Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1957, p. 4

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j tk aco rvw knmt tnunday may 23rd 1957 kerr family attend may day festival lats saturday mr and mr ar- fci rrrr and bob attandari tha mv dv fatnral a ajma coll km thir dautr m graduating tjtb mr ny mw th crownmf f the uay qun and th pal dnc it- wm all vt unprro- it nd bittful and u wu w- tajnlj a loly vnt lor th mi or yw m maripntt r tumd honr art thm for tha jim kirbvwd prvxhad on sun day mom in in churchill church h m cmduaunf thu june and ww i to pr c fur hu lcanc sunday nifht ai ballinafad sunday rnornwd h look a hit top a prpn m without honor u k own country h ijkmrd kmmk to th pruphvt and wnt on t xplam hoar h cam to antr th ministry it m ry llr- inc wnnon vttitora with mr and mr a ictr over lh wa nd wf ur and mr donovan her sister and uatwnd ur and mr bocot all from sult si mart visitors tuati tallrxl fnwn nw york for a ahort iit mi tvla a7 mr and m o aldham dnny and bvry vtailad sunday with mr and mrs ftalpnt danny miw ci r l4i iitm with hrr tarter mr and mr c drnnv blonds n hrr way homr from a varwt on in bmmu th wrthr ta ahahtlv cwi in drrmudt this yaar mr riiaabalh bu k of owir torn tiulrd with mr and un krr this wrfcnd on umut mt mr and mr rrvl mc arthur sttrnrtcm the unt rtf i ctrn ererted n the comrr park in griffin st in pitmrers t f ml settled there i the alao had a mill with their aunt mi urnle mr and mr mu bert i onifurt of st ann ont haltbn rural league announce schedule th fouoarlnf u the aaaaon achadul far the llalton rural softball lau twiliay may 11 onaln va palermo lowvtll vs hattanvul hornby va- traralajax tanalvy by rruay may st tamjy at trafalgar palarmo va lowylll haltonvutr v ocnajh hornby by tmaday may at haltunvlu va tanalay palarmo ra hornby lowviu v omth trafauar by rruay hay t lowvitlr va tanatry at loarvilla trafaiar va palvrmo omaah va hornby haltonvill by twaaay jan t tanalay va rhlervno hornby v ltalloiivillr trafattfar t lovih omach by rriaay jaaa 1 oanan va tanaly lwvtlla hornby trafauar v malum ill pajrmo bya taaaaay jane ii tanaly va iu rnby haltonviu va iairntk omach va trafalgar lowyilla by rriaay jaaa 14 iviirmo vs onih ltlunviur lam- lue trafalgar llornb tati rj bc taaaday jama trafalgar va tiwjcy ljv illr plrrmu knagh halt ntl r hornby b c friday jaaa tl tanalr hjii n 1 it rnb iju rnw omjtfh t lvv i la w engagements mr and mr frank robinson rorlrwuud announc th ntfag mant of thir daughtar shirley jn to william gaorg sooirr illc aon of mra george sooirrr villi- and th lat gorf r soni- ervill acton th marriage will take pk saturday may 25 at darrte hill united church omtuaty frank penson 64 passes a guelph runrral acrvce wa held at the funeral home in gtrgeton on monday may 13 at 4 pm for rrank c penon s ear ago mr p n ban suffered heart trouble an 1 had nrr ben too strong iree he died in gurjph general hoapital on saturday may 11 at the age of ft mr prnson ws born in england and came to canada as a young to to cm w illiams and he had lived in this ditrkt aince that time attending aohus in the di trirt and later beihe employed in the beaumont knit tin mills and other wot len mill in thu mc nity he iumipd bt hi wife mil dred 11 ioud whost he married 41 years agi two daughter bcttv otlr j dear of brampton and kay mr b bundle of george loan m vi ilfreo and ge rge of milton dae of huttonille and bill at home si sistrrs also vir vlve him mr rubv knuiht t ir- onto gtads dredge hamilt n lira thomas hickey hamilton mra harod beattv hamiln mrs kill lasbv acton and mrs george fry er of actin tyiere are 1 1 btanctch irrn mr pnm was a member of the arufltcan church and rr kenneth rchardv cvnduted the servire tie pa lbearer were brue rund e etrgrn j m dear of uramp n gevge frver cu n lian j beatt ham it n tim mr donjrtl brmpiin ern c drele himi i in rrmrnt w a in reen ixd cmetrr george wn local news rap dl acton fire hal yainmc prgma the ua team ha been pi ui n f fii r ojening game gra- m road in uwn are re re ng a new eot this we k man f rework dip