the acton free press thursday november 22nd 1956- i r betlhani missing plows arrive but covered with grease castle wc were asked not to take editors note russell bell- harts of bruce station ont a past president of the ontario plowmens association and man ager of the canadian plowing team at the fourth annual world plowing match in england has sent home onthespot reports of his trip with team members robert timbers of stouffvllle ont and edwin demman jt portage la prairie man here is the second of his reports by raasell bellharts oxford england here wc are in the ancient city of oxford one of the worlds famous seats of learning- however wc did not i come here to gel 11 university degree but to do our best to win the esso golden plow the trophy that symbol lies i world suprem acy in plowing at the world i plowing match ft ftohv timbers at nearby shll- ungford by we i mean robert timbers of stouffvllle ont last years canadian champion and his team mate edwin demman of portage la prairie man airthe teams from the 13 com peting countries are staying at the randolph hotel here wc held n meeting the first day so that con testants and team managers like myself could get acquainted wc found all man agers speak english and quite a few of the plow men either speak or under s t a n d english as oti can imagine we didnt have any difficulty in introducing ourselves al- rdwtn demman though one of the english speak ing contestants remarked that some of the bos from the foreign countries are easier to understand than the englishmen after the meeting we left b motoi coach for windsor to isit queen elizabeths farm a drive of about an horn and a half as we droe there were times when i would just lean bark and listen to the different national groups con versing in their native tongues and wonder if the tower of babel sounded int thing like it but it was all so friendlv and animated that it reall wu a pleasure listen ing at the ioai farm we were met by tin manager and manageress who welcomed us warmly we learned that few lsitors to fng land hae tho opportumt of enter ing the gates let done touring the queen s farm to describt tin farm and all we saw would be difficult but the thing that stiuck us was the order ly arrangement of everything wherever there was grass it was well clipped and even the trees and shrubs seemed to hae been manicured all of the 600acre farm is under cultivation except for parks a golf course and roads the main road is called the princess eliza beth koiid and it runs perfectly straight right across the farm it is lined on both sides b large trees growing close together on one side of the fum is the thames river trurkloads of milk all the farm buildings are oxei 100 years old but in a gdtvd state of repair the housi in xxhicl queen victoria lived tin first ears of her reign is now used as a dan it is not a modern dan v such as w e have in c inada the pans foi skimming off the cream are still there but have latelv been roplae ed bv a small electi ic separatoi bottles are washed and filled b hand buttei is still made bv the old method and hand printed the milk buttei eggs and meat pro duced on the farm are for the use oftheioxal familv and staff at windsor castle two truckloads of milk go to the castle dulx we were informed there are two herds of cattle on the farm art avrshire herd con sisting of a fine lot of large cows in wonderful condition 95 head all told and a jetsex herd of ts cows 49 oung stock and two bulls there aro also pigs large xxhite numbering 80 breeding sows and gelds and two boards 155 border leicestei chex lot evv es and 50 lambs bom this voir theie is a poultrv flock of j 500 we also saw prince philip s i iding horses after x lew ing the stock fields storage barns machinery and gram driers xxe stopped for refresh ments farm workers dressed in any photographs from close range but im sure i heard a couple of cameras snap i might have done the same if it werent for the fact that i was sitting alongside the manageress after spending all afternoon touring the royal form we said farewell to our guides and headed back to oxford aftei dinner we met fiank ellis of the esso pct- i oleum company who are the hosts for the world plowing match and discussed match arrangements while it was time for bob timbers and mickey demmiui to get in some practice plowing we- were still waiting foi the plows to in i ive the next moinlng we diove out to shllllngford the sit or the wm id match on an mil hob and mickey lost no tune getting their ti actors in shape