Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1959, p. 1

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wily fifth yew no 24 xt jwtiw jrit pifiess acton ontario thursday december 10th 19s9 ten pot seven cents new jackets were presented to the acton intermediate ball club during their banquet last night at the station hotel the banquet was sponsored by sam brunelle hotel manager and ardent sports fan pictured above left to right are tracy barrager chester peycha harold townsley and paul lawson the three players are captains and chester peycha is one of the executives to consider substation purchase following hepc power report notice of o possible hydro rate increase to consumers in acton prompted acton public utihlii s commission to consider the p is eibillty of pwrchiising n two sub station trom iht onhnn hydro electric power commission the mnlltr wns discuwed l the puc meelinj ihuisdiiy ivuiint of inil week this consideration follows a lei tcr from the h ejc infitrmmr th commission that beginning in 1b60 tost of power purih iscd from the hkpc would be possibly in craied although nn indication wiis riv en thnt cost to consumtrs in ac ton would br increased the com mission nnrted to secure pnei fur the purlliim of ni two miu station tlont ymr tin puc cnniplittd the purcliam of tin towns no one subs tu turn whitll lnwind lh eiil of power puiliiisid in tin t mi mission bonuses okay tlu t imnusti m aiillinni d p ly ment of tlu yi uh b musts to uu offict stuff iind supmnundtnl- on the aim liiis as in flfth whtn hit siibjnti mi mtiduud by chuirmut j i mmul hit mayor conveved hi- stntimtiits is he n minrit d thi t urn minion hi hud objrttid to thr tmtiusis tunic pit i rl whtn hit subjili h bun arc roc ivink rood suhru a ind ihit should be sufficitnl mr stew nt remmdid th miyi iind t mmissi in it hid bten ign i d it the first of the year whtn the salary structure hid tiitn diflcuis d that until the cummium ci m pletcd tht ir term of office they would ci ntinui the tally bonus to tmplt yces tht mayor igretd lh it promisis sh u id ik kepi but echoed his fetlirtk ibout the piymenl of christmas bonuses hydro superintendent d mason reported that his depattment had new hospital five yean in the planning the new go bed milton district hos pital is scheduled to open next monday morning dec 14 al 9 90 am the complete staff has been engaged and most of the supplies are now on hand the first pati ents arc expected to be admitted sometime monday or early in the week i v t trii tht c h in tin stu its ind th it jrihtins mjii would on th v me a tin id mn piinlid tin lights hid i in new jijdr ffu i i tmi nt hid be m 1st s till 111 esquesing election fwiursing lownihlp reeve j- r cuu w defeated in his sttimpt i lake hli 311 term on iiwndi ruincil monday when deputy htivr a sunlali nirhwtfllwi ft fib uw retvet mr sinrlm n fllb t i sm in the ii pulling i inert about 0 per n ni of th t tit r 1172 ilirihlc vulrri tlrnl r lh m mdny election fmnl ir ill biilh pj ly u th vninj newcomer leads polls wi m r m it sprtwl in t in i nl h j t ii inmjtham mil net is led thr vhool drftnt tin f r thut ml sent- h th voting w ih spi wl 163 cunning him 410 t lis wi linwn 317 and hill 27k r ih luivii a twi ytw term on i i b ird dipulv iteivi wilfrid bui and e mrn illurt w illt r i inhiiin george lilie inn willred tcslli wi r lie cliiinid in c iumil present jackets during banquet the presentiitlon of new base ball ickets highlighted o banquet held in honor of the acton inter mtdialt bate bull ti im wtdnca- div mjjhl it the sfition hotel s j bium 11 houl owner and long tun bint ball supporter spon- surid tin dinner for the ac ion club mid lreitid tht pbyers to a roast in i f dinner t ipped off with many f mcv md t isly rilisju dining tin dinner enurtalnmeivt w is supplied by jim young of cutlph gcorgi fountain and 1 i irhton phillips