av m hed in vtm last moodi evening local mproxemefit are u te rntceab r u man rci iifvt i n town it w a tj te a re f to miu the torrad prnised us on wed neadar tht i ted viburtun gas co are n c ga n- in warren grle gooxl taiut i ixted at th tenn c ub vcmng torn rrxw night cenre atrip n cton bxule- ard a tk m n t peawant ap pea ranee the r f wi the ight fadards have been taking quite a beating from the weather vcentl frishness ouaranteed trafalgar be taaaday jan 1 tafuley v luillc palermo trafalgar hornbv s omagh hallonvnllr br frtaay jam t i palermo va tana e haltonmlle ii mto i lovt ille s trafalgar omagh bye taaaday jaly 1 tanaey a omagi i hornby loiile i llalton ille a trafalgar i i4mo be i frtaay jaly a hornby tanaley 1 palermo va halt n lue trafalgar v omagh personals mrs john wood uitrd dr and mra j scott in guelph bundiv mr and mr r n giuep e of hamilton spent the weekend with mr ami mr earl lmtmrt mwi carln drant f le le tirnto afwnt the h 1 la uek end with the fretiler n mr and mr errol sprow 1 nd tola attei ded the une 1 in of the griffin cairn at sm th le n the holida mr and mr j hn ll in i i f mi were h 1 1j wik end itort with mr and mr pi k dalle and familv f ganana xjue mr and mr t w svl mr a m lit t n nt mr and mr g hiath vnc mi c n hiwh me mr dertv k chi n r i td m a f hawth rne on the week end mr ltd mrs luurl liutvi if t thl 1 firm rl f n art if cbrt iia the r vxh anmpar nmi3 1 mr u iirui u a iter of mr ne n 1initn ri of v t wt n r p ill embil uniknru b t ing thnderheada mile aw a s 1 t tan atvid turbulent air sales and service on myers water systems i a1wavs httsh rtn tsruuns ujv monthiv tftms include pip ond initouotton if you with k mimtv of watu nihtt of pmuum myus umk and watwwjrtlnik ivttton georgetown council ups own fee to 8 georcrtowm with oiree council maenberi voting in opposit ion a motion to increaa the meet ing fee of georgetown councillor to ww carried by a majority vole m a council meeting recently up to the preaent councillor have been receiving tat a meeting th matter of th apna all- anc was brought up by mayor arnuitrung who aaid he had di co ered that when the allowance was raumd to m a few yra ago thu had not been properly done as an amendment to lha bylaw and should be rectified recent provinc ial irgnlati m ha set m as the maximum fee and h recommended that council consider the raise at th same time as a by law amend mrnt mas passed i the is motion proposed by i r harrison and mogilvray met up paiti n fi m depulv reee d tug sar ml and cr walter grav and frn hde 1 hunk thu year we thuuld kit a ij oil our present all iw i aiue tail cr hyde the job may be worth m re but i think it is pir paiholg it raise ur own alar at me jtir linn are i n fusing to put in a drain i think well im erev crit tied if raise the fee w a cr ra a opinion that a true but that would h ijh ti w bene rr a r im w a ma it w as he r stan mien a aiuwi r j all wi nwd t sav is hun for th j b ourir if you re n t satis fust said cr harris n a suggestion b i r mcgil ra j that ouiuil consider inert asing the ma in allowance also was not dis i iiascd further at the midinj ir mcg ivray tiled the many h ur the mnur spends in admimslrati n and said he felt there sh uld lx an inert aae f r him at tht aine timt many visitors at local homes mra t a morrow or dundalk 1 visiting her daughter and aon in law mr and mr harey dolmer and family sympathy u extended to mr harry h orlop in the passing of her aunt mrs neil harden at hlluburg last week weekend visitors with mr and mrs ted jestin and family wet mr and mrs lloyd hunter and family onus villa mrs caanaugh and daughter mr edith smith and sherry of oakvllle tailed recently with mr and mra harvey dolmer little dunne mccutchron kit chetier visited last week with her uncle and aunt mr and mrs llarv- y vtss w ttsl nee motne raa m hospital undergoing an operation week end visitors with mr and mra harvey jestin and bobby were mr and mrs stanley mckay of guelph on monday they all visit ed with mr and mrs rupert jkvau mont george tow n mr and mra harvey dolmer and