Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1956, p. 4

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ppppsbwwlwh hrr vi jhm acton ft rvw tjjsirtday octobf nth is halton teachers meet friday elect officers tbo amal convention of the halton tmkhera institute held ta the lawrle smith school burltnjrton on friday october ft with president timer smith of acton prcaldlnc rev u hulurerv uurllnttton baptist church conducted the de votional exerciao mrs r n dooson vicechairman of the nel son school area board extwutcsl u welcome to the visiting teavhera in his addrcwv i uskucw in spector of public whooli ment ioned that in september ll children were registered m hal- tons elementary schools compared to 3508 ten years ao k ii brayfonl of hamilton toachens college addrvoued the f friip 011 whl the ijcmii his to i contribute to kttective teaching k m m archeson of ituiimfton outlined the plans tor an in scr- via training ligimi fir hattvml ir l ichers j at the dinu-i- served in rrirutv fnited church auditorium joseohf- connell general secretary of kit- atn phoio chiner waterloo ym c a was j grass fire atarm monday afternoon called firemen to fight a blae in the evergreen bush behind giusit speaker his subject you j glen lea while the brigade was still iai the scout hall tne here firemen iui the hose down the ail and your lvrsonality prxvel en- w embankment under the tracks wid up the other side the fire spotted by two boys wa sooit out urtuimng and illuminating miss i virginia ooomlxs and brian coop- er of burlington provide music- al entertainment officers elected for the coming year were as follows honorary president j m denyes b a put- 1 w i ih1 i jmu t w- uclit conrtfiued frmn page one along the katrv 1akc hank ili also recinuuetliiut the tuink t built up this is to ik- carried out kiigiiir f lllsiii ivportid lime had not permitted work on the clelllea culverts this job is to lie starled as soon as ciuriiit work in llkrview is complete council learned the uniled sub- iittkan tas co lnl lial sluui a line lie school insrwetors l l skuce b a bpaed r- k bornhold b a bim cf jordan ba b ed separate school inspector j l hogan ba b paed president mrs june kvans georgeto wn past president iv e smith acton vicepresident frank cmnelly- trafalgar secretary miss m s ommcu milton treasunr fred v brown oakville rural representatives estiuesirlg r- mckeown nnssagaweya mrs f j parsons trafalgar wm nod- alongside the maria slrce bridge iger on authoi ity of llu town iniiner graded school representatives j this had ihhii done teforc cfiuncil burlington and bronte j smith j iasstt a resolution nrrtrder the line ba nelson k skuce north hal- taken down however the enrji- ton v stein b a oakville a a neer was asked to inform the nmi- balfour ba trafalgar g g puny thai the town will not accept gordon separate schools miss in ez mcdougall about isft of the teachers from the county were not able to attend having joined uie teachers of wel lington waterlhi and dufferin counties in a weekend tour to new york city new drainage problems remedied in time islllittl arbiclarnbert vows are said in city church a double nun ceremony in si johns chapel toronto on satur day afternoon october 6 united in marriate bettymay lambert ind russll w arbir the bride js the daughter of mr and mrs earl ijimtxjt of acton and the jrihim is the son of mr and mrs h arbic of artin rev f vollerv j officiated the bride wore a ctreet lencth oxvii of brocaded white satin a tap of lac- und sequins held her shoulder length veil she carried roses and carnations her sister mrs ron gillespie vas her only attendant wcarine taffeta sown of pale green shade and a matching headdress srte carried roses and carnations wayne arbir was groomsman ushers were ron gillespie and laurnc arbic friends and relatives gathered at the home of the brides parents mrs lambert wore a dress of bro caded velvet on taffeta with matching accessories and a corsage of pink carnations mrs arbic wore a navy blue dress with a corsage of pink carnations and matching accessories the house was decorated with bouquets of gladioli and asters and lighted candles for the reception for a motor trip through tne states the bride chose a blue suit with beige accessories and a cor- i sage of ruse on their return the couple will make their home in toronto l guests f rotn hamilton toronto milton and acton included two ctandparents and one great grand parent horticulture topic of talk pictures the october moving of the duke of devonshire chapter of the iodk was held at the home ot mrs lome yomsblut the regular business meeting preceded a mast entertaining illustrated lecture on horticulture by prof weill of the ontario agricultural college mrs bert mowat abl thanked prof weall for jhis witty and informative tallc w n ttit- line in its prvnftit i txtimirutit lin- mnnlkrs hti ci i ntttr from rjiyntr tnsiriirtin tti lut stret luivin ettntractors t the architect 7uhknik itlcasf rm i tpoiisitnlity for pcissihle rricks in pavement on streets where service excavations tave recently lwrn made council comment eil briefly