both of acton hury nicols locil merchant and p mist mlti timed during thi i oning with many piano sclectiom md playid for a singsong irtsfntttion of bill jncttets wui mid by chester peychn undine lu prfily lit id en ly ht i lit at the pemphoeim i r hill but tins h id rl lit iklllll n htlillf f himsilf ll mk 1 lh i the i v1 j f 1 uu ill m iriiupil it ihllt i nit in georgetown election ineumbi nt geirgttowu deputy kit vi w ill i it gny dcfeittd his i ppontnt j inns h fmmcrson 1ii5h1 m the touns election on m mdny voters ilso said a hi irly in by i sou vuti s to iio rnvirmi two year term of office for coun udjouined a shuit 1h f ii pr ed f i hvdn sowti v tltr cuid 1 il 111 if i rit a noimmition mteline to nnmt miv r will lx held december 11 jtul if mrissiry the maynnlty in n will i hi id dtcembcr 28 iti duuilis sirjjent was ac ilim d of fit i i wis hydro i mmissimii t- w binkley and cliil trusties friwin wilson hjr- i sh mill md r y hansen r oil m mi is th voting for coun- nl ifnsi mx ilccledoohn elliott 1216 inil ilurnsm 1137 john ktl l 11 w ii im hunter 884 john c iinn 874 im c i b61 garfield mtilvi iy 741 j hn henley 706 11 irns n wo id 630 william cair r2 i in piter w mrs anne w7 john zorrc 284 eric order halt to office supply purchases ng further investigation in 1960 rumd il rk jkk mtc i hi 1 n form supulnrs 1 mfn nt i i it li h id nil ordirs pi n it n tbtyimit until lit l thi s liiution forth r w th tin it i kt uv a3t in mvtlr fftril rtmld tr eomlun i 1 md rs uptmol adied by hth nchr t avoid rsktsr fur ni w 11 until fluff photo murray harrison took over his duties os customs officer in acton on wednesday he succeeds billy middleton who has held the office for tht past 25 years pictured above left is mr aaiddlelon as he explains some minor details lo his successor mr harrison is from brampton and has had seven years experience there the retiring officer was honored dur ing his last day in office by the presentation of a scroll of re cognition by his heacfquartecs ml i l il d lh it lx hi tf i ih uld i pun i i lik j mki i tu rm nrfrd i j nl ihit filliiu n g tin ir up pi v il mimi rinrirtm 4o ui rdrr lb npnn nl inc niuiry m ird r iiki b n pi r- d llr wis doubifnl il u riulil b cinrellid iiipl loiter a i iti r from the onlurto hydro mr iifoi t mini ui llrlc undcikiod tv inw ni 1 1 59 made pnivu- i i thi diksoliition f th pre pllt in invor of n hydro ii ion nnd noted ihih ucthin iid the t nsunt of tho onl hydro ilso stiled h r pc mid t pliuheil lo conmder a re i it r r their o 111 1 m soon n a lir wiiji fortheommjt it wm sur- sll in tht ii her hint hie cum s s ilintor coiilil tidvicc them on tin my icttftn miyor cok informed tht mem im rs ihit 1 inter hrfd been sent in reply to thi ontario hydro new netunf ael n ire ni this ynr will pre s nl h ni w ipnttirincc fr hockt y f in with n n iv itions complt led m sum mictions pliytrs will enjoy new ni ilink m the go- pi sts this ve ir follirwmft council s ap- pioval for iht purchase of mater- ml for thih iurpe tuesdiy it was nottd tht n request for entirely new nets hid bt n rccciv id but mvestifcilion revtaled tht framework to be in km d conditimi md nt w netlink only wis recom mended ameuunenl up a hull in county assfssmrnt hy- i tw rt nd it council during the two ind 1 hnif hour meelintc informed the members that fullowink the as- nenment appeal by burlington ac- nt wilt be rained front tmuvll ti tjwitt for 1m0 a i it r fr im the ontario fnart- nnl of h iirmuyn requmtetl coun 1 i 1 trpiiriv il fur adofiinm of 40 mil piii imiil on hlrttway 1 and l ippiikhe i aetoo fillwlnk 1 ritiol mrvi v iv the department a niloliin to ipprovr pry men i if iis m lh ym a nmoonlinft uuri id f r r0 wis ipproved lh ciimcillors h ftittilin and e pip vi m nit in tin nejiillve mr ilachlm mformid hn col li jitut s out thr y hiiildink had br n 11 111 x ihi up aftjir for