Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1958, p. 1

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s-i- comstabu bud buckwaid 0r who w racantly tran- terred from tha dunda detachment to acton tha abova con- table comet to acton ndt at an antlre itrangar having aerved in gaorgatown with tha o p p detachment thare for toma lima tha new officer raplacat conitabla j juttaton who wit trantfarrad to the sebringvilla oatachmant puc holds inaugural meeting discuss trial sewage treatment following the oath of office giv- 1 the commuilon was informed by mayor w cook and com- mtsslaaers r evsrdell and f g oekes acton public utilities cem- mleston held iheir inaugural mwl- la on thursday january 2nd at tha uilllmaa ante installing lhrt or our uld be approximately 330 the coat lights wo per light the commkulon agreed to rofrr the street lighting problem at thr braids subdivision to the road j j stewart was appointed j committee of council for their chairman of the com mis i on for the suggestions year with dr r 0 oakes as vlce- superintendent o maaon of the chairman r evendell and f g hydro department outlined the in- oakes were appointed to the fin- iiallatlon of hydro service from nee committee and c ljndsay i t third line to the ntw will cook to the property com j jh on the davidson property the auperintendent informed the commission he had refused to h wk iip sevtccs to a house in the glen- lew subdivision as the services were installed in the wrong -x-ot- lon mr mason was authorised to proceed with installation of side mirrors on the fargo truck after he reported that two mirrors could be obtained from canadian tire at a coat of s12 20 each he previously reported that the truck company had quoted a price of a3 for the installation the commission suggested the road committer of council tnvcatlg- slc the new entrance made recent ly from wallace street to the h k partar property and recommend the i if h ting system they wish to be installed in order that material may be ordered for the project to be completed in early spring j iximberl waterworks superin tendent in making hi report w tuned all the commissioners n happv new year proceeding with hm rrpo t he pointed out that wat er services hfld been installed st the pentecostal church property lie nln stated he had been repair ing curb boaex and meters and l removing meters from uninhabited home to prevent frost damage mavor cimk inquired ax to the legtilily of cutting off water ser vices tu n consumer and was told it wn qultr legal ljimlert informed the corn- mimiun hi department t uck was n need of ihkiv rair the com mission requested the property commit lee to imcitijmle and re- fnhtoe tits first appointed acting as chairman j j slaw art chairman was to act exoffkclo on both committees the chairman and clerk treasur er were authorised to sign checks with the vicechairman acting in the absence of the chairman mayor w cook aaked for rea one why the commission had ord ered the town office closed on sal ts day morning in order that he would have a thorough under standing of the reasons if question ed at he council meetings chairman j j stewart eviewed the closing was the result of a survey taken over a two month rt tt was found there over five calls on saturday morning mr cook asked why council was not approached as thry pay 50 per cent of the costs and was inform ed by the chairman the utllltlm commission set the policy with reaard to the office following the sewage superin tendents report a discussion wis held regarding thr trial bust of handling sewage from beard more and company in the present rw- age disposal plant apparenllv n request had been made from the company to handle sewage not having n higher bod count than sewage pesenllv entering the plant the commission wis to receive report from k hyde engineer of r v anderson and asiiiciates is to the plant efficiency in hmdling the effluent and from lieiirdrmtre a a daily report on the hod con tent of the sewage entering tin sewage plant cnmmuaionei expressed con cern when notified nellhvi eporl had been received a studv of the minutes leveils that the ol previous mention of th plan of icveptini hemlmore sewage wet it ii ftpevtil nieelinj held on the afternoon of the regul ar meeting on deeembei lt no agreement discussion or other in formation his been rceiled f- tracta of the special meeting in- j follows k llde and g henrs of v andcnon mil asaoeiile- were pre sent and mr hvde eviluned to the commission the pieenl hookup of the reurdmorv scwiige the operation has been contin uing for approximately- one numlh with a total flow