Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1957, p. 9

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i the acton fro prctt thursday april 25lh 1957 might be changed by public belief hamilton 1cp1 alemandrr bapt ist davie admits nil theory sounds strange but he thinks that if enough people believe its lime for a change in the wrathrr then there will be a change a drugles phyiirian by profes sion nd a mystic and philosopher by hobby mr davles harki back to his boyhood da in armenia for his authority fit- sa 1 an inti r w that enl ndurs tht r vurr issutd iff months in advance with untiringly t som 10 women j 4h homemalcirig clubs popularity of 4h homemakina clubs in ontario u demonstrated by the fact that same 10 000 girli were enrolled last year in food riothlnfr house furnishing hospil ality gardening and home deferu rltlbs it appear that there wili b- more clubs and more members tt li ir mire girls learning to plan m tuu and kmikt and sew to be gkx lioxtetes to dre becomingly to grtjw ijooi fliwir and vefrt bt irird t to tiiiike siniu- furmh uut uitcisttajtitsi fur their tiutuca ill id to kep thefiiselvrs fit phvsic ally ul iii iitilh b t ii utitii ewn ate eitherpretlunoni ih ikt a appro iiiiihv 111 girl ait pubhsht rs i r th rultitdma who did m ivt iim ne of tli 10 lnnm th fmetiit nic mikinic tlnls the rtuun laugh d l in ii rmlv sjii just uke our i hum j tv hlw trftifulioit ik riti- tr iifid r it llxhlhl f mlflllll mill i ihoi m ivi iuit nl al eurti 05 in i c nt local rttkunt got tb xray pictured u jacob greydanu receiving hi id ray from technician w dorion of the department o health mobile unit it i reported hundreds from acton arid ditfnct teeivud rays in the two days allotted few alton end d slrict y t tin v t r or lb tin i 111 unlt niubli fad l that th immtituhl li n powi i if lutun hu tht atntosphi i ir i iiflithn- t null our i xjm iljluin h lb iiuinni i nf tiiim in i- i ilaiii hi i 1 in fnv i i thi h h j tht it mill mm ih n i il lain hut ilinwt iuiiik fa i abl nfaw lal i t ik pla x ll i m 1 w 1m mj ii lun of iwi ilh nrnjoim tit li n n 1 itvt linl it n tinic it hid lot i r 11i mill ii i nil ii mm ia the experience should be helpful to these girls not only because it gives them a chance to learn canadian ways of kecking house but because a 4 11 ifotnitnaking club u a social us well as a learning group evldtwr of the interests 4 ii himietiwikirvjc hilfc have for irl is the way settiir girls ronumi in the wirk jvm girls in tetrh r rvnke re often found in vaeainn tirn or on n k ends at hutm taking part in j hub ur uetind u lewltr a jew niiliiiu in he wirk oft r lh t r norrnl m lon ti tin v it wiunn tht njie linul of 2d v si ih v spl on that a til ii fullv ituhfh th imnrtn of wll it ull i hi hi m ik until u l in ii to m incffhli in i tnitr of tn r iiihihtim h ml 1 itlmmt i alt i li r ih flfuiing btkrahs i included in the ibm alberta angl ing regulatitms booklet ihow the streams on the eastern slopes of the rockies which are closed and the lakr and reservoirs that hae been planted with trout mvtrftbioth gift abt on cit all tft it rim wttti in the rrutil the otht r tl y but don t know alun it cunt ti om tti xrt i iff it t uui tht ikk k was droppifi into u of thr titv m 11 txxf u s hiiimn ottomrnikt eyes examined glasses fitted 7 osuout st gutlth mkuw tayler 371so will issue only 277 permits for homes in trafalgar twshp thai- axmt a rrotmndt i nnl tht build n nuist d pifml bin to lfm miiiv m ixfttiil for prof of ntiilahh fiilida lxf 01 e tin home txiildinif in tin township thu rmit will im tiuit1 year w im mml l tmhip j pill rr4 m nullum snd coonml lat virtk lnwt yenr bm 1k1 m niudiit tlm proh th niu with two thought- a serious stiuruikv f cli b w u nitlu w r rt ti 11 burmd for u nujor tut in m tmlm ulp ftll nu n miu 11 fnm ohiinilte u ill rtinhniwl lh ron remew the hj siluatih miir mrmilnn t u rprw lmg it time tfonr june 15 sod if 1 h jm lir h ul k lnamifd mini imut ni in t sued fw tlie prent ttiiiiu will i uuel on r a it rel pbui of mil divss t tle plm nrt rcgim red xrft ing reviatnlmi will not he romnd i 1n rann tm n erttl htm donnld llnth tuntl the i mlt flrwinrf cnitt- f it thi mo ii thr draiwrv f n ikir iivrl uamr wiwild it u rntj ton v t 1 imiltl who m itemed to atrtntitmi in immn i cun i aril 1 tht th mikht lr mtid ftutntuid n nnim mirt bmu h nl ti n