Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1959, p. 9

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v opening 401 local officials gathered around the white tape stretched over the east bound lane and participated in the ceremonial ribbon cutting cutting the ribbon were stanley hall mla for helton and william davis m l a for peel from the left assisting ere warden john milne reeve of nassageweya auif photo aar davis esquesing reeve george currie hon fred cass minister of highways trafalgar reeve alex phillips mr hall and mayor s g childs of miton an estimated 400 cars were lined up ready to use the road following the opening jw jvttmt jfrtt tts eightyfifth yerno 23 acton ontario thursday december 3rd 1959 second section highway 401 links acton with east ribbon cut on 9300000 stretch a 14 mile stretch of highway ttunkhts mtltorrto stretclres al ready completed east to newcastle was officially opened on thursday when ha i ton m la stanley hall and peel mla wm davis assist ed highways minister f cass in cutting the ceremonial ribbon the brief ceremony was staged just cast of the highway 25 ovtr- paas near milton and witnessed by about 500 milton mayor s g childs pre sided welcoming the guests and citizens to milton district for whal should bo a momentous day for milton and the beginning of a mw era of progress north for devhopment warden john milne spoke briefly on the excellent location of hal ton and recalled the early iransportat ion prdblems lhal beset the dis trlcts pioneers willi ihh new art ery il will contribute to the more ipid development if the northern reeve george currie of esques ing pointid to the two great high wa crossing esqucstng tuwns iu wffitthi opening of 401 i am sure ihi is an nrliry that will serve ihe ponplt of the township well he liinelinted rtivt ales phillips tiifilgir noted hi wiu happy ihl pnivmcnl government hid m idt trifulnu the hub a network of highwtys feci is first wm divm ml a fur pel not ed vlhlltiis uiuil piw ttiiniikh 1itl be fort seeing ill the wmdi rs jusl ixlulled of hilton i unity he sur gistid few acrmipli-hmint- h iv ciinlribntiel more t the rl r v i ip mail if the pnviiim hum lli piogiam nf dl vt 1 ijime nl uf the depirlnifnl of hijhwny i s iiiley hill m 1 a for hilton noted there win now five rood i eiil wcil hlghu ivs trussing th 1 county as will is highwiy r is u northsouth link it is gi it b cm fit to the whole preivinu helps fcnnomy hon mr cuss xpnssid pleiis lirjupecl uf miles more tu wen in his brief run irks noted there were now 76 mile continuous highway ilre irhing i usl ui neweaslle hi praised the o uin of his dcpirlmuit for then work ind noted lh booming com omy of ontario wiulrini b pos sibe withniit good tr importation as official groiind i round tin ribbon stretching m ruv the i isl bound lime of highwiy 401 stun icy hall ind wm davis cut thi ribbon offinally mening the 14 mile slutch of highway tonr of town under lh gmd met if llii mil ion industrial commission civic orfu ials visiting ciijjnitarn ind industrialists t lured milton seeing indtistnti the m w heispil il ii ilto manor id c thi r points of inti res tin cnvikidt travelled 401 to th se vrnth line of trnfalgai met 1 pi el at the milton inn feir n rupl ion hiid bnffit luncheon new fra lire it ug ribbon sire tching with the tin oiining tie tell built of this 14 ht the extension of highway 401 westerly from highway 10 to highway 25 a distance of 14 miles is shown on this map the 14 mile long section was officially opened thursday november 26 at 3 p m by stanley l hall mpp thalton and william davis mpp peel the hon fred aa cass q c minister of highways also took pari in ths opening ceremonies opening of the new est section lo be completed by the ontario deparimenl of highways now makes if possible to travel without interruption on highway 401 from the unction of highways 401 and 35 near newcastle westerly to highway 25 a total distance of more than 76 miles in conjunction with construction of this part of highway 401 the ontario department of highways reconstructed and widened