Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1960, p. 2

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tt arton ftm prtu thundty auguil 33th 1960 s hepburn to represent 4h clubs at us leadership training camp sandy hepburn of r r 2 csmpbcllville ha been selected to represent the ontario 4h agricultural club members at iho amrrlki foundation lea dttohlp trolntnj camp in ll sandy is awnrded the wm h dnnfnrth leholnnhlp olkmim him tu attend the mmp held during augmi in 1961 the am erican youth foundation cojnp k held nt stony lute ocmnu county mkhlgnn usa the enmp will be computed til one rtpreseimtlvt from nuh haiton county weed control news v e mcarthur county weed inspector clean lawns beautify nearly everyone has an ambit ion to hae things of natural beauty surrounding tht home of all the shrubs and landscap ing around the modern house the lnwn is perhaps the most important without a lawn the most expensive dwelling might well be cold barren and unit trnctnc in order that the home owner can enjov such beaut consider able hard work expense and planning go into every square foot of a good lawn establish mg a healthy turf is onlv part of the battle at constant attcnt ion and work is necessary to maintain it this fact has probably become very apparent to many rosid ents who upon returning from vocations have found the grass quite long and shapgv with the odd weed appearing very prom incnt about one foot m height major problem weed control in lawns is sometimes one of the major maintenance problems accord ing to the ontario department of agriculture an increasing number of residents arc request ing information on the care of lawns each year two excellent bulletins have been prepared by the depart ment on this subject bulletins nos 529 and 448 thc are avail able to the public and may be secured from the local office or bv sending a request to tht ont ano dtpartnjcnt of agriculture parliament buildings toronto the most effective safeguard against weed infestation in halton manor lawns is of uhirm to esi ihhsh ueh a ihiik htlth muni ol grass or eiovei thai weed seids just don l hue a ehniei lo grow homvr tht btst imnilnd yards sometimes ji invtdtd bv various weeds ind getting nil of thtm prtstnts a problem to the homt ownei fur tht htm fit of rtadtrs who miv not hut tht governmtnt bulletins i nil hating below table one con trol of lawn weeds from bulle tin 529 by way of warning howtvtr i must emphasize thi iff them teals used in lawns must be ustd as directed by tht minii ae turer careless mixing spr u ing when the wind is blowing or holding the nozzle too high from the ground may result in dim age to desirable shrubs or plants satisfactory results how ecr may be expecud if you follow instructions tamt i control of lawn weeds docks prostrate knot weed young stage shepherds purst rosette stage stont crop round leaved mallow creeping charlie healall speedwell creeping buttercup voung stage plantains bindwetd dandehon fall dandelion slnerv cinquefoil young stage oxevc daisy rosette stage daisy flea bane these weeds mav ht controlled by 2 4d ammt or low volatile ester at the rate or one ounce of pure 2 4d in four gal tons of water spray should be applied when the plants in growing rapidly in mav or september more than ont ap- phtalion miv be requirtd r rst jefcj a t stalt in i hi us ami one rnnn onlui i basts of awards the busts ol avwmh inihtde nthktu aeiivitits sthulnrshlp st hiding imdcishlp in 411 tfnh wotk uitl ih naiui hit im 1 1 mhim is uminomil ol ionises in chilsti in ik iu peisuinl inun dm ions pi iso ml e in ichnienl leadership piimiplts and tea ilirship pi utms a toinpk hnisivt pmm 1111 with i d md lun iiiniml i uludid in llu dull sinidv hiphniiis livllif up hill shower of rain forces outdoor picnic indoors by miss muriel an organization that has en tcrtjined the residents of the manor at manv very enjoyable indoor parties arranged an out door pitmt for thtm on sundav uf it moon the organization was the aeton women s institute and the pitnie grounds wert tht at ton park about 4s rtsidtnts ititnd ed the pitmt and were tranv ported to iht pirk by bus and station wigon upon arriving nt the park the guests were greeted bv mrs g hurgravt the president ol the institute and mrs george frver the past president these two ladies were the eonvencrs of the picnie and wire assisted b a vtr tapablc tommittee corsages of fresh oweis were pinned on llu gut sis shower of rain at this point the wtithcrman took it into his head not to to- operalc