Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1957, p. 5

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th acton fraa prit thursday may 23rd 1957 tatumamp local minister receives licence a lit ngflm umdd uinta ii viuwd church aanrln unitrr awton to fcaar jim kirk waa araaeh hi tint aaraun aftar gmlnaiim bran llmwiaanatoflmaga aiift a riat ait bjc and d 4ra aftar far rtandly wotaa fa aald that h bacaua al i ataiabrr aa iu ai th hum trim asyaaa can hava a la aaay lor m t raatf of htm w a haafc but to raaujr tow has tat aur aam uvaa team to ua has a n oajj tab am umla w la oar uvaa t kaa ua urana alow manrtanlp ant han as tot m guard hir it thai wt mi aw la ilk arantne a aaartal avrvtr wa h44 to uranc aim to praarh k- mr urtartan af oanravtown toak th aarvfcr and rav ur hari f iaart crvdit pnaaiuwt jan to b itaanaari norman rum of hoca- bf vho waa hr lor two yaara u praaant ho la to b onutrvad t with jim on junr 1 la hatn- ii waa a vry touching afvtc ad alt fall quit honor tw a on wlw waa burn bar and trrrw up la this ronmunlty ftvf hi 111 anrtc to th wt r ol th uonl jbn to to be mantad shortly to usf mar wood of sunu who to a pmctmtaj but waa unafelr to bo prnt as hrr father u er totally nr jim rvperts to be snt u twk i aarr7wmn for hu ftrat rhargr j rr ur mart a fine ad dram leatinx murfi for all u think about tit choir aan- an anthrm and ur netrlon imli u th rl of thr arrvir all retired to thai baamnt mr nrrl w ch rman aaafd jim to cvmr forward em ip xucnery rinsd a vrrv ap propria addr nd harold or f fan presented jim with a walkt containing hop started by erni ifrenrrv rotwrt mnw ballin ofad han id griffm church it and vlma jarltaon itvuttlr j jim made a ery fitting rpk and all rnjo4a cup of tea and i cooklaa thr w a met at the horn ol mr larmhall on tmiav after noon with the president mrs ro brrt mrcnerv pmfimg the meet in opened a th the theme on and creed and the lord s pravrr in j uttaun mrs f smith ar c svttpcur on frcerie roll call waa anawered b 14 members with an exchange t punu or md buiineaa it etna ere to bur more apoona ft r the kitchen and pan i wore made f r the annual bus trip i on june 13 u toronto and oaha afn tom c en raw a reading and lunch as rrvod b mr c mcenrr mr s r 1 aij the hoatem alberta haj witif river that flow south k the cuf t mex co ime tht r n r h to the arctic ocean bowling ladies hole annual award dinner adoa ladlaa bowlmg idaafua hold tltoir annual banquo at th dominion hotel wad uay i a foatuff of th rvont winding up th ymr waa th proaaataiion of trophiaa to th aaaaona lau laadiik bowiarc entarialnmoni war aupfulad mrs f canl at th piano and aunat wr playad by th d ud- mwa jami colaa waa kc fv th pro am which aaw bryl crakhton p tad with th tro phy for faljh iv ua huu tar th hick tnpu and vi cochran for ktflk autflfe is aaid dot earl mad th pramntauona- wtaajiuj team th eiaan ntry was prmanmd with th raxton traatiy by donor doa rwaton and also proarnlad with a trophy by iraaaurar p rallantlna tttaxia an antry aaa also ftvan aaatari by apwwani sid claan anothr faatur waa th praaartt- atton of cop and mucrra tu all bowtars who rarvlrad no truphia and a poam rood by utm j c4m on th konrttaa eornplvtad th procram st johns ambulance hear exam results thr woa freot proritta in th formation of a st john ambul nee br utade in art on aho n at the meeting held tn th ttomn mall on tueaday eentna mr jefkin area uperuitendrnt waj pment and ouuinod vmai detail l the roup preoent he pi ke fulu on ht food brifmle ahuld be ru1 v hat u expected f its member me urred careful th hifhl be fien befr snlrv the charter but ftreaand the great ajtu fact on and fuit life to anr who did mr t aldw the women a area auperinterktent apoke on the i men r in the nurving iirt and hoped that acton wi uld etab itoh on mr munler of guelph who i th aftm insfructor gae th welcome new- of the reaulu of the rxanu w th 33 out of 3a being mccesaful it is hoped f n jimii ki can be reached at the next metlnj n twtwdav njght nest as it least i membt r must be e gible before a tr trade can be rnrd in cu n hime nurs ng ci ure is h h1 u be hel in the fall h h w ii be pen to anr interested perm sand somen il e f lnd n ont is the rl lmjun to cv er win the i s amateur f 1 t an i ionah i worn mkus joint ladies clubs hold may meeting th may mmtwg of th wji 8 and ladlas aid of th proabytor- tan church wr hajd in th horn of mr w lowria th w ml was tn chare