highway 25 from its junction with highway 401 south of highway 5 for the year wded october 3h w facts bthk ihehguftss what thebf m has to meet in mugathnb cash ihc b of m has cash in its vaults and money on dcpovit with the bunk of canada and other banks amounting to cheques and other hem in transit representing the net amount of the monct moving hciwccn bramhes of the bank and inio ihe bof m from j other hanks on account of customers trans- it what the b of m owes to others rs ind people in every ihst mini dcrnisils with hilf of the tnone on f investments the bofm maintains a strong liquid pewttinn through investments in high grade government kinds whieh have a ready market j i isted on ihc banks books at amortized alut e the amount to e the b of m has other investments including jit a divcrsincd 1m of highquality jhort term imucs jj tbcsc investments arc earned at tf call loans the b of m has call loans which are jfj fully protected by quickly saleable securities vfl these loans amount lo sfc quicktr available resources the resource lisled above cover m 6 of all thai the bank own to ihc public these quick assets amount afl deposits while mm liinrv mindim f tpt of business ru tin hof m well e depomt wilh the rink is the person il savings of more thin two million pi is- tic u turns thc total 0 of ill deposits in iftv- other liabiuties mimi1 tmons items represent in m link cemmiinu nts nn icrl ken h the bink jt on tvhilf of wistomeis m lluir foreign and shp domcsi tndc tnnsetions au- fo r h smith carol willis wed in new brunswick church mjq0mill uijrjllhi start ota new eni for h illon us il dlrutly link- tin tounly with t ininln ind newnstli it hikiihmv ti suiik 70 miles tn ihe eisl whin conipllerl the in in thin r mile hihw ly will slieleh horn wind m le the u bet imidoi 273 mues in im 1 tins nw1 s clin lnuius ih i il il mile nf higli- iv 401 ii w in its b 2 nilt in vustiin hiliin thi lnhhy is i mplit 1 fiom winds i i ni hil i v 1 mile mil fr in 1 nd n i i w ifkt irk t mil s ri hie ist tin f iir i in i u1 tuns fi mi milton t ne we isth 70 mil s bnglilin t mnvvill it miles kingstui i mifchw v hi 711 mills ind up i l m insbuit 17 null rll mw null m p n el ii iffie thi- m ii is 41 miles omplelc bpfllon if kliwiiy 401 is be nit e mslniel d in siti ts nrhmr u i br- dub e in fully d tiimiiud tv tin i iillienl if llighwiys lih is i nmipl t ntily ind it put inln full s i vui friim iuii king iliklm iv t imli i i- mhin ls it is nil tut pikmiiv his in in kivin mill 1 on ihe ii isis of the mi unl f nliit they will give ui li iffic enikestlfin ns null n isl n th hifch wys 2 1 hi s 1i111 w i m xei f 7111000 ind the puiehis f ind i kill f w iy iimiiinlid in in eliliti nil si 4soikh 10 tool median k1i1 1 in v i it i s until rpnss s v ilh irff eh ngi e t 11 v llll 111 1 tv ovi ri is4ts si il 1 1 eh hl1 f li i f iks w 1 1 i v eli hvi 40 is lb aiiii li 1 iht materials tislru tl ii 1 k liio ihhi gr mil ir fit 1 il 11uitju of ii ih nd il m i k w r e xi v til 1 mer the p iv m nl llll ui d xir ir y irds tr iii fllltl ri i nen rb 11 w i 2 2l kl 1 all lilt wllt1l f nte i st tjuk pi in in 51 gorkes ihureh mom ton new hrunswiek nn sit mdiy niximlnr 14 whin areh de icn j j auxandcr united in mirrnj c irl minlyn willis u n ihurhtr r mr ind mrs wil lim f willis dirlmutith niv si tn ind kiiurl hnnld smith lt a t s of mrs ann i smith ind thr lite mr smith if aetin st induils of mmsi wh 1 ind chrv innl gisii in mm like by hei f th r thi bnd wie i flhr li nth uovci f imported fn neh lite over bnd il sitin styled m ilh t fit ed bud ne tlir- sc ill ped tiiklme va pnnkld w it h i unt w sceniin ind the i n i ifx nn s id n lilv p utils tin hip b d ihd with s tu p il wli eh ndid it th tuck it mitchinj hculelresx ind cirrid nusekiy of pink chtys mtlu mums i- lying offiet r ted t usilm w is best mm the ush rs w r col nirman onn ml alb grene cfrtisins f the bude the brides moth r wir in in br tide red vrlv t she ith dns midnirhl bin with rmiihinr br c id shiks hit e ith r hit m the erm s moth r wore i dr f mvy plnse nyl n ih duii r in lb riflh i n fit