to make it a profitable new year read and use the want ads wmulimwmumihmwith classified advertising rates no charge for announcement f births marriages deaths and engagement in memor- lams- artlclm for sale rent etc 3c a word mlrd mummh joe billed 7sc box no to this off ce 25c additional coming events 75c minimum lint five liries each additional line 10c card of thanks 75c for for first 5 tinea each additional line 10c accounts arc rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time ih vm wkdnkaday phone 600 euchre at crewson s corners janunry 22 followed by square and round dnncmk sponsored lol 17 h3043w welcome lo w i marathon eujrhr i beginning january 23 nnd ench second saturday at bin in lime house memorial hull prins lunch ioc a 30 4262 the hnlton inspcetornle no 1 finals of the onuulu trudttti nnd rat eon vers association public snearmjl contest will he hrld in the robert little audltorim fr evenin ja ifl assrtsrwsssrw births marriages deaths etc schonnopmr and mrsjgcrald sohonnop of 146 court si n milton are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter ger aldlne eva 8 lbs 2 ozs at mil n niwtrfe h rami tat on january kedlysuddcnly nl his home in acton on sundny january 17 1960 thomos kelly dear broth er of mrs rachari stm i v requiem mass wni held in si josephs church on wednesday nt 900 am inlcrmenl dublin ccmet ery bfll at acton on saturday janunry 16 1960 mary ella tur ner beloved wire of the lite john h bell of harrmtm nnd dear mother of l clifton bell of stroudsburg penn and mrs al oxinder orr ihaoli of acton funeral service was held al the hardy funeral home hmnslon tuesday inlermtnl hnnalm am eten rowlesal the guelph otnti i hospital on wednesday jnmnn 20 1960 sarah ann hikkms wife of the late john rowlcs of acton and dear mother of john of brampton and millie nt home 4jmm at itamleyshtocnmik er funeral home where the funcr al service will be held on saturday 8t 1100 am imermem falrvicv cemetery aillisonat toronto on satur day jnnuary 16 1960 florence johnson wire of the late albert e allison and loving mother of mrs andrew inglis lalbertai joshua and charles allison mrs elizabeth hanna mrs a for roster marion mrs g adams helcnl all of toronto and mrs e chamberlnnd martian l of detroit funeral service was held in to t6nl wednesda morning follow ed by service at nnrsagnwcfi prcs byterian church al 2 30 p intir tnent moffat onl b talbotal st josephs hospital guelph on mondav jnnuarv 1r 1960 reuben richard tatbot of acton beloved husband of rose caraher and dear father of tho mas of niagara falls ny dan icl of quebec city mrs paul dietsoh ilnwi or san diego cal if mrs joseph kellj margaret of milton mrs wallace larose patricia of colgan and mrs edward merril i coming evints cccrhnutd m there will be musical num rs bv lh school a good attend once lo encourage these youthful ilors will be appreciated sup port our acton cntiy n 10 2 4257 for sale for salf ponel bed comp lt in good condition phone at ayf a 304081 for sale lots ot used tvs 17 noh nt b0 21 inch 112 so up wi o tv nnd appliances 77 mill st uon 30 61 for salf about ib tons first acton b30 4080 for sale 11 londrnce pus weighing around fio lbs oni n 7 highway beside government sind cnmp mrs wm brtnnan a 30 42si1 wanted wantfd good home for two puppies phone 922 a 304266 wanted male boarder room and boaid u niom only fa with young couple no children phone 726 afler 6 a30 4261 wanted halton poultry pro- ducu dealers in live and dressed poultry and fresh eggs custom ellling phone mlltonr 84401 real estate acton ontario tenders sealed tenders clearly marked as to enntentfl and addressed lo the undersigned will be received by tht undersigned until 1 o clock pm monday february 8 i960 for an addition of a superstruct tire to the existing church base irent or acton united church mill street acton ontario plans and specifications may be i blamed from the architect har old i hicks 234 queens avenue london on deposit of 2100 plans will he on view nt the of fice of the architect and nt the office of the hamilton builders exchange 614 king street fast hitmlton ontario alfred long chairman aetnn united church building commit lie 90 church street aelon ontario for saif rheumatic pain ii mi suffer from backiehi s lum rumacaps to wo nrtanllr dny to help j ny to help bring jou prompt i if diurglsts eveiywhni a 2b 4 4211 for sale large glossy prints of any