bdhtyflftd year no 11 ht jwfoit sftt wt acton ontario thursday september 10th 1959 twolve pagai seven canti imummtjasb moving disks into the scout hat proved an easy chore for the caretaker of the robert little school doug price when he received assistance rom two older tads pictured above left to right arei tom baeney peter marks and mr price a staggered class was set up in the scout hall when workers were unable to complete a five room taction of the new addition in time wmmmasziaaaxigirs im 1200 pupils start school on tuesday registration up 80 from last year rnfhunjc hool iffc at temperatures hovered in near dos okr ljmo school children tnadc their wny to classes at ac- tons three schools tuesday morn- wff for wmc it was just a case of re turning after a ions holiday but for many it spelled excitement and interest es they entered the school doors or the first time at the robert tittle public school over sob pupil enrolled and in spile of earlier predictions the new 13 room addition was not ready for occupancy on tuesday and five wm were allocated in other ar eas o ease toe problem of epe the scout hnll was pressed into service and two erode 7 classes allocated there with one attend ing school in the morning and the other in the afternoon two urn dp eight clatsc are us trig the same room but like grade t arc work iii under staggered hours one hnlf report to school from eight in ihr morning tc iu0 and the other from one oclock lo mo pm two grade lour claasr are using tht school auditorium and kinder gartcn this rear has in enrolment of 86 pupils at the m z bennett school nenrh 400 pupils enrolled for class cs tucsda with kindcrgiii ten n tcking about 60 morning at least quite imrrilt b for his flrsl taste of school the younger member of party not of school age whs exasperated but nt the end of her telher the oung mother sought her the younger bov lo return home and the leave the othei head man in the trio and was the kindtrgartcn teacher another literally dragging the other two snag was struck when he hult toward the entrance to the school fellow didn i want to leave the younger lad wosnl crying after a intl ptrsuaston and no he was anxious to rot inside tht doub pr llllst lhe mothcr and doors that had carried his curios th prornltic bittl howl ity beyond the boiling polm idncc of dlsrim ttnihmr and son he was old enough to toddle bedlam 0k entering the foyer of the school i nn sooner had the couple lift tht bedlam broke loose the school agi 8cho prupf rt than quiet reigned ov or the school once more as a wagon caught the cje of the un happy utile chap and soon lie was playing happily along with the rest of the group after lhe first h ilf hour tenriu r chatting mcrnlt mted and easing into bad reneged the younger lad had jupped from his mothers grasp and heeded for kindergarten class soon to be wrapped up with quite an array of toys and books teacher and mother tried trim u cully to calm down the protesting and pupik youngster but while mother stood getting acqi in sight tears flowed steed ih the first of n fill urm of schooling at tht high school bout students registered stowing an crease nvei lat rnr of about ib the school addi i i ilthmis mil entirely cnmpli u oftt ts arcomni datum tn three clisrkvns neither the gymnasium iurlit inum or h bra ton is completed i m for the nwfl pnt pup 1 m the older grades returned u the r eusaes without much pomp or ho w but in kindergarten classes drama thi and comeds w err enacted as some ngt a mat of the protecting vwingsier hew j participate tatcd to meet their teacher in order paradt to embark oi a new cnture in lite child balktd board i considers lighting okay at rear of m2 bennett school acton public school bi ard ag- movul of two dead tret nl the reed thursda evening september hubert lille sell l tht pnnc p il 1 during their regular meeting to vns authonrtri ti purchase wotk nolif council thai adequate mor books for gradts inc tw i three ality lighting had been provided and fmr at lhe rcir of lhe m z bennett principal mckenzn inf irmed iht public rho 11 now mg a complaint bl amini pimcipil gas war whether it ilclassed as a gas war oi not is questionable bur acton cor owners ore enjoying an after busi ness venture being sponsored by hnlf a down acton garages the pnee cutting in gasoline to date is confined to garages with the exception of one in the area east of the c n r trncks and during the past two weeks snowballed from one at the far extremities of town to the c n h tracks possibly an aftermath of the country wide gasoline wsri it is believed the pride cut this time was stnrtcd as a fttcana of croating mure business and in the two week period six garages have taken up the challenge today thursday it was learn ed some go rages in other parts of town have entered the bottle with gas selling as low a 349 cents a gallon engage solicitor to