these weie brand new tractors und minus oil water ana gasoline while the boys worked we received cheering news the plows were on their wax from coventry and would airlve that afternoon at the practice field die practice field was about a mile or so from the match head quarters and wc drove over in n jeep the driver seemed to get lost at times and blamed it on the tall hedges that suriound the fields mid lanes they are everywhere and i have a suspicion that these hedges were put up to stop the cows from nnrkthg eyes at the bulls in the next farm for you certainly couldnt sec over them these hedges nearly caused an international incident much to the amusement of everybody but those concerned it all happened when one of the english i ontestants who ton id speak no french offered to dnxe the wife of one of the fienih contestants who could speak no english to the practice field the hedges just served to confuse him and after he darted up and dow i one lane after another onlv to ie ttnee his steps the young frciu h- wo becam a s x u about to jump out of the cai w hen someone w ho spoke french and fnglish ui i ived on the scene and explained ev ei x thing and so s iv od the dax foi both of them day saved before xv e left the field to re turn to oxford the ploxvs were on hand and so the dav was saved for another couple the boys lost no time unpacking the plows but xou should have seen the grease that covered them where the tompunx found so much grcise to smear ov- ei the plows 1 u nexei know but theie must haxe been i veai s supplv bat k at the hotel u attended a giand ret option b esso ivti oh nni fter dinner jim brookor the new zealand i h impion plow man vht passed thiounh canada on his wax to the mati h showed color slides of his lountiv fuuone holmes the us ill impion also showed some coloi slides the french team ran off sound film showing the plowing match in france where thex xvon then championship there xvere also slides of last ears world match at upsala sweden and the german group also had slides showing the site of the 1958 xxorld match that sounds like a lot of pictures but i felt that thex were not only cn- jox able but set x to make us un derstand one another a lot more than if we hadnt seen them uontourrmm county president institute speaker intended tor last wek scotch block wi met at miss eva chiahouna home for the nov ember meeting mrs george som- erville acton county president was the guest speaker and gave two very interesting papers miss mary joyce favored the ladies with lively scotch melodies ligny farm forum met at ed davenports for the november s meeting and at cecil chlaholma for the november 12 meeting several ladles in the community won prizes at the cooking school at milton lost week mr and mrs r w dredge spent a few days in windsor recently mr c e davenport accompan ied by mr t w kennedy nassag- uweya were delegates to the cream producers meeting in the royal york hotel toronto mr and mrs joe gorman ham ilton spent saturday afternoon with mrs a mckenzie and nan cy mrs mckenzie had just rec ently returned home from the hos pital recent guests with mr and mrs it w dredge were m iss mabel and miss sally kerr of toronto pearls seqijinstrirn white bridal gown miss willa catherine bcnhmn the duughtei of mr and mrs jos eph bentiam of everton became the hi ule of got don allstair adie in a ccrcmiiiiy in the stone church eiamosa rev j a dilts solemn ized the marriage the bride wore a white gown of silk lace anil nylon net designed with a longslcved jacket trimmed in seed pearls and srsitiins the long net skirt was inset with lace and trimmed in pear and sequins her fingertip xctl was caught in a sequin and pearl crown she car- runt a bouquet of talisman roses and white heather mrs gerry prior was matron of honor wearing an apple green nyl on gown in ballerina length she wore a matching pleated headdress and tarried a cascade of green and while chrysanthemums mivs lois rniber ws brides maid gownctt similar to the mat- i on of honor in buttercup yellow and t ai i ted i cast ade of yellow and w lute chrv smithemums miss janne live was flower girl in a lilai nylon gown over a taf feta undetsknt she wore a floral lieaddiess and tarried u basket of mauve i hi vsintlicnutms and white heathei brute loo if guelph was best man and james wilkei and john t m gu w u m the vxedding music was plaved bx david beiihun of llockwood miss wilma bcvtom sang a leception in the cliiuih hill followed the wedding white glad ioli and daisies decorated the hall and