Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1956, p. 4

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the acton free freat thursday november 22nd 1956 puc reviews prbposed contract with electrical workers union fcmutmtt from pee one in prorldinc mftiotent fundi for adequate maintenance of the aya- tera waterworks superintendent j lambert reported hydrant and main installation to the new pub lic school had been completed and the season end work was pracreaa- mg favorably sewage superintendent a duby reported sewer flushing operations were progressing satisfactorily and had been made much easier since the paving because location of man holes was less difficult arrangements for the employ ment of colin blair for the hydro crew were made with the final de cision in abeyance pending camp ietlon of housing arrangements hydro superintendent d mason reported street lights hnd been in stalled on churchill road south of net 7 hinhwtvj pole bracket oil order foi lakevicw lights will be iitettllfd on arrival umporao pair line s required b the new public school und a ole on cobble hll would foe moved u- oi as iiosslble following a re quest from a resident in that area the commission also approved the hiring of temporary help and rebate of 10 tor a hot water heat er damaged in delivery overtime was alio approved for meter reading and billing because of the heavy schedule of other work at the time the readings were required dr ookea reported on an inter view with a representative of the ontario cifbor relations board and the commission upheld its earlier decision regarding the reinstate ment of a former employee the following accounts were ap proved for payment hydro accounts petty cash exp trans 6 19 bell telephone serv 33 55 canada wire and cable 102 65 h palmer office cleaning 25 00 shortills shift metal 6 00 ton puc water 3 68 kill- und hound ltd 19 m pitue bowes of can sei 6 30 cunadinn general electric 13 75 line and cable aioess 85 58 ton woodt i aft- 7 50 gimt motors 4 86 toth motors 10 78 ihitmkoik motoi s 47 25 whithuma garage m coxe repairs mucdonald elec gordons hdwe symon hdwe ii e p c of ont lumps rental equipment etc rec gen of can re met er inspection 819 1005 1655 4 23 390 605 97 4090 1147 72 sewerage aeeoaata wm evans 1861 acton motors 37 46 hell telephone serv ii 80 acton puc hydro 10640 acton auto body 1600 rosedale service centre 4 65 thompson motors 1960 duv it automulic ltd 21 38 scanninglkrrlawl scene with hartley coles better reserve a front row centre in the living room for saturdays grey cup game if it approaches the eastern big pour final of last weekend toa excite ment youll be on the edge of your seat lor the entire game just for the sake of comparison substitute edmontons-ground-rush- tilea from elmlra meaford orillia waterworks accounts thompson motors highway garage syniiuv hdwe aeton puc hydro bell telephone can brass co can valve and hydrant 235 90 thiessenwurr vows exchanged mus betty roslna mae wurr daughte of mrs p wurr recently became the bride of henry thies sen son of mr and mrs peter ttueoen of rockwood the doubl ring ceremony took place in era mosa road gospel chapel james k boswell of london officiating the bride given in marriage bj h j rife wore a gown of cm bossed nylon over taffeta and net with chapel train her fingertip silk illusion veil edged with seed pearls was gathered to a pleated nylon net headdress of pearls and rhlnestones she carried a cascade of red roses and white stephanotis mrs harold haanlgatv sister of the bride was matron of honor wearing a primrose yellow floor length gown of crystallete over taf feta with a headdress of dark green and gold feathers dotted with rhlnestones she carried n cascade of bronze und jellov chr the bridesmaids miss gwen guthrie guelph mrs lome bar ker kilchcnexousim of the bride and miss nancy rife of guelph wore matching floor length kowru of moss green crystalette over taf feta with headdresses similar to the nuiumi of h an e cascades of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums five year old june swackhamer of acton niece of the groom was flower girl wearing a gown of moss green erjstalette over taffeta with gold flowered headdress and carried n basket of sweetheart roses ben thiessen brother of the ijroom was best man and ushers were frank savatsky of st cath irines wilfred wurr and gordon wurr of guelph brothers of the bride the soloist wx mrs iienr hal stou of toronto wedding muu ttis pi ived by john bod of ouelpb reception was held in the suiida school room of the burrie hill united church the brides mother receied her gucsu- wearing a midnight blut street length dress of lace taffeta w ith black and pink accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses the grooms mother assisted wearing a navy nylon net dress with pink and black accessories and a corsage of white carnations for the wedding trip to the fin ger lakes usa thousand is lands ottawa and north bay the bride wore a blue wool suit with bo jacket trimmed in black with pink and black accessories and a cordage of pink sweetheart roses the couple will reside in guelph thit ottown guests were from toronto st catharines stratford kitchener acton preston morrist- on and rockwood ampbeuviue i tt 8 011 114 5a 388 119 66 13 85 131 04 305 15 s692 21 kitchen suite given to