during that time of ttnkvi gallon it was found nccessarv to reduce the dall flow to approximately 40h gallons as it was interfering w lyh the dis sotted oxygen in the plant the flow u taken into the plant between the houis of l p m and 7 am and superintendent a uubv has been putting in ipproximulclv throe hours each night running tests a report on the bod of the sewage has not been pmv ided to the engineer ver regularly nd the matter wau to be brought to lhe attention of the company o soon as a w men repot t i received from the engineer in the report of trie owrc n the operation of the sewage plan figures indicated the jiualvsis of the final effluent at so ier cent in noventbertiadtuvino cent on docenbrr 2 commissioner f g oukvs usked if services were installed at the pontaooa church ou thethird line and was informed they had the commissioner asked if on- tnini had appeared in the minute ol the plannlns board or council with retard to an agreement with e tiaia y h iullni the follow ing acctunu were ap- uovtt foi psiymenl hydro aeeaairta ivtlv nsh s51 20 hurrough ltd 3a6m vtcittinghoiuie siinl 31 m wm knell and co 6 12 h kic of ont nweu j k johnstone 31 packard klectric hi 10 12020 7ft waterworks aceaanu m coe 3 00 canada vol v- and lldrunt 3ltt 12 canadian hi ass ton pvc hydio mewar aeeaawta sanfax co const ik- 1 mn machinery hov s klicti ic gone forever s3c 100 ml 3u3 s50 eightythird yaarno 38 jvttolt u tt acton ontabro thobsoay january oth 1958 9 eight pagaisavan cant actons 1958 councillors appoint new committees tha uu council ppolnwd the followlhs commlltm at the inaug ural maatlag on mondaj january slnwtl ujhtl carthfo j oraar b foollk w method j hunt stwar aul water j coy w wluua b bachlln o darbrau rtnanca w wluon j goy j hunt and rachlln induatry w cook j coy and o barbaau fire and inillce w cook j coy e rooutt and w uiual wcuar e rootlrt j craar b rachlln and j hunt public buildlnaa w uclxao b rachlln and w cook court of rrvuion v wuaon w uclrod jinmr g barbaau and w cook administrative commjtta- w cook i greer w wllaoa j goy the firat name appaarlns on eaoh committee la to art aa cttalr man ot that committee mayor stresses need of two year term as 58 council holds inaugural meeting aabbbaaabbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbblbbstmlllbbdkaba i think the time hat arrhrad to act on behalf or uwuayor in earl lambert loses fingers in saw mishap earl lambert 32 brock street acton had the misfortune to lose a portion of two timers n his left hand on friday januarv x while working at j i mckenzies lum ber mill while working n the rip sa it is assumed his hand slipped knd his finger were nipped in the saw rushed to guelph general hosp ital it was found necessary to re move tha tlpa of the centra two f inters at the first joint as they had been badly mangled police recover goods obtained by forger corporal r mason reports the operation of a check iwip r in ac ton on december 23 police report s man mukinu pur chases from two local hardware stores had secured goods by issu ing forged checks larcer than the purchaae amount and receiving the balance in cash corporal maaon disclosed checks had been issued for 30 and 130 on januarv 7 corporal mason received word that two parcels had been left at thompson motors prior to christmas and the owner had not returned to procure them upon invesliuation the poltri chief discovered thr parcels to be hr purchase mudr by the check forger lit symons hardware after indentlfkatlon v ais made tiv the store ovaiht the gotkls were returtivd to the rightful owner police are conttnulni inveiiiga- tlon of the incident greenock wi ladies tour printing plant green lock women institute toured the plant of tht acun free press on wednesdav ufteiiiiniii to view the oeration if the locatl plant o a dilu eduirinchuf of the uills prtntini nnd lillishiug company conducted the ladies on the tour explaining the ariou machines and their purpose the ltklie expreaaed amuemcnt at the operation of u newspuer plant and the work involved in publishing a weeklv newpaper fsbhguataaacuassaiaaal public school board holds inaugural meeting mr c w bradley was duly bv c adams and mr z nominated and declared chairman for th ensuing yrar at the inaug ural mecting of the public school boam haid op january 2 committees appointed were fin ance j w wolfe and t r watson property m c smith and c r heard supply w e mattocks the chairman u an rs officio metnber on all committees the aacretarylreasurer caretak ers and attendance offici rs were appointed the regular meeting date and time fo 1008 was established a the first