etnsiuereti the pa vint cuinpuiii had justified reas- on for seeking this releas- to set firm gas lutra notice was rend of a hearing oc- i i ioiki 23 in trafalgar hall by the i united suburban gas co to set j permanent rates ftr the north and j south malttin areas served includ- j ing acttm notice was also made of a north halton urban board meet- i inn next wednesday in milton i a main street resident sought j councils help m providing drive- way access to his house council considered this was the homeown er s problem councillor s rriinlle iu the position of ii v anderson engi neers regarding road grade super- vision in likt ew mr was ttld that r v anderson associates pro- ikred tht- plans hu wi nt m charge of suptrv isioii deputy hvcxe x wm hat an inginer from created the impression grades wre wrong wrong in lakeview not to be so he said here some argument developed over the mot ives of the toronto engineer in a legedly making criticism of the town engineers work the upshot of the argument was a near- unanimous vote of confidence in the town engineer this was moved by councillor w cook drill for water bmo international water supply ltd informed the town that it expected to start test drilling for more water here in about two or three weeks council by bylaw authorized sale of a piece of property approximate ly 66 feet by 750 feet for 750 to a p green firebrick co ltd this land stretches from the tracks to hespeler wedding of interest locally stundards of white and pink ktdioli and fern adorned the 1 chancel of the luspeler united church on saturday september 29 at 3 ttl pin when isohel joyce iltiiitib became the bride of o oi g- william murray mcbuin tiu- li itle the daughter oj mr j and mrs held clemens hit 1 lies plei jiitl tht- grtmtm is the son of j mr jiui mis ct-orgt- mcltaui lles- ptlet and the grandsn of mrs ivtet murray acton hev j m rutler officiated and the wedding music was played by i the church organist mrs rleieh i given in mimage by her father j the bride looked charming in a floor i length gown of ice blue lace and i net styled with brief graceful tram the fitted bodice was fash- i lotud with vtteeklin idortithl w ilh j seuiuns aiul pai is a crown head- t liehl lu lingertip veil she fingertip veil bouquet of pastel blue and white feathered n chargtd this firm that some or alterel this u as found carried a carnations chrysanthemums attending the bride matron of honor mrs cliarles whit taker of gait and bridesmaids miss velma clemens sister of the bride of hes- peler and miss heather me ha in of guelph were identically gowned in ballerina length gowns of pastel blue crystalette headdresses of petals made of the same material and bouipiets of blue carnations and white feathered mums complet ed their ensembles jack mchatn f llespelcr brother tf the giimim was best man and the ushein were ioyd clemeiits broth- t r tf ttie bride of ilesjk ler and charles whiltakei oi calt j koilow mg ht ceretnciiy a recep- i titn was held at htrb r heach banquet hall the bride s mother i nceived the guests warmg a dress t dior blue with black and white j accessories and corsage of gardenias j and roses assisting her the grooms mother chose a pale blue brocade with matching hat and accessories and corsage of pink rose buds mr and mrs mcbain will reside at 20 hopeton st gait eight classes at night school despite lowem enrolment yet of an night sciuhii heie etht clisa- es will tfce lield at the high school the millineiy cht is already full teacher will aatu k mis frank black of georgetown with 23 reg istered for oil palatini the group will be divided into two if several more enrol at once ft ink black will irhuut mondavi ltlier clasvm wliuli a few more may te accohwtodated are shttp which will lu- tairftkl tiles das by phil catltliek ty 00 tuesiays under wilfred wll helm cluldren s and elementary clothing tuesdays a ilh mrs web ster f guelph advanced clothing with mrs brown tuesdays up holstery with mr hnggs of stew- arltown mondays copier ttkiling colt and copier jewel ury with mi land tuesdays a weaving class is already sche duled to begin next monday those interested in those seven courses mill open are usked to con- i tact miss florence wilkin or j george bowman of th advisoi i omimtte on adult education 1 e id line is next wednesday lloyd mmshall of the comnuui- ity programs branch of the de partment of kdueation attended hie cuiiuiulttr ineting yesterday he pointetl out cancellation of night classes due to lowering tendance is often wise about had enrolled here bruce andrews first in thanksgiving race bruti andrew placed flrnt tt the two utile road rave ut che thankshiviiiit uayracea in quelpli un muiiday u win a nm watch other xmim aciimi men ninninn for the uuulih lynui truck i lull xlu placed well at the meet in the same road race bruce and rews was fallowed across the tape by bub cauv m third place and john brown fourth bub cum won running shoes und john brown a clock there were eight competing bruce andrews raced uguln in the three mile open road face routing sulh in 1 field of 30 11 le wio a pen and pencil set