Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1959, p. 8

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the aclon free press thursday april 30th 1959 u lut weekend u a good one for raking leave h you and the wind could manage to go in the same direction the baseball team has started their practice sessions and the old nrttarsmmd trf play ball wtll be resound in throughout the park orra cordon colquhoun 123 cus- cent st acton wns a consolntwn winner in the rcttnt irish iup lakes whtn he had his tiktl drown undi r mid slik snndmo hei of ih wiik and relations wlnt jo fir bis lint hm widmsriaj svnputhitic s idiuin tins mr hit 2tlh t mjj is on tht lhth iwe know ptrfectly well thit a iilk nounrimk piece of now but i ion t want any body plminink u weikind holiday a week irlc in millnn of 196 orjginully rtlsiead with the mutual em ployment stnicc there 87 arc still without full time jobs and 22 of the 67 arc plunmnr to leave for the united states or the un ittd kingdom kindt rgnrttn enrolment forms ore putil shed in this issue seems thnt insteid of thinking about sum- n cr hollddvv homt of llu childrtn are jnsl wl then came the rains yes the rain was welcomed by farmers with open arms youngsters from the lowest grades at the school went out into the country last week to farms sidewalk super in ten dents are adwsed to keep a sharp ojc out for the demolition of the old school should tx nn opportunity to white a wo a few hours while watching ii n old laridmark disappear n ine noticed thai thi re nren i n m rt stpam locomotives run- ninjt through acton anymore die sil has nit into the railroading field ind uie famil ir sight of smoke b mowing from a stcim locomotive is almost extinct vt hides driven b tom pcr- kin of act in and htnrj sweencj of k lihtmr received a total of 800 damage in a headon collision on highway 7 at mccullough corntrs tuesday mr sweenty received minor injuries while sauntering along one day a gentleman was accosted by a panhandler who blandly asked i the gent for 800 so he could go t the movies good heavens man cried the genii cm an why do you need 600 to go to the movies well drawled the panhandle there s a picture at the drive in dorson frizzeu class a lineman has been added to the staff cf the acton hydro department bnnginq the department up to full strength following the resignation of a showers recenlly mr fnzzell who hails from beemsville is a married man with two girls and one boy and has 10 years experience with llie ontario hydro the department now consists of d mason superintendent e evans journeyman d anderson class c lineman and mr fnzzell 76884 motor accidents in ontario during 1958 btoh phot- scottish sisters from gait danced the double swords during the acton scottish dance clubs ceilidh in the parish hall on saturday april 25 shown above kathleen and margaret thcmpson strike a pretty pose as they danced to the pipes played by phil caddick leader of the acton junior pipe band a large crowd was in attendance to enjoy the evenings program and join in the dancing which followed lbaaaifctfe wisx scottish dances songs at clubs final ceilidh family night ounccd cay ice ceilidh pron the last meeting dance club was fun for the child ren and the young people it wis voted k eat fun too by the guests from scotland fngland irclinrf germany and australia wh con tributed a cosmopolitan nmos pherc to he glittering in tht lux inn memorial hall saturdiy thtic were also visitors from miltn gait clarkson brampton kcnon toronto and guelph for the first hour there wjs me lively entertainment prnvid cd chiefly by loci taunt whut arc the joys sunt by dimn i rtn- nick ring ring the bluobills of scotland sung by joyce rtnnick a chorus of local ch idrcn tly of scottish fimilits a go don for me sung by chnslo phcr dennv and chorus youthful lassits audit ni cumelh of mill in ptnnj 1jtt f claikson jtanntlte silm nd uid chtrl mclllravey of tor nt danced shtan trews ik tht stralhspti and rttl of f ur ki and margin i thomson of gall did the double sword dantt and ilso sang a duet parents children dance s merry vibrant