thursday of the month at 7 30 pm tyler were appointed acton tf lajbrary board the secretary waa directed to acknowledge a letter from tha v badminton club advtsliuf tavat ow robert little school audttorfcn would be available auhjact to ttta eaublished fees and board poltcy of no smoking and no e chairman j w wolf votcad his appreciation for having had the honor and privilege of eervlnj aa chairman of the board for throe years the meeting adjourned at us p m acton legion branch install new officers the installation of narwr officers of branch 107 of the canadian leegion was h4d monday january 6 at the legion auditorium gorfle mussel c acted as chairman and too following officers were installed for iflofl president hamilton pral first iccprrsident hebert woods second vicepresident aabcrt ir win and acrgeont atanna jim mtlne other meirrben of the executive taking office were poppy fund hugh orourkc minor sports gor don jamee marnb ctuslrman c telndaay ione cjwlnsuuu uaz storey public relationa vic pt- rtck canteen ohairman gordon baatty sick and welfare charles shu it is entertainment jtmmte lltggins sports george 1111 budding herb cook padre rev e jones two new members roy dutlsr and robert laitnby were initial ed secretary gordon mccutchron nxrted the new trophy case don ated to thr m 7 bennett puhlu school by the legion ladies aux iliary had been installed and the trophv for the best acamedac stud ent would be ready in time for the opening ccrvmony it was pointed out to the mem bers a bowling tifurnament would be held in milton next week and members interested in attending were asked to submit their names it wu decided to supply crests to be put on minor sports sweatier woman is fair after accident a wood bridge woman waa rush ed to guelph general hospital whete it required 32 stitches so chwr a wound in her head sunday after her husband s car wvnt out ot control while passing a vehicle on lliehuaiv 7 and smashed into a tree she is reported in fair con diiion oikh paill of wood bridge was the driver of tle car investigating constables roy hazlett and dave hurdv uf the district o p j d- uchtmnt said damage to the car amounted to nearly tsoo the incident happened just wrest of ciew sons corners on highway tabout 3 43 pm actcm ntn bjxby of the nw year it pictured with hit mother mr jeffory robbins 65 rotaford terrace acton peter jeffery wn born at 12 40 on january lit at guelph general hospital the robbm family hat one other ton steven who it two yean old i think the time has arrfcred when the two year term for tha council should be adopted stated mayor w h cook during his ad dress to the inaugural meeting of tha itu acton council in the council chambers on monday jan uary following tha administration of tha oath of office to reeve w wil son deputyreeve j greer and councillors g rarbeau j goy w j mcleod j hurst 11 d rachlln and c footllt the acton minister ial association represented by rev k jones and rev a h mokansle read a passage from the scripture and led in a short prayer during his address the mayor stated this year would be a hard and contentious one and with ap proximately only ttn working months in the council year he asked council to carefully consid er a twoyear tem fur the nest election the mayor also noted the necei- ahy of employing a full time engi neer in the town of acton and out lined the need of a governing body to control the town employee du- les by sotting up a personnel ad ministration committee vr cook strongly urged the nrw council to place the sewer and wa ter departments under the town council s control following a brief adjournment the ism council settled down to the business at hand and the following motions were approved and passed reeve wilson be empuwerej mayor w cook addresses 1958 council alakes suggestions for consideration the following speech waa deliv ered by mayor walter cook at the inaugural meeting of acton coun cil for 1qm held monday evening january t in use council gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you as the elected council by the gen eral public for this year and m i have no intention of wasting time with a long drawn out speech i will get down to business right away as 1 have stated peviouslv this j ear will be a very hard and con tentious one even to an rnxr- lenced council body such as your self and as there are only about ten working months in a council year i think the time has arrived when the twoyear term for the rounctl should be adopted and i ask you to carefully consider this for the next election recent events have def i n i te y shown vnat thr council of the pat