draft bylaw to curb odor and smoke pollution acton council tuesday evening i the problem facing council regard- were two sections under the prose- 1 not exceed 100 and in the esse of greed to engage a brtadn as their ing lhe odoi in town had been out- solicitor to draft a bylaw to con trol smoke and odoi pollution fol lowing a recommendation by the sewer and water committee thts action followed a complete explanation of a recent visit to toronto when mayor w h cook and reeve j h qoy had an inter view with dr a jeffcoate and hi assistant c downer of the nir pollution branch of tht department of health reeve goy infoimcd council thtt usttokaaj haaza ti to the offiunls and dlitctlon had been lequesled legatding fur thor action mr gr pnlnled out that iht nil polluliin statutes derawn up in ibfth now contain an amendment as of may 1058 causes discomfort council also it u mod that iitjr pul luiion niav cnusi diacomfoit may endanger health or safety of pn sdnk and injint animal factor tht retve emphasiuxl thai iheie ithm clause of the act with fire dosing wllh odors of a strictly noncombustibll nntun with no penalty meted out tor ninety days after the by law become effective under tht aotond section council learned that no prosetullon could bt nuidt fur two ytars plus a day after the b law became effectlvt this iictiun deals wllh cnmbustlbte snuicos uf odor fines imposed rtivt goy explained that for the fli3t offtnci tints imptwvd would porter expands in acton with expansion ufa keyword fat the h k porter of canada limited plan have been osssles far the installation ef a re icieem d sfapulil tn acn anoprtlem for prodaetien are exseotasl t be afwted in ihr near fetare finalising their ptamwttmo we last oionmi the compa h shipped machinery and eejeiptnent go aeton and workmen are busy setting things up tn approximately ijm sown feat of the present bslldlng i when ready far production 1 the company will specialise in fire clay and molllte prodnets wot and dry mortars ramming tnlxea and all eastablea 3smaaassis3uaisfsaeaab3aadamaaam board decides double classes use scout hall for grade 7 faced with lhe problem of al- kindergarten enrolment in his locating five grades for a number school was anticipated to reach ftfi of days due to the holdup in the while enrolment at the m z ben building prnguim at the robert nctl school would be ai little school addition acion public i th b1jird nj sthool board decided to press the wou havt to ul donc id be around w thing i hall into service and double up hilur grades during a special meeting on mondnj afternoon j rtahzing tht five rooms promised b tht buildlr to be ready for school opening would not be com pleted in time chairman c w this situation to allow kindcrgnrltn ttochcrs lo do justice to lh ir wink as won ns the bt lird arrnd to allocali grade stvco in tht scoot hull caretaker d price and two assistants began the moving opera tion of placing desks and equipment and the board decided to allocate in the scout hall grade sevi stagger classes classes in thbi grade ere ed with 33 pupils ettendinf in the morning and the remainser going to school in the afternoon cradccight is operating under a staggered class as well wrth half attending school in the morning and lhe other half in the afternoon grades four have been doubled t p ind al katcd in the school oud itonum and will attend full day civ board tui mber iht fiv 2h0 from corporal r miinn of the cipeland hrfdanorl his phi i rnl opp detachment that lack tra n ng cer fit in f lighting on acton bouleisrd in- ar m ttsrf valid ihm nt the school f r thi- nrtier agreed rt ai of lhe chi is iht tustonnr type usid srh l c nstrikl n fu board representatit srwl ind walttr wo dburn ri the board approval to h prmtipals cndcaior lo encti the ci tificj t a rrquci caretaker d l ale school mac r additunil h 1 p itt of the r btrt apprumd benneu kp d elmor smt h of bcnnt t chtxil inlt the board hi expected in rt pupiw as povible to mtmit of v in kindergarten v the annual fall fair school parted for the fal cr the board agreed thai two c implctcd for occupancy on tucs dn bol ik ted bt keeping the chil dren out of the addition for a week or two workers would be able lo complete the work much faster enrolment high pnnc pal g w mckenzic of the robtrt little school reported that it ijltivw ii ilhmtur tt iftta firemen plan week of fire prevention tej inms two awards atchefriday j w wolfe s entry six vcarold b p advancer ginger purchased recently at the b h bull partial dispcrnl sale at brampton won senior and grand ch impion jr sty jcmalc ai the c n e 1 lot fri day mr wolfe owmr f lorrtine expressed their farms rccenllv was lhe up btr t r i not being 7 th bull dispersal sale in bramp will air puc future at joint meeting soon plans for dlssolulloi uit formitio of a hydro commission by tht fust of next yenr will he lired nt a j ml