n idition il scottish music pmmptcrt rmm parents with their children t il up ind ji in th whiilmj d iritis dashing white sirjmnt in ir grcssivt ihips of six ship tlit willow thls mi mil on g i be a sport there s a big difference be tween juit plain fishing and sportsmanlike fishing one way to assure that your fishing is fun as throughout the opening trout weekend contest is co operat ing with the persons who own the land where you intend to fish the majority of farm owners will be only too glad to give per mission for anglers to trespass on their property they only worry about those who don t ask per mission trample down fences smoke carelessly and leave gar bage and utter strewn about you can help will you btrs lawrtncc duby ptrfoimint the highland fling who must hwi so fir in such a short time club president bill wilson tx tended greetings to all victors ind actm rmmbtrs fitd wiilhl presidtnt if both guelph ind ac tin pipe hinds ilso spike butfh many help accompanists were mrs o mur in and mrs d digglc of guelph young jim iilt aceompinitd tht hifjhhnd dincc roup on his pip tv mr curnt gutlph was in chirrt of hinds for tht dineis miny pi iplt helped in the pi duiti n of thi i urd o c ckiitn mrs dout hin nil ind mrs hi thnnfin r 11 i acli n who mid ihi midl of tht kuk on tht gitin ind poti r of clan sh dl in olhn pi ops wne loan cd t mrs nienecnv mis hill mis li ilhirljnd mis i m r mrs w lfi mrs ltir dunham hel in tht chorus f act n rhildun wnt genldini jickit ind d inny cildtr sui nd dounl dit k j tin and ttirv dnwding hiathn anne dumarch christine foytrs anne gird n jill ind mirk hurst ruthnnnt i tilhcrltind j ihnnit ind hnthti mcgtnchu divid and anno mcmillan donna rert- mck anjih ind evcljn r iss and film wis auld i ixr sym bt nicht tht i t ii ii ill of in tnjoj lilt pro sclu nd iltrti the umd of ciilkpiii fa fulh ithiul d in tjit i clut yu ann h id i pit gr ii mtgt i tlx bui km i 1 rtips g rdn o ci m ibk trshi rch in onl ir o durink iffiw thre v tti iiht nioiot tint it let idi uts m i xking dintli injun or pmptru tht dtmigi in ixuw of 10010 rtp1 i t id l the dtpirlnitiu of irmpoi iii thtsv accidmls rtsulled in 1112 in u ilht lion fjuii injurv u 3imh f i i- ns md in est ni hi d rnoiur 7 dirndl loss of vu as mm ixht t itobbi r ssislnr wit e mtm 11 in chn- ic fuji is hithtiann id ttrry dwdint applaud pipe band acton junior pipi bind win txetlunl form ind won jp phusi f r thin ijiiiited pirftirm i blh sicti ins of iht pro li idcr ph i t iddick alsi plnid i s it scothnd tht brivt addition i smilid it com p in imt n s i th g ill d met rs and th eijhlsomt rttl tsptti illy wilci mi autumn wtll ft r thi fuluri wis a l ic of more than dwct lu lf u plp mtm catholic center costs 160000 oakvillf r i vincent pri s rr pisioi t r st ridnw s parish mnoiinttt itndirs for iht proposed jl ra ir kjcii t i lithe ctnter have md t l 1 i thi 10 koi spl t in i and stjjc two 1 unges rflfcase brakf a rrueiumt but necessary piece if knowledre for every dnvtr is thi i skidding tut will ring ind mutihle n oody fir worse thin a rollink wheel if it is impossible to iv ud running ovi r a dts or a fill- en humin being btakc until the moment btforc impact thtn re- leisi tht whttls but i million times better urges the ontario safety league is to keep your car under perfect control it all tlmw so thit the situation cannot occur georgetown taxes up 13 mills debentures ischools boost rate geonofiowv 1 t 1 humi wiius lit i xhi l ill ii tix this yjnr i in nnii k l ill r ii 11 mill i ill to h u n nil n tiii uti indmtru 1 in 1 t 11 111 1 1 1 it pro tilts nr lid 11 i iwii iv i 1 ih r f n ivtrtij 1 w n h i will piv np prtiximiuiv vi n 11 iii tllxf k mil ist i f it bulkfl mllllv r iii hill y point l 1 llllc 1 t lm st lldols rid r ids f 111 fictins whith hv ii t d hi ll shi lots a 11110 mm 1 1 1 ii d forward fl lltl 1 it vi i i fr i i inn 1 ii j s bv s 1 bin d lh 1 uk s ii il 1 1 s 1 uud tr brmt jlldi win put n thi ni ii aniup k ix ii lit i s 1 1 mist i mill 11 d 1 us in htifl i in lil in 1 s 1 s i 7ii hi in i j 1 ll l ii si in t ludi i iritludi 1 jflftlo gi ut ih