Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1959, p. 1

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eighlyffiurth yearno 48 jwtim jffm tt acton ontario thursday aaay 28lh 1959 twelve pages seven cents stat fnoto acton england was represented in acton ontario this week when p a barrus manag ing djrector of the e p barrus limited of acton england distributor for the disston division of the h k porter limited paid his first visit to canada me 3perttmonday at the acton plant on hr m rwmn fa pi ct red on thw left as g a harrpp canadian export sales mana ger centre and c leonard general manager of the disston plant in acton explain the display of products on the peg board jiowii xkmmluxj wljs wujblxwfika firm assumes no responsibility pug severs further connections dlmtlalactlon with a report from the stanton pipe company wirdins tulty pipe used during the churchill road waterworks installation prompted the acton public utilities commission dur ing their regular meeting thurs day hay 21 to instruct the secret ary to notify the companv not to have a representative call on the commission in future thut action followed a letter from the company which inform ed the puc the company as sumed no responsibility for faulty pipes found when the town was installing the churchill road water system from the new well on the former davidson property r r otta ettftsftrve secretary j megcacruo informed the commission that installation of sewer and water services to r n browns property had cost mort nan the amount mr brown was charged tor the instillation mr mcgeachie pointed out thi property owner had been charged the normal tee of s10s the cost ot machinery for tho project amount ed to lioa the labor costs 35 and materials used had not been ac counted for he suggested the en tire project might cost in the neighborhood of s173 a discussion followed at which time the commission reviewed the length of time the machiniry wn in operation and when it was standing idle sewer supermltnd cnt a duby informed thi comnu sion that during the linn this wo was being clone it was rami rip iff and on the commission decided 1 1 in vesttgate the sttuatnn further for future installations to attend count the commission instructed hvdn superintendent d m imin to at end an electrical heating c ure in kit chener on june 11 but decided n l to send representation to tho an rual meeting of the ameau in branlford on may 29 mater superintendent j lambert afuimcd nnmbcra tbc high tnm tdity during the week had iffcetcd the milr it the pump houses he asked dirocin n regard nc running thi nmtirs l keep funi om be inc dimiged the cmn si i in meted thi superintend l keep the fin going n caih the pump ng station d irini th in r i i it humidity in ordir to keep i m h r dry mr lambert al iiu red rf jrit ng hrmc tn cunlea sub d is n that had t be altered be ton the paving as completed and j fc jf a w fc i ssa1cm first concert i faces problems informed the commission about a leak in the watermains on main street near thompson motors the superintendent was in stituted to have nil serv ices brought up to date as soon as pos sible superintendent a duby roviiw- cd the history of a plugged luteial in lake view subdivision and in quired if the commission wished his department to dig the lateral up in order to determine whether the trouble hnd been on the town property or the property of the owner of the house affected the commission agreed it would be difficult to determine the cause of jhe troubhiat ihlajirac as ev erything wai working properly and instructed the superintendent to leave the situation at present hydro superintendent d ma inn informed the commissioners his department wis still in the proem of rebuilding hydro lines in t iwn the commission enquired re garding sirvices ti the park bonh but were informed by mr limbi rl hi hnd completed the services thai afternoon the following ihcollllu v were up proved fir puymtnt water accounts bill tele plum co 9 40 acton pu 9002 canndiiin tin to 2h9 102 31 sewer accounts bill tel phone co 11 20 acton puc 1594 canadian tire o 129 norm turner 10100 canadiiin indus rus ltd tats ourbanan cnoslructu a 21000 566 43 hydro account bell telephone co 64 