atoff photo appearing in the acton free press 5x7 size 75c 8 x 10 size 11 00 enquie now at the free press office 56 mill st or phone 600 a tf for sale for money making milking all dairymen need surge milking equipment for salca ser vice and parts call horace tomlm son surge dealer brampton phone clendale 11275 a tf for sale batteries fuli y guarantrfd little motors n 7 hitfhwnj acton all cryderman s t5otlarsaver 1916 dodge deluxe with ndio at tractive 2 tone finish and white wall tires 33 monthly if pur chased on our no down pnjment plan full price 784 30 arc you thinking of trading jour 52 to 5 model car in good con dition you can be sun of top 35 at crjdcrnnns oi r 1914 model and 55 per m inth inns n lflsjt 6 cylinder chcv dri in 2a0oo m les bv t local own cr in payments until march 1954 meleor niagara sedan w itl radio only 18 000 miles on new motor carries f r only 29 per month with a 1911 model in good condition as down payment automatic in cxcillent month and brother of of guelph nnd uncle of joseph mccann of severn bridge gerald mccann of guelph and mm john mc hugh ljune or act n bequicm mass was- held in ysl josephs church on wednesda it moo am interment oustic remit s in loving father and grandfather brims w ho passed aw a ir ip 1953 thorn c love g out ol monarch 4dooi ttiiissiiih rndio i turn 29 per 1812 mdil i cin be sure of n ri nl fit cryderman car sales ontario street south milton ontario phone tr 8 6600 for rent employment wanted r i mm wi man any work etf phone 977 w a 10 4211 miscellaneou for dttwndiblo- rtfiigt ration id ii i mi t iifnt niiinlin uue ill hfi guti ii stivieos phmu 924 act n a 10 4211 tr kitchfner urholstfry have your chesterfield suite te- upholstered by us and save eefln ishing one wepk service call watsons music store alf insurancf tree estimates on insurance or alt kinds if you are considering a change from youi present policy or lookini er phont n contact omar h park ol 6 4461 a40 1047 tf floor refinnshing we now have a modem sander and edge- we will rcflnlsh your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b prank phone 377 vt frederick st s acton atf reimer upholstery add looks and comfort with skilled re styling your furniture can be handsome and new again low cost also rug cleaning and refin- lshing phone 88 aeton a tf irfe wood several acres god hardwood busi free clotring it cord w od is worth 10 00 per cord piled on site sie hirvc ariamson it georgeu oolf and counlrs club 10th ge rgelou n n 10 42w deadstock service highest cash prices for dead disabled horses and cows old hor ses 6c a lb for prompt service call long distance and ask for zenlth 9 7950 no charge to you steve peconi hannon ttf money available for second mortgages or buying out existing m irtflnrcs payments is tow as 20 per month principil and interest guelph imesimmts company tavlor 2 9700 a 29 12 4232 mr poultryman are satisfied with iur present return on egrs if you haw capacitv for 10 to 1100lavcrs and are inurcst ed n better returns from vour poultr buildinss and equipment write to box no 10 free press for further information a 29133 sou this past week lot 95 they ave lot 100 tldey ave lot 102 tldey ave for action list with sydney k lamb real estate insurance 8 mill st e acton phone 524 buying opportunity for retired folks 1950 down large 4 room bungalow 1 block to sinres oil modern conveniences carries for 67 00 monthly in eluding principal mtiust and tuxes mufft bf sold owners nic having canada and ulurn inn home full pricf only 11710 opportunity fxlsts for the salory earner want utg a beautiful home asking cicc is lower than original udlnit cost 1 room sp level inside vtt and ildp wrought iron rsi umintim doors screens storms big picture window lv deennted finished rec nlso children s play room lovely view must be seen 1 1 fully ap pi i emit tht outstanding condil uiu of uus homi must bf bold as odd wm king hours re quire owrier to live clos r ti his job 2 300 down immedinti pos session offered other excellent buys is 1 110 dmn 4 ldn pile 111 110 john r holmes reai estatf phone 108 alton nha resale 1450 full down payment one morlgnge only 3 bedroom brick bungnldw decor nted separate dining rxm bith oil heat full iimihousi power off for three days schooj closed power was off most of three day in the village with sehool cloned during thai time due to the fee meirm some lelephuncs re main out uf itimmission