Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1957, p. 7

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nearly 6000 pupils participate to make music festival success tha acton fraa prm thuriday may 33rd 1957 mm baa 1tvm omrgtuwn w n ilmii praiuiin at halwxi halt paatlaaj airlmna at th mhmir kliaj 11 daayaa puble timtirr un t a huukinaun daullaa jfrui alaaraaun m la afoaa la harts haban val oaa la uapraal4aatana bum oakailta aaamim a 8 faniaam hollar otont in laa alao haaa alfkara la hila capacity la mm olft hualar vtea praaldaal and itaaaibn iji haa mr o baaar an lira c dradfa of mor tal and tramsarnaaam mia j alkjaa and mia lwaruiuwion mr b lortrta mulan ura wa lay wolta arum and lira pall oaftvllla war alartad trophy can- at laa a mra hutrhlnaon gava a daulwd raport of artlvllir thla yaar tha 3fta year that muitr aallvala hava baan eondudad ik coualy growth at maltaa u raaaetad la laa auaabar at laallrali kald thara wan alx prahmlaair laaraahlo faallaala four prallmtnar- laa u sooth hahon and tha north halton faatlral whtrh war held thh yaar in qaorgatoam a total ol mat pupua partlrlpat ad almait tartra at aaany at thla maant a lot of orannlul and cooaaratkm on lha part of arhool board taarnara and parafita and mr ilulrklnaon aapraaard thr thanks of tha ajaorlatlon ar thr maatrnff far tha taraa- a of hrlp fffvra to mate u a surra donors of astra trophias war alao thanaad laaas including countcas of sirathinora chamrr lo d k and baquaalnj tasmania school araa wallar young oa w a judwator for tha rural finals and at the preltmlnarlea adjudicators arrrr stuart buchanan burlnfton o m evant and jack aahrr oak villa kenneth r llarruon oeorfr kivn adjudicated the south llsllim prwimtnartas and wallace yimns the fuialt in north halloo i i queen uf the department of eilu atim was adjudicator bronte to receive fire alarm system brent volunteer fir brigade will 4ft new emergency turm coincident with the change d r oliver bell telephone man 4tt for th re said this week that iter the dial vtittnr per- aona reporting fire anywhere in trafalgar tornahlp apart from ottvula will dial th number vlrter ftllftl he taut this number will to ijgiart to tha trafalgar towfiatitp pollr deparwnerrt n clmnily for asaawga fir call bhwarn now and july special ttiplsonaa will be installed in the avwiu fir hall at the home of the fire chief and deputy chief and three other strategic lncationa in bronte theae telephone w ill be connertaml be a private line from th police atalion located n the seventh line at dundas highwav mr oliver eaplained the irk intercounty bowling hold closing banquet the halt on and iv1 inter coun ty rr in howling ijrmgut wrthr finu to the lttm 57 maon with a i the team from acton oafcviue milton and streetavill aat down to a turkry upper prepared and aerv- ed bv the legion idte auillary fiallowing the dinner held in ac ton preatdent of the inter county vague o maaalea of acton in a few wirda welooenad he bwari and in thanklrut them for their ro operation in the paat ptke hope fully of enlarging us league next eaann also apmkiruf briefly rre phil rundlr if streeuille gettrxe rietchrr of milton and nick t r ter of oakviue president masalcs then prrvcntril frll tow nan n phil leiirr ith tijhiea avmboltc of the league high single and high ar age mr alao prraenld the lrjv a inn of the ncia fire alarm jyitrrn high tritlr trupha to nuk l in thia wv in th eent of fire in the lo ship the person rrpteting it ill call victor 51131 this nunthrr i hated in the regular rdition f th ilrnte trsrphitnr 1ir i k and ii appear in the ape isl iipflenr it ar dirretorv to be i taunt txi i dial ser ire is injumirio immediate thr p lu r t the call ihe offtcer n it in turn lifts the prtalr lino rii r i n causing thr bell to ring mt r- h f the si rmergencv tr rfihonr in brontr the first per n lt rwrr will be in o ntrj ot the rimiil he mill aound the siren bv mnm of a kev associated ith each of the irlephnne seu and volunteers m 1 ruah to the fire hall the bell manatfer aaut the six telephones connected t the nlice nations prtate line cann t be u ed for outgoing calls how eve a siren code can be umm to let the volunteers