10 acton puc 4u petty cafh 11 h palmer clcmiint 25 00 ellis and 11 iward ltd 24 88 proust motros 10 45 wipers mri w i ti piorl is 10 addrihsi gnph mull i 19 h g birliw c i 6 18 t r k limy ci 112 22 112 association members tour beardmore plant here i btnrdmore and company played i host tn 112 r prestntalives from the shu superintendents mid f tremens assocntinn ind mlied trades on jjuurdiy ma 21 the guests wen conducted on i per onl inir through tut the plmt in act n in th- rder f u itlur iiro cess ng and were onttrlimed it a luncheon in the iftcrno n tinners since 1844 btaidimns first plajed h t li this same orfc amotion in 1939 and repeated thi ccusion igain in 147 w j beatty nee president ind gem ril manager of the anon plant welcuntd the guests during the lunehi purpose of the it was to pmmotc a better undt standing f thi pro ces ng r parker members from the tor ml office were ilso priscul to is- u t with ieliit is during the dai halt school dissolution ask restudy the bylaw dissolving the north hal ton high school district board and separating it into sop arnte boards in milton george town and acton was thrown out thursday evening when members of halton county council attempt ed to give it the tint two readings members objected first when the by low slated letters condoning the split had been received ftorrr the three town councils and from nassagawcya and esqueslng town ship councils they noted milton and acton had not formally ap proved the split charge unfair then the township represented ivis charged the bylaw was un fair when it decreed the present 20 year debentures on the new schools would be paid on an equal ized 1990 assessment figure for the remaining 20 years reeve oco currle or esqueslng suggested georgetown s assessment might grow by leaps and bounds where the townships assessment was hot expected hi grow very fast deputy reeve archie service of natsa weya said he would be pleased- to pny for the debentures on a year- oyyonr b on the 1mb figure councillors agreed to have rep- resinlilivis of the live municipal ities involved meet with depart- mi nt of education officials this week to iron out the details oq de benture payments meanwhile let ters are expected from the two hes itant councils another bylaw was approved providing for partial indemnity to owners of farm animals for losses suffered by rabies in halton after april 1 of lost year valuers ap pointed for the various districts were nnssagaweya arthur nor- rish trafalgar robert brown- rldgc esqueslng n a stark bur lington albert hunter and glen coulson only those animals which had been certified rabid by the department will be eligible for claim a 40 per cent grant is av ailable to the county additional road expenditures tot- con linn ed on page two j t hursrhireshto council gap to be filled by j hargrave acton council tuesday evening engaged j t hurst arthur sum as bookkeeper tor thi town offu nt a salary of 3flmi per year f 1 lowing the rcecinunendiiliin- if thi administration committe t oun clllor p pnpe ehnrged tin lominil tee with having a cut mid drud derision on tho nppoiutini nt mr pope informed may ir w h cook chairman of the administint ion committee that mi m mini night whin in was present u an interested councillor at an nil rum titration commute i meeting dm ing the time the iippheations f i bookkeeper were bjng dealt with in iincillor po had noticed you finished reading them rum thut of ihe ftpphtnti ins lying on clllor pope chirged the mavor thi liililt pen and two sealed he mr pope thn reviewed a mot dn h muling inmencid he ion at a previous council mei ling also nitid thut uirie of the applie setting the starting salary for a ain w u rrom iimalis and two bookkeeper nt 200 to s3 00u and fum maid i noted thnt the application was nc- i d m t h lit vi in mv own mind eept td at the highest rate when in number if v ur r mniitli t the other mnlr applying hnd re givi iinyom fair judgment in lb ir iiiilificiti ms i fit y u w h in with a closed mind it must hi a in ile as far as the iinl find tins wire concerned you lend tin in nit and no one could khsp evt ryllniik unit was said quested 3 200 and the wormn had not stated ntiy salary if it is the feeling of this