haltpw manok concert matrons party bus trip candlelight service yule events a viit wih iu friends from th- nd men i ind d candlt light ti rv ee port credit- nokjiv lie district fur rjoth of hii wen v rv rev r n rushed a rtpiit deal of pleasure for ind irrnpu wen pimn td on the resident of ihi manor on mon tsdy cvinie drr mb- r bv day evening 0 imbi 7 whin the 12 miinbim t the fvemng aux 1 south peel c oroup cam to in rv of si piilichurth nmlhi the manor to prmi their annu tl nnd t lid from kilbr de to christmas cniit tlere win 20 opn th pr nr im thi pruidrnt ladim and rt inm in th- kroup mm a w xdl v brouifhl n ng including tif pr di nt mr gi od from thi amil v r d i 1 iiu nell mithiw f pi vd hinumlf to b hr 4tmn piirri and off n rt pt iu r an alwavs i witty and tpjljlt tin pnmi nr whs then handed chairman v r u mrs f r iir h i t iok ill jerry silm r oiiriuttf d the it t t li dii n thi c rr s m roup in h s i ill uiifiufl fiihon nnd mm j ju was the aceomp y f w th bihi f fj hi him inl i 1 r u d r ti n pr s bem fhi pr g km whi ji mumiil on with th ifti rh ungini v eral gr nip f i j ins n a i 1 ed th first expedition to be carried out across a certain section of un jjiva with object of obtaining speci- mi ns of minerals soil structure and iher natural resourcs first matrons party a most delightful innovation in thi line ol entertainment occurred l the man r on thursday after- n m december 10 when the firs ma trim s partv ever to be g ven at thi manor was conducted by mrs t irl mongraw the mation with thi aid of a ftw close friends mn m rigraw planned conducted and v ded r the entire parlv the i nds who helped her were mrs i dwith the organist at tne grace anglican church who acted as m t mrs r mccua g a mem tin of fric church ch r who ji u fever il solos and led the com n uintv singing mrs c morlev i prcsdent of the af urn own brim i of thi or ice tat v a hiii mis bi it v a mimbir of th ers mn o howard and mrs m muller a lovely rendition of silent night was given as a vocal trio by wil- berdien vancrunsven mary de- gabriel and lynne gundlaek mrs mccuair sang another fine solo and then w ln and lynne rang as a due o come all ye faithful t the music of the glowworm mary degabnd dressed in a ery pretty ballet tostume danced a verv gracefu ba lt dance the program came to a close with all those present joining hands and singing auld lang svne at this point speechfs of think were given by munel thompson and hugh demson for th women and men residn s respec ivelv hrlrtmas favors the supper which followed the program w as most attractive and del ci ius the tables covered with spici chris mas tablecloths were deeiratfi w ih red and green candlei and an fie al poinsettia plant farh esident f und a spec lal chr mmas fivor a t nv paper baskt c rilainina cjndv at his or her plate a delic 0u3 salad supper w is ervd and after enjoying such in amusing iffrn on evervone did it impli jus ce af t supper t mmlcr of i widenls remained f r mh r if bingj g imos when thev rimi 1 ai i nri and mr mongraw the oakville knights of columous and the party that always follow j it at holy rosarv school were en joyed by a large njmber of rret and women residents tne bus cam to the manor about two o cl ck with two staunch fr ends cl h residents aboard in the persons ol bov white and j markev chairman and vice chairman repeclfulk the welfare committee of the oait vllle kn ghts of coljmbus under thei supervision the o h took the residents for a ride oakville and br nie and then brought them tnck to holv roa y school m mil on at tw school h were the gues s o the m i branch of the catholic wome league about ten membfrs wheh were in attendance the sidents wre pi ied at leatb which had been set up in a oas rnnm and p ttt s af c irated vi i tiny christmas trre and artif c i flowers mr ii gundlck was convener for tnis p n of aftei noon s enter ainrrert when ever it v d seated ai before refreihrnc i the residents enjo wardmg program thi pies deit if milt in extended i quests on bi hi j f f a 1 and gir were serv id a verv f 3 m mer he c w l t ec ings to th t it leae le a cap i an on