know the approximate location of the blare townsh p potter also he a d r- ect line to ihe fire hall at thr eighth iirir which i attemirxl 24 hours a dav equipment for bronte i fire pro tection svttem now ta being install ed in the communil s new dial errhangy building on trafalgar st aouth of the queen elizabeth wat at the preaetm time telephone operators on duty tn bronte re- cie fir alarm calls and pers- alljuaound the aiart follow utg ute- cutover to dial operathm there sil b no oprralora working in bronte effective fjre protection is de pendent upon the speed in whnh an emergenc can be reptirted aatd mr oliver brnte a olun teer f re alarm system has been de signed specifically to meet the needs of the curnrnunit within the past three years a similar tv of srrce has been intrx1uced tn e rral ontario communities and the results have been gratif mg cak ille thr champion ctn trim wn shown a wunplr tiwlini i m which will bt girn to rath lr mrnibrr a soon a thr arr itiln rrtl ivrsidrnt c m il- irit l h t lr uf kh t nn r lii if 1 h lml hx fr n j caiirt in ipl f n klu f t thl l if ml i o 1k it t th oi h xml tha t t 1 1 nn f r tr nn lm t mr w nm m 1- trr dm ng th t ml ng th rnw i r enjiiel film c rl the p jn p a nt of i ton k r nc gr and the livrw ire nti r ainnunt of 0 rge ttirr c of ilm lion do inc tiicir hit rixiv op parks super in tendent w ilam murra uw keg ina rrtiurnu are bmteard proud regularly ctitting the grass on the hul arli in front of their hnmri although the cit cut nfglxt botilcard free w h dcnny see state farm agent nrstferab three cn w h denny 3 brack st rfcanaass artan it happens every spring guelph rotary club beher homes appliance show guelph memorial garden may 29 30 31 june 1 sm avaryitiinn thai i atw and dlffarmt for tha ham recaad for crlfaplad cklldran own a pm to 11 ml j children iree when accompanied ey adults photo br halel mack m bob wrnlit and mi duty lowro wik ara mambara of tha cdan mills pret local coupl bylrnan wa antarlainad lha ladei at ihe may mealing of tha w a tha patr etltsrlsin wa i quif popular in tha dittrkt lor ikitl mothar 90 at macting ihotn by llairl mark mrs flirabeth rcnme wk is 90 is pic turrd as she altcntled ilia may mcelinq ol ihe fdan mills prcsbytrnan w a thp nxmlinc was lielil l tle ikmtm of her tljufjhtei mis v ii lowi e who ts shown otxie w 111 her drtughlc r isabel lowrir heres a iwsrfy folder yos tea send tbesj ts kelp ssmetli tkeir wsy etpectalh prepatretl 10 shi prmpcxiiac new omen tocinads from britain thii older how to trjmfer fundi to canada riljtnt the uep ihst a person in the tnilrd kingdom must tale in order 10 omplv with britain s foreign cachangr rrpilatiom korrninf the ttjnilrr of funds nd blocked ttcrlmr asset to this country ak for a tops jit our nearest bof brant h today and send it off to anyone tou know in britain who might be conudmng ctnierjiinr ip caruuu wun1t11 hap london the bl if haa two wrllesishlished ofnen in london ruhrr one of which will be onh too glad to help smooth the way- or the prospective ajaj- grsni 10 canada 1 hrough u loodon offices the bof l can attend 10 al the deisiu in ronnecttoa with the uansicr of auru i torn the i k and have the saonev remiiied 10 the branch ta canada ncmrett the emigrants new bosne low ofkcati clff owcai 47 thraadnteds sitmi ec wast end ofrm 9 wolarioo ploca svv1 bank of montreax cad4 uaf siat4 actoa branch wiujam davgy maniget foattino mi camanuh in rvitv want of tire sinci mr bowling niws laaalaauaa may 14 rireflles are champions of thr legion iadl leajru but it almost wenl lo the eagaf out stretched hands of the doodle bugs in the first gam fireflies went out in front 34 pins and picked up 70 more in the second in th third nd final gamca doodle bugs came to life and started to roll in high gear and it looked u if they might make up the deficit with the last frame coming up tension and ex ellement ran high as fireflies man aged to hang on and take d iwn the decision by four pins final plnfall was fireries 3soi imm bugs 347 it wuuld be hard to ingu out any one bow irr as being the tops all the gala tried hard and doodle hugi lait no prestige in ing ttve aingle gainrs showed the