mitchell family a presentation was held thiirs day evening in the masonic hall to honor mr and mrs ltoss mitchell and family who are moving to gieensville this week piogicssive eucbre was enjoyed bv all until elvis presley arrived with songs galore ross carbert u us master of ceremonies and on behalf of re- lattves friends and neighbors pre sented mr and mrs mitchell and family with a kitchen chrome suit- both suitably replied and u social half hour followed conveners were rita roberts joanne early molly elliot and doris wheelihan congratulations to mrs william hurren who recently celebrated her 82nd birthday she entertained the family to a dinner at the pines a successful autumn supper was held in the basement of st davids presbyterian church on wednesday evening guests were present from acton guelph ebenezer miton toronto und cumpbcllvillc at the rtgulai progressive eui lire partv at st johns anghciun pui ish hall prizes were avvurded to mrs a thompkins mrs j defoiest bill deforest and lluruld small imuns wre intuit fu thy t apron and bake sale in the masonic hull several from her attended the mountsberg methodist full unni- versurv services sunday und tea meeting on tuesduv evening congratulations to the newlvvveds mr and mrs iiuoi11 huron who are honeymooning in california friends of william coulter jr w ill be pleased to know he is home from hospital home of president opened to wms the worn in s misionir sori 1 of tlii uiiiltd tlmrth nut at tin home of miss m b nnett on ttiesdav with the presiih nt miss bt nnett pitsklmi hi imeting opentnl with a livnin ind pi iir worship siivue on korea from j hit studv book was taken bj mis 1 r r arnold and scrlptuie reading bv miss f brqy n a nominating committee of mrs i h r force miss mainprise and i miss f brown was appointed one minutes silence was observed in memory of the late mrs f i krantz secretaries of departments reported for community friend ship mrs f cleave for baby band miss c henderson for lit erature miss m mmnprize and for supplv mrs c w mason the meeting closed with a hymn ind the mipah benediction i until vvas served by mis am old and her group and a sot i il time was enjoyed recent newlyweds presented with gift a niimbei of friends und neigh lmin met at the home of mi aiul mis ilhui gi iff in tut tlmist tttitiiik niv uilirr la to hoiitii mi and mis win mi arthur on hit ii letent inaiiluge the evtnti wits sp nt in plumng tiuhit llai old gllfflli acted us cli ill mull ftii a short program lilt luding a lead ing by mrs w thompson inslitmi ental bv joyce peavov and leudlng bv mrs mcarthur the bride und groom were culled foi ward and miss loi mi bessey reud the uddress which read in purt it is a pleasure that we youi friends and neighbors have as semblcd here tonight to honor you upon the occasion of your recent wedding we offer bcai ty ttkiigiatulations to von bill upon ur marriage und trust that the ears uheud may bring surreis und prosperity your way you imvt lived here among us a numb r of eais and havt bit n willing to help out when ut all poslblt you jt iinv art not tpntt so vtll known to some tjf us but we vttliniiit vtm to our ioinniuiut mil t tt nd to ououi i i siutert vvishts for a bright und huppy tor jicuucs u b i of hap pintss and not of posts and piers uut of the htllt loving deeds that list a thousand years pleuse uccepl this gift of mon- t how much i cunnot tell but take whatetr tht re is my friends hid ste you spt lid 11 wt 11 muv goiml health and good for tune attelltl von htitli throuli inanv happy vears together signed mi behalf of all your friends and nt ighbors mrs wm thompson presented tin in with i well filled pin se of inoihv w tilth is going to htlp p i in the hwtro hoth the bride uxl 14100111 in uu fitting lepliis ing eskimos for hamiltons tiger cats in last saturdays game re sult who would venture to say the alouetles again a power house in the eastern league are i atetl a belter team than lost to ed monton last year the eskimos ac- tording to then tiwn admission are a tilfle weaker lit some departments thun last yeura club in spite of all the optimism in the moiitreul cump were iftekliig the hsklivios to makv it three straight grey cups r waunu bet ckutainly tlr is little doubt in the west that the ksklmtts are u tluth tti repeat ltetpiests fur tick is ful excetett the supply al low ttt titles hi tht wist smile fans dldn t txilhei w itii th pastt twiald hut loaldetl plants und titins tu ailtsl toi ilu tast hopinu to ptek ltl st uls 111 fortuito whele tht bo- suphisttl to tit as staite us hens tttrth llnwi vtlllliist keole know thai if tilt- vlslltus are wtll het h tt and most visiting vvesttin tis s- 111 to 1m hit v will liuu little tltilibll locating tlutats fil lb lug guim ptlsoiluiln like llillllolis of other culiuriluns who ure mildly interest ed vvt ll be wutching the htkoplu from the sitting side of u 17 pic ture tube we dont envy the thousands who will crowd into torontos varsity stadium for the unniial classic bet cause it has been our lelif for some tune that we see more of the ball on tvfthan wed ever see in a football stauium where there ure so many distractions sppeaking on hockey lust week we made mention of tile prox imity tif the game to acton if funs wunted to se- it we neglected to mention however tliut the pres- tme tif acton players on ut