on tues jay- mrs mnlhcrs and dnitbhljcr donna or hamilton vslted the james fumily reeenily baptism rev a calder buplleel wendy louise infant daughter of mr and mrs w j hedge during the ar ternoon seivice at i imrhouw pnsbvteriun chureh on sunday mr and mrs myall or nnpanee were godparents wms meeting tht wms mel al the home of mrs a c pilleisun on monday eening camttftlvtui principal g m avery receives red cross certificate of merit at the i nasaagaweya public school teachers meellng hew nl eis no 10 school mr r f bom hold inspector for public schools pf halton cnunly pm l v avery with a canadian red c society orlifkale of merit for having served the junior red cross for over 15 years in devoted service the village of campbellville tin proud lo have mr avery as pi in clpal of 99 10 athool with kind ness lo such a cause as only three of these certifies les have hem awarded in halton couniy dlrlriet rcsldenis mrs tom al lison mrs harvey blaekloek wis austin flelcher and mrs i lovd slokes are all in millon am bis triil hospllal while mi jxiiml praise linesmen for efforts in restoring power phone lines i pl li u4lli hv m gw young ol a l mil telephoik uius mui pole lasl viek in oik stleleh ul ioki itetwitn tin insl tun uul i in i llljje it ii ell v i puli tern lined upiighi hulio wis olt foi st i il him iwuli iivilio nut ukphoiu ire to ik pi used loi the ii iinliimg et lulls to ksloil tin st ik issh eoinmudiues visitors and visiting george aim giutuh spin i i feu d is liulul iv with mi mil mis cli ipm in it ii iriinn mi ind mis cumin gitllin of mtsh iu ik i indi in i hi sjk mtiiig some tinu u then hoint on in siiund luu miss jt uulk kiikisiii is visil uifi mlh hi i hrulhei giuigi ind f ntiilv it di ivtoil mi iid mis robot king ul guelph aisileil un smid iv willi weieieunt visitors with mi and mrs i g robertson mrs d g robeitson spent lust wnk it ihi home ol her son douglas in guelph taring lot h fmr hi mr r udlul tli tth it home hi o 1 1 iiil in liospil il lieilment tall on ice kenneth miki nu ull on tin in i isl wit k tilting in ulirv nun the eu ritiiinng sier il slililks il ihi olliee oi li kill ingluti i itilloii svmnilhv is tsliridid iu mi uul mrs gtoiii goldstr iv ind i imilv ind mr nnil mrs murr i mefhiil and i unilv dining lli u iteerit loss ul iinoiliei ind r mil inolhn family shower the fe r ire r f unilv liiidnid i iiil to11 tlier uul shimi i or mis- ilsv lirner un silinil iv tm ug vhu is liniiiiil on inln inuiu is iu mi robit juksun f lunlllo 1 lh huhk ol hil wo j ruothir was in hospitil wilh i new baby mis by i on bnici airended tht funei il ul ik i uneli john mi i iiiidilin u i ondon ilienllv 1ocal views due lo win i ik i eondilions i in eiiihre al tin si hoot on i nil iv miiing was iniktlled mis john ismond is i pilnril in guelph hospuil where shi is untlittkung in itnietil for iithni missis mtiulrii mil got don of i ikislmu ft u ik is colli jit wm ii ii hint lsl ueik it i hi lot il sihuol iindii the iiiidiike ol si u her mis n rithhun m mil mis i slew u i i tin ihildnn of tin iik il sihuol mis hirtv rdwirds mi ind e noid hohd iv on monihv dm mis rov i nd h ih uf uv i rthrtth i i ulltv furniie miss m mainprize hostess men l imc 2400 to united missionary society the united church women missionary soeielv met at the home of miss m m unpne tues djv januaiv 12 with 27 mimhcrs presint the president mrs h r forte presiding opened he meeting full down payment one morlgnge only 1 bedroom brick bungalow decor ited num storms and screens 4 pieci tile bath l n room full basement i mortgage carries s2 nlhh nrla month 10800 full price for rent hiil room with bilh pn mbmiraie large t 304fu jr out of mind m cherished in the jiearts hthey leave beh nd ihissed b daughters iso jessii- sons in law cir 1 1059 a an grandchildren i 30 4260 diplo repairs to all makes rental mach ines br the week portables used from 2950 see the latest singers sewing machines free homt demonstrations dtson sewing centee geohoetown te 7-4u1- nasmr difilritds or thanks cercnv sldndii express our sincere fort and noiahbork ivwrgar and hnnighi w our sudden te c hey were grenk at i will be ions rem n i bw iank5 u mr mrbi i j m pmit wolionuneteheon and ttm ncaik tiuiilc ss fe iiiiliionuin ittighbors for the menu un nt e njoiheir sud iwnmv jinn for the es mre e f a manven mi ank diltirtikip udies who m thi vhihl indour home and and inteiym ol h kenne for