trmti iv board o 2i mm inoi isi in loid exptnsth m ill o tins d to lx tnordin iry wmur ton ml ex l trims find nn 81000 boost in pub ih ind h gh sthool expenditures a zhh politt tiuiser a 7 000 jump irt atttnlriislrntivi salaries and 3 000 ttiunly rait increase ore other bud git jutnpirs and practically every munklpn txptnditurc reflctts un rurtfifil in some degree pay no more priding his budgtt sptech mr mioilviij nlnud nut that while gtorgi lown s lax rait i4 high it is itlll on par with neighboring towns nd thai lotal taxpayers will pay 1 1 riinrt nnd ptrhapi somewhat liss 111 in tjthir nrta rwfdents prior to striking the tax rate iirdit r h a levtr rtviewed the lilill fin incial slaltment with coun- il dibinlurt debl of i2j52oo0 rr pi i si nls 21 s pt r c of assess- tiunt or irri ptr capita he said mil thi town ls in a fur position ii info rt spiel ht said robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists ftrmcilv e p heid phone guelph ta 42071 58 st georges square ll mil if ii 1 t ii it- 1 t f i v vnft ii ilu h id ik s will b mil i l iptd b tnjiutsd ptr month r rittfoi mi or thitl a ii in 19h is lowtr m ir f r which in i uliiblt acton chunbtr of 5 sturdi m u 9 j sif w dn wtu nn ti thttktd b iki d th f c i ccl mbtrs treat your home to m00re freshness iu ir i n 1tvs tiplin tu cu 0 wmollltin alutiti d with v ni i tngiuh liwn of 11 lj fdmontun birthplu i john pru hit nil i p i n fi i dm a ihrk it thi hudsun s bn 1 mm d n not uliitl m st buill tii tht cm s hi btfurt duils 1 lji ii i ti 1 x 1 i t 111 ihlxl this wears special peameal back bacon 63 lard 2 ibs 29c all meats covtuiment inspected halton heaim unit at milton full line home killed meats art suppaby meats jritb moores house paint mooftf house paint sparkling fresh colon brilliant non chalking white long lasting high glou hdes all lurfocei quickly eoufy prolech while it beautifies white is fume and mildew res stors benjamin ff 855 gal moored i gordon hardware sary motoi its time for spring change over get ready for warm weather driving let us g ve your car langtovtr o i change r transm ss ort grease grease ob and necei check up for sat sfactory warm wtaiher remember you can lose points for having an unsafe car on the road to insure safe holiday driving play safe with your brakes replace that defective muffler drive in today for your spring changeover and check up studebaker dealer acton motors imperial oil esso service tir btttertes accessorial 6 main st s acton phone t7 short work conrtablp bob morenu of the local opp detachment this murn- injt thursday figured in the shortcut itinn hunt of his career when at 1110 he wns alerted to slop all vehicles in sen rch of 10 escaped prisoners from the ontario beformbtory in guelph fifteen minutes liter the officer was called rmnji and instructed to cull off the scirch as the id prisoners had all bfich captured tv and radio ownersi test your own tv radio tubes free on a testomatic tube tester do it yourself save monly acton billiard at tenpro distributors limited paint specials scarfes outside white reg 795 now 499 oil reg 595 now 399 gal can bo tinted to a choice of 60 c lor we do all the mixing no more stirring at home enamel pure white interior 225 ot paint semigloss white interior 225 qt flat latex base qnly 398 gal 6 colors 1 25 of 4x4 sheet poplar underlay remember our plywood prices are the lowest 128 floor tiles lino 8v2c tile lino dominion standard guage ioc tile w00dgrain 6x12 12c tile armstrong excelon vinyl 15c tile wall tiles congo wall tile plastic wall tile 49c lin ft 19c sq ft arb0rite durolam special 25c 5qft 39c sq ft sheets 2x8 30xs 4xs many wood grains m0h0gany doors 14 to 24x66 595 26x64 639 28x66 or 68 669 stain grade rose trellis 139 ea linoleum flooring 6 feet wide only 49c lin ft springtime is drapery time we have just received our complete sange of new spring samples of drapery materials buy now and savei tenpro distributors limited 126 main st n acton ont stom houk mondxy lo saturday u0 ara to a 00 pjn open friday eveninga until 900 pm il

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