4h 1 t klm i legion news suu pho three pretty lassies dressed in their costumes appeared on the stage at the robert little public school auditorium during the operetta presentation of mother goose s birthday party pictured above from the left are donna taylor as goldilocks raeleen hotchen as little bopeep and brenda fryer as mororj daw music and lyrics for the operetta were written by gtenn banks music supervisor for tie school with one song written by miss alice sidey kindergarten teacher the auditorium was filled to capacity both tuesday wed nesday evenings t crowds jam auditorium to see school operetta continued from page one horns benny van hockclon mich ael marchmcnt find ken mccoll soldiers archie duiker chris sorensgn and john seelcn teddy bears mark wolfe and steven garrett skipping sally fiona gldman mice billy nicolak clive stewirt ricky evcrdcll susan brian joey van hocktlcn brian leslie and eddie flatt elves ger- ry root christopher coyle lloyd ciadd ullly douglas david nan garry gibbons paul milne mich ael timbers and ken gray little bo peep raeleen hotchen hjws pinafore a cant of 31 students plus the senior choirs presented hms jlnaforc following mother gooses birthday party provid lng much entertainment and inltr est lor the crowfltv auditorium as the story opens in act one ralph rack straw a common sail or has fallen in love with his captains daughter josephine sir joseph porter of the royal navy ijwho alsoascdcs the hand of jose phine pays a visit to the hms pinafore lor an interview with josephine and her father captain corcoran the interview proves unsuccess and before the act cl se irrjr informs f the intendid daughter and hnlpti and josephine plan to steal bway and get mnrrlh as the curtain rhes on act two sir joseph porter informs trie captain that josephine do not tackle kindly to his wooii dick dcndeye n captain core ion elopement of his ralph thrown in dungeon ralph is captured by the capt aln and thrown into the dungeon as punishment buttucup a ped dler woman nrnvn im the seem and explains thai ralph is really the true captain and the person posing as the captain is truly ralph as the peietui close i pupni ntions urt bcinit mude for not one wedding but three thi music in ihc open tta ci n tints of well kiiiwn ilbiit und sullivan tunes and tt displayed by tin wit irn traordinnry setting on tvpicnl of a real ship with all the at tors and actresses letter pel feet their parts iuys at thi cast fr this play consisted of thr folhuint pupils tiusd tvimng capt corcor on rant nemiillui br joseph poiter chrislophir denny ralph rttckstrn john mcnttbb swam diiwd rdir dick dead- i bull ugh josephine mflti brn mi bultereup patricia grahnm hebi susan heard wednesdnv evening capt cor coran craig mcmullen sir jos- jqih 1 rti r kenneth he isaac uilph rtiekstrav dxmclas ford uvuun brry wilmm deodcvt ronald vunry josephine patricia cjuennell buttercup helen benton hebe mar beth elliott appeoring both night wire tnt cousins ntniv hood tinu wit baard karin heller janice uotd burn linda parker gail rvmh viwn smith gtratdine caldei and susan thming and the sail ors brian smith jack pope ron nie heller jin hill bernic frcu- icr rtittdj holmes and robert mytrv the chorus was made choir students from grades five x seven and eight production staff direction of the ploy was cop ably handled by mrs andrews copcland and g banks mem bors of the robert little school staff costumes were made by home and school association members mothers and students under the airection of mrs 3 w wolht convencr stage flats were con strutted by d price and g banks from material donated by ten pro products acton stage settings were arranged by stuff teachers and students with r parker b shoemaker mrs w sprofiton and mrs n franklin in charge- almake up 100 boys hike irvsleet rain although 100 boy scouts knew to be prepared when they left home last saturday morning lit lie did ihey realize the challcng winter wab going to thr w nl them on the worat day of so tar they slushed and slipped cross tountry following mips and compasses on their annual nrth halttm district hike ti blue i print scout reserve near aclon undeif ol cvtn the sne w was e aled with treacherous cc broke beneath sturdy iwu knife edged pieces trees were coated with ice and tin precipitation varied from cold mm t biting sleet cars involved in opirulion h ki faced gtate toe un country hills manse ii htellil sanded the blue springs line in in emergency goud deed for the sculs despite ihe weather the scout and r ers proved they were in deed prepared the entire pt guim was carried out well beneath dnpp ng hat brims dinier wi cooked out most successfully thi boys kept warm and active scouts represented included the acton tit ops first sec md third georgetown truops glen wilhams milton scouts and mil ton rover crew and erin tw high school