of th by4praldat dvotioai war con duotd by th arrtptur btnsrad coosorutrraly and ur oardinar led in pryr a lr was rd from ur dtckaon of rormosa and ur wallar laaby ffav a raadbur ii ln1 th churth ua mr j d uowrt and hn ro bert wright aaa a dual th in- ing cioaad with th lordt prayr ur jam aiuwrtaon oponad tha ladlat aid mvotlnf with a poem and prayar 8vrj itoma of businom war diacuamd mr utno apok a fw words to th auoat of honor ui rnnl wbo wat colabaatins har fch birthday mr cwmt mardousu praasntad vn rannle with a love ly plant and th birthday son u ung for her readings wr ftvwn and mr wrifhl and mr lwri agaut gave j dul thia time d i mi in gay ao cnatumaa th msating rluaed wtth the benedcuin a wtal half hour waa spent with mrs r y gordon and mr j uortonad at i ing mr lowrtr and isabel mr and mrs will wilson tended the chrwtenlng of thr great g random brian smith afnl 1 it n on mother s day mr snd mrs j cph abbott rf t nun tltetl m hennie in the liowrie hunr n sundav mr ami mis jamea wibxm f ilrsnipt n were visit w in thr wm home on saturxtay evening mr and mrs prank lhnier and fjnulv of pit kerlng is led er ir uiek end with mr and mrs j d 1h ne iktuglaa ii k uhi has ti tt 1u tent min st r at th inb rr isn himh t r he past tw and a half vcr ill prcmh his fin mill serm hi on sunda m coxe humbwo hiattno lavtttiouohino put oat t oil hnuca oaa wamr taik fre estimataa phone j5 acton dick than is better best no candidate can equal kenneth y dick km experience and se- vice to the community county and country iut htd tj hilton c untv lit ral abtkiation mmr wllr hykrw fr mmt uu riul mutt hjkeu i im7 ir john budc bsllinafad aden farm supply acton summer visitors favour ontario you are cordially invited to attend a social dance esquesing township hall stewarttown friday may 31 8 30 p m to meet the conservative candidate sandy best cards w iunch dancing eveiyoni welcome sporuored by eiques ng pc auoc a on e n htff i kiitouzjftavttvi omtailxotjyt mackenzie news ou ara gon ro kae to get busy to teep up fo njtur annual bngnren ng up ampa gn rez kooucts an tha kual woacl prawrvanvaa arxf paint bataa for ham window bona varandah flaart alt riz is only 175 qt 530 gal floor paint is only 255 qt outside white paint only 255 qt enjoy ma tummar by quipping yaur ham with qoed prarachva w wa carry both broni and valan icraaning do thwn yauraalf r hava ua da tham for you yam paruamant bldaa toronio porta t laltwxik cau k rtc estimates miss fern brown hostess to wms mis trn drown opvoad her hum for th uy mtlnf of th wjj8 of th unltad church wtth th prtmldant mia 44 z dnntt presiding following th opening hymn mia bennett td tn prayer th txatinaas part of th mting included th nuniites of th pro vioua rneayting trurrs rtrt and rwptkfts of departments com munity friendship mrs t clav chrusuan atwrdahfiv uri o johnatoa litntur mia m jblain pru baby hand miaa ten hen derson mr h r rorc road tha rorrapindence the devotional period w taken by mr a snoamaaar mrs thd ford rad the scrip tur isaaon fol lowed bj special prayvra and re ponar led by mrs shoemaker and htr group for hum mission a suio th love of god wai ren 4acd 1 mua d fetftunan mr shoetnaker in s mot in larosttng ntsutnrr took tha lad ies on an imaginary sour to the wt rut miu bennett reviewad the work in vancouver and sveaun with the jjane travelling esut ward mrs j lambert mlu men derton and mr cleave daacrtbad the work ton at rttle huu hak atrhean fltn mun and oypsum mile manitoba liatk in toronto mrs shoemaker f ke of the ivk there ttie cuntenu af the bale whi h tad beett soicrviard by the siiptily secretary mn t w m uon w as dedicated and viewed bv those i oreaefit mrs shefiiakrr t 1 d the ii rctiltg w tlh ratr sui thanking the h wteas anil hrtr 1 limptl vat nmrj vj tin arjupi ii ttiark- miui m toiitl tit h ur njrd ana 1j s hithest m uituini are f und in the st t lias nurunliln phun i sllvttwooo home economics meeting topic mr d williamson wa convener of horn economics t the may meeting of silver- wood w i at th home of mrs i marchintn th vice president mr w r norton tuuk the chair roll call was an answer lu what left undone to get her current event wer given by mrs george htdran and two poems approp riat to the month of may were read by mr norton it was decided to ask for the k tension cours in rug making this year mrs harry scott offering her borne for it mrs e millet was elected as a jhird voting delegat to the