ttiltn in th u si t m 1 li ft i in lb i s t ns f uio f i v ny i i pih r ins ui i r t tuid in hi kn ss i i up r iplult p vmi v in lb is v n ti i 2 0 f t uti i mtu wi b it in iks smihithni durability 1 1 mtbll ind he i siuir itf i trip to t s i t lllowins th c r m ny i i r i vas tption was held it th h mi f mr i nuns ind mrs n irm in crime i ml nii nd uneli of the bnd aiehd ion w 1v vle x endr lrop d i i hi i the ffeu l i r the wedd ng trip t in u fl sin iffu skltt total of what the bofm owes its depositors and others s11hr342m1 to pay ail it owes the 8 of m has total resources as shown on the left side of this statement amount ing to 1 isil 572 lo loans dunqg ihe year man millions of doll an have been teat to business and industrial cater- prtses for production of even kind to fanners fishermen oilmen miners l and ranchers to citizens in all walks of life and to provincial and municipal government and school district these loans amount to mortgages and hypothecs insured under the national housing act 1954 repreaenuog ad vaoccs to hoenebuilders iank wildings in hamlets villages towns and larse ciuc from coast to coast the b of m its cuoncn a 900 offices the value of the buildings owned by the bank together with fur niture and equipment is shown on its books a othei assets these chiefly represent liaousuca of customers for commitments made by the bank gr3- on their behalf covermj foreign d domestic ftcsc trade transactions sj total resources whkth the lofm has to meet its obligations which means that the bofm has resources over and above what it owes amounting to 201 hfl711 tins figure of sil u0j3i is made up of money subscribed by thcsiurcholdirsand to some extent of earnings which havervom time to time been ploughed back into the business to broaden the bank s services and lo gtc added protection for the depositors bank of montreal acton branch william mackiy marwgwr working with canadians tn every walk of life since 1817 mn is th s th brlri v ii siftly i i rwombl ith while ended in i pearl rown m imin1id soil f s ik illus n j shuldtr i ncth ind hi id ii pliu lv i er n of tinv p irl inddid with rhin tines the l ick f ihf cnittn btinff j cluster if i nnlx w spi ns she cirned a c t i i biiuqut t f p nk r m marv ls r s w b- t t o ind mis smiih n middle t n n v bc visitation proiect at rockwood united t the bible today s elv f s ii 1 i j lla w ik 11 vi 11 il 1 a i v f h ik f h s iy m itil n si t ils h v r tmh tm si inri lint i iiisn ijr idttuia l v n t ill i n 1 f r n h kw vi lni wlltl f lled to cipicit i vt i- th r f- h oil t th rh rl f h t i m h nr s d p v th grants radiator shop specialists in au types of radiator service repairs recoring boiling trucks tractors cars car heaters quick efficient service rrw pkkup ami dbvry hmcm 85 acton coifed 252 qumfi st e acton orrt cm ih- rrv c a b m r j n hh sptirlual fhrihuni y n follmifij thr mrm in hen h s with k ns nc f the minuu- n rn jd drcswd thr c nftrrgati n the r imm iji lining nf tisitiir follnwitl in preparation fur thr nl crn n and f ieiuli n u iho rxim i f member nf hr c ngrruati n j hii birtch m n mor f buck i d prpsbtcrtan church wt n hi pnl pit hi tcrmein whal wr bclipvr abei1 pr- i ii n the rrv h b stokir f st jntvi anrlmn churrh r nd if d ericv in hi church a the rij ular aflcmeion wrvio hrn he sacrament of hrlv cinmuninn w i5 obcrs cd lay reader r in cm altci1 th rccuir srnn in vra mike yur re lu ore fer uv ciiminy advpni tvi1 a s cal a sf sacred heart church r ickv xvj and st peter oinruc heid mt ices in enn village hi place tn rockwood and ouslic churches was taken bv father lahey of the ncrviuate cuelph 1 v k w th y ihv 1 k 1 le is uy a n s- h s u d t i erf i s i ss i h 1 jl p l snsieated kradlnj sindu a t l 1 tn tmh 9- 2- tni in l 1 9 vtrdnc4div iv h is in thurtdat ki ah 40 11 tn lii imdc 1 13 sit i 111 ct ii 1900 i nhff1nc trf an unwase nc ok rdh dp tsops inti an uiiseynj t are driver thouh k ep their eyes constantlv on ihr move never looking steadily at oie point for mora than two or tbrea second

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