Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1959, p. 1

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elghryflflh yearno 25 1m mmtn lft acton ontario thurssvyj december i7lh 1959 doufttful but thankful one of the children in st josephs church sunday school accepts a prechrittmai gift tram santa claus at the sunday party in tha roxy theatre santa was a popular fellow as ha handed our bags of candles to all the children tcws officials honor john a milne john o mdouceur of niagara fall wu selected from a ut of is applicant for the poaltlon ot u lessor for acton during special council meeting on monday even ins mr ladouceur who u presently employed aa a senior aaaeaaor in stamford townahlp will commence tils duties hero on january 1 i960 he brings with him 12 years of experience in the assessing eld he received his diploma from the institute of municipal asaesssors following a three year extension course at queens university in kingston during the special meeting may or w h cook informed council thai 18 applicants had applied for the position and from them six had been chosen for personal inter views few interview he noted that of the six only four had been present for the in terview and the list had been fur ther cut to two applicants by the committee in nuking a recommendation to council on behalf of the adminls tratlon committee the mayor stress ed the qualifications of mr la- douceur as he pointed out the mans experience tlie new assessor will be en gaged at an annual salary of s4 500 plus all fringe benefits presently enjoyed by the town working force mr ladouceur is 41 years ot age married with three boy whose ages are six 14 and 16 ly assisting in looking after an eaimtnt of 32000 000 in stamford township first qemllfm councillor 8 d rachlln inform ed his colleagues it wss the first time in acton s history thai qualified assessor had been hlrwt council also approved payment of 17j85 to mr ladouceur for tra velling expenses to acton for tha second interview reeve j h goy told that the new assessor was council present overflow crowd jams auditorium for robert little school concert jammed to capacity with an overflow crowd into the corridors robert little puoflc school audit orium held one of the largest crowds of parents and friends ever to attend a program last night wednesday when the children from kindergarten to grade eight presented a musical christmas con cert a repetition of last years ides tor a christmas concert pageant was enlarged upon by music teacher glenn banks as it grew into a glowing and breathtaking program for the huge a ud tenet children ranging in age from five to 13 went through hoius of practice rehearsing songs and scripture readings during the few short weeks prior to the concert vmsm on stage over 900 children from the school appeared on the stage during the course of the evenings program mr banks accompanied the song sters on the piano as well as lead ing the choir and wss assisted by doug copeland who also directed many tireless hours were pent by teaoban la wearing the material for utt program and teaching the children children reading scripture paa- aagce during part two of tha pro gram which was of a religious nature wore coached by mrs ann gwlcdula grade eight teacher the program was presented in two parts with the majority of pupils ul the robert little school participating ssiamjxxzxurmxmwtiaa wi mm christmas rush sort 2500 letters daily christmas ma 1 being dispensed at the actn post office has just about niched it peak according to assistant pusunostir gord m mr krown hl noltd thin wock that between 50 and so bag of mail are being shipped dully from the poet office and mart 2300 tenters are bung mettred through the machine and sorted h re for distribution an innovation was started m the acton post office on thursday december 10 when a rught shift a started k cope with mounting incoming and outgoing mail the night shift lio uwii ineoiiunc mail fmrn toronto ma a highway service truck busv throughout the night aua mall arc vic brislow and dave- dodgson while four regular em ploies and four cisual employees tift through the mml throughout the da mr meketmn expressed his sin cere appreciation to the people of acton for their en opera thin m 11 ndlng their christmas mail early in older to allow his staff to keep pare ttith sorting and distribution on the regular post office staff arc mr mckcoun mrs chris ont ton mrs wilnvi chapman mrs marge masters vic brtslow and dave dodgson casual help for the christmas rush an mr j brvce mrs h cook jean lidkea and rltng cam lcishman jtib2suml3- mkz pour 10losts at the robert little school christmas concert last night wednesday are pictured above following their performance on the stage when parents and friends packed the school auditorium shown left to nght are scott watson magdelena witbaard fcileen myers and timmy coles each child sang a chorus during the choir number after the singing of o canada patricia grafaasbe gave the address of welcome prior to ihc program beginning in part one the kindergarten classes with miss a sidey as teach er presented three numbers entitled look look girls and boys christ mas kvc and we wish you a merry christmas orade one classes with mrs a gamble and miss m forster as teacher presented two numbers with timmy coles kilccn myers scotl watson and magdelena wit baard each taking solo parts miss m white and mrs d cope- land a grade four classes in a com bined effort entertained the audi ence with choral speaking grade two classes taught by mrs g reed and miss r moore gave santa claus comes featuring jane watson brenda denny and michael frame as well as a snow flake featuring roberta nessct ann juchnik and dl anne graham bong carat long long aso