the brides table xvas arranged with white candles in silver cand elabra and white gladioli for receiving the guests the bride s mother wore a slate grev dress w ith cinnamon accessories and a corsage of ellow roses the groom s mother assisted w eu mg a blue shot taffeta dress vx ith black accessories and a ror- sagt of american beautx roses foi a wedding trip to the riiousuid islands and elstern ont ario the bride donned a grex pus sv willow twed sun with white velvet hat and hi u1 aciessories ind a corsage of white lamtliis the ouplc an making their home in guelph young hunter timmitys ont cp 16 year old jeff saloma has put many old er hunters to shame he killed a 1200 pound bull moose tracking it for more than an hour before get ting into shooting position it took 18 shots to finish the large animal golf club meeting of halton assessors ssosmrs of halton held their nox ember meeting in the north halton golf and coitntrx club at geoi getoxx n membeis of tin halton xountx assessors association attending in cluded joseph gibbons george- tow n percx spurgeon oakx ille willi mi johnson burlington ed- kar marshall nelson township edward dunham tiafilgai town ship frank mvnixcn milton or- rv lamb acton arthui benton esquesing and linus mcmillan nassigixx ev a township the deccmboi meeting xx ill in oakx ille obituary monuments brampton designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone 1410j rat 313 rep tom nicol phono brampton 437 two acton debaters willtaka part in tna provincial junior farmers debating competition it was decided by judges when the county group held their public speaking and debating finals in milton high school jack black left and bertha watson here work on their debate miss watson will also represent the county at the toronto public speaking finals in january other dejaters are bill marshall of palermo and howson ruddell of norval fall bride showered kettle given groom prior to her marringe miss jeanne hill r r 2 rockwood xvas entertained on several occas- ions mrs george mooney of guelph held a miscellaneous show er mrs gai ltetkhwllgnll of ed en mills hail a kitchen shower and mrs stanley hill of acton a misc ellaneous shower the groom dean taylor was honored by his fellow employees at the o a mid presented with an electric tea kettle p3wra tr model 90 with 3 greatest advances in vacuum cleaner design big wheels float lhc k goldsn uwyl unoomh- ly oyer deop rugs door silts everywhere take all lift ing lugging out of vacuum cleaning rolling nozzle glide ao on imoii wheeh no more hung push pull 2 in i notile design iris you clean tugs and floors without changing loots ridealong tools ovi mm c m fjtl in rock let you do 23 cleaning obi without on watted top poet s corner my morning glories it is raining it is dreary but this can not make me tcary for my huds will soon he flowers heavenly blue reflection true morning glories love the showers thalia rnchlitz for tasty eatwc winer buns always fresh ledgers robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optomftrists formerly e p head phone guelph 1924 58 st georges square ns hardware phone 76 available at rsorto qjddlespilds kkj about be lieut col g cousens had war decoration a former gooruotoxv n postmaster who xxis xxell knoxxn in this dis- ti ict lieut col g b s cousen mo died in guelph hospital nox 1 tnibt i 12 he lexeived the militirx ooss during tho first xxotld xxai and had i distinguished militirx caroei a funeral serx ice xxtth full milit- j arx honors- xxa held november ml in georgcloxxn followed bx inter- work clothes served ss sandwiches mem in giwnxxood cemeterx and things to wet the palate georgetoxxn tf time permitted i could write he is surxixed bx his xxife txvo a book about what wc saw and daughters barbara tmr k dun- were told about the royal farm can pamela imrs e s hitter however i should mention that as two sons george of ottawa and we drove by beautiful windsor colin of virginiatown i phone 128 acton and be sure of the best a v c i u i v sanitone s r v i c era rsckop and dokvary phone 1x0 acton udtm 4a- aao fyft icuubj u m priced at 695 cxrccccccccrcotictcir f take advantage of our v y y y airplane baggage iccxiciicicicjcxtcxccc s christnias lay- away plan kss bras d jm a a 4 srtbi nrt m fifcrrs cuddlcsouns thas hit c cornell ncr xxcr ire call fhunnx soli wmivscar man aluv and mfr rljrjmx next to the m as xscm sonsiuvr skin mnbibi m sib scuirturhi nechmes zl a crnirunc change iron he forcxcrpopular uhcn mildred bells ladies childrens wear mill st acton v