tr5s773ti7rv3v7 gmwfolpafe a beautiful setting fair view cemetery sunday wai a beauti ful selling for me fifth annual decoration day service the parade service at the cenotaph nd cemetery were fitting events leading to ihe piecing of beautiful geraniums on the graves honoring the fallen of the wart and hie veterans who had since died we panicolerlyhketoe the idea of mvit ing others to decorate the graves of iheir relatives many of whom wrens life long residents of the town or who celled the town their tiome it teems particularly fitting that the beautiful setting that is fetrview should be further enhanced by the annual remern brance thai is decoration day the event has grown rom earb be ginnings when ftowets were placed on graves we believe by the i o d e and this was expanded to include the many other local organizations that now participate in nukmg the day important and meaningful perhaps some day it will be an annual event that would attract still more people lo return to ihe town to decorate graves and renew acquaintances it is fortunate too that there is such an event lo remind us of the pioneer cemetery and st joseph s cemetery we don i know ust how possible it might be but it would be nice if some part of the main service could be conducted at the pioneer cemetery some year although we realize the parade route is already a tiring cne decoration day 1959 wawianitiod and impressive and in those qualities we udge hs success need reassuring white rehtbihtation could never be oara pletely successful it appears the town fe coming out from under the cancellation of the arrow program et melton without too s itst to read some of the reports of tests en the bomarc that was to be the arrow s replace menl m our detente while defense minister pearkes h de claring i am convinced the bomarc the best defense for the north american con tment officials in the united states are appnrently not so soundly convinced we haven t the tbjnicfll knowledge to assess the relative rnents of the bomarc but with contraction scheduled to begin on the bomarc base at north bay this summer for completion in 1961 we like thousands of other canadians wowtd certainly be more comfortable if some assurance could be given on the wisdom of canada s switch to bomera if bases for the missile are to take three years to build and research ts to continue hestl be outdated by the time they are in readi rtest this of course was part of the pro fatem with the arrow the original specifica lions were met and exceeded but not soon enough to keep up with the rapid changes m a rapidly changing age maybe we could take a year off in our defense program and see if the bomarc stands up thai long wed have to isolate ourselves though and forget the problem of berlin to do that though some reassurance on the wisdom of the bomarc choice would be welcome and per haps some consolation to those avro workers who still haven t found obs the rat race what a rat race more and more this day and age can surely be linked to ihe continual treadmill race the diftenmce might be that unlike the rats on a tread mill we re more conscious of the fact we aren t getting any place and that worries us no end hence the gigantic prescriptions of tran quihzers in 1956 over 35 million outside of mental institutions prescriptions were written for tranquiuaeu in the united states alone three billion tablets were sold of a single type in 1957 one third of all prescriptions written by american doctors governed the use of these new drugs since that time a dozen new preparations have appeared on the market writing in health magazine dr jean l lapoirtfe psychiatrist in the montreal children s hospital says the drugs can careers ahead students are etor near thetr final