am longer and sent a smart shower of run the vtsi kirs took sheltei in he bus and station w igon ind the lome scots band pirt of whith was in atttndanec pi rcd a short pro gram uf band music the bus rwrv smtssservswaenesv seven scout groups train at blue springs blue springs scout reserve has been a busy place this sum- mi r with scout and cub leaders roaming the grounds while muv ine their woudbadge course part two to date wen courses have bceji held there and before the e imp is closed for the season over 400 leaders from all parts ol canada will spend three days there attending the gtlwell re union three chib leader courses three scout and one rover crew course have been held so far this sum mcr rip trahfcg besides rigid training periods the scooters enov fun and re laxation each sunday thev at lend the church of their choice in acton or district mrs wilfred coles of acton is the chief cook for the cub lead er courses and the scouts pro vide their own on the completion of their traiatftg period at blue springs the i ictuin to their home towns to pan on their newly ed sallh to the scoofe m acqtdred their troo distinguished visitors at toe crap this tear wm lord ptter badenpowell boa baqsanavaoa of tht found- or of jhe boy scout movement and station wagon then made their wav to the atlon fin hall where the institute ladies had set up very attractive tea libit s true to the pnneiplts of their splendid organization the insli tute ladies served a most tempt ing and bountitul supper of sil ads sandwiches tea ice creim and home baked confection irv after the isitors had done full justice lo the delicious supper thev bunt into a heart and spontaneous round of applause after a speech or thanks given b muriel thompson it was a er happy and grateful group ot residents that armed home sift l lite in tht afternoon and this outdoorindoor pienit will lone be remembered bv all who il tendtd is vtiv tnjm thk ex tasion mrs r gordon hostess to meet mis i t i ilon lioslis iinlik piesbvui alel 111 i 111 muting o ii n m mi chin ill i itus wms mis huhgilbiilmin ihnr lor th vis omt pitihts ind tovs fni i hi sipitmlhi bik weie hmded in a ktlei fiom miss dukiiimm mission in wis itiil bv mis k stevenson mis r wiight li iht devotions or llu wa ttu llu minutes of iht i isi met liny wm ie id plan projects a busv houi lolkmed with p ins for tht fill bmair in nue ember ind eonimittus veu ip pointed a eontest londucled b mis w minn w is won bv mrs tom mt phul i isiioi from burhnglun sotul h ilf hour followed take oat supper residents wire trt ittd u something different on thtus dav when the ladies of eden mills tinned chureh provided i tikeout supper tht men dome llu dehvennc lo the vinous homes nelltel i met sum for the thurth tutsdiv visiiors of mr mil mrs j d low i it wm mi nut mrs melvin loeker it h union llso mis mecirtntv of mbeili miss shirk gilbeitson his u turned home fiom hospu il tuts d iv visiiors rithaid aiehihild of toronto is spending a wiek with mr jnd mrs m insil lovviie sundiv s visiiirs of mr mil mrs r wnghi w mecklltnd ind i sim mecltllmd bridge ind sluih in henderson of gutlph mr and mis i bt iilv ind son left siturdiv i ir in ete ruled mo tor lup mi ind mrs bill ill iei were at like i ilhi lor two tins re- einllv wee kind tilt sis of mr ind mrs w me dim ild win mr ind mrs icholsun ind fimilv h lmilton ball games eden mills bill piik is t popu lar pi let ihis week with liu ball ginus sihuiukd turns from oulside ruril disimts n usmii iht pirk fot phvill eimes on eount of monti iv meunl rilin h tilt n mil rt mrs vo sons m ill ot wo ktmi lilt hlhkllllhls mne till from i mills 10- thin sd n nurses attend mrs kilhleen llovd jones on of tht nurses of tht minor si dl accompanied the re sidents i supemse their welfrt and mr- ft if l of iht st john ambuhne assotiahon wis also in iittiul isjrnti utindine ihi ance ul ihre shine muhin pit wee hmlhill ks t hellslll i niht m n i pi ivoll time at exhibits mr inl mis h cilkrison mr will filberts n mr w c ilwrt rodiii ind dun midoiiljii ind bob cilhtrtson spmt smirliv in id fashion ehhil announce dttes districts fats the following ure iha dates fur fall fuirs in this dhtila nml maoi alts in on i ailo ahttlole seplemtki 20 21 acton sepleinnei lo 17 amaxiti stpttnilnr 22 24 bollun september m oeloh- cr i brampton st pit tnber 15 17 caledimsseptimber 9 10 rilnoelohu 7 8 and 10 gull sipfi tntm 22 24 jeomiiovvn sipumhtr m otlohti i tinnd valky sipicmbcr 30 ottobei 1 kiu luni i sipkmho 2n hi h timet i i islowel siptimbtr 