his siudcnl sinn i llfd ihi mv judiion funeral home one viar ipi rrlees the intwil fiiihm little sihool au cotnrm ne omen t t has n nhisj u vantc malid perhipv f for rent store h fiet x 10 fel possissnm fib 1 ai ph to m pallant 12 mill st e a 29 2 for rfvt 4 rm heated ip nrtnunt tv deconted immid nl pssesmon appli l m p il lant 12 mil st e ft dn or sit urdu 3 t 6 pjn a v 2 442 help wanted free icmtion and motqr test dfmonstration at lihle motors the m t modem en equipment t just mn r jil ed u test 6 acres 4 bedroom home lirge kitchen 4 piece tile bath car gartge on b acres of land o town line new homes new 1 ind 4 bedroom homes from 600 full dawn payment no second mortgage sydney k lamb real estate broker general insurance mill st e 163 longfield rd acton phone 524 with a hymn and prayer and read the aims and objects of the wms member hear reports the annual report was re id by ihe treasurer mrs j iamixrl and assistant mrs j megeuhit the allotation for the year had been met seen tan mrs r hart read the anmui report of the wms where it ttw noted thev had a busy vear with eaeh department doing its shire ol work aswmate membets made 26 tills lo shut ms mrs a shoe srsrsrsssrsrslsrtsrsr cgit news maker rt ported she had made 84 i ills and given a number of parties in senior eili7cns mi warne liter ilurc scire g ivi ihe number of books read m iruyre mr joints it is flrtdlav ind mis amo ingutlpli hospitals wi uisl them nil a spiedv mover mr and- p mr p nulls mr ind mrs allan fir fiiulph pnsbvlcrv presbyterian 5u s leudttvhip tr lining school s ilurdjv the lidif- b inipu i s hhl i ti ii ik rs mi m ind sons nd mis douglas mtlluul mil mrs ongri doiij1- son don class leader in i lie hsi ol m idii leaders hi ihe jusiv bn 19s9 is u ilu 6fi ilisiis tlv l lllll willi 11 it ii hull mil sn hi iinplon on i hrimplon winirn k id u dive i optd h hi implon mil ihiwomi id in j w woui ul ail m is 111 iinjh simui loin v u rld on thru hints rmlkn- uilli ii 2kv 11 i milk mil ww lbs i i 1 mi is ilsu i liailti in ilu builtilii division one ol ilu utsl indiiij cous is i b i hi us pi kill 1 ilrimp ton w r 1 u i ill bv i ihi iu ilh 11 in attendance itiu i to hie evening hoffman antl hill are ti lung il ss no 10 hilt misst s whips and ton ire h ss no 6 ill in horn ii million tulligt i mrs j no s robertson spent smut iv uilh mr him r hisholm and uf buntfoul while mrs spent ihi d iv with mr j uk rihol ul gull millions i mr jnd mrs diedgt in ihi bulb of if ijis all in on januarv 18 knox cgit met al ihe thurth the meeting opened with the cgit purpose ind hvmn the worship siriee was kd b mrs greer during whieh pal stevenson read thi stnpture thi sureun s and tmsurers nnori was read attenrhmbe ias then taken following weshad the business the grrls disiuwd tobogganing which is to bi iq ftbruary the gruup also diseussid and picked pruhs lor i pi i we are putting on the meeting elustd with taps during the year mrs f cleave reported on community friendship and miss henderson on the baby band supply seeretary mrss main pnt reported on her work and many of the members brought ilolhing lor the bale it was announced lhal ihe nta nual hilton presbytcnal meet ing will be held in the strabane united church tuesday february 16 atter ihe offering was taken mrs poole and mrs g juhnson took eharge of the worship ser viu mrs poole opened it with a hvmn and a pravcr after whith the senptore wis read the theme of this semee was on we arc all brothers mrs pooli and mrs juhnson cath read a portion on his subcel mrs poole then gae an inter esting talk on tht subinl of world refugee year the meeting was closed with a hvmn and the mipah benediction the executive scntd tea at the cunelusion of tht meeting and ex pressed thanks 4o miss main prize for ihe use of her home t group representatives review possibilities arena commission in tin 12 n luo inn s milkiiik b ill i i wi dis mil wi il ss in w divs lui pimi pi hiu id s2h lbs ul milk md 8imi lbs i f il in los lvs shi product d 17 wi lbs ol milk md m lbs ol i ii i iks ire tht hiidnsl iiuiupi it ml milk c in id i hsi vjit five complete tests for second star card trets and tv mtinni win bowed bv tht onsliiilht of ilu reci nt ite storm hut not ihi spirit of ihe dolphin sit lion uf the water ys swimming club who were doubtless splirnd on by the eximpk sii the prcvi ins week by the sc ilion si el ion s i r 1 1 lode twilvi swimmers irrivid il