buys visited the latter sister mr and mrs sam maditl of herkely on the week end mr rge jestin accompanied her daughter mrs lloyd cutung acton and visited on sundsv v llh mr and mr jame p rter shri burm ujyumouu cadet peter scholz completes first year congraluutlons to cadet peter sctufla who has succeaafully com pleted hit first year at royal roads college victoria bc pater haa been home the past wek before going to centralis where he wilt be stationed part of this summer the lamehouae presbyterian w m s met at the home ur mr lefer ink with 14 attending th evening of may 13 ttat word uaed was sabbath mr leferltik obliged with organ selections mrs a c patterson raad from the study book mr lefertnv read scripture and mrs roughley le in preyrr the hostess aerved lunch after tlla meeting we hope for a complete recovery rur garry siotl and mel hlcken ho- ar m ttr josephs hoapnat guelph each juffered a broken leg and cuts and bruises in a motor cycle truck collision at th corner uf no t highway and 3 side road robbie roughley celebrated his sevrnth birthday on mav 14 with a party for a few young friends mrs hen w irk nf glasgow scot land visited the fred llrigss last week miss a bell it toronto and mra colly er spent tin- holiday witk end with miss thus lillyer ad mi munder v h i are on h tlidavs at thtir rotugt on the f uith line oktlv kpt cd svskattkin t si ij p ihc f mr lirlu m mr l t t tl nt thl jem inn mm ur i hik w it f i hxi u r speed i 1h f r g ing through st p j k ml an ther s10 f r i i iv inj urn d tut drivt r in ni in heart l it mi ol utrtl miss l tiotht in a r hiri lai wnk bannoclcburn wi hold may meeting th may meeting of th bannoek- burh women a inauluta was hatd on thursday night may ii in ban nock bum school mrs c sinclair took th rhalr in the abaence of th pre slant open ing th meeting with th inatitut ode and the mary stewart collect th roll call waa answered by bringing a new member a slaruaaion followed regarding buying playground equipment lor the achool it waa decided u pur- vhaa a allda delegata war vot ed to a l land th district annual at hail in fad on umj 90 plana for th annual bus trip were diacuaaed and commit la aalected to be in aharg wer mra w storey and mr c sinclair two ahort humorous atorlea war read by mra w mcdonald th a44a rloaad with tn wuren and lords prayer aftar which delightful lunch waa aerv ed by mrs s matthews mra c sinclair and mrs j fo andrew butler uhoino conttactoa ptln attwamon rickwwv tlmkwarii ifwwaffc free estimates wwk gurantmki r r no 3 acton phone cfin iir3i h s holden optomnrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douplt st guelph phon taylor 2 71 so dick is better than best no candidate can eoual kinneth y dick foi kfisience and shi- vice to the community county and country tublitlud b llalton ciunl liberal auocmiinn euchre and dance t rql fmno township lllt at httwatttown on thursday may 30 1957 cards at 8 30 p m prizes kenneth y oick lh llbr1 candidal will b pratmil shnircd b eiquisinf tuunshlp lltmal afttoiati n whip mmltlir vcx1ltji cv u canadian pac fif lrl nr m tii- backshelf foods axe frontshelf foods on frigidaire roiitoton shelves see them at i manning electric dont delay now is the time for bedding plants we have the best stocks and the best prices the most complete variety of flowers and vegetables 3 boxes 100 we deliver be sure and stfe our large assortment at the rear of the new bank of montreal building for a better choice from hundreds of bones of many varieties drive in here and load up hintons 5 to 1 oo store the srora that rjlvat you a batter choice a barter quality a lowar prico j the salvation army red shield appeal avaiuhu at ledgers frank carney t sons the understanding heart and the human touch food doth ng- shelfer yes bit it takes more than these to i ft tne burden from despa r ng souls th s the salvation army knows the understand ng heart and the human touch are ceaselessly employed m mend ng shattered i ves and k ndl ng hope m spirits darkened by sm or suffering that this work may never flag your s it nt