Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1957, p. 4

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shp artow im jrrh tw ealr tw no t hi aeue rounded in ittj and putiliaked vtt tbura- day at u mill si t actorw qm aleeaber o tl- altdl burrau ol circulallon ihc c w n a and the unui 10qiwbt linlum ul ihc c w n a advrrtlainf raua nn rqurtl sub arrtptuma payebjr id adeper pao la canada w la lh united butea 1 nmth 91 7 intr roptae vc authortaad aa hrrilid ctaai uail ll ofllc ik parflif in uua pealwkad l duia rrlajla aad pa ueaalae o a otlla rdlttfrlnoiirf tald ii i1la rrodurttitt manaarr jinin a dili uanaflnf rdltor lalrao and munal chtwe p a0 attun 1hurs0ay october 17th 157 j a haltons autumn beauty the bught tunhn ol 111 day hat been ipolligfcting a piece of telure handiwork thai cannot be equalled the autumn color g in the leave rh year ha been aupefb travelling beck and forth over no 5 highway between acton and raillon he be com an added pleaiure at the gay tplatltet of color decorate the roedtide perhepa ihe muvkoke color are more abundant m array but helton 1 are certainly not to lc outdone in beauty single ire ol flaming red are mird with tubtl yellow while the dark evergreen add emphailt 10 th natural beauty of the tcene the foothill of the greet niagara etcarp- menl that cut through helton have been the wonder of many vititor and color photo- grephert and artnti have been setting up eatelt and tripod to capture the beauty of the scene the beauty of the autumn season is everywhere and a look at any tree on your street will probebly provide you with some thing of this gay colorful time sometimes we drive miles to see the autumn splendour and return to something every bit at beauti ful in our own back yard or on our own street don i miss autumn s beauty it s all around you busy busy busy there 1 an overworked word in our vo cabulary but per hap ill becauic there are i to a lot o4 overworked mdividualt we re thinking of the word busy and the mcreas ing commitment that coniume ime prior to iltorter work week wit confined to butmet and the too a i comment exchanged when everyone wain t quite 10 buiy today doien of activities that cover tervice club civic group and church organ nation a well as a multitude of iportt and social groopt da m ever increasing hours all of whtch result m the phrase 10 often re peated i m too buy perhept it s a sign of out timet or a feel ing that to be generally accepted everyone has to be buv but there are certainly a growing number of sooal aqenoet wtw are continually impressing the importance of their vok withthe only litcneri being those who are already committed to the upport of several ether servces in our mnd there seems to be a sense of urgency in introducing many new citizens to many new activities rather then running through the list of faithful workers and de pending on theni to lend more unlimited sup port to another they haven t time to do one of the problems of any town of tha ure i m finding filling worker for the do eu oi good things for the town that can be undertaken the population is large enough but the percentage of cituens inter ested beyond their own home and centres of tnserest it limited this overworked word buty with all itt varying degrees some people are buiy doing nothing while others f9 busy in doxent of obligations is something a town could do without it the obligations of the town s activi ties wnt spread more thmly over a greater percentage of the population on thing there ant no tldlowallct on hit tide of live itreel and it xycliridlnq on the gratt it a difficult buunent he fim been warned not to tid on the road but the little boy doe ml always hawd warning- some adults doni either especially traffic warnings and lie little lmjn on tru street ifut says speed 30 that little boy on the tr cycle is a cut blonde blueeyed lad he has a mother who endured considerable ansiefy and suffering to bring him into the world he has a father wto has worked hard and