iht guelph oki intt si mini down under i hi gmdanti of sus an apd shtrlev cohen md thiv senior instructor for i gorwl iv emngs work in the isatir mrs cooper ttxik thi beginners under her wing and has undirtiktn an active course unh i nw to qualifying as urittii iitd m strut tress due lo tht absence of issisi mt instructors with iht cxeepimn t the cohen sisltrs lift s tung i vision wis suspended lur thi n cntng completing lists fur the ir su ond stir i ml wm susan hunil flcinor he ltd mirv grist ii bill reed md cul wur no run una thig fusli whenever mnyonm tolls you atl bottled gasm an allksdont 7011 bsllsva itl for xampu thsrex purity mighty impor tant if th gas to burn with a dean blua flams with no toot or amok to discolor your kltch- n walls py it or ax gas it as purs as th most exacting scien tific testa can maka it with ptropax gas than is no guess ing about qualityabout acon- omyabout dapandabihryl call mtodayl root hardware nd construction ltd rockwood ont phona ul 69551 a 304369 trrbfiltlbs their cot p b a2954228 hflp wvtfd fxpenenced mm kiihtr write box 45 free pn ss u ntfp lid o do h u rk po time wvtlth phone i os 30 4268 help wvtfd ax n ci me adsi 1nc has neriacd 11 dr mand if u ae eer h night represrntmg avon now s the t me write dt let minaco m s zieglr orfi k apartmm guelph gi mg ph ine a 10 representative required to enrol mator out member th d in this locality the ontario automobile aisooaon p os des the f nest in motor club benef ts pleasant work that can be handled either full or part time rush vour name and address for fun mform attrop n today for your free demonstration net war uf will auditorium ch the pnncipal totance royl night audrence the f i sales manager box 817 london canada b30i promotional special for each roll of film left at hintons store for developing yoy may purchase a new roll of film tor only s regular price hintons 5c to 1 store so fiml detision was reached reports following meetings of tthtn thi pros and tons of q lions re presented forming an acton arena com mission were discussed b n dclcgai- fn lc organtf nsentiine- of itkat orgimai ailons meludtd ie patntk at ions on tuesdn tvmng in ihi on p bill thompson ae l na ton agititiltural stkiet llosd mientn w stsaikhamer mrs alex johnson conducted the h holmes mrs trl mssit informal meeting with minor ruk 0 tx onsiurcucbapter 4g- bulh d e mrs j mann mrs r splet oget lukesidt chapter 1 0 d rcprestnlames of the groups e earl masale acton s present agrced to present aits mens club a johnson lions to their orgjmaiions lolloiung club e g tsltr sr chamber distussions on the eondmon of of commerce d bothwelt mm the arena its role in the com or sports committit chief jatk mumt and the need for aition new ion ailon fin depi gor to preserve it a meirins on james and c f lcalhtrrland sorhetimt february 10 was scl to reecm sports nprescntatie don well strung as sccniars hiy guests sunday of group in guelph sunda ivening members of ac ton s hi y elub were muted to a meeting of hi y clubs in the guelph attending trom town with their mentor doug cope- land mere jon hurm chris nor folk peter homer bill daw kins wane mason roy dunk and barn kirkncss gucsis at t meeting of the guelph elub included the members of ihe four other guelph hi y clubs as wrtf as the acton group mr copeland took part in a panel discussion on hr y clubs slides tyeri shown and former aclon stintir dac doehertv now with guelph was the nar ralor the loeal ilub hopc to mite guelph group down here agricultural price sup port assures ample sup ply at reasonable prices amuw nun fmmcsh amithm mw1hwi njaum nfhom ridat saturday run of the arrow rod steicer in colur ftira w seconds toheu mon tuet wed adult entertainment carry on nurse this picture has created re cords all oter canada irom vancouer to hahtax dont miss it crime and get the laugh ol your imt your hearing loss and your life to the person who hat never used a hearing aid 1 tr r th k h wrvrr 1 r 111 1 t ihvlrir hr if r h u nbrr of lav v ii i lfift w mill bv ul nu x hrurin nd f h you 1 rtrn y f ar- hi ptym hve pl ihi ii w t n w- r v 1 nut not th hirs l 1 i nlml elc- triir ipmr nai man wftss k- t 1 far jd amd r j elbuchner o opmfimntt and during ams 4 miu st i acton ont eyes examined hearing tested wednesdays on1y cmf ce hours 2 00 6 00 p m even ngi by appointment thcphone 113 if no answer phone waterloo othce collect sherwood mh7 i