and a christmas enrol were presented by grade u11 during wardens banquet wednesday ing drawls warnii with chrtstwas drawi carearal say ms at f tha taeal oj j detachaaewt laaaaa e warn ing u all drivers te ba eel la atari when driving aa she pallea will be oat to fell farea eteawag down an drlaalsur driven nr tha tamlda ataeen ha swted that in view f tha expected laoreaaa hi snttsa evtryene shaam ha ewearefi with children an thalr eaaeel he etaead art that m tansaaey weald he aaatad oal ta ssjyeee eaaghl wme anatar un udleawea af itqaar slippery pavement causes two accidents constanta b moreau of the local opp detachment was kept busy on saturday december 12 aa fee in vestigated two accidents at the same corner within half an hour ol each other following the ae stor the riret accident whkh happen ed about ipm at the corner j young and queen street yaeahai in slight when one driven by pater kraea rr no 2 acton proceeding eaal was in collision with another veh icle driven by charles ariose r it no 2 acton when the criesa car slid on the slippery pavement and failed to make the turn one half htur later the constable was called back to the same soesf hon to investigate a minor acci dent when an esstbouod ear driven by george kouuxhiuoua of torstv to braked prior to cnakmr the turn unto young st and wag etrecsj fa the rear fay another vehicle ouow ing drva damage to an eats involved whs slight and no charge were laid six days left stores now open until nine pm shoppers in acton have only six more shopping days to choose then christmas gifts this week stores in acton remain open until nine p m to accommodate the shoppers they will also be open next hon dav on december m the stores lr acton close at six octock in ihc tvening and will remain closed boxing day the day after mew years be a tore holiday well h pupils with billy pendleton and ever the local stores will be open colleen perkins starring the grade on the mondays following christ continued on page three mas and new year a day wednesday next week to ensure delivery to all subscribers by christmas ewe neat weeks paper wlh be issued on wednesday afternoon a day estfller than usual our annual greeting issue it will be m tabloid slae and contain messages of christmas wishes from many in order to get the paper out on wednesday it will be to push all deadlines ahead one daydisplay advt noon news end classifieds tuesday noon the a advertisers and jxr respondents would be sincerely the staff merchants organization or individuals wishing to place christ mas greeting messages in the special christmas issue should iswilai i the office fridey the following weeks paper will be issued on usual publication day twelve pageiseven centt the nassageweya township iteeve 1 und many words of praise were who has guided hulton county hi aped on his shoulders by friends council through its curnnt yor of and associates a program followed business was honored last night iht delicious turkey supper served wednesday when friends filluwjby hit indies of uio legion auxill- councillors officials employees und ry relatives gathered at the annual head table guests wardens banquet in the ltgion chairmun was ileevt elect llir hall mllkin 1 rt mtrry of oukville who intra john a milne and his wife win dmed the head table guests includ- gucsts of honor ss 150 gathered to ing county solicitor k y dick fete the retiring county warden burlington hetvo william c tyr two little owls gaze admiringly into santa 3 eyes during his visit to the knox presbyterian church sunday school christmas party on saturday evening pictured left lo right are bonnie mcdowell santa and judy beerman during the vening each individual dae- participated in the program prior to the program getting under way a power failure had shut the lights off all over town and the church was lighted by gas lamps for the first part of the evening rell acton reeve john ooy m p sandy and mm beat m la stan ley and mrs hall guest speaker hov lockhnrt roynl of nnrval and union presbyterian churches county tressuror miss margaret mitxted oakvllle heevu wllliiim curd milton depulyrucve mrs mary s pettlt naasugawcya iu putyrcuve archie r strvtec ks quesing lit eve door go cunrlo hal ton manor superintendent sin nicy allen milton rolvc r c cunning ham former nelson townahlp reeve harold adklns county engineer roy smith and county crown nl torney piur k miwilllums tiny were piped into th hull by brucf kitchen of tin lome scots chrislmss hiery gutst speuktr rlv royul dwelt gum power failure causes alarm a broktn hydro 4m1i0 at roik wood caused a powiv failure in auon suturdiiy ivniinu for uihjiii 0 minutes during a tuuvy snow and ice storm poruiblc lighln gnx luuu rrin und candles were prumod into slrvict in many homes and cur lights win the only illuminullon on the stceils as trees binding under the wiight of thick gleaming ice drooped over the roudwuy and streets the suddtn fuilure or rxrwir ought many rtsidmt1 sli irthund it after cuutious ktiirrying reside nui found ci 1 tidies i uriph r 1 vi n flashlights to illiimiiintc tin ixhin lowboys fade disappointment wan txiinsiud hy many children wh lind ihor eyis glued in uil tv he i when thi liinl glimmer of light fided jnd uieir favorite cowlxiy rode off into djrk ncss the hydto irew in town immd lately drove to the power station and when no loeul trouble could be found hydro nopcrmundint doug mason c illvd the out iph off 11 c where ho was notified of the trouble with nothing tn do but wait tht workers sat in the darkness ot the an op on alice street until the re turn of the power i nxofc n sed his nclllora upon what he called an uptodate christmas story in which he ex plained the importance ni the baale things upon which christmas is built goodwill