made many wcn feet to mat him healthy and happy the supreme purpose of their lives is to have their utile boy grow up to be a useful man now mr young driver stop a minute end ihapk if you should kilt or maun a child sow would you feel lacing hn parents what excuse could you possibly give them for having robbed litem of irteir dearest possesnon more important what acute could you poisibly offer hint wlvose kingdom is made of litlle children children sir were here long before you or your automobile were thought of all the automobiles on earth are not worth the life of or little boy we don i know what that lit lie boy may be some day but we cannot spare him or any other child hi thi com munity modern era problem the air moit canadian breathe today i quite different from the pure clean wilder ness atmosphere ihe indian lived in ccnlur es ago iven 100 years ago out aiweiton inhaled purer air than modern city dweller then came ihe factory the railway the auto mobile the dietel engine and air pollution little ii known about the air in cities and towns but recent studies have been made rvd more are proiected a year long study of ottawa air by federal health officials showed that it could be cleaner and at cer tain limes actually contains harmful elements of sulphur dionde oust samples still are be mg examined to see what ehe residents of the country s capital breathe a report now w m preparation on lnd mgi of a seven year study of air pollution in 900 000 quart miles of the windsor detroit area the continent s third greefest industrial concentration the report will include recom mendations for controlling smoke and fly ash emitted from vessels m the detroit river and may eventually provide an international code for control of veisel exhaust m ihe great takes and ihe st lawrence seaway federal authorities now are studying the possibilities telling up a national air samp- ting network officials havenn mind a plan to fnd out what it harmful yfn city air from bast to coast and then seetow harmful sub stances can be eliminated or controlled to the pomt where they do not a fleet human health while the experts continue their studies we see no mats exodus from cities after all itudiet of tle relationship of lung cancer and cigaret smoking have been going on for yean with no mass exodus of smokers from the cigaret habit to a young driver the following comments appeartrd tn the elmtra signet at an open tetter we felt it it appropriate we tew young men about is yeans old this afternoon driving hit dual exhaust ford down duke street we taw the cer barely mitt a little boy who wal on the mad riding e tricycle the driver sped past stuck hit head out of the window and yelled get the h- out of the way dont you know any better than to ride r roed the tittle boy didnt antwerbecau h canada today hunt learned to talk very well yet we though we might antwer for him no the little boy doetrvr now any ber ter then to ride hit tricycle on the road for i ss hm old landmark- gad about a recent publication of ihe bank of mont real entitled canada today undertakes the broad task of cover ng canada dealing with the country the people and the resources its contents prove interesting since it is difficult to get a perspective picture of thu broed land with its complexities through any other medium from the agricultural respurc es the forestry mining fishing fur trade and manufacturing there are very dramatic differences linked together by the foundation of a cuuntry laid loundly many years ago in a realistic way too the publication questions what a canadian is rather than gommg into a series of fi latitudes and high sounding phrases the simple answer came that a canadian is the result of a mixing of a multitude of different races in the blend irvg of many cultures into the canadian social pattern three mam streams predominate british french and american the distinctive mark of a canadian it an attitude of mind towards his country and the rest of the world while