byfairbfulworfcer of the salvation army dedicated to these tat of mercy give from the heart acton objective 80000 may 27th to june 1st we need tradeins now why convert that propane ranoe when roots offir top trade value on modern natural oas ranges sm lh complt mccury lin of g rang rwwon tutpllyr for dlailt et lha cemput mccury lin plus viluihen onyour pratnl gt er uctrle rahg see- root hardware rockwoqd lit 69551 cnrizint or acton and district r invito ta join in decoration day inrt raibvitw ruirrcbt sunday june 2nd draroratitm day sponaursd by hia worihlp th mayor and tnambaira of ut council of th corporation of acton lh canadian laffiaa women inatitut lfloji auaillary acton fir brlxada duk et davonahlr and iahasfd chaptars i o ox th commltt ax praaaaa th hop that avaryona in acton and vicinity will turn out and have all th plots in falrviaw of thalr lovad on dacoratad that day th aclun ciluna and gualph pip band and taa oulph sa cadt band will b tn aiundanea our services on savings on 2 3 or 5- year guaranud tnvtfmntt executor and trustee under wills administrator where no will emit or where eeuto does not wish to act truitee for pens on funds new pension plan for the self employed mortgage loans inqu nes invited pi one victor 4 3216 halt0n peel trust savings co oikvillo woolworth bldq assets now overs 000 000 ae1l march 1955 s3 15 960 a s nicholson prlident w j beaiiy local d rector 152 brant st burlington o e manning general managr neiion 4 1028 there is only one way to get your moneys worth just as accurately as a clock tells the time the news papers of canada reflect pul 1 c op n on what they are say ng about election issues mitts seise to most people here is what the st cat v ne s standard says how tone must canadians be hcl 1 lown by over lavation how long w if ottawa com nue amiss ng hundreds of million of doll srs in surpluses white the prov i cts and mun c palities go wgg ng wh le thtrt no n onty for tie essential growth of nunicfpal ttes the calgary htral i s no- ltss cfitttal of ft smantvjement it federal level it says the lib ral government is gu ity of loppy stewardship of tht country s treasury total value of ill goods and services produced in canada this year is esti mated at 31 b llion dollars the domm on government will i phon away more than five b ii on dollars of this for its opera tions th s is more than 300 for every man woman and h id n trie country are we gi tt ng our money s worth the r is ng t de of resentment ind anger is mirrored by what the toronto globe and mail has to say the liberals offer no change whitsotver put us back they say in effect and everything w ii go along tust as 1 has been go ng they nake no promise to do this or that because they say thare it nothing that needs to be dot t tt e conservit v s d sagree they th nk changes are necessary and have prom sed to make them do you th nk ev ryth ng has bt en done n ha i ton that needs to be done do you want to go on pay ng increasing y higher property taxes because our v mages and towns are forced to borrow n ney at h gh- interest rates the l beral government evidently s no concerned about our pi gr t it gives comparatively i tile to the provinces and mun c pjilites but ns sts on amass ng annual half billion dollar surpluses for its own use i the progress ve conservat ves prom se a thorough re examination ofcnam s tax structure w th a view to reduc ng taxation asked how this could be accompl shed john d cf enbaker said ha f of that 500 m i lion dollar surplus would be used to bring down taes the ottier half to increase old age pensions will you vote for the l berals who do nothing o help us or will you vote for the progressive conservatives and be sure of immediate assistance the answer is obvious yours sincerely ctuvtima aliumiu gaudy bit your fregmtlv conurvhva candidal foi furtherinformation phonahaclqur1rli oakviue victor 43249 bufcllngton neiion 432 milton triangle b6675 best for you and halton foal publlahad by th hilton county prof native conservative aim

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