th acton frw pnti thurtday april 25th 1957 sharon brown scottish dancer aockwooo miss phyllis gray weds donald girling cimgrolu ut kwis to m r and mrs dimutui te rgr cirlmg i nee ihyl lis tra im the n i n of their wadding last tburada in the prea liylenan rhnn h ith llrv fred williamsum of gueluh officiating al tv pm the bride entered the cnur h on the arm of her fath ec albert 1 grov to the itmmi of muair plnrf hv mm john r ree nwt the gnwm siinvortrri bv rnwltl umhil olen ra voung bfxitnrr tf the bride was usher tail standards of ferns and mixwl r fl t phh form mr wallace kim of chi rl i uirr of the brldi assisted her durtna tnr signing uf the reglit t mrs j freeman continued with music at the console of the ham itkmki organ following the wedding which wm w itnexscd by immediate rein es the happy couple and uu left ftr guclnh where a wedding upper w im held at the royal hot 1 in the evening the couple left on a wcxlding trip b istiffalo mr and mr girling ill reside in guelph a wedding of intrrest to rx k wood people took place in dublin street united church gut iph wen khin keilh ttudd wan unit nl in nvtmajre to mu mjr m ic gregor of scotland the groom u th son 4 mr and mn ketth iltidd of guelf r4kmm4iht ifce weddmg- a recupuun w hi id m the iuv 1 auditorium ox the churxh the i hstpt couple loft on a wedding trip to montreal i atsfr in among the many visitor for th scottish country divwn club h auctj wat a vertatilo dancer from guolpn shown are piper and dancer left to right bob mcvey snaion brown and ph i caddie mm brown gave everal pleatihy dance t tr 11 ristrr srrv i t cr it nded tn sunday s rv w w a hold on 0d friday at t j itm a iliurrti weather o millions uc ry faviirtiblt tw tin mfiiimu xmmx mivk tlieadav a tonnrtkjil lonal mretini in the mwvemu tf e1en mill prrwbvlerlan rhun h and hrkwh1 lrrhvtorin churrb m held in the t hurrh here alao on tueartay nrnitm the men a club of the united rhun h mohired to oialmer unit d rhunh guelph and apent a pr fit able time with the club there t ltwing a btltrf period of d ti in il ervice talks on fihln and fth iiik ntrftrlal ant pli ttokrtph ml alidea were enjoyed in connect i m ith the talk on ph itonraph j n4i m m cufr scout carolyn oakes ernesf gregory married in st albans church sprinf flowers and eater lili decoratod st albana anglican church acton on saturday after- noon for the narru at carolyn may oakea aiul krneat george gregory itev tvan jane offlrtat d at the double ring ceremony while fred salt played the wed ding mujtc the bride la u duchter of ir and mr frank ct oakea uf acttmi and the groom la th tun of mr and mrs r a gregory uf hamil ton a walti irngth gwn uf frenrh ilk mltn wm worn by tha brld it fravtured a ahlrred julie nack- 1 1 ne a bod tr enbroldere1 in frenrh allk braid and dropfied ahlrrad wa tot line her elbow irngth veil of rrenrh lllualmi net waa lachkitmid ln petal tiers and fastened to inatrtilng ahlrred bandeau kha carried a raw1c latuouavt of gardanum while ruse and english ivy mum framea oakea the in ide a sister was her only attendant she wtue a walu length gown uf tan grrine rrysulette with a fitted umlite and bouffant aklrt her shoes glovvis and hepldreas wrrr of uie same nutter la i forming her csucatda bouquet went jailow rose and yellow split carnation donald william of waterdown was groomanian ushering the gueeau were george oakes trother ttf the bride anl murray gregory brother f tike groom itee dinner was serveitln ui ton umtortaj hall to the gueata fnim hamilton vtalerdown ctielph milvajrton llorkwaod al ma toronto umtue palermo tftoruid nrmntford and st cathar ine as well aa acton sfwlng flowers and white ramlles decoral- ed th nau for her daughters marriage mrs oakea wore a spring silk print with brown and white acre a tries ami a roeaage of yellttw uaea mi trfegtiry rho a dreaa of light blur silk print with wrille and navy rtiaorle and a coraags of pink nss llrure freure of guelph uncle of um bride wws baaatmaater and profkbked the taaajst ul th tarlde leaving on a trip um bride wore for travelling black wool fltte1 aoit with white arreaaoriea her corsage wws of garilenla on uwtr return they will ntak their immr in llamlltod centennial manager quits ends oakville bickering oakviuf the oakvlllt cen- uie mayur added he aid a eimit- nrjm r rjwamsuttsrx stan hall provincial mp details scarborough bill what iwii nmir u ih- known