irw u rl ide ok irn d when t rn miwurd dri wed in a long clt n iikhi ihrt and night cap r- id it finioui c hnatman potm a v ill m st nichnlan toward- tin t imi tf t1 pr gi no mr milti r oiinsh d h ii tin tlon of going 1 ti k snta clauii in sh r wmlt sunla laux ho i rnki d f i nil t w i id i ki i twin brthcr if mi mithixm in tered thi room md in g in u di- tribuk gifl f r im his puck i sptcmt gfs mn g v r t m d hward sirfmtn viggirs mi fialmers and mi mnymrd w hilt tiaoh rimidini rnvivid itllphim twig containing fnut nil candy tin prog run i tnim i i m nd at u i point w th thi tr n ft s nt ng wi wish y u d mitv chiutr iw cindli ligh pi gi in 11 m ng iw had n h n f i th p i ikhout the rt cook and old rr o one and all of oui good friend we tend our heart iest frtfinp and best ishes for a very happy holida ica- mn- richly endowed with good timea nd good fcllovvthip russ mac bauty salon pheo 438 main st acton bung with ih n 1 v u- and th i f f lh- fll m m 1 i is f ih mis t b hi t fnstu j mn mr n iuki t l nv ided v ind it m- r t i tlie pi grdm mis mtcung th isiknh in th i g ig if and th n sm a viiv fine th butt day of a k n the cili in of a gift to mis mon- thos p slt iiplelt jjod r mtk r mis d irs m tt iff sing skit on presented i umbers taki ii iws thii- ending iding t iron pirlv tour b bus a s irial evin he pleasure of l ch ia iladvs eigeilv inuc paled d just is complete v realized ik plrtce n si urdav iftemoon cimbii 2 when tht annual bus i arranged foj the residents bv aud ence bv singing th songs ten lihe ird ans woe heie and be careful little e wi h jccompinying gestures nativity plav then cim an appealing ni play w th mall bovs ind girls a tng the parts of mar josepi r j angels the shepherds ind the hre- wise men the children all whom plavcd their paru extreme y continued on next pagei nth ctcc wv kkfxtx aflf i ervtd during a sin il hum tha provididlhe rultnui ith an p portunitv to vimt with th it sliuneh jrlend- tn m s uth pei i ndlehiht kervlre a pogi m of chimin jkmiry i jntew t tt isftimtnf i mrs m i id smi h r f f fruit in- id d mud b i rs and rold drinks w r vlrs t foil i midi the it by pla i u vinhr movie night mrs ed th wmnev as the patien b shrubs le and j horn is t e snug ns md with mrs m ngriw g ving a humorous comment irv as the opera ion proceeded hilarious skit mrs mccuaig then sang i second aolo and this was followed bv a hilarious skit the bachelors re night december 9 verie the pari of an eldetl bache m vu night again with mr rn sh w mit three films the i f im liiliiitrial canada show son r the loading iddustnes hv mide canada the sixth th lor dreaming on the ev e of hi marriage of the various women in hm life was played by jim beglej his v ir nus sweethearts were plav- ed as follows school davs sweet thi- hlirt mrs f dixon college sweet s ot hi irt ingrid bendix clem ntine dt- mis c dcgabrie lush girl mrs i rs m vingiimsven strawberrv mi nigan dm s iutm n v w the thud bride of i lngiva dip t mints l mrs f dornauir old dir harrv rogers the morrow pat mckiv tht irs muriel grav intrud i i to all our friends neighbors and patrons days may come and days may go but christmas day has a special magic and wonder all its own may it be for you tht very merriest of holidays i bill toth shell gdl service 3t8 quen st aetonont i i acton jersey dairy kjt 2 acton ontario vi 1cc fcc mkcai f c k c cc we welcome the holiday i with the sincere hope that it prove to be the happiest one ever for you and your family v little motors no 7 highway acton phoni kmaathkkusi olrtc0l otfustmai wism oh holy peaceful christmas let every heart rejoice in the spiritual inspiration and blessings of the season j b mackenzie son ltd industrial building contractors 55 church strict acton ontario liciciccicmaitiwrmwweiccwiitcici suyat and sfuce when you write a weekly co i urhn and christmas is upon vou and vou are just get mg over the flu and its too late to do any- th ng sensible except hit the sack satan lurks ah he smirks why don p you reprin one from las chnstmas thej d never know the d fference i sho ly afer 0 d nick has said hi p ece and the sinister