hope and fulfil ment hei was introduced by mr hargeml and thanked fay mr tyr rell mr lurrlo proposed the toast to hit warden terming mr milne a number one wnrdcn and stating it has been a pleasure for all of us ui work with htm as he had the interest of ul the municipalities at heart many p rob terns iteplylim to uie toast mr mllna introduei d members of county council county offkluls fallow n issogiiwi y counrlllom his family unit township ufficiuls this past ymr tins bien very buy and wa have beuen faced with many iiiiih he noted but e xjiressed iippn eiution to rllow councillors und the suiffa for lhir very cap- alili jowl stance it has tfcen a great privili ge to servo as your warden he coir in ded mr adklria irroposid tlie loust to county ouiieil t xplaliilug these mi n mid wimen who volunteer tot public m rvieo must be possessed with a kit 11 sincere sense of pride in the lr community must have a kip hrni of rmpunnibfllty and nuisl have u sustained desire to do something useful fir their fellow men und women mr cord replied for tht councillors i he uiunl lo the punt ward mm w in propimil by mr y who said hit ir h 1 1 ltd been well done in ins rcjily mr dlek introduced 13 run r int wio dltin nit hiding chat- im he mill id wh w in the j ml wurden uml the oldest still living mrs donna muncs favored with iw 1 voi n i solos to conclude tin 1 v rung mr ser- viii isnisted by mr currle pre ni tiled flowets to mrs milne for her understanding and cooperation throughout the wardens busy year mid a bulova watch ut the retiring warden mr card who is past warden presented the gavel to mr milne there are many christmas par lies in town and district this week and next jj vlja tsvbt 4 iiwiiwhmiw rf hits police cruiser near drowning causes 525 damage i r r- i 1 i f s i save child s lite at cavein as a rule acton police hn travel a distance to investigate jn accident but on tuesdiy evening it 6 05 tim un accident occurn d m dulchiri frantic illy to the side rslep o cnsuble m hir ln handomd w ii on knox ncss when a car struck the police i cllureh i until help arrived fr m tin town uorkrmn ji ey cvinik ii d n irrowly mi mid njy fnnk dprtul hy drowning en tuesday tt ternotm when the ground under 1s his feet give wiy und jie crished trol down j 11 foot hole a idu modi car di manscik 18 of 21 travelling west m bown sumed to have gone out id crashed into uu parked poller cruiser at the home of countable harness striking the riftht front l the cruiser and proceeding acreiss the lawn of the h tnc owni r whir cumr to a halt damage tn the police cruiser amounted u approximately 175 and to the marltcak vehicle ap proximately 350 it to ning h urn from sch mi ilh r of hn chu ns the ytningstcr proctcdini dawn kn ix ave ur and h iid rfppare illy crossed jie chu nh proprrtw v rw a por m of lhl civcd in well when he c round undur hi flit gave w iy anr h hurtled d wn the old h ft h is r icnds rj n quickly t a nca rby house and kummemcd d a sthuels and john tm ihk who iuw the child a plight ind ran frmtiial ly in search of a i tddcr search for ladder in the ir attempt to secure a long ladder they raced dimn the stairs lo the basement of the church where a group of hdint were pack ing christmas gifts but the only liddir they could locale wja a step ladder in the meantime town workmen were summoned to the scene and equipped with n long exlervnm ladder thry soon hid the wthiv enng youngster wfely on s lid ground the yeiungsted was soon packed in a car and trundled home t his purents wh were unaware of the keldenl mad it not beeti for the prompt action of jin y i chums and the tpilck response of mr schuets and mr toerbcs in summoning ihc town workmen the child might have lost his grip and fallen several feet below into murky water and btime und drowned the txjjrd of managers a the church lost no lime following tbf 4neidnt in having the old well till ed m no suii of a will was apparent nd some believe since it wag covered over with gruas for marfjf years thit it had been there tor quite some time ibmmi f 1 jff bght ratepayers parks bmi dbcass line feme at actaa paric a delegation of eight ratepayers whoee property borderj on the park land met with the arum park board tuesday evening t d scu the fate of a proced new line fence at prospect park and the tvpe of fence that might be crertid representing theh nnpowners in the ares were mrs f heller mm m bcinrt mr k macvenzie b hintun g allan c landstxirough c armstrong and j preston following a review of the evn dlbon if the present wooden fence the delegation was asked it view on the erection of either a steel tence or another wooden fenca seven of the etzht agreed another wooden fence would be acceptable and one resident desired a steel i fence mr hintun etiquirrd wbi wnuld erect the new fence and it the park board weald bear the cost if rate payers affected would also share in the cost after txplaming the approximate i colt of a new fence tfe chaarman rr parker said it could be a combined effort or alternately the entire cost would be paid by the mr h in ton totd use erected in the front erected bordering hw conform with the erected m the front f use park me bo suagested that s gae be in- tailed behind hw isnsuaraji and stated he was willing to afaare the cost of the gate other ratepayers exaseaawd a de- sae f r a woodeo bene which would offer them men their backyards man w h cook hnln wtit be felt be a sate when others do net the maror was tdsf there had aheaors comtwaed est ptape flaw haiton wattbi john a milne nght was honored i wife also ntefved bouquet of night wednesday by county officials at the annual wardens card left made the banquet m mihon with enfts of e gavel end wnswatch his i

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