south s d gardening hint now s ihe time lo plant madonna lilies phlox hardy mums autumn crosusirisdutch bulbs for fall planting in ihii m aiiiiii check your evergreeni for red spider mites and black aphids floral designs for all occasions open from 9 am to 9 p m phone750w13 friday dancing the dynamic dorkays hock n rll peru park sunday 1 to 10 p m music with tiny hopkins 0pininc hid a y august 26th stevenson photo studio and record bar photo finishing camera still and movie film color black and white fpice ao iifoevarc 14 mill st photography j howe aio fa cr i rjclt pajfor j cgwef a acton phone 326 aug 29 30 men tuet alllit i miktmnmi st s t 10 iii rise and fall of legs diamond si ray danton karen steele bloody brood iii jack betts barbara ior0 aug 31 sept 1 wed thun mh in 00 pm once more with feeling in coloi snmnj yul mynner kay kendau plus short sobject mmmm goioen iik savoutt trof tcal ftavout wc reserve the rlrht u limit quantities balance your budget with these big values 5ave 9c t iga beef stew 249 cold seal white tuna fish mead 1 butte8 iga pickles mir delicious and rcfreshlnx li w i sfldless grapes 2 lbs 25c uirtlen trch hard trip 15 a i cabbage 10c head tender bradford crxmn no 1 grade j lb cllo bl carrots 15c m nt tium f tomatoes vm vii r llll i soup l id k ok siim i 16 o iar vinegar miiwkdl tl i i liquid detergent buy one get one free oi ii 29 16 ot jai 2i49 95 37e 10c 65c cake mixes 2 25c nil sin r- lean bonslest oven ready with dreuing pork shoulder roasts 39 pork butt roast 49c lb chen read with dressing tahlcrile macaroni tt cheese pickk i rimenlo and dutch or chicken loaf 6 ot pkn sliced cooked meats 25c maple leal mild cured sweet pkkled back bacon 2 3 lb av 79c lb iga booth in the food pro ducts building and play lucky spin for free food certificates angel food mix in i christies date rolls iik1sui s graham wafers 57c 38c rk 33c fraseitvale fhoien fish and chips kraft plain phiukoilfhia cream cheese f9

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