quite mm linn ind no one had ever ihii ill li k i tu thr bottom of lh scits if lh lljilw h pointed- mt that the tiirildln i wis not lined entirely for commun ity purposes so he could ntit agree hi paying the bixea he aumeatcd thil mimeont shimkt open up an dvtnot lo in vest mate the aituatinn i cimincilw j harfrave enquired when tjix uus be an to come in tor the y m c a and was tld h follow i ed the new nshessmcnt by ttio county iwesaor i heck rapport a ropy of n nuttoi from th town of orankiville asked ac ton support to petition the government to pails leg win turn ordering the ereetnm of rt least two irtorcy i school bin idirihs m the future the ntjuist for impjort of uia rts inti ui wis lost when a vote w is tiktn 1 a it lit r from uu st john am- buhnce finn id thanked council tor thtir siiphirl in lendin etum- j ment formt rty ustd 111 the town dmbulanee lo the brigade and re quested coimcil s views regurdlns flrwl disposil of the equipment the letter was referred to the welfirc committee council- ilso 0 htird tht police report lint- ma fines etc for ttio month accepted nut ideation that un der the communities centre act the town would be eligible for a urmt imtmnlmk to 3jw3 00 it was notud the ohcquc has been mailed for jills amount arena renovations nearing conclusion iifhnji prim beipt m itl icl if th buil im he ird 2iw will td bnsbois 200 i hn t t h u cooperation conperutlnn of all er and truck own w in keeping parked vehicles 11t number 7 highway through loun in thr eenln would he much appreciated hv the department of highway snou plow ing crew k won nltiljd tiul this neek bv one of the nupervlimrx hat it has hetn difficult ekaring thr hlghwa f mmiw when curt and truek an iarked on the main rter close contests for civic positions during milton municipal elections uu itiput ic heirs nid l seniol mues uf thi mun the m ll htld in milum m n n 11 isrdme i i ilteted retve cu untd hi r piisit itltsl iui in j ih j 1 itrfd 1 ver ledw nit iled tu- con chtllem rrink j mavor siihu t rcvealtmilit ii 9 robe 1 t 1 r smith 14 lip 111 itto i r nir twi mud him rlinr imn mhltritt 716 chaiu es tohs 7id1 hohhit reld 671 t im u btrt m brn cross 34t r stu t 328 chjrles menefi c kt al skinn r 277 stan mnffil i slnt 2v hr ihim ii i inj the oulsidt 11 nth w ii li sh ued up md lit 1 n ft itinjts insii id of th id of cednr p it s n id n ilont the bo in scl 01 hiv phctd on c m nt bl k and lh two side ir mi ui hut in 11 n m v i 1 ir rdilkid nh n 1 a iini wind a u h me dnsmru 1 n s 1 hi n up ind till 1 ii lit im 111 1 illy nt 111 f ll f hil luni u 1 hu v 1 ft pprov hpi ndllun tttt- architect explains heating system during school board meeting it ii 1 1 nt h h i ik 11m rush 1m7 tr 1 hy mrs murirl hi bho i md l run ji john nk 1 lies 403 in irlh wirdi krknighan 309 uh mr hahiton i nih1n lr ur wir rce 76b chauits w 11siin 7 1 no permits ion w 1 slow in nassi 1 hip duritic n vemtxr minis t ki n ut for anj link in i9vi ihi re- hdve been m h me purchased t ta x lot of fix m eh ntt a ml vi ml 1 11 111 ik th n s 1 pi m fir tin si iff deductions muit time from their salines ut source mimbers if tht board look ex ception to some piceta of the let ter parlicu irly when it was stjt- nve i t c would cnkender mtxl distnt m c 1 t pt rntum from the ttdch 1 nj tin rs tru chairman staled that the ln i b 1 ird expects full co opt ration l h ln fr im the suiff it all times but w is ls hy i wired by pnncipa mckenie psi ih il tin im ileitis in the letter 1 d is not intended by uu it lehirs h j mimbtrs ftt uithirs bid an 1 liu ilt saliry sehduli it prts- nl however ihey aueed tti aiilh ii lh secretary to ekduet the full ps1 p vm nl fr m mhrs they isked lh pnncipin to con tty tu ihe stiff thin full inltnlind they wuild dsuiss the miller of 1 c ntiibjing u th cost further at 1 bhtkt timt it hi ns js in th discussion which ensued b lh the board and