highlights on tuesday february 17 ac ton defeated milthn high and will advance into the play offs with georgetown in the first period the first goal was scored by pete low son assisted by stuart muc- dnald the second was tallied by wayne ridley assisted by denis gibbons the only goal by milton came at the end of the period by d in cumo from jacobs thi ng at the end of the per i od aincd aclon 2 milton 1 in the second pcritd acton in creased their le id when denis gibbons sored m a pass from teny wilson penalties wore num ii ns in lufs period the first pen ilties were f ven for fighting wiynt ridhy f r act n and tub mcluancll for milton the second pcnilty was to jim mell n of mil 1 in the next two were fciven to don curric ond tub mcconncll the seount was acton 3 milton 1 in the third and roughest per lod act m set red three goals the first was by pete lawstn assist cd by maedonald the second by denis gibbons fwm wavne rid ley jnd terry wils n ind the third and last goal of the gimc s by pete lowson from ron malcolm hdmilti n nf milton bill penalty ind old fithful tub mcc mull relumed f r his last visit to the penally box don cur ne gt i k eked i ut t f hie gime for nriiinf the f n il sc ie w is ac ton 6 milt in 1 onee hrain the nilnundnu by andy williams was si eib nd ihe icsl or the lum pliyed ixcellcnt ly mlhon and georgeuwn will meet next tuesday and liter that acton will meet gi rjit iwn in a play off nine lo decide the cham pion mil free free free dance for members and iheir wives on frl day april 3 with excellent music being piovlded a special note from ihe executive points out thai special concessiens will be granted the eiriy birds dont forgcl initiation night on april 6 if you have any proposed members in mind pick up on ap plication form from the stewait and have it filled out immediately and retuin it to chuck shultis membership chairman as soon as possible remember the general meeting on maich 7 bring all your beefs t lhevrtcetihglfnectcl r all have a whirl at attempting lo sluightcn them out seems as though we have member f the executive i first vice president who has quite number of pups in need of homes max oops ihe name slipped out is getting tired of hearing barking dogs and would like to dispose of them won i some members take home a couple for their young stcrs euchre has been called off this friday bunk suggests all members of bianch 107 take a trip to the arena with their families to enjoy the annual minor sports booster night cimrade lou roach is recupcr ating from a successful operation in toronto general hospital best if luck lou and the branch hope to see you around soon applications for ihc eye bank aic still being received by vic pilrick see vic and fill out a form any member knowing of a comrade on the sick list please forward their name to cither the steward or hector lambert chair man of the sick committee ladies meet the ladies a held thi monthly utg the masonic banquet and chamber of commerce banquet in aprll an invitation was received from the strceuville legion auxiliary iftend a st patrick s outing in strcetsville on march 12 any member wishing to attend this af fair is asked to be at the legion in acton not later than 7 o clock euchre play 5 number one steak went out of lown last friday night when h harlow of georgetown came up with a high of 08 in ihc euchre tied foilcond place were r wiggins and h hamilton with mr wiggins getting the benefit of the cut and trotting home with stvak number two while his cohort scl tied for number three bill chls helm counted a 37 to win the bol ogna darts tuesday evenings dart session proved interesting with several upsets in the top runners aviators downed screw balls 3 2 dnflers outelassed leftovers 4 i sputnik nllclicdjivc points over stoncma sons when the latter failed to field i team chirpcrs sli le a maich on blarney boys when ihey wound up 3 2 team standings to d te are dnfters 51 screw balls 48 chirp eis 42 sputniks 42 blarney boys 35 stonemasons 31 leftovers 25 see you all at boosler night in the arena tomorrow friday ev en lng junior pipe band members at dance the growing popularity of the acton scottish club was effectively demonstrated on saturday night by the fact that in spite of the incle ment weather the call of the pipes leached as far as glarkson milton and georgetown to draw dancers in over the icy road and the attend ance was most gratifying in addition there were several new facta from acton who had de cided after the burns supper and d inct that it w is such fun ihey wou d like to be iblc to learn ihe djnees properly juniors dance the president df the aclon junior pipe band f wright ncci mpan led t mis wright thrc with his usualgusto mio ihc ever p pul ir dashing white sugmnt i and ihe fnhtsomi reel while members of thr plpo baud the misses june and jovcc renmck maiv lou cieightpn peggy m