met ting of the commission and the administration comrmtun of eouncil followg ap piovnl at a public utililie com rhissinn regular muling thursday seplcntt i 1 dining last vnfi mtinitipul el- ictum a majnily of the voters cnrritd a plibisciu fjivnnng dis dilution of tin pllc in fnvi r of the formation of a hydio commls si on by i960 no rions cnmmissionti f gtyltrsrsnld that to date hi had no idea what wa plinnid f r uk end if iht yi ir whin tin ommssion fikltd otrtmiarlmr imd mrtered iretfnrntely thehyd up thi of tilt c met ling nnnimur slnued tht t of making tin propt i 4 await of tht opttatiiti mmission and urged ft ith the ndtniuislralior of council as soon ii house too hot firemen called with temperatures hovering i the bos bob lazenbv if crewson corners found himself unusual y drained hot on monday afternoon when the cr houe he was shingling caught fire commil possiblt in tht pasl sewei w iter and hy dio dt partmi nl administration h is been handled by the five mnn public utilities commission but under the new system being ad opted the firsl of the yeiar the sower and water departments will be administrated by a committee of council with a separate hydro commission taking over the hydro department favor meeting favoring the joint meeting oth er commissioners agreed that it was possibli thai both council and the hydro cummimit n might be c imposed of entirely new member and striked the need for hnvinii something plinned for the operat i in if the departments tht c mmission learned thurs div evening that gerry sullivan hilton sanitary engineer had re vtwed the drainage plan al the now micro plistics plant he rc- p rtcd thtl the problem of drain igc had been relieved wilh the coiding waler svsiem hooked into the town system the c mmission agreed to hac mr sullivan inspect various prop erties where ro if water was being the town storm sew principal sceinfi smoke bllliwing out from undtr the eav es mr lan nbj ati climbed to lhe ground ind search gr ed through the house it the mi source ol the fire ct proaeb ha it ins firemen are preparing to till- the public all about fires and better still how to prevent them the halton county fire pre en wrr association is currently map- t ng out final plans for fire pre- entering through tht attic he saw vention week coming this year the flames and assisted b his tath fim oct btr 4 lo 10 al the next doused ihem w ith pa is of waur in meeting near the end of the month fr nearby well resident kp ch idren wculd be thr p 1 distribute literature j acton firemen were called and had ben hooked accepted if accommodation was n prevention to be circulated had ihe smouldering ember under f ri dar of school principal g w mckentir of the aw j tn y benneit ihrougnout the opuntc control in a short time a poster sign insta led th- rtbet littr school as assured binnett schh1 tta the at- i ty- ind slkjet would metalled v v n a posaible and jj he f agp it w mid tt creeled near f he bell cit w th thi tvirrt iwsitmisg the responsibility nt luc riagpolr new cairn safety campaign appr val was given lo parlicip r in uii saftty campaign pro am being sponsored by lhe c pal electrical safely assoc of he program to lhe acion commissi n amounts lo 1125 hvdro superintendent d mason informed members that the ser vice line lo the new high school addition had been completed and cady or the the shell gaimge on queen street was ro supeiinieiidint woe instiucttri lo irk complet5raittfft tvpluwolhaf navplhli sh posaiblt brief blackout mr mason explained the brief blikkoul in iht street tights wcd- madnv evining was lhe n suit of a proliclor rtloy switch kicking out at tht subntatlon wain superiiilendewt jdimbort informed the commission his dc pat tment had neui ly completed oahbraling meters the superin- lt ndenl also pointed out the lines had been curtputcd ua the high sthoil for flic purposes and sug kckled the regular charge of a ytarly fee apply in this case tin following accounts were ap- piuvid for pnymonl waterworks accounts thompson motors acion 1190 shorlill shttt metal i3h6 second offence fines imposed would not exceed 1300 it was utso painted mil thul meh day hie of fender failed to torn ily it constitut ed a second offence nl 300 per day councillor j margrave e 11411 1 rod if he city of tonmlo hud nn odor by law and was jnfoimed by the reeve they did not mr hargrove replied ii seems ridiculous that motrapul itiin tuionlo him not pas sed one nnd we wllh 11 pnpulntlim of only 4 000 are considering it deputy reevt j guer advised the councillor you know why they wan i you lo bt the gout this bos nevtr bttn conttstetl nnd ihcy wont you to go ui the txpenst the retvt insirueled council bis committee agiced hut the bylaw should be drafted ok they dfdnt ihlnk they council could go far wroiyg minis ta to review sewerage acrounta davis automatic controls sytnun hoidwhtt can industries