sweet ness of the idea is soaking in anotner advocate speaks up from he bo torn of the stais he old ladv suggests wh rljnt you repr nt an old chris from cornwall three year in a row and never answered like tonv of california with whom i shared a hilarious and hazard ous journey from poland to the lovely sight of a canadian tank and crew complete with sweet caps in western germany and all the rest of you characters in australia and alberta belfat and bulawayo i never was much of a card answer ei- to my brother in paramanrbo south america deck the halls with boughs of mahogany old by bill smiley boj haven t got around to an swering your last four letters haven t got around to getting a present off for your son my dear nephew but well be thinking of vou sweating and racked by fever as we sit down to our turkey in the middle of our crisp december day finally to all of you who read this column may you know peace and jov on this christmas mav you remember why you are celebra ing this day may i wish you with all my heart a merry christmas mas column aren t you eve coming to bed nobody has time t read it anvway around ci- s mas besides theyd neer rmcmber thev d read it before aftei all its not exactly dea h- les pose you know medical educational committee report on virus pneumonia i am proud to say that i sent h otn on thi- way not that i wdsn a fine idea if id had i rv elf but ii frequent the comp a v of old nick when i feel hk a r is iol his ever had a good idea in her i e existence when he desanajm m to adm tha- my w ite i s d fficult to wite something sincere and original abou chnst- rra- oecause there is one story repea ed every jear that makes every o her p ece of literature ajou christmas i f feeble in cmdanson so th s year im go ing to mak simple and just v mem chntmas to a w le lot of people at a rugh guess there are about 20 000 people who read this col umn ai a dime each for cards and tuppence apiece for stamps it oud os me 30 000 to send you all a card after careful study i decided not to dt it it isn t that i d nt have the money its jusi the th igbt of licking all those stamps obv ously it s pretty cheap to drop from s30000 to a mere mer v christmas to one and t m my column so 1 11 have i single out a few with the hope hat thev 11 repeat it to all htir riends and all their f en will epea it to all their friends jntil th whle engl i speak ns i irld oe g ea ooom g merrychrist mas with the onset of winter and its accompanying increase in the cases of common cold a similar rue can be anticipated in the incidence ot virus pneumonia the pneumonia in which the el- usive virus ia involved is called avpical or irregular because it differs in pattern from other tvpes of pneumonia in lobar pneumonia for example the condition is caus ed b the invasion of bacteria into the lung and develops suddenly and damatically but virus pneumonia begins insidiously in the person who has had a simple cold for four to five days such symptoms as nasal congss- t on mild sore throat and general debility which have not been con sidered severe enough to keep the patient in bed will be followed with a generalized sensation of chilliness a lowgrade fever and a severe distressing headache in ad dition there is a marked loss of ap petite and within a few days a drv hacking cough develops the cough is often worse at night and is partially disturbing because it interferes with the patients sleep and aggravates the persistent head ache poor appetite fever usuallj varies from 100 to 103 degrees tfft cough remains drj and tight for several davs and fln- allv a thin waterv sputum which mav be streaked with blood is produced virus pneumonia appears to be self limited running a course of from ten days to two weeks but convalescence is accompanied by days or weeks of continued poor appetite marked loss of energy and extreme fatigue a virus infection may be con sidered to be a systemic disease in that it may invade many organs but manifests itself to great degree in a single organ for example it is not uncommon for a patient to have symptoms of inflammation in the liver or