have had no administration what soever over their own agents and i therefore strongly urge this body to rectify this state of affairs b taking the necessary actum to place the towns wster and sewer department under lhe town coun cils control whcc they rightfully belong i consider this action si one wilt save the town thousands of dollars per year in keeping with the administrat ion i am of the opinion that there must be made facilities by this council to ensure to low rt rm- plovees the duties required and to whom they are responsible and it is necessary therefore that a com mittee of council be set up as personnel administation commit- lee the town should seriously consider the need for their own engineer fullv qualified to en able the release from a firm of consultant engineers who over the old year slips by quietly during holiday celebration of street lafhts in hj subdivision and ihe aaoretarytrdasurat replied notfitnl eiapttared in diner m li luott airrivcd in acumwith tlu traditional horn looting andcele- briuiifi in various sections of town but fortunatob without an accident tomar th icsuviuct at the houdi j seuaoic 1 cm the lost day or the old year twin sons wvre born to mr and mr r mirn 7b btwrftirtl terrace the babies were born at guelph gencal hospital and weighed in at six and six rid 11 half pounds aotona rtrm of the new year wa hewf jattwj rubbl born at 1240 am january 1 al ouelpr ue proud parents are mr and mrs j r robbins 65 roeford terice acton some 41 pewlc enjojed anw year s eve frolic il the acun laogkoiiauditurium tmd dancvt o the music of dorm hull and her orchestra paper hati balloons and novoliteis vyere distributed to the huge crowd who used them to ush n the new year for some tv was the mudiuiu-ol- enjoying the activities of tht old and new year by scatchtiuj the thousand ot people crowding timea square in new york i l pro the children although dlsap- nnlnlnd arnnf having fall of stmrotet cahriaimft to try out their new sleds and ski were pres ented with a fresh fall- or snow new year day tu uhlatr winter equipment tiui use the fathers anprto duutst smnc of tht mothers spent new year day watching the rose bowl or the orange bowl football games on tel evision outside of the few still suffering -from- err acute case of incucvution or heartburn front ptcking on the remains of the rich fowl indulged in over the holiday aoasoa thing have aeiued bacjco bhual after th h aeaa with the entering of the new year let iv be one t is ruatuful proiperom and happy past few years have been aid i thousands of dollars for parttime service to the town when an engi neer employed by the town would be available 100 per cent of tha time at considerably leas mony also to consider for ihla year would be the complrlc water and sewer syileam of the town and how it 1 carried to the various area sixe of pipe what valving require ments arc necessary lo isolate the minimum areas in case of damage to pic lines map showing all nect ssary data and up to date etc etc tins should be a mandatory thought considering the amount of money that has been spent over the lst fiw years or sewers and water and et no one can tell us anything in the form of a layout of our kvstrm the wt r project along the third line north with the rcce- stv for a rrvrvuir should be care fully tudnd h the council for we mum i rimue that we have an ade quate waiter supply for homes in dus r tire protection and the futur development and expansion of our tuwn thu jejr ou will be asked to consider for ant oval a bylaw to permit thi installatmn of an ln- duslual sewerage treatment plant and should permission be grant ed b the respective bodies con cerned then i strongly recommend for vout consideration the facilities a liable to tha town by the ow rc and tu use this body to handle th- project on our behalf a copy of the owhc act 1067 is avail- able for study from the town clerk tins eir the finance committee his a uk btfon it thrit u greater than an of its predecessors 1 know as we all do that the fin anciil pjsmon of the uiwn is not i gotid oiw at present but tt is not as bad as some might wish to believe and we must not clpsc down the shutters on spending for necessit ies because to do that means we might aa well build a stockade around our town and rot awsy in side ramambar our hud6 w must have it is the wants srs can do without oy the same lofcrn we all must be vary wise in how we spend the taxpayers hard earned dollar to get the best rsf value for our needs asthe cost of i nkb increased to an all tima high in the past year prices of goods mater ials and labor has increased