test ing before the conclusion of the school year many are completing their final year of school end will be seeking their place m an increasingly complex world choosing the proper place and build ing a sound career s one of the most im port an l dec sons of a walter particularly for the boys who are expected to con tmue working for the ncml four decades some young people have definite aims and ambitions they art the fortunate ones others drift into the first fob they can find preferably one that offers the most pay immediately even though there may be no opportunities for advancement it hat never been easy for a young per ton to choose a cavewr and in these times it is more dihstut than ever with fhe wide variety of opportunities open m an expand ing technological age the acton free press paabaaed fey la dow print- and pamhhaac united founded in 1873 and published every triiinday at v mil st e aeban ontario ii amber at the audit bureau ot ciretilattom tw cwna and the ontario quebec dm aion of the cwna advertinf rates on request sub acnpuons pavable in advance 1 00 in canada 4 00 m the uaitad states iik month 1 ts sinde cop s tc author rd as second cuas mad putt office depirlnnt ottawa tfcr nftprr rrvr patdlafced a ac ton g a dilli editnrin chief david r dju manifing editor businfss and editobial offlce phone 600 acton double exposure mkfmrvrnhsy7rra r suvi uut sfucc help a patient with excessive anxiety and hostility to regain control and reorganize his mental composure by blocking the over flow of tensionbut it will neither remove the anxiety permanently nor resolve the conflicts fostering hostility in other words of course tranquilizers aren t the whole answer the answer really lies within ourselves in many cases we re on the treadmill in business or pleasure we begin crowding grasping for more and more while pres sures may mount from other quarters we cant tranquihze ourselves out of ihe difficulties or out of the rat race of modern living the best course seems to be to pause once in awhile and evaluate the worth of some of our activities there should be some time for relaxation and maybe some good old fashioned meditation isn t it odd how impnrlint iht fnrmi r becomes ivery thru or four yinrv most of tht limp v tiyim n ronlini lo lit him u njjit ihi id mil inlti r ins hi mum iiit on hit slimy hi soin uf m llu r num in mi mil turns i 1 1 of pi ph if tiny jivi kit f irmn 1 ihntifim it ill think of him is i sort of orni ry customer always ruiirhinj bout thi wruthtr nl ways wuhlirtk subsidies fin his product always talking h ird units hul in rinlily siiuint money uwny by tin bagful bui li t somebody cull un oiccl ion und itudriinly ihi furmir com- s mto his own h is generally jijrifd thnt hi is t noble uon uf the nl th sail of tin earth the bark b mi of thi tminliy and tht hope of tin rnliui li i mnrninn knowledge nl il ilon hint ihiil tlw firimr ins hid li mi ynrs ihnt his incoint ins him mi iirt th n hi ins bun slianufulh nutlecti d v i lyiiody n s in pioniisuif him li tiir shan of llu uihons in nn i sitiii did i hi hi r li mi rii ittr ritiinit n md inythink ilse hi it dmnt cost ltts fit i in the bottom of this k iht ftirmtr rtally on of nat ur s nublimen as the politicians usm rt it itection timi or is hi tin dour spnadt r of gloom ihi t liiumc milconunt as pictun d luck romtssum a dumli fiirmt r is just is likily to maki i miss uf unnks is ji dumb businisi mm an jiiu ilii nt firrmt is jllst us i mtlt is in int hint nl ixhuiiv iid i inhly j lot in i vi i s 1 li p pic in ill mixed up ihout fumirs ihi li s it mil in y f i in i inn lo hunk of tin firm i is j mill of fi v words this is n hul lot null n i xlnv s f ninir m iy bi att hi but li is fii f i urn silmt gil i jh iii of fnrmiin