lymph nodes before v irus pneumonia dev elops long recovery and because of this systemic dis ease characteristic recovery is apt o be prolonged even after the in flammation has left the lung and temperature has returned to norm al fatigue and loss of appetite mav persist for week or months in patients with known heart disease or in elderly patients this prolong- ed debiliv during the convalescent period places an added strain on the heart there are no known methods vaccines or immunizing agents which prevent virus pneumonia but if a cold persists or if a cough becomes distressing with accom panying chills and fever medical help should be sought immediately while virus pneumonia does not carry a high mortality rate the morbidity rate is severe weeks and even months of lassitude may be expected this sundays me ch t3 r v rends n e u eeklv- -lewspap- e business ju- for example f less geoge cadogan of he d nam chrot c e nd his w fe e da gtne mad ild of he g t g i i news he la t of the b g t ne spenders pe e atlt leila hvi d tm o uxor cge the nightowis win p tolish the tmes journa d h mccuaig of the renfrew ad virce biggest hun ing and fishing norn of the r o grande rev juin mcnabb and mison of the a 1 lon herald a clear case of th ulpi s gain being the newspapers i li i and al inu o her chaacters t ul the public relations bovs ihi have suffered my presence u h amiable slighjy frozen iiles on occasion just for ex amp e ron eversn whose poe v is as impeccab e as his man- is as wittv as his talk as piercing a h s eves colin ha worn whoe dn wings arc a izr and i cresting as h 3 tubr ws tommv lee the las poken mav r in canada pi i gormlev ihe mos elabo i e v diguised beatnik north of h s law ence seawa and ht- res of vou charaeers i to nose re red gent emu w e ifters are a great pleasure t r ve h is cnticiims and en- uigement are salutor and wa m ng just for example w 1 ii graham re red railroader of v nn peg f his blasts of fresh r hugh ferguo i former news- j of f or da for his c ppings and comments andrew cillowav ieti ed ba-ke- of tor n f r hi 1 ve church calendar presbyterian church in canada knox church actov rev andrew h mcknzie ba bd sunday december 2 h 199 9 4a am church school 10 00 am bible class u5 25 vears 1100 am old ea- sevtce the unchanging ch t n a chang ing world junior congegation 37 meets during sermon pre- nursery chi den caed fo a he manse during the serv ce acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchtl road paoc rev kenneth j reid pastor 7a cook st phone 649w sldy december t h 19j9 9 4i am sundav school 1100 am morning wjrsnip 730 pm evanaelis- l tjeida s p m praver and b ble s udv thu sday 8 pm christ ambassa dois are alwavs welcome baptist church acton pastor rev gordon m holmes b k bth 113 bower avenue united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adams ma bd minister mr george ell or i organist and choir master fr daj decembe- 25 holv com- munion in he church parior sunday december 27th 1959 services in the y m ca i 9 00 a m morn ng payer i 10 00 am sundaj school for ah ages 11 la am morn ng worship l a bo h services ch idren jnder 5 are cared for in the nurserj i gues preacher rev g a b i moore of rockjod the church of st alban the martyr 1 anglican i rector the rev h b s okxeef lth stb 185 jeffrev st phone 265 i 1 the f rst sundav aer chr ma feast of st j hn apoitit ana evangel st sunday december 27tn 1959 330 am h h ejnru 9 30 a m holv eucftar and church schjo 1100 am mat n midweek celebration 1 fndav 1 januarv 1960 feat o- h- c rcumc on f ou l rrl n war da 0 a m holj ejcha is of things pas to al the odd- and sods everv uth iv tentlj refused to exchange christmas cams like punch nice english lad who was in m squad on overseas got a card sunday december 2 9 41 am church school up am i am come 7 00 pm to this end born wednesday 8 pm prave- ing thursday december 31 night socia and sev ce la midnight ail are welcome christian reformed church rev j nutma b bd minister 1 301 queen sf bux 46 phone 698 slnday december ri 1939 h 10 00 am engl sb u1 230 pm duuh i the church of the back to 1 god hour