2ft 27 iondiin wtsleiu i nil vpl emlhl 12 lo 17 mniklmm svptiiiilxr 2 m o l h i i mm lonsepuiiimi 2 24 i iiijavilli stptinihel 20 21 ott ivv i tcuitnil canada aucusl o 27 oil mi winlei tifi oetub u 24 lo 2t roiklon oetotkr it ami 10 slulliutm stpleinhir ift 17 ltonio cn i aujiisi 24 lo s pit nibu 10 lironto rnv il wintu i iir nomtllhtl ii lo iv w like i ton novtmhu 2 1 w iliiilowil septemlhi l 14 weekly editors see pacific 60 moix dun 400 represtnlativts it w 1 1 kl v in w sp ipi t s ft tun m loss c inndi ait expeiltd lo at lent ihe 41st innu il eonvtiition l ihe camdiin weekh news pipels assoeialion in viileouvei sjjlulllbu 12 u ind 14 xius iltwsptipu will be lepitstnttd bv ml and mis dim dills ttitnie of the conference ls picihe 60 ind ddcliiles will i inline the itiipoilmce ol tridc with pieilit louniiics amoiil the convention hith 1iliis will he a re pun on russia bv di a e dil gi mtr bc ilttlmc pie side nl hid univeisilv ot bithsh columbiielnncctlor present awards present ilion will be m ide dur iiil ihe eonvention ot the i960 biltir ntwspipir awards livcn mnuilh bv ihe cwna in reeog nihon of outsl mding ittntve- ment incluilcd ire aw irds for iht best ill lound piptr btst idilotiil pigt ind btst front p itc in the vinous cireuhtion gtoups chairman of tht sessions will be cwna piesident leslie e bar her of the chithwack bc pro gress convention program chair nun is cecil hitker of the ab- hitsfird bc news rill sure must bt around the corntr the cne opened wed ntsdiv with flurry ind pomp nd of course the midvviy betiivalwk autumns hats lovelier than everi they re the top attract on of your fall wardrobe allant2 opposite post offiea now budget your comfort with our convenient plan pay for fuel doc monthly ng the hea ig season by know ng enacly wha het ng s go ng to cost yu each month you can eas ly budget for th s out your ncome call us now fof full nfewmat on get what you pay fori the meter m our truck ta got ennncnl certified and aotomat ieatlv registers gaoonate on your bill pasture assurance of get tins fan i aftr hours call thompson fuelr servicing your area with ba heating oils and gasoline guest speaker among visitors holidaying in district homes john w jotk who was miiil mxnlvii l iviiuin chuuh ol christ dine i pin mid liitud mint mm inn kiiih wen uuesls with mi and mis i robe r l son nit s dui in it the weilt int lulled piul sllippev and nioiher mri shlppev i rod llev i klcnd synipuihv sviupilhv is minded t mri i red lliplic in llu 1 ill l in r iiiollui mrs w sinlih uieal vltws mi and mis lm winir uul loidon spinl i lew dvs hicnllv willi trlnlivis in st c iihmtiict mis m juksou relumed honu on simdirv following awuk svi intlon at rah in eoinpanv with mi mid mis all wtnlu opslk ind mi mid mis 1 1 jslin uul iaiiiliuis of i t hon miss doils f nits uitiiikil liomt on m nd iv fi m llu fun ipli hon pil il whtu sin undiiwiiil sin be iv mi ind mis fid tiiininn mt sluiliv awiev hiivki liomt in mondiv loltovv lit i lu wuk ik tiimiioon in i ist in oul mi uul llu iiuithtni st itts miss jim wislthpik ol wi lowd lit mil iclir klfkiski ul iuii2ilovii spinl mil ckcnl with ihe inters pucnls mi uul mis k klooslci j ick jolinslouc ol tin rcn sun i i vv d is with his sistn rotarians tour beardmore plant a l ilk on it ilhcr pionsstni ind i loin of the be mlmmt ind compinv pi ml hitliltthltd hie aeton rot ii v club tluinei tuts d iv ivinine gutst spt iker lollowittl dm ncr vv is ci itulc cook ik udmoic olticul who expl unctl del ills of proetssmj ie ithci md t ivt complclt leport on t nine v ope r 1 1 ions mcmbtis vvut ihe ami i hi ihe mcc pirm mg ind i md net in in mufictti fiom i iw mjteii il i product beside mr cook inclusion of td nth dt d in insight 1 it ilhir iht limshid k altc willi im iph ell b lined ihe ilinnif met son irom the gi wilh ihe club lo ting pi ins were m idi tor the sle ik dinner m georgetown when tht acton club will be guests ol the ficighbonng lown tlub tht event is the outcome of i tompetition staged for membership intend anet with ihe losers providing a leak dinner md hiolhei lu uiw mi nml mrs vtiiiiin suwurl phi txamt ciiiitinituliiiioiis lo andi ttln ridge and john altken who ptwsed iluir crude 13 ctnrrrt and plum to a i tend lakehtirc tcs- hirs coiicrt und john will po 1 weslffrn university london police are annoyed at accident crowds the 0 p p onks your help in siandlnp a safe distance from uie ult nt set nts for your ow n pioletlion mid to speed up any n si in operntlons which nughl netessiry foils breakin at own store an