jgraamagbgabtrm33gggagkerai made man famous how santa claus arrived in new york and r tho kilter nat santa claaube l falling and ih winter sky loots to the am now bvt there olive with j million itar w ft line- and not m long ago al th bmim when few people woalj have mpl hn relakcr recognised mi ntn if uity ran they rhatkrt bo into film on cbrmmu ft here ulj ditrh m rr to tho wtmry f nin who did 1i ichu- th jut hut and fjned immortality buln 11 f my i from the umrtbif lh iky in a n sanu clous came lo new york fr d on a id snowy chrilmaev m bfch fj 1833 only ort man dr clement hjd clark moore professor of gre k wai irn f and hebrew at the general theol n j v hnf a ogical seminary rwognimd him nl and then only by sccident i f enl uh moore gentle man of prodig birr wi rj porti no f inus learning lived cki west 2vd wfx c hr slrr i- rim street in a rambling old mansion overlooking the hudson river cwa- j- if it hidn i betn christmas eve yl d li i i time r gmilily and generally i lls pig nulll moore might have grumbled or pleaded the withtr when hw wife iked him la in the tvening ti trek down lo lh market tor j tur key htory for daughter following a long family tradit ion nhe had been parking christ ma bulked or the poor families and discovered at ifte li that she wa imt turkey short moore cheerfully set fertile fmagmatlm the gen tie professor conjured up hi 1 moore a lta1 different picture of the duychinck giftbvrruiing saint in moore s inv l h mh and agirfetufn si nick was fat and i and ultimately jolly ird hp rod down the star fourth ctntury wnv ln wonderful miniature h rod- thrukh drawn by eight liny rem ich d mging i study moore look and began to write had promised his in leas than an hour he was fin ished a friend of the family sent a copy of it to the editor of the troy ny sentinel where it was pub lished for the first time the ol lowing year with the title a visit from st nicholas but it wa 15 yean before it ap- pt ared in print under moore 5 name and after years of arduous scholarship brought him lasting fame v th the trifle of an hour t tipsontouringl that a from nursery to the dump walk might do him good be decld ed give htm time to collect hi tfloughti for the christmas story he had promised to tell six-year- old charity the oldest of his three daughters and hu favorite she would be wailing up when he got back and it had better be good moore s previouo literary accom pllshments wrt fore had been his fellow scholars but were hard ly designed for ihi family fireside but there wa nothing in moore s past lo tell him that immortality awiud him that nighl at the fjm- lly fireside that hn wn grave in trimly cemetery would be vmud each christmas eve for decades maybe tmtune by children car rymg lanterns unci singing raroli he bought his turkey and headed for norm the snow hud stopped canada s multlmillion dollar chriatm tre decorhtlon businesa has already begun and throughout the vast forest aren and on the plantation of southern ontario the big search for ghnirtmwt trees i on hundreds t r iral fimilies have of course ilrcrdy selected the tree which will be cul and before thi hauled into the living the with time cornea but thi t ib nothing con pared with the whou sole purchase and subset uen n- ile of chruttmas tries in nany cats from sub- marginal land c n which own er of the past v ith a view lo the future if plinkd their crow mr ao mull rre ot th tree to b o in ontno this christmas and to be ex ported to the united states one of the worlds major markew were provided by ontnrlo depart ment of lands and forests ihn ugh its system of tree nurseries from these nurseries each yiar are shipped over 30 million amdll trees ome of which will ullimrtirly giwe the living room at christmas coiy this holiday season be one that will remain in your memory n one ol the happiest you ever had a merry christmas to ill station hotel time huperatltloti rtseureh carried on by the de- parlm nt of lands and forcsbt in dicate that even b fori the chrisl mas era irt es and boughs were used fur cirtmonidis egyptian observing the winur i lit brought jnin date p ilma into their homes as a vmbol of lift trium phant over death bomans roisi d i vtrgrei n bo ighs to cikbrall iht ftust of saturn eirly scandinav ians believed sprigs of tvergretn i brought in tu thi houst signified tttrnal life norm men thought they nymboli7d the uvval of tht aun god bulder even more recently many sup r- atitious people bilieved brjruhi of evirgreen placed over thi door would keep out wlttlus ghosts and vil spirit still more recently has grown the custom of di conning tlu chrldlmas tree a custom which has now become an inevitabk rit ual to be followed bv fkhi rs jnd mothers for their familus there are f w canadian homo in which the ltiristmji tree n not dtcoraud icnt val of the happy day ait until christmas after the children have gone o bed many more however lieve christmas trees nhould be brought into the house weekend before christmas ing a constant source of delight and amusement for the children who help do the decorating the cuiuim of leaving the trees in place until the weekend after new years has also grown objections are still raised about cutting evergreens for christmas trees but opinions are divided it it true the living trees have helped preserve water supplies provided cover for game and birds helped beautify the countryside improves crop foresters however believe strongly that forest crops can often be improved by thinning every garden r knows that a row of carrot n improved