district annual with the president and di kiel director mrs march ington and mr r corbet mr jj w wuer u uklng over ihe tweadamulr hu tory m place of mr grn list kin who has looked after it since th forming of our branch the new programs for 0tyt- wer distributed and the travelling basket aurted on its way a report of the officers conference uuelph was gln by the secreury treasur er mrs george flurt and derm-n- stratlon in rug making was glvan by mrs marchln the meeting clnaed with th na tional anthem fulluwed by a stactal naif hour with mrs i ieck and mrs undauer asslsung th host the sympathy of the neighbor- iummj if t tended to mrs prank ivnaon and hrr family in th recft death of mr ivnaon j wishes for a speedy recovery go to mr trn ftatkln who u in si michael hospital f illow ing an operation congratulali uu to jerry and kua sell miller on the birth of their daughter cherry lrraln mr and mrs w it norton of slurrcwk- mr and mrs hob lou titt and knnle and mrs mac arth ur uf acton molorrd t 1akefleld on saturday to attend he annual cadet corps inspection uf th pr- artory arimbol there mr nortoo a grandson ilavid nortn is a pupil mrs d w shier is spending a rw days at lort rei with her daughter and son in law westinghouse ouabry ural fvaaluem la yaur ouaranm l oraamm valua you can u sum i its wtnimomousi appuances radio television rarlaua talaatdaaa ftum i war parlaala sajla huj balrlaanura tutj vrlkl mwn uwm llaaar oalaxa lui nj aalaaulto latkaa drrara i1hj wuklai miaaia iiuj1 aalaauua laaaaraattta air raaaulaaara ttuj aauaulto imakwaakara far yaur pawaail a aapalnlw and funtandranant arranoad talaakana m5j home maintenance supply 14 mill tt actan you wlhttnohoilat okalcb monuments iiamtton ivtijtna ubtnillnl rrmrirry ittlrrmie o mrr hwu and iimhrri a t l ni i m nock wm c auan prop ouaan st w sramplan hfcap rtwnr l i atu i itll rep tom nicol phmtr rramptan til i shi a1 used cars inventory clearance sale at thompson motors acton ltd 1957 fairlane victoria i0oo0 mile red and wit tc smartly cqy pped 1956 ford custom sedan jet black aufoniat c rad o whip wallj low mileage 1956 ford custom 4door automat c ad o lu tone 23 000 m lei 1955 ford custom sedan 4door l jht green clean one owner 1954 ford wton pickup good rubber clean boy this one now is your chance for a better used car sist of al in town soqihm nou at gordons hardware with 21 mlracla faaturaa to haip you cook mlracla maalal ai low 22995 new mclaby reftlgemtois modam mlracla of colour capacity convanlancal a w 24995 llfracfe kkesl slirrnfi qhetktotyot gordons hardware s 23 miu st acton phonte 76 when youre sick who pay th bill for grocari and rant tha ccf program inducts a ticknat bana- fit plan to provida bade incoma whan tha braadwlnnar i laid up vote jack henry ccf x i hliihrtl i ii i iti tn k as h il n lf5ofjtamb 7 mau or whoie 53 lb grade a 2 to 3 lb avaraoa acronized frying chickens 43x pound of tamril1tf smau unit pure pork sausage and i roui ol tainnutt wieners all for 89 new roz unit maple leaf chubs save a maat sandwich spread 15c braunachwaloar reran and liver wuh krtf taja boa noosttr- trr tablerite side bacon i lb bkf 89e each 29 jaimjvuh fruit vegetables 59 new crop valencias an ooutanding value sunkist oranges a wo iud hii ifcaul irjl i mlr tamily tomat6es cello plcg 29c ntw crop california tin f rt t ivilablp mt pks carrots 2 for 29c tur kid ltl and j no lll kite mat c a su wate 129 wit1i ibii itm boni h boohtie- tapr c h 1 im k fihini flavour c tit i ri t lemons cello tube 19c frozen fooos pictswftt french fries 2 ss 35e chip steaks 27c mlatt mi1iaci f willi salad dressing in i jar 39 food alor anst rma batr rsjod raatnrra affartlv may u u m bonus boosters 12 m tin hereford corned beef 35c ahkl i i so- prune plums 2 for 25c ciiou e ungilanw hi n iga peas 3 for 29c with pork 20 x lini iga beans 2 for 29c 1 ub pkc crisco shortening 38c 1 u imi tlulfo shortening 29e oxydol 40c bcderm our 10c coupi n on giant sixc ullk irtr litl rom k noohttb- tape la s ni m in pkk f l tea bags 85c hlth imf km bom booktrb- taa st ir iff iln ii h t i kits pie filler 2 for 33c with mre ia bom h noomtrb taa whit i i inlrlak toilet tissue 2 rls25c llh rrir tzm romm noomtvr taa bic 2 lkjs shredded wheat 37c iifc sssst kf pihircamay facial soap margarine 29c tji vkrtlr 9tvi tuii s cpu 3ror3lc 2tor3ie rfrie bonus giftsf f no cash required with ledgers iga

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