conn dl that the individual rhnscri has better qualifications than the nth ers i can see no reason why he shouldn t start at 3 200 council following n nview f the pm et dings nt the e unmittii met ling mi ndny by tin ni iyor t mnrill i fopt retnarkt d 1 t mttet bu nt ft rn ile bi lug empl lyt d mi to k it id th i t llr lhl lit mr t nk i hid slit tl at tin monday mt i ling ihi p iiln n did n i nil fir a unmao this pnxil ion is ft r limkki ept r tod i ftmnli t in t imimili it s j i vm ii is i ni ih ind inivhe in lie i n pli d mr pti ll emild uf- llu i kki i per ooiild lis i go mt h i i i hi n ptnilun in tl twos w iking forei suggi still m ly i t nok after furthi r riiruu n itt i vi j it coy i ils i i number if i hi administration qiiesltd lie m ivi i it e ill tilt wfci btair photfl a sheridan embossing press was visited at the beardmore tannery on saturday during the tour taken by members of the shoe superintendents and foremen s asocial ion and allied trades when 112 guests were present pictured above viewing a finished product irj the specialty leather department are f geoffrey j goodwin a goddard e sheen w brooks t elmes e elliott and g bourque as bert dodds operator finishes the operation ut v ist sif ioii qualification should stirt hir i will hn hm iny special i dun i think wc it i p whites ti for the imend- across the ocean j no surprises foreseen at nomination director visits plant here n ir l r came from acton in england election preparations in high gear h nu x nime but not by nature p a bums of acton enghnd m idi of th s eik visited in ac ton at the disston snw planl he is on a business fip in canada and the united states mr barrus minnging director of thi e p barrus company m acton enghnd represented his firm who nre distributors for the disston division of h k porter umited the birrus company m england his been associated nnh the dis ton divisxn uncc 1934 and through their offices and warehouse finish ill 1 i mutual problem shared rmnti ims f fl sh nn unng and tanning industry express plewnre mr bentu assund the that it was a pleasure fi beardm re companv t hn associati m tour the plant fn newt kenney assoc at n enl repondtd tht ct rials tlomc and c net isis app ee at n f r th lil t gien th members other cton plant oficia tn eh t th b rxp public hearing committee refuses easement instructs builder to cease ipproximatclv ts m the like hy v iin rtfumd to ed b distributed i iciv in centage of the products n ured in hit acton on an throughout tht unitid ku mj- barrus rejit tttd n n i opportumtv t ti ur th but due to i rigid biimiiiss nd it mpjss bit t st family holds party on 25th anniversary member of their fimilv surpris d mr and mrs stuart sinclair w how n on their 25th we id mmersar the surprise pirn saturday cvenmu wis atunoed about 20 members of the fjm 1 43 id nds lit d j u id r u p f tm rt if t ihepuk j h lietilon t j salt n 1 n n kin thu und a ci l1 tilo ng mi the i n t nded i pi iv ticv adjhimed tut ck to the ir nj door v r lii ir tund a dr jnd the bu id nc omfllliik i f a shelter for fr n hhir and j hm je cm icn pintl suung thrs u4h uieir re perl re i h a sprinkling i h limr pp ng hi r test the brete caught the music fkeets nd flipied them a r ng dur nc the the iecs reopened 1 li it i hirdmin asked the builder he had been instruct suryeor to stop build c ntn t r b the in he hid continued and mr alitmii and the pcrini replied at council when i rpd i rip wnrk on was prvsent one man said we m wtdncmin evening as well allow it he is going toget l r h i m n fie u ihm who enqturpd mr hardman tl i d t the and tlld bl ne builder tn t itnu it n he cm i rtcill nimes is there were dlnin i lo icr from rtme men there but i would a tl t i r uh kiui member tie ace mr peruii a is tr irisi building inormed the committee the mayor titi d rii n had had said thi is not council mr received advice that i g admce on this and am as afri d hn commit ee will haw to kina d n our reejuest tor an t bv easement the cha rman stated it appears to me to be a straight hr f iward mis akc continued mr tht hardman l i stme ne i resfotsible lor th s pacing the ioople t do this woek i ii and ii is not right replied the i i ic p cmp tiyu ed if the decision t midc b i- inc 