tin sartmiimiarti hill prntmhly t linnet iikii o nlnimni doling llll 111 tilt mvi ml of till imilli tut lh in nn th r mottb ivjmik i im- mil it l kit imii i i lil it hill ilit l ii vtut ii 1 i mill n il u tin m minn nt but u o mill u1i mi tl im til i ii or do oipoi itl n f hi i nshi f st mim mhtl llll pi iihmtl 1 glxl itl m ill ii l in it n 11t fir t mhlli lltl i tltl f i kill itlllg tv i im to ntn 1 in i- i iixtl n ii ii i i nt lh mui prt mi n f tl mill th ntiik u id ft i nmuunii in i mu insecu and gruha alt lee and hone at the conclusion of the meeting re d g tnton let in prayer and all adjourned to tht imsscmeitt tf the church where rt- freahmenta were nerved and a oc in time enjojed stmie of the fwter visitors ln w ere nolired in lmn nell lam bert ot trnto nornian lambert of samia iettfi avles of water down miss ada waller of ltamil too mr and mrs georne waller of palmerston miss marie walintil of brampton mrs j a little spent fitter in ttrxnto vhool closetl list thurdi f jt the easter lwlas a far iim thtirwlay evening ws a hlghllgtit in the cllutlrs of tl acn a cub iwcw there n imrnl games played in which all mini tmirtlcipalcd very en rg he ulh and rtred points followed b n jeriod if inalnwiion when i sal iug tarrant ikigheera ge trgr- llnnfrive ind cxib i rvslructor- 1 t ohti v miiom st johns nfld h i tht pn im i ii ptibrc w orks depart ment pent mmlhkv tn- tne jerwt hrt dttrtns thehnt mti- ur th rt orl to tht it gttliture shnwnl th it if the f nr diiin the deer i aki nrea nveivetl the 1irgeat sum 144 003 llen 1 il t r with mverisl of tlieir eolleagurs ttmik classes in ownpevui semapti ie knota and vartihis other attlvitlca the dlnak ramo when an invei- trtirre was held with akela pre mtink the coveted second sur to limn huirbonu irat sur were nl si press nled to andrt tnrnnt ixivki hargrive 1eter tiylor ivt ir holme- uivid 1 idkeo and jim jenningx prxsftcicncy badges wtre pres mini with the team plivers ttodge puhg l ndrcw smith hfian har ik ui jim peil gtrald wleck mirjincrchurchiu allen iu11 pel r wolfe and pett r holmes and re sntth alt rotiexl the oclud httle llri in llarbcmi the first ult r usdiit allen hall mil r nxl ixiwkiiu the house ordtrh b m1k th evening ended with i r us n sing song kd b akeln which pd tv rirrnnr in the p ints mee the volute six limd with tt2 point ollw six 81 poiitt tiwnv six vi pnu and rod u m pointt tlic nirt of the mill aihhii whlili it t wi ll tht iiicunit nt pii mlll tint th c ooim ll of lh mill utility of mtlroihttit ut t m nt wlii n rttjini 1 hv t hw oi n i ut ion if tht unit ll ttf st ulxir hlhll i imiltllip llllllt p1 l ijwi u ith nn 4tiliiing lh mrprtil f th onuiri munitiiml ifchml lt lrrow the tun if vkt jit3 tlu uih n detm nttiren for ex lutltures in oiimlrm ting i rtain w it nnaint t set ftrlh in the s htduln to iht lllll nd thai tht di 1st at t r it- i shhild im rnnl hv h ion ginl he t wiisliip of s mrtnrxiti the lllll w is romidercd it a jnlinyf lf llilj- ntiltet which is r ntmsmd of 60 titetnln rs antl nimirlod to the 1 eg isliturt as some ronlntvi rsy had ariatti over the hill it was sent back to the cvmunlttee lor further consideration at imlh times when tlie mill wui lxf re the committee a numtter of nwnw w re hinirst bv the scarborough township council mrntlerb of the township utihtlr commission aosne township offic labi ind a number if cititts and rt1rftentntiea of raliiirr groups the hill w is reortetl to the tgulature a miu1 time nntl finally passed ah that the hiholm wa to auth nrii the titeif lhsnesarv di benture on the redueyt of tht heres new governments are you when governments spend money it is your money that is being spent for governments selves produce nothing governments can only spend what they take from the production of the people whose creatures and servants they are if you want lower taxes you must curb the spending of your governments there is no other way by which taxes can be reduced the airputu baggage tomiwlhlp timiim ll ihi wltlmmlt tlie uifiro 1 ot the uiuwtiiiil ho r i ll did n l dttil with tin p im m f ill imniin to ll kil1lltlltr h i nt it di i i l i i mini wmliir hot lllt ill ill hlll m iii ft ihr nt ntl ii whttti 11111 aia w hhin lh list 1i1 it mi of th tivmi hip count il mint ui lldldilwi- to piovi li ntmiw hv win ii inon nilgtit ik 1 uil to tntvh uiiy jiiviihiiii with niunt t hit mini il w it 110 iiiii whnh ll t wiiililn