best rot i log with j flu i tough 909 1 ilradihaw si j mr knight im i maitlii 23s maaaa stsui mv 14 lleeblr jeeblrs will sit at the head tatlr this car aa the mivm knit i ham after drirupmj ttir first ganir tu ihi icm1 llruts i v right pint thr h- tur jr bles wmi ihr oiki bv ml pirn and cut iimm in thr thud to win by ttt puis miking l ir t til ptifill 7u70 mgillikt thr iriml linitm 7 ih triplts f tv and rc4 fint m wan and mulii irs- tivrly f tui1 tfi uri phiv fr tin winmr lulfi m oil 11 iui ilirikwiiihl j ihiwlin 01 1 at mhi out ongimlulti us o in id i to ihr injur jhl i the loaers for th way they gamely battled down to the last frame be for acknowledging defeat rig aufca uay it hitting their peak in the finals paid oft for the jokers they made every game a winning one from th hound docs for a total lnfall of 27m against the losers jjfll jokers toowled steady in the clutches to of fset the erratic bowl ing of th llound dogs and it payed off in a championship for the win ners b stewarts 440 triple and single of 13 from c bradley z23 from w ridley wer tops for the liters s gervala wlth 9a4 m hurst jol were best orchids are in ordrf to both teams both gavr thnr heat arad it u unfortunalr perhaps that iherr ran only in one- winner naajpia hlghllgmis lhil lrhtieur with a 7as trlcnunt i an make a arlrvilon from the sliark of ord mr ulrhron this week hank trlmmer aurprised himself mild tlvr inlokrrs with a onr slip d liviiy and a 313 ainnlr i win the- rdon s hard war r awaid tavlr hulford with a hot trlph ami a 3ib alnglr picka up thr tih liaiuis attm along with thr lardgir a 1 ft a giocrri th roliiniii wiimib it up fr this omi my frirnitliis this situnliv 1 inldnitiht wi twill off hi iiicht f r ihr 1 ot tlmr until mat n jx n it ha im n a grand srtafmm anl ta iw l toil uf l i tf oi1 llltl b ii kiand ihhu and on thai happv dick is better than best no candidati can iouai kinnfth y dick km ix ml unci and 1w- vici to thi community county and countty iutiliahrii by million county 1 ibrral association county inspector toopen school trafalgar b f bornhold haltoh county public school in spector will be guest speakvr at the opening of the new pine grove public arhool on the fourth lint north of rbcea st it was an nounced at the monthly meeting of trafalgar public school board last week trustee donald orr wit act as chairman and a program of en tartainment will b presented by the pupils member of trafalgar township council township lafrlrials and hjanley hall upp for helton will be invited to th oprmng to b held friday evening al a o rlnrk the 10 room school which has an eurotmrnt of 24f7 pupils has btn in use lire last tvertntmi laoncl iktlllll chiij iwat k 111 pi the weekly rtililiwack piygrrsa has tntieed ha 7th yrar rirs editjon of thr patrr waa laaurd on april is imui phone 13l8 adon and u sum o vms msy ntullv sanitone ar w i phone 2o acton union store hours wtd ijoj2j0pm fbi t 309 00 p m other days i 304 00 p m low priced values smooth ias spitkawno 1 lb pkts solo margarihe 2 2 49c miihiillfs tllocolatfoh wiiitr ids i lk- cake n icing mix 29c at i flavouiis and mahmauaui r quarr r aylmer jams 329c sumvfr 1mdf ir cardan patch in cans choice peas 225c foi1 bftten baking buy i lb pk fluffo shortening 27c good housecleaning values for wiiitfr washes 32 oz btl old dutglbieach 19c 10c off djiu on a4 or btl stafl0 sv 35c iv off on pk king size fab 115 v off ft pkn ajax cleanser 2 for 34c us no 1 california potatoes white i j s w c firm green new cabbage 2 lbs j 3c home crown 3 beds 19c firm crisp radishes fresh milt green onions cto 3 beds 19c dont forget popular mechanics doityourself encyclopedia vol na 1 btiix on sale onit wa vol na 7 only 99 television service by r w grant phone days 594 acton nights 702 localfo at watson s music store that pipeline debate rfvnfttl 0u it md hiiivvmv dilmlif in iu10 hav km it i litmin jit lvnr in mom tin piilin uiuiii with thf itvws pipeline d ttalr imiiim drargrd in as a ltr7 1 ik in ii l sin it might lr nil r sliris i rrad he facia i i ilosiiii mho staiitrd 11 and w ho umd 1 1 thii ur ist iwo plpr tin amnl lit it ihr oppoal- li n u inini to mil t thr 1 11 ut hist lha y mr ifmkk