1 m uii buklrr t xi in p ed was done n the form of road a v i and mr perji informed gifts and flowers b the couple a special v dtco tht highlight of the which wis scred mi tuesdav tions t div fir provincial ments for an advance poll for the wire exec id to bring purpose of receiving thr votes of i the ffici il nominj voters who cxpect ti bi ibsent ing ft lie stigi fir i i from the elecloral district on thi spi kina ind i lee nttr i diy fixed for poling tn being n ritim yers dwindled completed polls w 11 be located in nimimti n j oakville burlington ind milton on i d luht stanli i- h ill j june and 6 for this purpose the mpp since 1943 will i returning officer pointed mt progressive candidates hive all begun cam paignmg with meeings being play ed down m the short campaign be fore the june 11 election date and door knock ng in full swing in acton the liberal have tstab lishcd campaign headquarters at the corner of mill and willow st the conservative headquarters is it 40 church st about 162 enumerators were out soon after the election i ment listing the c mnty voters eligible v iters rr british subject hie lo cast bill s with 34 210 tx c sing thi ir franc hke at- on v iters v vile int hallols nt irs on the bill t june fi owei mullin burlington intinr tin i bcrals ind jnck luccf iil n muni ions wen to be txpi bi t w 1 1 it n t et ill in ii 2 pm ind 3 n hill thre of an crowd at it itt ce wi h sh wing i n ig offieer n keep ng the n gtar fn m his pr nting of v t r compl tte advance poll flying up ceremony atguides tuesday flv u up thi sc mt hdh it ht c u tli s riuulii imt ting on thi fir t art m ilr nn pick firmed a tnnn i mil the brtwnits flew ihriugh lhi imntl in o guide ind mirg th isi flying up wit dams vinry rignviltl lunce mrkinzit mary hgiblel walk ng up were sherry robarts be a j ind lynn vle id an thev were isroiicd liy pit guide ontario resident for one year and a commissioner mrs g adams and resident of the halton riding on welcomed ntn guide 1 ind by cip- is at i fever h p ch pre may 4 when the election writ wjs tain mrs t watson r tht an ic paled balloting t issued j kae chisholm received her ibdiv suns with 177 polling in the last provincial election golden hand and w ngs from mrs roughovit halt n arrange 43 voters in halton were eltg j adams and 1 i f the sicel i n t w beardm re plant renewed num k hirlmin id ictuintncc and disciltsed c mmi tee riti the modern day meth il f pi li ii m til b cissing leather a compared t mg jit buildi r mtthtels ued in former ea s ica hjd bee l condvet twi eil at the ne lo prrssnt to assit wffi the plied h i casionalh the band eont nued lo mors and dem lnslfalc the opera i- eascttent play nonchalantlv hile bandmas j of the 1na chine ry tor process- the claux expla ned the tcr perrotts music blew away at i leather were 38 membem one point the staff and 11 employee this concert is the first of a ser conducting tours were c ie which attracts lage crowds in l heard p lawson e footrtt thepaxk during the fine weajwr lee w wolfe e mastery sad did w u go ahead on vour own cha rman f h btcd v chairman and when m n led m pi n f nrted n l rt perkins aaxisunt i irifior adi s- assessor asked i ihe budder was i cr t o k n he prepaed to sa who gave turn the ubm t ed lo o un a io- t and was told no m perm ap perini informed the com n council lor t mi tee v1ere was n intentmn of makmg a mistake it was tbc fault i rev ie ed the of the survevor which time mr after being assured by the ehair insjucted the man that the easement would have si aatun was ou of counci s con to be turned down mr perini trol and he vmild have to apply to wms advised to contact his lkwyer lb commit of adjustment for further action rust communion was taken by 19 children at si josephs undwy paul braida joey van hotkalan johnny smftn oafabw church m axlon en sunday may 24 phjrd above following 1 avd dinn bonnott shl jtffry and mark kcrwalt back the chutth serv are front row kneeling bh 0aczk kathy i row harry othlneh otga dukok brv father v j morgan cvrourke and jimrme staven centre row left to right bill j dorothy fwtd and job cyganek semenec torene paul barbara frost beverley howard robert l

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