mn il fiullv mxniiml shotiui i- iid f i mntl ami hikirt 1nrtnllslh out m ii kiss mmitrv ithting h w li v mlt 1 jo1 r j j t f 10 uhlle w ilk lllg tlhig till mi1 dtmtllmd hit iil 11 u a mutt mul jff in nt i ill tin nth r h trt hid tut fully insured fur itnnlsl crmirntlon cotntrllttre will mtt b ummilir lh rtslg nation uf lefitesini iiwinsgi r tlionts ring ler mi ittngtirs rfslgnutiimt has cut mm ited a hh1 of bli kerlng tx iwmi huiix if jowf memtx rs uf the 1numiud dimutrale itk of ni oprutioii by the directors was blamed fur tht- reaigtialltmi ctmimssn herttert merry said the reaignatl mi ieived last wk gave no reason a second letter adctreassrd to him mraiwially gave pi it it y of retshins be sddtd manager allan klarer f uir oakvtlle trafalgar humlm of commerce mm itlngler s realgnal kmi was uie best thing utat could haisen he claimed the manager htsd not l4en long hla jol may ar willuun anderwm asut itlngler liatl raiareasved dlsaausfactlon nvir tlf aftlons if usiit lamud iiietn trs he isss done mrtlilng towvnls rnihilung a history of oakvllle mlttee has len set up this n lect mr itlitglr is understood hi a imomxial litter to mr merry to i me named perunallu nim iblf fur hu rlgnlln hirtitor llowurd cuine udnutlitl mi hing ii r s object mm centred unsind hmtijlf mr merry and utlitr mihiitm rs of the direct rate the rcigiiatuan is the luteal piotlfn in a teui mil j smpmign tint i lagging behind milu 11 cen itrtuil prwuttrallon iulillclty to dull tut leen at a miiiimmin mr merry- ssld h ilivrs the imiiipuigti will forge ntn if 1 he su d there would im nilm r tutiiges in th pmgriui no kfffatfniii m lrkaht que h li muuip l imotil 4 uil qomie i hy sob urt iijicvmi rhtiits f r a 11 fer ettaluni mi the tiueli 111 of isjitig i 1 miuitln in tlie 11 unit ipshty pollock and campbell mimjfrturrti of high grade memobials mfmorial engraving ti 1 rnovr mil m wlr tl nenh oalt 25l mi roofing mklp tmii l1lf uhtn rifeflm ui irvino soonsi r 1 mum ts isms garment m new fashion elepance in modem airpline loexifr smirth ied in lunerinnch iuramtf s choice of 3 colon and 5 sixes in the open alock tela shawn above 4hanprr xeropack 27 50 train cae m50 a m mrk mbxpktsisiaessl other styles and price rangca tpchooso- froro4orboth custom cleaners at takes two to make a bargain yokk pioicr sliced peaches l5o imj 2 35 iga choice pitted red cherries 13 ox jars 4 2 for 39c price and qiiauty am parr itl a s i wad prlres u 11 find pawltlvr prshsf that raw gsl mars far yaur maney pi in irh bom h olrth ws ym save mar twa waya al mia tmw rrlres an tuallly ratsds ami fkf ronin tllltm jaamjaiah fruit vegetables itmiiit pin at pl i lln ibllsh ttovrh vai ly 8o pkg cream cheese 25 ouh lllst citiius vai ut m t dijss navfla sunkist oranges 1 aiki slr 49 c him and tl nii it niwi 1111 cabbage lb 8c ihm and kltrmi vitamin ial km bunch carrots 3 bchs 29c itisp a chunchy outstandinti cjljai 1ty juititxi bite ms celery stalks misro iiiianp 2 for 25c spinach hi h t51 hist for fating or cooking r sney drade 3 lb poly bag northern spy apples 37c with isrr nu nosim boohtm- tarr wcmeftoe quality meats smmno time is cams tim 1 hai 1 olt wiiolf legolamb jjib loin rib chops lb 59c loin chops chytkrcut lb 69c miats in onl jiuast aipre sttw tambinabosket ib7 33c swit primiom il t1if imioi bologna lb 27c r tapr 6 oz i kg 31c wmi mn ij nom s boomi taih nitf minced ham lirin tancy tomato juice 20 ox tins 2 for 27c iiiut and gold fancy peas is oz tins 2 for 31c i trrons souk mix chickeftnoodle 2 pkgs 21c iaiii chicken dog food 2 for 27c willi trrr st -tolr- tmp frozen foods 0 fathom b ox ukb fish sticks 27 w fathom haddock fillets ck 7 lb 3v bonus booster features each of lh ilm with fr 3 so soolr tap choice sooi tin cudney tomatoes 2 for 43c 1110 it iioll iga waxfd paper 31c white swan kr itoll toilet tissues 2 for 25c easvto colour i ib p monarch margarine 35c hlir meiurta bit dr far mania al may caataat free bonus gifts no cash required with iga cash tapes and those extra bonus booster tapes tales advantaga of the extra bonus tapas available with igas weakly feed features ask fer s free gift catalogue today 1 stiel company of canada limited 1 hoktiul 6juum0que haailtoh iuhtf0id tohnto manand women- bensons shoes 10 mill st acton phone 272 custom cleaning at standard prices food valuaa ndbmi lsmtorham shaahva april ss 36 37 only ledger sbcji saimmsisjjumlismi miaiiii sii