arthur along with lawrence duby mich ul ross and andrew knox joined in cikcr to learn and appjr ntly enjoying ihlmsclvea in the process the acton free press thursday february 19th 1959 quite a long time was spent in tempting to perfect ihe canadian born dance which was twice encor ed also the st bernards waltz during intermission little and rena cumello of milton and penny izalt of clarkson danced ihe high land fling j leflten services each wednesday evening throughout lent the rev h b stokrcef reel r of the church of st alban the martyr will conduct a service of evensong it will be followed by discussion groups in the parish hull vfelpx exe rt tr aaa d f i wood t day than they d d 20 30 40 ytms aet point up that spring wardrobe wfh a handbag bensons shoes auditor mm on thursday february 5 and presented with a set of cur from elva masalcs which will adorn the kitchen windows the gals thanked elva for her time ond though tfulncss spent in preparing the curtains plans were finalized to serve lunch tt the guests following the bouatvr night program on fr day approval was given to cater lor time stops ice and sleet clogged the mechanisms on the clock tower at the post office laal week end and on sunday afternoon old father time stopped at four o clock th inclement weather not only stopped time in anton but many can as well grants radiator shop specialists in all types of radiator service rtepatrs recormg boiling trucks tractors cars car heaters quick efficient service free pickup and- delivery phone 85 acton collect 252 queen st e acton ont is mr wrlghfs desire that members of ihe pipe band should imbibe the true spirit of scottish mus e through the gny djnclng which will come out in their play mg the soviet delegation appeared at bt peter s gate and asked ad initttnce atheists aren t allowed said st peter we know il said the spokes himst4lirtfrr we ust want our dojg back you may not be in orbit when yon drive away in a completely reconditioned used car bat you ii be in for tnllr of earthly driving pleasore whats more our prices are down to earth so if youve been searching front here to the moon for a de pendable med ear aet your tghta for our lot volunteers ei b- are invited lo blart off in prou todays blest buy 19m bulck special sedan a- eqolpped with dynaflo and radio sharp condition ixtj specials or the week up to 50 off portable saw ragular 59 95 3528 toboggan cushions ragultr 3 95 for 199 fri sat feb 20 21 mardi gras p il boone tommy sands gary crosby shiree north and christine carcre cinemascope and color mon tues feb 2324 from hell to t diane vars1 cinemascope and color violent road bi in keith and mary ander sunbeam razors regular 29 95 1895 bissel sweeper regular 9 30 for 682 25 off on all hockey supplies gas heaters regular 114 95- for 7497 7 ft toboggans regular 13 30 special 699 oil space heaters regular 99 95 for 6877 gordon hardware limited mill street acton february clearance sale save 20 50 and more boys lined jeans flannel shirts sweaters underwear caps jackets duffle coats etc wed thi feb 2526 the wind can not read a ule of india in vili a cinemascope ifci all color program brian keith ccasar romero frank carney l sons tv and radio owners test your own tv radio tubes free on a testomatic tube tester do it ourself save mone at acton billiards hurray hood booster night friday february 20 1959 acton arena featuring weston skating club 00 m over 60 members in cast don cribar comic skater girls hockey 7 pm milton vs acton grudge game 930 acton firemen vs acton legion starting 700 pm atiults 50c children 1016 25c free draw- for pocket radio al saturday 2 p m matinvc compliments of nicols of aclon z mens lined jeans flannel shirts underwear flannelette pyjamas rubberized car coats ladies skirts sweaters flannelette gowns and pyjamas vests and bloomers lined jeans hintons 5c to 100 store acton ontario notice to motorists who have not obtained their 1959 licences your 1958 dr ver s licence and veh cle perm i w ii exp re al mdn grit march 18 after this dale i w ii be illegal lo drive w th 1958 i cence or plate dont wait till the1arcrt1ea1tlnf- act now and avoid mcorwen ence a last m nule rush w ii cause delay at the 250 agency offices throughout the prov nee renew your licences now two important reminders 1 you mirtt thaw proof of l ab 1 ty insurance when you ap ly for plates or pay an extra 5 00 nto the unjai if ed judg me t fund the add tonal 5 00 payment i not a sub st tute for l ab i ty insurance if you do not have your proof of l ab i ty insurance ce f caie see your insurance agent today a policy for fro theft nd collision it not uebftty irnurance check your policy 2 study the toiot system folder you w ii rece vc w th your driver s licence it explains n derat your new point sysiem ontario department of transport hon john yaremko qc miniater d j collins deputy minuter