keenly receptive to amencarculture he is proudofthe fact that canada maintains unbroken its imvs with many of the traditions of the british isles and western europe there it enlightenment too in the section dealing with caned s constitution and gov ernment the position of the queen to can ada it outlined she is described as the titu lar head of the government end l represent ed by a governor general canada it self- governing does nor operate on a colonial basis and- does not pay tenet to britain this might be good information to store up for tripi abroad lwh of this type do tend to gene rate tome thinking about this country and do give u an oppor unity mo tee ounelve in perspective with the j 5000000 othenrwho call canada nome fur iht mut ik or n wo ol tli itit iiim tittict hiv belli 1 niblnl mixixl up iiul hilt rminif- v in the milti r of ma i nn imniicartiun llrtauts inri liitf u putting uul t nr pirr i hjc btfii huatu lit thr nation 1 tilm uourd crtv who xrv prujuc mg m tilm for ihrir program w i parotlx vahirrt will br hu i hi umkun ovrr thr cbc trlrviiton rul- wurk with th ixkt datv ol ih ing lu br atnnourvcaxl later the film ti entitld the cdilo ami n behind uw ccnc hw- irtj ikf an event which migm take plate in a weaikly newspaper otfic ll did not take place in aciitn end the rant are not acton ian althougli otnt atton tare may appar in thi film tlie tree prr and the buildinji and machines and equipment are uetl acton park a lotal rtjur- ant ueardmorr and c offici and acton itrcli are umxl in the var ious tfinrt the confunon of ipearial liuht camera sound equipment and ihe background material for hm and ound ecfecta hme rrrited a changed atmuphere around the of fice and tome curiosity from i passing on the jtraret the green blindit the virxlo shields the imhu r imrr w tc ill nmed ml 1 x thurdi nmht ind ttu prt 1 rimuit iifist ai hridiimrtt r i i tilri9iin row ha been rte i t and wr continue our work ol pr nting uh publishing mhih w i not rnnil inurrupunt how did atun umu to tn h en for this dmciimrntitrv film na prom in inti rt tintc point of im hind thi bxeru- for our r ati r ind is one of the culprilv 1 m 1 im wiix to cmntrsa it all st irti d a couple uf month ago wtxn a tnih writer tor i hi nub n il film hoard secured a slor from wi4rn cinutiin town wtnih i the bau of the film u im of til ittt ind ift r hi ii in i kiiiik til i 111 it l n ptamlbllltv l 1 111 j lt hm w 1 11 t vmti miny tililui m tllft it ntltrlm t iiml fof willi h y inniidi nil in thr t t uiti i i o s lonwniiiuli w h i itu mtipl writ i m ha f- i uimil tin plnnl of hm iiiis ii mill t id ljbtitiing i onipjnv 4 tl v i itnut flon 1jih nil ailler 1 its of ailun iii pair ik mr ur m 1 ikd if w h 1 mv i pettlon tn iiinn ttx pi ml pi i fir it iktnit tin in w i i minn si ivurraj him wi wnid louper t it will tn w iniul und 111 i mum tin our m1h1u1i- i iom tin n ii vii had mitdi ii its torn oftici i x m iking unpi i itiul u i linnl lt i in k ii iinnpinn w th otti r ik tmii acton w rrvtnm n thi fin il di t cion in fior of atlon turn tin vxik tin l thi anniuinr nt in w ci rit in tin frit ii sj va e trust nnni or our fi u nd or ruxtomen sufti rail from in m roni nn ntt an incouw nirnrt w sujtuned wax m ide iv u itu staff nml ittot w i i it p iri hi and tin h im rx f ii two nk- nn pilm t it on k i 1 w ii i n r in inn ol d is i kknik in h nt itu i m in k mu i hilf h in fu n t k in ins houix on m tn n h t ik n i h i liii n linn ik t r it i- vilv f t r s i ii i uim i i v nut i t nwx lik h ii 1 oht t n tin pr i i rr t s i i1j s ih til r i si iff f u p r fciv omi thi put nt wiik rd r i i hi itili pi it tor i 1 wr 1 r i mi 1 im iikiii i si h w i n m ni i mi f 111 11 i id n m sllveb- mrs w r norton hostess to institute the good old days television and newspaper mixed th tit ti i a l hi i w l- m w n i i ll k w ith ii u it mi tx ni in id until lh ti w to si t n rauim1 th v i n n of un w ia in ud luit riu ftouiul i im n r i oi dl 1 th ml d 1 thill the writrr discued with a