oin ind yi ii in sc u n iy k t llu m si ippi d lilkinit 1 vi im i f inn rs who v on 11 i ilk in mlii a siili of mild nhoik if yi u iwi thi in in inriink an ithn illusii n ib ul thi f ii mi i is ihil h is cmlioiis thi f icl is ihit tin f irmti is tin on- ly bij tun iinihlu l fl m in ironomi system and his on only junllii w li klips i mini buk t tin i i1 win n hi knous- tin dm in i did think nnf sh v mi l n i ssi ml nimbler wh wo ill t ik th rids thi fin i nh ii hi phnts h iilii t oi ml s li i ii hi i i i ii dun llu i i llu sdlv iriii s rim n ii i h it llu f irmtr is vl ha t i rli nil i s ni v ideis on thi ml us b t niluril tu in f mull i i d f ed ill ik in tw lectin it is not wise to think only of ihe pay this is not the sole standard o success naturally it is mportanl but it should not head the list above all comes happ ness and satisfaction these cannoi be bought if a person does work he hates it does noi matter how much he is pjid he w ii m ii be miserable even in these days when machines ac compltsh so much ihere can st ii be a feeling of a ob well done and the sense of achieve menl that comes from having rendered good service it is true these feelings have been deteriorated by corrosive forces that c culate work and success by the s e of ply cheques but ntstory has proved that nner satisfaction s one of life s tiue vn ues wise advice and constrlerible thought are needed in choosing a c neei and liter that perhaps a lot of deter m nil on to rr ike t a successful chece mi 1 if hi lu i 1 u ii lb it n t ik and 1 k ir of ill uh t pi nth us i k i it n t t t v h i h i til v in i ih i lu w k h d l i ll i this sundays church calendar the gooi5 old days idl909 back in 1939 united church of canada arton ontario tt gordon adams ma b p si ma jvnf t4th lt1 acton pentecostal tabernacle kx9tmm vllliabm tm elwaya by bill smiley nut the city fillnw works hnrd too wruthir hi s i pipi filler a liwyir i niwspapermtn or ti kii hi siilcsmm the diffirmci is th it ill iiil cily fillow gets out of 11 thi work is i bald head ulcers j wis and t buuy billy whili ihe f it mu winds up wilh muscln i lu i ty ippilili j ruddy enmp ilium md i piunch as sound and solid is i n its drum nnp lilt farmer may nol be ipiiu as urtifu us ihi polilicinns nil him hi is ivtry fw yiars but nuuicr is he to be pdied tiitwtm ileclions as a down trntldm miaanlhrone hi s a liritiy ioukii characti r and a pntty shn wd oni mil hi h is to in the fnrmer can tke a bruii nvnsi with stoic cmirijif hi can wialhir thi bad yeirs and spn ad himstlf a bit in thi c md on s hi his t k dul m 11 sunnty thin thi city wirku lit is his own todnfc la aja anfl hit pat run lanv atwaya ppredmw hit cfforti he thm u i4dd a new two rwlafl oarvlafe with mitonilon tnp a very one rig of th ltet irtyte tt wlfi te enueh in dam and cuiavalber jad mm j denny and wat aalte brown left mond- for o 4rtai vaneouwir pna oumr brltii cefemma fotnta they will alio mt be mg fair at seattle wainhajaan wmt aaend atmie time in tht ftatfkr wsuntalnt and at winnipeg lnrrihartf slatar of th acton houh ipmn mean mr purctimad vrtry tine roatfttor fouryearold minnie sime one of the famnur tcxac atautar catta mr kggar ea- pecu to win many prlaea t mmr of the lair with nid dainty piece of hiirae fleah actm baaeball team won the first came of he league from guilph laat saturday by the sonre of 10 to v acton led from the rtart of the game and ouetph never had an opportunity of catching up it was a pour display of baseball for the upcrrtntrrw to rt thiimtfh flt was n vi ry naliy lookini company thai mnrchud pant hi frie preit off lot im the way u thi grand trunk r nlwiiy stiitum on tuesday morning 1 it to en tram for the camp nt niagara thi prtriod of training ihey will r c ivi will be