ltd r v anderson assoc hydra aecounta petty ossh gordon hardware pitney bowes of can h palmer h g barlow co maedonald electric johnstone ehc meter ser thompson motora acion puwcrlite devices ltd win knoll and co singamo co j r kearney co receiver general can line materials 2 7fl 6 01 170 1mh2 140 70 31441 1467 b0 t0ja 29 00 siw 20 04 24 49 20 70 ml m 28 07 1s4 18 0320 13 60 s3 70 council could only give two readings to the by law and then it would be sont tn the minister fur his perusal for 30 dwyt before the third reading luld ik givtn councillor hargravt inrnrmid ills colleagues he would like to see an other community with a by law in effect before acton went lo the expense of hiring u lawyer he ex plained that mlinlcti wllh a popula tion of nearly 131 000 people was bothered with objectionable odors and in spite of this toronto had not inued on pane two wins car what started out lo be just an- olhir ticket purchase endid up in the form of a new line viuxhall car for doug mceachcrn of acton this week holder of the lucky tkkcl drawn al the elm irn fair under the sus- plces of the sl jacobs lions club mr mcbnchcm wu surprised mon day night to icam his name had been drawn sound asleep in his ijedi when the phone rang the luckyacton win ner could imt believe his oars at first when notified around mid rilght he was the lucky ticket bou der thinking at first some practical joker was at work be was ready to hang up the phone when he was convinced the caller was authent ic aire idy the owner of a larger modi i car mr meeachern has not decided what to do with the second vehicle but claims he will no be tuck for transportation with two ars on hand act 1 03073 1 business man from new zealand visits disston plant m acton irving hayes a quiet well spok i saw products mr hayes psld a en middle aged business man hall jvwrt to the acton plant on wcdncs- tng from new zealand although on day and spent considerable time a rigid business schedule to this discussing business continent has during the past few although pressed for time he weeks enjoyed the beauty and hos ukn m pifality of the canadian country munlly mnd commented on the and made many friends during his talllly lpou tn ihc arc41 brief but important stay in acton 0 u ti president of e haye and sons j businessman s irnpmions of limited hardware merchants in in c w no dwjbl jwc ujng o vacsrgo he and hi wife dcparlcd hlji mctnor ami roc h tp by plan from the new zealand vancouver where he and shorn august 10 for a business hu wlfe unded from hooc he business trrp to the north american con irn ent a targe dealer for the disston the k dona eo tor cnnwtit and l hr pentl 1 tumnt m tht loei acromion ed fr- arji goll amuit card ro th runic up ts tht j lhr r rttw br w b m-cken- and sr trcaaby in hr l v iru ill serund lom goas imr unt t lp ehber 5 irm rev butler and hasty t- m hokne v jack mr cnlteo ill also be coanpeunc geaci t the cwm vstfrj uusxhy for no last miiulr entric ill bt fino low froa aid the j bert accepted according year trosn the executive u tr gvge jxxnrrxile one sb canadian wfnis i legat- u the august conference in edxsburxh haj rtumed home and next week a femture tnt on he- trip and expeneice jl ap pear in tht free pre possiblt j reports secompaniet by pictures ol ibe mnoarartawalkzbennnkmdrvripttrvi makng profectt from colored wooden blocks shown left to right an interesting end eacmng time for nearly 56 new puptt as they ere- kethy prescort johnny pakat jay bouskill howard cout- met rhen- wacser and became acquainted with lhe surrounding trop m berry mae foibury sswcher bodney gibbons and psctured above some of the new children try their hand at jan lamb marvelled at the beauty of banff and lake louise comparing wage scales and prices in canada with his homeland mr hayes stated that wages are higher here and most commodities lower the price of a sundard automobile selling in canada for around sljooo retails in new zraland fir almost tjooo the business man claimed a day at th tomtit rxhkbruon proved a tiring one for the hayes and reports of the low attendance this year could hardly be realised sa they made their wty through the grounds with the temperature hovering in the bo 1 on wednesday one would expect tht visttnr to be ac customed to it instead mr hayes was showing signs nt wesrtneas caused by the intense beat asked why he frit tht heat when he came from a eouniry noted for a warm rlsmatr be remarked where i mow from if the u-mpens- lure reaches so rt makes headlmea in the area nf his bomrlend which boasts of a population tsf some eojodo people dairy fanning highest tnehsstnea wjh sw mills and wood uketaathra csttowsag tat une in spite of the category slsess skart are nmscti ta denusnd asxt 1 his home town ako their are bsat dtsrusc the rjstt to horta aansr- fca hm bssesbssss ha hew t island h beg carmd an by baa son iter-