num- sou im r rf editors of weekly new nitht th crw w or kail into thi piper the functions uf the editor ute hours irwi lha iikm burmm in hi community happened to brightl nit the windows for p-aw- l vt-nyjutblaraisa-ss- x i this sundays church calendar back in 1907 back in 1937 tskeis train its lasts t its v tahtm raw tka uaea af tka fr lrtts tkisrsdajr srubar it iwt mm ml ttiarwlajr twuwr tl itst the following ai thanir f tlu naitma tliat lappa ni id in tlu- itotl luro isulu ad firl enatiinatkilii aj me ttir sumuiri lohlleb sr iv isiillua llrowu 3i mlul- itd umiiixws 118 kni met ugh ul 3m junior iii latm 1 aluterton s2 rtttrlraaj while- 12 junior iart 1 uartatn i wi i 113 jrlt wilwtli 113 merbu ltd rtiu tlk wtill thr- shaip rist f the waak or ao bava lliund the latut r tarta tin of flow and puitu many of ttw hanjlr vritos of p rtiiluini pttuiims hemrs and naany others ohuiim t blmhn it shellafrd plarw a large uttt ooat galrvaiad tutsitl mimarcertt alortia thr dk in tlw rm him tusuirfks uffle t v w hasublm ill iliptml ilia pulpit at tin m umm11 iiumii anu pnlmd u vy in- trteating and hi lful disauurw 1 ii huiwlay two yems o a lncl unmi pint hiaad fiaur wilaa is of m an taotli tliistt i imu imyllit wlntt w la- rialisldafad mil ooti taajou pi n r oi itiriii ha kpt ii miowihg thro and hat jut mld 1110 itna u l ii wall ktnwn mal iimih in t i i liln ml at prt th it la v tlin la j mil i lau i- vl jiirisifyr a afajreir irvai jtui taptist church acton re ray h coaterua pat- rjsonaa us gtowr ave vtkqt hone 504 w suvt octo flh tt7- u5th annitraary to 00 am sunday school lino ammorntna wormhia 7 00 pm kvening service unitfd chukch op canada athasav oataria re gordon adams ma bd minister paonaie 2 bower avenue choneu fc ttir lawlu 4 the united ctmirrh mart til it tar tmm ad ura h j ha id on wrduaxaday aflernajun arid kaf five im1m of warm cloth tig mlad laaaldlliaj tit w shlppad to hefcl im wan four ullts were liarludad hi tru aa bale aiad he- altie- af 11m baits was tiroaual at tn tuasalay e en ltg lf hrout uallib aiailu y hld an enj-n- m at aoilita ly ihe pmluh lill if an wo by mis ii h wlahi uia t ikuvtalamrti and mi tolliat th apiilt wlilth had im- ii lliainta by a ktup of itaa ha oatt mohh diawn toa land wiaa y mia hu i watluac or mrli ar oit timmi of uil wk a ihw aha tin lull tlid l cbii l o lr iii atli mmi in itilimixa in im- pinnlm i4iii1 i iamiti a wiimi dttil t niii i il ti oti iha in ad ill hniulai ih vif at ni kvll a i haad i ol lull m aa illltti t- nl iba alt a im ml ll a i l 1 vu n ii 1- lu vat llat 1141 i- i- uitaagl uliu aa iha bim wav lkli i 114 1 ui 1 m i 1 ilt r i i ii it it a imii f ll v ua m ii tit t ii i- m ii i m h f i m a ii it a 1 f xm 11 it win ll kii ii r iih h t inimh tiimii 1 i ls k oil pp i si a at had l i- kkm 1 ii p ihpul tr ihliik for ill hi on up ll im i khtllla iimllh alt i i m 111 t wlli hi all i mill jll hajht in t wn all ul i im- 4 v l ii i wl ir it 11 1 mi- h lllmlv ilia w i i ul i 4 i ha- i vaall ll w iiiik ih r i in w- uotrial wll i i hum tt mauley lade f i tl i a ii hiwllxl on tlia lillhj i ii 1 a bt f alton s lv it t t t d imi it in a ll i i til i p it ilnll i iiiidilv i at im h ipieriatl l b ho bikhwrfy and wa a i 11v lib l m i i aal 1 inn a1i y atli lin a t otipu t i4 i trot m i ml tin ll ll h it h i fl4 ixtkmll l tibih an 1 a v fill in a- jnul nil professional directory and travellers guide h4 fcllanaulta qr w o c klrjnly ih ll ir 1 soup off r in smon ihn k 4ia uill st alton on tt ih ma it 1 n r m hunh st f ph ni 1vj dp d a gawreit lhaiian and surirron irr of vallow nil itivrr sis btmuy funebal home t iwi n hi i r dar ii ii 1 siik nattrr mir cxivf m lampard a t c m hut li 4 inr of 1iai o acton htudio si albtn i r h 1111 14 iauk aw uriafh tuatl im nlr iii- on ttjkt ib1- only ta 2 1 ornc al dr robept d burkner lln r m ind s irp on m vat i in m st ac ih me tm offur hours i p m rl rstatt ani ivanrr out qui turtpta mltslytwian chukch 04 canada knox chtrmch acton he andrew h llcktmir b- bd sunday