ihllnsrvc arton bnwhnk griins on b iwor ave nut an in fim shipo and thi i are njtyirtk uh njhirt vi ry much two kamis with erin wen hi id on monday wilh acton imerkinu as victor with i majority of ml mombers play on thi miinu ivny afternoon and evening hit wiattur permits an i xcilinii mnlih wjs pi lyeit on siiturdiy belwi en the town club and stortys with a scon of a 3 hisebjll is popul ir thise djys a stionif ommitln of 1 ariinu cilirins wiiiid upon inuncil lo nolicit aitnm for thi suppnssion of thi ill too kttntrul profimty ind boiil rous mndnct on thi utrctts and i hi allimil gimblinc ind nth ir objittionaule doings jn thi park th count il recivid the di putiitiun kindly ind win mini fistly tlivitons of acquiescing in hi nttiiisl t ippoinl spccjl r in sliblis if nirissiry to iridint exmling ivils aeton rre ooamlft a i er a aw fire trwok and paanpii ilwg a pcclal maettng of oouwell am man- day evening fire chief k mc- donetd was preemt and mfomied the counetl it wh aaairame to hive ttile equipment bi vtew of w fact that preatureon aervtoe mains and the fire noaea waa liatne to catiie fa the at f a aw pumper wm mttmatad at icjrv to tsjmo mtw wflma afcmhlan who ins taught achool m aotan for fa gkist tan yeara wm honored diixtnt n mikollaneaur howor at ihe fcairie of minx if wahaec prior to bar 4c porting for nor msw home tn vor- councillor kmom mmum raooiv- ed qwttr a sarpitiar the aahi r morning when he followed iracks dttum his lawn and found that a turtle measuring over a loot and i half mi length wandered from the pond at the back of his property and was revting on the lawn ovi r 40 turtle cgkr were found on the gruunds thnt morning too actons hopes for winning it tie hullon cotinty bosobnh 1jokiip look n il brilit rihl ibont now with litre wins tucked away in irgilown didn i off i r mpili i i i it fiiind thit puehetl the eniir ind ml i 1100 am iiinur ch c hurch s htnl ii i urn mruncu baptist church acton pisior rr g rdin m holme ba bti hi bowr afnne wnrm jt nf 14th 10 i 0 4 am church ich 1 ii 00 am is our hurch lent 7 00 nm song semet t m mendjble intoxmt n wtttnndav b pm tfae m d week sr cr for bibl sin w 1 nr and prayer all are vt rlcime si m 1 n ml a i ii m- 14 the church of st alban the martyr scih w i tn str 1e1 j ffr st i presbyterian church in canada knox church acton r andrrw h mckiiuie ba bd sunday jutce 14th iw9 s am church vn l 1 1 00 a m morning worship childrvn three vears and un der cared tor during sersice at maium flrii jtf 14th 19 the third stnda after trinm 130 sm h u fiichnrnt al c rp rite c mm in n b ac brakfim if r a n pan h hrfll 0 4s am church school 1100 im beginners class 1100 a m mattim ind serrnvi the r p a imrr i th saturday june jo imrrh srri 1 pirnic cnr ii li tw lb wrih hjii al 1030 j in all are v elcunif uccdlctil p rfocmincl fljh fnotitl lift ihi acton hit lirs ktling thin hits and dnving in thru runs unbss riirgilown cm iik up a fi w pitihrs somn- plrtci we are ifnid thi cause is list acton c llirtid i t hil- in nil during tht kami i ml saturday act m mm wint down to def t in n ilosi con u st whin they jnur myrd to oikvilh list muht mil miff ml i 1 1 ls dn hydir of thi local southpaw stiff wi nt thi rniip md pitrhut k ml n utch lull tu win but a fiw errors and lack f tiitling on th p if his lumi ihi oikvillt ti mi ihi hr iks hi y i did hird prosert by guirds foil w in his iscipi from ihi ontirio rifirmitiiy ut gutlph i vi ir ill j pjtlin di ubli d back on bii tricks that niitht ttui was cipturod hoi iftir iftjn pitloi n id his sintinci would st ptemher h professional directory and travellers guide mfd1cal and unlike ihe city workir vhm hi rns slugged il out f r frh yeirs hi dmnttfii lo j ind live with un owly djughti r in ww or mnvi into ihi dd pcoplt