ac cordingly thereby giving no alter native to you finance committee than to be extra cautious as they peruse your budgets and m will be no reflection on the ability of these men if they have to return t ihls chamber to inform council later this year that the mill rate must be increased if we are to pay our debts and build for the future 160000 extra has to be found this year for debentures alone from last year the industrial committee will be looking to the future as they enter the most competitive field in municipal life in canada todav that of locating and settling new industries in our town this corn mince even aa they concern them selves with that part of their du must also remember the local in dustries at present h tested htc so that amicable relationship may ex ist at all times this could be ac tons beat industrial year money has been spent on lh roads around the newer parts of town and that monry was washed away because of a bad drainage problem that is csntrnt mainly in the new subdivisions to save any further monry going down the drain this problem must he ram edled and then curbs and good roads must follow if we are to pre coati fined oa pq four to act on behalf of uw mayor in his absence the mayor and treasurer be author ted to advance the actor public srholo board and the north llahon high school hoard requisit ioned sums nut exceeding their es timates during ibm the mayor rerv and clerk- treasurer were author iret to sign documents on behalf of tho- twn council eulhorired the renew al of tasi hrencrs to it r liable taxi snd heermans taxi k fotlu ta apponcd to the arlon cltisens hand committee the mayor and treasurer were author ied to pay the salar les to the town luritur nod town foreman and the w k i y pay cheques to the town employers council authorueil hr hangs in meeting nights to the f it snd third monday of the month s an indigent patient account amounting lo siisj5 was ordered paid f the monthly postssnitolum account was authorised for pay ment g rarbeau was appointed a council merrrber to the planning board for 10u with mayor w cook es officio the clerk was authorised to have 100 cards printed showing he committee appointments council on a recorded vote authorised the borrowing of up to t ik 000 to meet current expenses and pay debentures falling due be fore the taxes are collected ft was resolved to have the sd- m 1st rat ion committee meet with the public utilities commission to discuss the operations of the util ities office f j salt chairman uf the acton planning board was present with iggested recommendations for thre appointments to the board the planning board had recom mended w mattocks for a two year period e o tyler for a three year period and m evans for a one year period council adjourned to meet sa a committee aa a whole to discus the m attar reeve w wilson sug gested a needham had been ap proach sd and was willing to asm on the planning board following a discussion regsrdlng m evans and a needham coun cillor b d rachlln pointed out he frit they were both good men who were willing to scrv and they should be encouraged councillor j goy emphasised the importance of keeping all the experience possible on the bos d and strongly recommended the council go along with the recom mendation of the planning boa d but choose between the two new names brought forward for the third member a motion was tabled to accept the recommendation of the boad to which an amendment was tabled reading that council appoint m evan fur a one year term w va- tocks for a two year term and a needham for a thrc year term jn the planning board on a recorded vole the amend ment was lost with councillor rachlln voting in favor council accepted the recommendation of the planning board vic masters representing the minor sports hockey lrague w present to request the arena mon day tuesday thusday and fri- day evening up to the hour of 130 council granted the request a letter from the building in spector requested the formaicm of a committee composed uf the may or chairman of the fire or build ing committee fire chief a d iho building inspector to h iv the ihiwer of enforcing all equtic- mcnti in the existing fire s id building bylaws council agreed the inpect if confuaad on vagr eiom h ii actons ims councn it pictured during their inaugural mealing on wnday janm at tha c0uwii chambarv shown front row left to right are- councillor g v barbaau reevx wts wilton mayor w hrcbolcwpwtmrjrm- grear and councillor j goy back row left to right clark j mcoaa c w j mctaod j t m c ruu aiaj bd rachlln

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