october 30th ittt7 tu am church school lloo am- uornuui worship too p- evening worahtp acton kntccostal maettnc tn the y mc a pastor rev k j raid si cook sl terep 4w unday october 30th 1057 moo sm sunetoy sehool nog ammlnk warahip wmnamdar ft pmcattaee pray- r mee4inal and ribla irtudy mr ceore lallintt ornanut and choir l eider 7bwvr e at ton phone a svnday october juth imt boo am morninc prayer 1000 am junor church and church school 11 14 a m momlnat worship thi angucan chukch of canada 84 altaav chwek aetuhl catm rev evan h jonc b a uth rector j 1s jeffrey st tct ms sunday october wh 1057 it 30 am hjiu communion 0 45 am church school and bible class 11 00 a m bemiiyteaaae 1100 am choral communion lo lit 11 wis soon ihinit w hi t h th mklul 1 i tin ukhl a tr n i 1 iloua is floni im ui th nkfiil n t kivi had th flu t l u ih uikuil i i hdv ha t it t lit i a lit hi lit- wait lla 11 tit mr hand i son sr mi is iki m oii u k n th ti t n t ni i h im m ii rk a lut int it t h i cannot ttn tmu t r trt and ttill n ttin nil i h old und anwliar things mr it corlklt juv a rt port on tin ittant l ractors mretink in milton and tod of plans for a dj thi tt to hi ar an wrrount f thi al ww rtmft fme in clon and b hewr mrs geurje somer illr it pant tin tht otawa pt nft rmu mri 1 williamson lint ectno mu i r tn tn r foi thi nitt tint th n uwxluctd mis spin r who kindk d nioiistrattti difftrent mt thods of t mk caka s beautifully deetiratint f ur diffaraoit tpea of cake t rtiuitht b tha membr a fr ndl nip of tra round rd j trt nni f l wright 20 wilbur si i t m ont it o phone ppr ii r it il ft i un 1 insurance ssmpthv of the netuhbtirhaaod i tvttndttl to ntrsi cure wivsmn ind fiiiil tn thr recent dtlh tf her father wihs- fo a speedy reewvery to mr larr scott who l in ho- p 1 wuh in juues following a car accident mr and mrs dave wtuumaon njoam a weekend motor trip ui git ru noque rearently mua mararie shau of arthur has bcn msi ting with mr and mr- w r norton wm r bracken 1nsurancf acfncy it mill street ph lu 28 hes s r knehal isslmlantr j bert wcxx insurance agency i ift mlgtmra tpurata phailu mii 12 m i si nper hours ta 4tow cu ph demtale or h 1eib pcnul suue n offcecorntr mill and trcderick street office hnir am to p m tufpmone 10 acton dr a j buchanan dntl surcetta e i buchner r o oplomrtrul 4h il i si 1 phone 115 oflre ii urs w1fieejdavt iv 0o p m tort r by appoinment at iimsfl atcoivnin itver hoskin cljr nd accountants m m n st v 212 k n si w llr mpon toronti 1 pr nt j i 1 23 rm 4 till nevlue stotler co pih mou fni nd aolt tt tr i4ii ij krupu v comm it- a f f ou a he i ftt w bi- r st we tortmt ti ntii br tmpum oeoffetww n i j j smav ol i 44a3 th t 4il earl g black b c amm ria ca chartered accountant rrmrrs ltad io mam st m n ont tr 04t543 ttavntwtt ooei gray coach lines cochth leave actom ralcht savvnt time eaathourwl 8 13 am daily eseepc bun ad hoi imm 1iu im i s 00 p m j3 pm is pm jtm if hal i office htmrs am lolpm clneetl wedneasda arternoit telephone mf legal c f leatherland q c barrister stilicitor nourj p ofdc hours 1000 arvat00 am 1 00 pm 500 pm saturday by appointment onv office 3 phone rw is actom westbound 10j7 am 1is7 pm- j5t p na 4f7 pm ir pm 11 am 1ij3 im 1 12 am tr sat sort mud canadian national railways standard time hhorttt uve tite ps man cpt work has started on an all- weather road nmn th paa to hudson ba sa- katchewan which win horlettrttre 3 00 pjn dedication of the newr route irom northern manitoba to st abana rectorv by vrn 3 nurlhem saakatchewn completion a kirk archdeacon of tra- tluiaet nurihem saakatchewn contpletion in cupvoud in twp yera- dailr 10 aan daily emcsjpl sundavys 1000 am 7 u da bun day only 01 pm dally wcept sundav flrvr at jrteetl os a braida ba am ilt vm daily elyer barruter solicitor natry public oaorgto- jmimb is cork 3 e cueph ont weanboxnd pbona ta l dur u44 pjpeli twpt office hour am i ivm fjj monday to yturrlaj i 4 pm to pm z nl sub rvaav

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