least two tif the nt igtilkoriiii teams will udd inter st to the gam s for aeton funs dovaii in milton lluinld townsley is patiolluig l ft wing for tin mil ion iontiat chiefs of the senior it tliss again this seustm on a line with ait melunson und ken mt nil llirold piktttd two ghouls lust friday night in miltons 5 2 eon other familiar names with george townare both del and junior beau mont fred lawrence ken nash jerry inglis terry brush and nick feirrl the league these two teams are in is an amalgamation of three of last years senior b classes entries are oakvllle- and brampton aa well as milton and georgetown all teams are senior u with the exception of oakville and georgetown who will stay in intermediate a were beginning to doubt the validity uf some of these bock ey fights on tv after viewing guinea this year in fact this pillar has a strong suspicion that some of the players knowing tile television uutlience is intent on the tjunit- niurl u hey rube just for the benefit uf fails now it luulti in- thul wtie all wet hotkey la u game of bulti bod ily contact ttuipis llai e and fre quent ollltilllsls ale the it soil llowevtr tti take a tuse in point fltkin lust sal in da y s guim btlwtell llle lolonlo maple la ut s und tht clutugo llluck hawks al one june tin a tiluui toionti iklayer wlm home maintenance supply n mui 8i 3 sket laliing in high qualiiy piulducth electrical appliances building accessories miscellaneous home equipment we sell for far less quest of uukvlllt ill tile kugue op ner over in georgt town fred kt nt- ner jr hus caught on with the gt uratelowii itaidera and promises to add strength tti a rebuilt ttam for yoitk sfptic tank wfcll or cistern jd toncret tile also culvtrt til in stoik erin tile works main st erin ont 10s acton radio tv service radio tv and all electrical household appliances repaired estimates free reasonable charges 24 hour service 196m3or621j call collect grand allnew selection of christmas toys see them now i symon s hardware mill st acton h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph reliable taxi 24 hours a day phone wkvtkvttwtkjtk promptness is a keynote of our service were as close as the phone ywiv vtvkvk coffee and snacks to take out we deliver fish and chips our specialty ktwowmts acton had distinguished himself only by his listless play took a poke at this chlcagu player the referees inter vened they tried to start it up again with much gesticulating and stick swinging foiled they tried again when the penalties were doled out both participants went meekly to the sin bin like perfect little gentlemen they were pacified only by pen alties now ii seems in lis if these two players were really mad at each other they would start club tktrlng euch other in the fkenulty box v the dailieswould call it cheap penalties but we would call it atd od fashioned grandstanding scenario first meeting of the i5aa7 edition of the acuta junior hockey club was held sunday officials are highly opti mutic ubuut the chances of ttie juniors this year lllo manu is aguln slated to guide the team tins semester local men hunting iji the north seem to ike having a field day at the expense of the deer pop illation most hunting parties re ptii i u full iiiola ikttggtd shortll sheet metal piumuno hfatmo oar weee furnace 114 churchm road phmw4m for a vfohderful on exciting new picture stories in color amd three dimension eoyi iivant tmtsf neiv jtlfmtttiairrir pictures for chvitatas thfcv jf mv raoriif sroaies mill st drop in now for your package of family fun at watsons music store acton alsco aluminum selfstoring doors and windows awnings and railings dont be disappointed we can guarantee at the moment 4 to 6 weeks delivery free demonstration free estimates no obligation pay ioo then nothing until jan 19s7 j mcmullen acton alsco sales representative phone 66 basiakrsisaabtii sr r a iaeaitdbiaibaiisihisaisr s jsss a ofinhb 9y s o bbmitt scotsdale emma rosebudwas the reserve grand champion shorthorn female at the royal winter fair that concluded last week this was one of the animals- entered at the fair from scotsdale farms horthwest of acton mr ibennett is president of beardmore and co ontario department of highways notice to suppliers of cedar posts separate sealed tenders marked supply of cedar posts hamilton district will be received by the district engineer 2 webber avenue hamilton ontario until 12 00 oclock noon est wednesday december 5th 1956 specif ications information to biddeys tender forms and tender envelopes may be obtained from the district engineer mr r e richardson 2 webber avenue hamilton ontario the lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted toronto ont date nov 14th 1956 m a elson deputy minister ontario department of highways ymca can acton rase for ymca this is the question you can help answer on monday november 26 when your ymca canvasser calls these funds are urgently needed for 1 building repairs 2 purchase of new and additional equipment to carry out and ix- pand the present youth program if you are not canvassed for any reason donations may be sent to the treasurer ymca acton be sure to obtain an officially stamped receipt from your canvasser for income tax purposes this receipt will identify your canvasser n iz traytjwygfeitjtbwg

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