by thinning out tht sjrne applies to a forest crop by careful selection of trees to be cut it is possible to obtain evirgreen trees without harming the fori st often indeed with posi tive btnefit io it by the same token it is possible to thin out stunda for ftit and obtain faster growth and greater returns in saw timber from tht remaining trees in any cent hundred of can- idiins are now working in the lurch for and selection of suit- abli trets for txporl for deliveiy tu ctnjdidn homes thousands even millions of these trees wire raised in provincial tree nurseries sold for reforestation purposes at about one cent per tree canfully itiltivdtcd and nurtured by private and commercial organ izations i kt ind are now destined to iimki christmas th- happy time tt is sft fxampif iy h imi tod ly t good i t im mpl isly as we exprtss our good- t only to iur friends but li bi specially conderd k in our walking and di st this festive season we look back upon a year of meeting old friends and making new ones to all go our hearty thanks and happiest greetings may each and every one of you have the mernesl holiday ever watsons dairy bar mill st acfwi ont wmmmmm weatcns travel authority your own com munity during chrimas provides one of the nicest treats you can give to the older folks in your home cries across the e stree spectacles brilliant and festive why not invite the folk for a drive through either the shopping or residential district of your town it can provide them and yourself with more free hrtls than a ro man circus colorful lights embroider homes in jewel tones elaborate creches with full life biblical figures can ho snnn on lawns or gftage doors or santa claus and his reindeer galloping down chimneys covered wrh fake nr rent snow flurries ir best enforcement foot for trees are neeklaced and gar rd selective enforcement can 1naea with tins tr and fia- ures and communities vie with each other to transform their stent lamps into christmas trees the poti lated into language i most pnpul nearly r poem ce been trans- every known iw today ver written in i the police the police need your help to put be the key factor in the attack or holiday accidents many commun ititt make holiday period special itocklngsv stars or wreaths alert periods the police jut in full strength and put his on preventative enforce wrn cnildren will like to se such sights and taking them along will make their christmas season even more memorable wifilwctswto best wishes for a oyoua christmas vanity bar qaslsltilntl6j were singing out qw warmest wishes to you for a hfwty richly reward- i ing in good cheer and happiness r acton billiards iftfcjiitmitkaiisi l as wt opprooch the peace and quiet of the holy night may his love fill your hort with oy and happtneti acton tv sales and service f photo christmas stockinos were distributed to ths kindergarten class at the robert little school on monday morning by ladies of the acton w i and four of the lucky children are pictured as they receive their present shown irt front left to right are bobby krul dianne frank pat dunne and garth taylor and beck row mrs g fryer w i president miss alice sidey kindergarten teacher and mrs j wilderspm w i secretary e osprinob bring white gifts sunday to send to scott mission t miss joan aitken of western rev hawkes delivered a timely christmas message at the local presbyterian church sunday morn ing taking as his theme i bring ou tidings of great joy in which he said sin is to be feared more than atomic wars as sin destroys both body and soul the junior choir with mrs g sunter at te organ sang the an gels song junior member of the congregation brought white gifts which were late- sent to the scott mistion in toronto recent visitors mfcs gail sunier and friend of n agara falls were recent victors with her grandmother and aunt mrs g sunier ind m ss e baldic m- jack sim of toronto was a weekend v sitor with i- and mrs d stewart and fam ly i holy dy le via remembt1 tha the christ mas holiday is really a hoy duy it is only tjo liv n hese modern times to think of holidays js holi- daze mad ushing about chr stmas cikbratuni list m nut hopping th dis tactions of store w nd ws and crowds on the reet can easily put us in a dde im snt if w lemember holy day and b warv of hob daze christmas w be hjpp 1 1 and safer foi jll of ij christmas once movable feast christmas was once like eastei i that it was a movable feast university london is home with celebrated on a different date each her parents mr and mrs gordon year aitken for the holidays messrs norman robertson and vic pa rick of acton were sunday visitors with mr and mra d g robertson mrs m jackson visited on fri day with- her sister mrs george st cyn bishop of jerusalem is responsible for establishment ol the universal date we celebrate today in 337 a d with the per- misoion of pope junius 1 st cyril appo nted a commission to deter mine if possible the precise date watson who is quite ill in fergus ot christs nativity the theolog- hospital 0 th church finally agreed season s greetings are extended upon december 25 and since the to the editor and staff and readers year 354 this date has been cele- of the free press bra led the manager and staff of the bank of nova scotia in acton wish all residents of acton and area a very merry christmas and prosperous new year i ckmiciitiim lcscttclclwcs wflppv houdflv 92 guaph st fctwisssslrtsftoiiii1 acton ont trvith every v good wish for your happiness and good health acton auto body acton farm supply 12 mill st w acton ont