s home the formir sills thi farm buys a little hnusi in inwn and starts kickinii ib nil the taxes who wouldnt bi t h ippy hcillhy former if hi hid royal tour spoons protect for w i miss minnie somirville ind mr pi irl kennedy brock ave wire hoslissis to dublin womins in 1 ink in thursdi may 21 mrs h iract blylh the new president presided for the opening exirclsis mrs c armstrong the sicretarj i tl tht mmults and correspond inn ind called the roll when ujs anwrrid by a h maehold hint miny useful hints were cleaned fi in llu mi mbi rs txix rutin spoon for viam h was decided to eel a supply f limn n commrmt nlion f the im 1 t uph vis 1 lo canadi th s vt ir mrg m niuis mn h blyth mr c armstr n mr a near ul mr c mrln re rr nami i 1 i i dt ifk ites t jtund tht dis t ann i il it th tn t rt church i m iv 2fi a d mtion of 10 lit be kivrn i i it d r rat n diy i elt bnt n n r m in junt stvrral lalirs if it nth pltrt flac n th i 1 iv in i mrs c armtr ns nd mr l br i n ii im t m ik i htl mrs alrx nrtr ease a very in i itinc ri r f the tb dinner nhih shi ind nm of ihe otht r 1 1 i trndtd rte nili mr g r s mertlle gar a r ntrn ti nii r idinfi i ctnt 1 t tmrher tluunk 4 h glrh ittcr f ihtnk mill be ent h 4 h e rt ft ther fine lus til it whin thtv entertained ue m her an5 memben of the in tni recently ai the home of m s h rltth mr b rennick nd mn d mcphern di5cued plans for the annual bus trip a dajn y lunch waa aerved by mr p k nnettx mrs n flliott mrs j a van fleet and mn j i dnn in i a aoc ji time ai pent dr w g c kenney physic in and surgeon offic in symon block 43a mill st e arton office phone 7k residenci us church st f phone 1w dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river sl acton ont phone 238 dr robert d bucknbr physician and surgeon 31 wellington st aclon ont phone 679 office hours fi 8 p m afu rntxms by appo nlment bfal fstatc and insuramc funfral p jhnocmakcr chiropractor a d moore dc palmer specific chiropractor 111 mill street phoni 40 or fifl office hours wid 2 7 sal 2 1 f l wright 21 wilbur st acton ontar o phone tw appraiser real extite and insurance pr h ib1b frederick streets dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street office hour t am in pi tlised wednesday aftermxi telephone 14j c f leatheptand qc barrister solicitor n tary public office mourr- 1 1 00 ant 12 01 an 100 pm 0 pn a braida 6 a barrister solicitor notary pubic 13 ma n st s aeton ont pbone 17b office hours prr ta 42342 office haurs f in sat irdats bam hastings payne baninters ant solicitor notaries public 1a mo l acton offiee hours mon m rtfj0h am- in 430 pm sat 10 00 13 00 am phone ml optical and hfar1no aids e l buchner ro optumtriit and hearing aid consultant i acoustui n 41 mill st e phoni 111 offiee hours wednesdayi onlv i 104 00 pm even inn by appointmtnt hiiuae calls by aupomlmtnt robert r hamilton oplomrtriht fyn examimd htarmu aid strvice 131 cuvu st ciwncanwn ont fur appomfenent a4ruie phone tr 731 acpiting ac ovvtino lv i hoskin chartered accountants 51 main si n j12 kng st w finmpton tftonto i i n l i 4s24 fm 4 9131 earl g black b comm r 1 a c a chaktfkri mlolntaft frmera bld 163 mam st m n tr b6542 traviujrt guide gray coach lines loachctl taavt aiton daylight t me 111 a idaalr aanapt san at hi it am tljs am xm n ns pjn j3 p jn ih m 100a pin sim and hoi 1027 acn m- pm 11 32 137 pm i tl i ttsr ptu z9t pan ib pm pjn 12 a ri fri iml itn canadian national railways standard tim darty 50 am sundaya 1cm a m 7 14 pm sun- iar only mh pj idailr except sunday fljwr m oortetown 9 03 jo jlit pjn daily flyer at ct gtfci a l pm waatbound dafly 1144 pm daily ntmpt 6s3 pm 7 40 j oatiaafiy only 122 pm sun- say aolr so tm flatop sun- das- onl fler at- gurtph 7bs pm daily exevp sat and sun 331