and di pitvril of ale jiili ilrlmtihk limr and arr- n i out j lollurto unhrard ol i vx i hid i amr was ux1 i n ih iill thioiikth ll ih hm ism it ji a t in itii iininmrnl wtllh iikilt 1 in iasuir in lh ifiur i tlmnii til ar d h hub j i l att a v ill nn in vk hi li mx itiil in losiiri in lha nil ii iii li imnt anil h in miirrmiir in nrvjliw ivrinnonla which umd loouii fivr iimn in 1012 n a navy itill di batr uik to ib 17 oti r hetioti art n it hill di imii thr ilxrala ti iujfi n ihi diimii in itrply and and on tin ipimi n if htiflitl rntirism thr opmiaillon with a mill him toll ih ton th ii um s nt la das lulkmg iki it it i rtus nn thi rifcolulhti f ur mi snnxl trading wvrn in imn ti th k md ivko n tin third tiadiiik anhiliat in tin linilii hot of ihi hoi dial th 1 hw of thi pim hrif was all paid di n it a himnras hkr pro ml u dithht adv inlaci to i ur ihh tl at ua 1 intl thi n tin wi of hurk n hi l ill nnd irl idilitu n to thjl thi luirtimint rnllrct ill si rhhmxi ill l rata h mtn n m nnd in r iinlr a tin oilm i it n inmlh tinjiiliiil in an kilitorial in n it tin ml int mr sl iiiim in in i jx ttirnt ait ihr iry outst of hm r imp iikli hi i lit ml in ik f in 1jirlumt iiijiv snpn maev tbr tl ii ukt t hal kllltla ii al ulllrimii llll lafotl till 111 st hut thi t in nuki hi lnlilliint ilieiilon on whnh mirty ia to ih f ntrumi d mith ofu thr pljic line ha uhjii built md thr dral ftul n t cast thr lax pitr on i rtnt canada i m w uttting a nrw pnidoctivr asset aa inixirtant tmla a wji yi in ao thr first tram continental rail- vm and conlrnl nf thi rommi n vittng stock did not fall into ron- trol if ms inlt n tn aa thr ci nrtir prrdirtid at that timr tin caoi innii nt uimw atipuutl that a minimum uf a per cent f thi lk must tn i ffrrrd to nuda and despite th opposition ninn tark that un offi r in canada would not drtrr thr americans from strpping in and buying it matlmlc rrltid iv nnn partiiana show that uvrr 00 per crnt of th stock was si id to ainadian invrators largr and small andrnurh ado haa bn mudf that national sovrrrignty waa rndailcertd b the inflow i f fi r ign capital into anacta parurular iv from the l s many rountnr throughout the world are are king in exerv wav to git us capital so that thev mav undertake thr sort of divrlopmrnt projicta that wr f all abt ut canada and i don t think for a moment that thr canadian nation with its ever increasing atrtngth and unitv will ltv in danger because ot us capital spaklng in washington on thr mattrr nf us capital th president of thr canadian chamber uf commerce told the annual meeting f the u s chamber of l ommeree canada did and should continur to wtlcomr us capital with wideoptn arms a nation of 16 soo mx peoplr just hasn t kot thi savings to finance tome of thr aprvtarular piojrrts necxsaat in canada today us tit nr is incnaung canada a productive rapacity to the extrnt that wr aire gradually rraching a stage where we wilt no longer be guitr sn dependent on manv tvpes of imports and provide us with thi rapaotv to process all our raw materials at home it ia p4tdint up canada s growth at a rate which could not be main tamed if canada wire rntmlv dependent on many typea of im ports it has brought with it the management tha technical tdaus the know how jntl th assurance uf markrta so vital to tha rapid growth of canada an tndtavnr is bting mad to blot out the substantial work of the liberals for the peoplr of canada by the sound and fury of our opponents d liberatrly with much ado about very utile the pipe line debate tht influx of us capital th opposition hopes to blot out the vrr rral gains madi by the canadian people under liberal administration the success of any government should be measured by what it has done for its people by its aecompjuhments in providing u better lift for all and by tu foresight in planning for the future by anv standard of measure the achievements of the liberal gov ernment for all of the- people has measured up and will conrjnu to do so in the future vote liberal kenneth y dick tub man to elect in balton publlihad by halion county ubaral attoelallon bwmh8bfffjbsw j i taa

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