nimj ibe town cotmlruvtion within 30 daw of th hip if the did nrt n p r prmit issue or forfeit itr prrmit mil- err jii- 77 nelson cpuncil asks hospital committee to reconsider site 4n now vr will takr anottier lo k lit it tt flow wr hive lo m ni t id r red he i iht- 1uuj start demolition of old landmark for site of church work klnrted this we k on clcir i tig thr site at the cornrr of mill and hkin slih for the nrw himli building of a ton unitd lun i jaiix i morrimin f ai i n iiti purehilt tt iintl 1 wnikin tht id tttnldiiik 1 lln hitt mljoins the pri enl hunh luilditk win h will still he i niefl for chimh purpim a th st nit iikiiiiiiiii nt oeeopirs a imill lot ihiiik on mill m the old hmise was bvnlt bv a mr nlmm u tsmht r h rt onginilly h rtinduetrd u little store in tin front cither seeturns snd a pun mnih lki imn added during thr vistrs it wiu built about ho an oi it i recorded in ai i n n r ir ixik hi it an ovst r parlor wis op i r ilcl hi r t dcoim stixhturd mil thi w x the firt pi re id tahuh ovmir- win mmil ihiiiici in i n th n w r m s rl tri mtt d i 1 thr iifcmi hie vrurw soni of tht i it nt wi inviidl ire mr ind mrs tt 11 strw irt mr and mr n i moor 1r m inn m ln mr nd mr t iinl y nnd the lurt tttl nt of tfii m ir in n ih t r 4 it ii k n lul ik ll i- ti itifwi t t i 1 it m 1 lauiiuiiuli una ilsji ijjui lii 1 i i i hi h mik immk all sir mmtll n i ml in r ii mi i us ii 1 tl 1 ih 11 ih 1 i i compute iinis of master feeds save dollars paint it yourself wllh stedman decorator selector 69 coio paint lyic ol paint aaiiaiiir n lalrir paint smiolo paint flat wall paint floor or porch paint latok bat paint primor soalor high gloat enamal just add you chosen colot to the rase vlty easy to mix prices for base coat haif pint 55c ouait 145 oallon 498 v master mixes for poultry hogs dairy high quality master mix lay mash the burlington n 1m n lliwpitnl cmmilte rceoimodei thr proposetl rxwpital mtt w u issrt at n imui towiiatiip rimneil mting lim wek deptl reee eric gudgeon usid he hated to see the works on the new imtspltml stopped because of the site nut in tew of the man nmjutinb the hoapitnl committee ahthild serioualy conndrr other ties cminrllktr wr call looked nt the llrunt mnnim site from the atiimlpoint of nois th htminuil w ill he surround ed h the lake tfotv horn a rail road a taern and there will be erxkigh noiii to make a n k peraon een sicker he said when this site was first consider- elect officers at wi meeting the annisal meeting of bannock- burn women institute was held uednopdav april it koll call was pavmefm of fees and a written sug gcntkin fur program iniro imcnt euection of officers took phw with mrs ii u ilautaou in the ctiatr and th follow ing were el- reted for th eonung ear presid ent mr w ttnham first ice- preaident mr c sinclair sewnd iceresmdent mrs s morrison atxrvtar mrs w m mi dunam durtnet director mr c simlair piantat mr w m donald aihlit ors mr a kerr and mrs d uus- au flower enener mrs w hos- ell p reporters mrs a brouks and mrs w stores omvvnaca f standins commit te5s agriculture and canad ioiw get thi land for nothing inmnllor ciill eontimnd h ki ing thnl the onl two trgiinu nt i in fjvof f um itrint sitt hi could sec were that it will be rm proitlt in to get a stuff with burlington in the immediate u mil nnd that thr n w htxpitnl mn etunlv lie reached ti v isitors because there wtrt two bus lines ser icing m this area the deput reec snld in hi opinmwi a hoplul is built for patient anil not for ieoile sitlng the innwuon is if the hospitjal omiimitlet has guen ronmdi rition to other site iir not if the ha mv quesiitin is what disadvantages do the other sites hie over tin brant museum site if th have not considered other site 1 should like h know why not hecvc ad kins asked if nnvbod could tell him wiiether the propos ed site has been purchased already bocause he thought rounctl h id omimitted nmnri for that purpose lent reee gudgeon said th it ni4t knew w both r tht site hin been ptpchoacd or not but ht thougtit nion had been used for prcliminir ils and not for pur chse it wt detidixt t write u letter to hi dospitil lvhirl king tor more informathm trouinc hlrmtt i vktohia op pnnuu nl go mini nt i mplovit s l thi i ml of ivvvf nututmreil ltll m in- inw of 1 4t0 om r thi pr iu iyr of these 8rtr win prni4n- nt etmloees and 5 745 tempr ir empue- but