principals ar- r rid mutual t 1 operation and k kk 1 1 w th i w wrtl ntver abwni in their m ns md h iped this wuuld i the imnrd al he nd fnn milk in hulk was contrary to health rcrulotions and only bottled milk could be delivered tu the schools a nurkcstion by trustee smith at the last meeting ltd to the investigation was advised by the town clerk that the contractor hid not secur ed a building pi rmit for demolition and construction of the robert lille school addition this was re ferred lo the architect t rtctived notiee from ihe town clirk that 1304 w mjpplemcntal avicssmtnl credit wis due them asked th wereury to con tact bob frank re painting of room st irlutk in kindergarten durinit the christmas holidays g iv permission to the men teachers lo paint the staff room at the rob rt llttl schmil on their own lime with tht board supplying reviewed some electrical prihumi at the m l bennett school trusts prestnl at the nearly four hour session were t watson m smith y marks il manning and chaiiman c w bradley rirmj t sri th firt sh ult- th d n lh hock i rt i by helicopter i i ird santa to arrive saturday customs officer begins in busy spot wednesday of brwnpttm chetkuie ri w custom hdmmlav hi cw rr iffieir hll firulh ntirtt r v 111 in 111 i rip 11 thildren calhv f 1 1 months old 1 ijt hs famil clock presented by baxter labs stall photo ssioo office is albert van gls fawner no has sers ed hfullj and ex asui tw nru iss until he be tainted wuh h laying rook the at rhe newly leased hydro comi of the budding preparations or the newly elected hydro commission 10 move into the bu id ing are being completed a portion of the office equipment arrived this week and wi mttalted as soon as th building is ready for the installation taree auditors the former a a by ai allisttm hd tstcrdat he custom iff busily ed hs constant cooperation psi s2i i ti j my old si nick v 11 hover 1 r ar 111 in hu helit ipter this i i s 1 irdav anil i md in the park at f jik pm ti distribute bifis of cin- h i act n and dis net children 1 1 p it if hn busy schedule s nn if r thinft c intactcd by the n i ael n chambir if commerce con- ii 1 mtid m have hi helicopter pilot b m i tk p rl wn n acton to visit all tlu i 11 td girls and boys in the 1 1 1 1 1 f ir returning to the north i ll c implcte his packing s t ih hi itiiias 1s1t to each and the e i h mc t a spmired hy the chamber san a t this saturday i expected ii irk d draw a large crowd of parents i p j will a chilriren christmas mus an ip ir i be supplied by courtesy of l ui he the acton firefighters loud speak i cm sum and weather permitting i h hehcopter will land in the park area where santo will dis- i aft ir bute the candy i i clawaai to emtertaaa r ir clwm will b in attendance at a he park to enter tain toe children the- in the event weather does not h trhrrs perm t the visit to be held out fit n the im r the distribution of candjr i un nd a k d the ill be held m th arena piv pa t f ii c is ln preparation for christmas and k m nth and ent on to sanu visit acton chamber ol ite the advantage of the commerce have throufn toe caur- tpky if the hydro department in stalled colored street lirhtmj and acton i main uvi rough fa re takes a bick sonl ui no town in the district fur btauty and brightness in ccifperatiin with the cham ber local merchants hav done a bang up job of decorating their more windows and the appearance of the town in general la much improved with that added touch ol the chrmtmas spirit jin rsl hd issme warning tfci weak crnl ray haaaa i ua lacaj ojjt aatacbaaart l a wanaiag argteg ao ear driven to keep vakaewa all th tracts bi aetoo ketoaam the ban at aslaaigu m4 1 im the caraaral tomal ett thai accardtag to th bytow aa at- rraaar waam ka aaajml to to eafarctof the hr kmtt h ma mto4 br thai la aaaarkbag kaa tatw

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