attempted break in at gmrge benlon hutcher tfntp mill street win aertf around 2 am tuevhnr mmlng in tin harking of i ottf and prompt i non on the p trt of tht store owner when mr btnlons pofut dog higjn barjunil ht went to the hufc door m the home idotning tin shop imffme tf sec two per s his streaking across tht road in the darkness behind lovclfs bulther shop polite wire i died and t check i f the irci made but no clues is to ihi identity of the persons wis round the hick door of tin shop w is partially foricd pi n bt fin e t he robot rs w rt scutd olf north million opp constable allan mites atd he had some difficulty in keeping people hick from two nceldents over ihe wtekenu the low trucks wen hmiling vehicles while throngs of cirrkms spectators were tlost by if the low cable broke n totild snap off heads he added the constable nahj ihe people were not hampering operaiions fair an inchlrnl might inst where i hey woufd be hi the w iy how fer would you ger with haifa car anone knows the answer nowhere yet thousands of present day home own ers are limping along dan gcrously on two wheels of bilf insurance has our protection kept pace with increased values be sure call us today dennys insurance agency bill and harold 39 brock st phonf 455 forest course reprtstnting masi of the troops of the algonquin dulrlct 34 boy scouis took pirt in the 1960 forester badge course at pembroke learning tree and shrub idtntifiiniion forest fire pttvenhon jnd wood utihzntlon the ionise gis siouis un op- portimilv to le irn the import nice of ihe forest resources and l hi ii wise ust linds md for ests depirtmint personnel work cd with ihe stouts and leaders more while heed girls fact is ihnt shipments of face powder in camitli in i9s8 were valued at s2 lift 000 ignnsi 1411000 in iht previous vtar corn crops ire showing well i dislrkt fields ind corn on ie iob his htm i fivonic thest ist few weeks school area no 1 township of esquesing notice to all p th following h iho khodulo for opening day only soplomber 6th 1960 for the but pickup of children rn school a no i clay hill norval ashgrove route will be ihe same as ll year and ch idren who were at ch nguacousy school last year w ii be p eked up at the town i ne corner and union side road at 8 00 a m blue mountain grade 5 6 7 and 8 pup is s at 7 50 a m ii be peked up at lie school bannockburn grades 7 and 8 pup is m ii be p eked up the school at 8 00 lorne all pup is dublin all pup is w ii be picked up at the corner of no 25 high way and no 22 s de road at 8 35 a m dufferin all pupils will be p eked up at the school at 8 35 a m waterloo all pupils w h be p eked up at the school at 8 25 a m stone all pup is w ii be p eked up af ihe school at 8 00 a m ahtr sill i in pmiiil d iv tht pupils ill hi returned in p k d up on t puk up be picked up at the school at s 1 5 a m in tin bu i ihi pi i t lii 1 now ne d i mil i ib in the b irl w uld i in cs ol pick up if i tht new school it sp the bonds thinks timi ink lhini i i i ik i ill n n iht r insport llu n c m coi fs chnrmtfn ftrv r i roym vimchir j c ci nningham arthur roy mac sprowl batkim sic tan free seabreeze record player free scriptsert fountain pen with carindles 2 95 craftman tip dip fountain pen for 3 95 feather touch pen ltir at lion at only 1 95 a good writer zipper cases assorltd colois ind quilitus 3 98 to 7 50 eagle pencils 40c to 85c dozen 500 skriptsert triumph point r lpinmnil only 5 00 admiral snorkel pen tint and mulium p ml- 8 75 free draw friday sept 30th 730 pm for this top performing 4 speed manual seabreeze record player every dollar purchase entities vou to a coupon for a chance on this free draw additional prizes may be won ring binder 1 plastic 3 cpctv j briefcase script sert pen the more you purchase the more chances youll have in winning one or more prizes special see our display of outstanding personalized or plain christmas cards skriptriter ball points 100 to 195 ea loose leaf fillers wnk sdiatn n 25c to 89c pkg magic markers 8 colors 79c 1 10 scripto ball point pens 39c to 100 ring binders v ml cover lirjit r nu c ipitnv 2 59 298 each blue rid green tan rule1215 25c to 39c pencil pouches 89c colored pencih 45c to 89c pkg memo books 98c a up rthlk inr most bill pifinl pens save your coupons for the free draw sept 30 free a seeheeze record player b ring under c plastic brief case d script sot pen free offici slattern and supplies hone 403 mill st i save your coupon forth free draw sept 30

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