the ttal dhs not irw hide hourly mtel w or kin hired otxvwoiuuly old it for tht people buv the free press to re id and read the free press to buy now opin on s peed v si ar i i north at ity limit thwr krl apr li j eternal sea king of the bullwhip hal man apr 27 r bridges of toko rl tueswrd apr may 1 unchained black dak0tas- thurvrrl may 2 3 racing blood haditl duatrtam mrs 5 mornaon com munky acttue and public rejst sons ura j fos hutortcal re a and current exenta mrs w ftaaxau and mrs t gordon ctux- nahlp and aducadlon mrs j an sony home cronornics and health mr c storey remlutona mr s mathew raports wvre read by the pres ident secretary treasurer and the convener mr c sinckitr report ed on the daftrtct director meeting hm racently in mil tort mrv w llnhsun and mr w storey were appointed to attend monthly meet ing of the sunshine school for re tarded children dotsmuona were made to the childrens aid society rotary club caster seal campaign sun- ahipe school for retarded child ren cancer society and a burned imtjtaniily it wm decid to p i i 1 ery meeting are to bo held the third thurdiy of each month in stead of wednesday each merrber u asked to invltcjprospecuye mem ber to the next meetirur th u m meeting ckcd with the queen and lunch wu served phone 128 acton and u sum of thi ibt iicloilvt sanitone r v i c rra isckhrs mhi uo phorie 2o acon iow to get a raise in pay a ould you be interest ed iq n larger m cofn h io you should vote progressive conservative m the federal election on june 10th industry is the lifeblood of our economy people prosper as manufacturing punts expand m sire and number everyone bene fits including the wage earner doctor farmer housewife fisherman mer chant teacher and rpmer canadian industry can not expand as it would like to because of excessive federal taxes the progressive conservative party s national development plan calls for re duong these taxes and giving industry and all t people a speedway to new prosperity handy rest every month canada spends one hundred million dol lars more in the united suf tha the states spends here why one big reason is that high taxes prevent more manu facturing in canada so rather than sell manufactured goods m wtctfd markets we send our raw materials to the states where they bring relatively low prices he states processes these raw materials sends them back to us as higherpriced manufactured articles we canadians pay through the nose canada and the united states are good friends and want 10 remain as such but lets not keep on earning less money than people m the same obs on the other side of the border get a raise in pay and better government besides by voting progressive conservative at thefederal election on june 10th yours for a better canada stdtf stat iliron rratmalvr cornrrauv1naiiut iuwilui b ihc hnlloji county prdftrwalve conerotlve anni start and olow you chicks on master reds hog contract for your convonunc m warner chick equipment orders taken for crass seed and shuroain fertilizer oilcake soybean meal minora oil dairy 32 and 34n concontrato seed cleaning and treating piamt ope all mill feeds john n black miller auinafad and district tr 72004 feeders who keep 1 e c 0 p 0 5 use master stedman ouaiity guaranteed ready mixed paints a popular range for exterior or interior use ready mixed paints vt pint 41c quart 125 gallon 435 floor paint varnish varnish stain vi pint 41c quart 125 gallon 435 gloss enamel vi pint 45c quart 145 gallon 510 faint rollfr and fan complota si 69 rubberset faint brushes boilers oah 19c refills aaih 69c 15c to 1 9 faint brvth cloanar turpontmo boilod and raw untood oil putty kmvn trowalt sandpapor flailic wood wallpapor mil w lumi s u uu fil li and stovo fipo enamol oc hintons 5c to 1 oo store the store that olvas you a bohor choke a better quality a lower price we need tradeins now why convert that propane range when roots offer top trade value on modern natural gas ranges see the complete mcclary line of gas ranges now on display at boots week night appointments arranged at your convenience open sat night until 9 pm for details of the complete mcclary line plus a valuation o y pr gas or electric range call roocwood iii 69551 collect our representative will call without obligation root hardware rockwood ul 69551 -sr- i- v-

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