church presentation made to eddie hawes tlu- letjidai 11 ibt aiuktuaduis bctvitv of h- aetrtti peliteeoalnl a3 otlds witb heltt ki ldiy evell llig lle n 111 llu ld 1 hull tit ilfwbtilia 4tilkes htttle lltw es itililoiiil v tausjii a- in charge tit llle meeting itlttl ieiey lial ktl ted the- ollg aei vii a litlslnllttl y ikll was pi ebeliled by stvei al tf the v tiling people the inesiige ttf the evening wiui glvcli ly the pimoi lliv k held kdtlu- hawes wht in leaving to enter the kaslein pentecostal little college at peterborough was piefmiiled with 4 ilihu and pursu f money by the assembly the a pi evident hosa n tn t in gave the athhess claru cook vrffe- piesident made the presentation a soolul nine was eiijiyel by ull bridd wears satin and lace bridesmaids red velvet gowns a ittiutltilihl douhltt nnxwud- dinat mjivica wm ttolemmud in huuhmfud united church ut 130 p ii sentamber 211 with httv it if aiiufitionn of llamlhimi offlc- uttliik usuttkl hy a uu netlim of bttllliutfmd mi jurua elu duughter of mr nd mia holmtrt wurnti of ii it a actm nd william jiunch hell nephew of mr mid mm qur- net winleibof at itiu vweiw united 111 aiutrtiaitu thvu eliui h waiutuc til atect with btcalldaida of cttttt bhofita inuiiitt red und while fflnd- tttfjand eandelahi u fa ih tmcatt- ion out of town tjueta attended f j 011 ttn tinlo liuinllttiii wuterhni 1 full acton ittittlur til hi hllla burub london luwieioe park uitil pi luce alltei 1 hikat hewan iiiltde w eiyii lij u t t fatliel ajlltl wuitr a build 1111 uittli white aoliii thej trim iltti willi ciultite lui e jdlue lit l veil wua f flller lip leif1li si 1 allied a white illble imt i v liue ialllt llatlioa with wit it 1 imutneta and i t risetuts mtid at honor waa miaa vei wiae alstei of i he hi idr- and hridetinmdit were mim muficl iiuu 4 htluifd and mbv iltien vuii wiinuei if uwrtiict vmwk lliey wi 1 e dfi inl rd vlvt howua htyled 4mi ljllluca uim mid earned white u hi lea wiih curwtftt of whlhiijaliii iiuifiia i- the fluwei girl wa mim debut tayutt ut tirmiit hhtr wor m rd velvet diea iut i m led a hllje with while jiuiijui the tfitmiiat waa atleidted by j tali iflhha of fioll t latter wrr lby wuiio ti olio 1 nf ih hrlde id jamea juita of pi e albert iaiak lie sa nit pl a 1 et tolloii wua bld at the hi ides hofie del tjffcted with jlnk it mi white ttifeaineja and while llli 01 the otiualitii the brides ililf wie eittied with a three tulet wtmjg tuke lied 1ft fchel ljttei7i witii iuik iiiaei jiiti tify the viilley the fuesui we i lv- by 1e 11 lle father tall fiotiter atut ii e jiihifitd uuitt aiid tun le me i 11 iiie 5 11 nil 1 ii- nnliiiit bbte tjtlit iit- iet- tlicsi ith i ltuitlll laiu and tlust roar oi- t isatillts the tfiofii iafit 1 lm- llvr gitty mtln bdk teuto owt with diuly rom innmilw fur um honeymoon to ooargtan hmf donuuuu the farftd immmm a iaiikuhry dreea block trnmh- eredt hat end white orloo cool tn their return they will roeete in waterhx the hfuto wtu fee loiraiitf in kiiihejier- weterlew hmiul mi ijell u monetae we- teihx tollciffc atudylno tm ftvn fiiiitutfiy e l buchner optometrist in actqn every w afternoon oii l 48 mill si f acton hus i fa f vernrigt i apriirjrrri6r fob awomil fmttt hlephcdie hi si- donations of 100 made by chapter a flllmae llcttl if til- ut- tliaur lllll iii tlu iutrmwus tin- lilitll- nuttiiif of hit lakf- 1 l k tuiailay -v- cgitin hall illll imc the lulllth sfililll 51 war vottil lit tli- parks cimilkllol aiul 611 to the laclon hipt fuill iptfr alll siinuir a mk- quite a few tht- vtfkt11d cwl euchre held in st josephs hall priw winners at the cw1 euchre held last saturday at st josephs parish hall were as fol- lows mens first prize a white and i i second mrs harold sunter ladies first prize mrs osbourrie and sec- ond mrs mccristall low prize wont to reno braida htmtinc scottish dancing club october 19th luxton hail 8 pm everyone welcome frank carney sons plumbing hardware phone 135 heating electric rockwood h s holden ortometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st gurph wallaci strtt immediately behind the ctimiumys present plant polling subdivision problems due to actons sxyelhnk growth advanc ed a proxsal from clerk mc geachie that ward one be broken up into two subdivisions this was considered by council and accepted councillor cook asked when it wui proposed to start work on the mill north sidewalks also raised a j complaint about cars speeding near work areas tin the towns roads in tilis connection mayor tyler added town workmen should make more use of warnmg barricades wheri road work is in progress councillor g bar beau referred to actons c h r onj park 1 n g pr ble m prr get real comfort this winter 1 uh- mill street several membtrs con- lunch was served by the hostess- j sldt that since merchants here mrs harry holmes mrs william mcleod and mrs hamilton c g it on october 8 the cgit meet- in was opened by crafts which of addressing the eotrdopes the scripture was read by mim davidson the collection the boaincsb part of the meeting wai opened the roll call was read with 14 giria present betty lemon eontaeta9d a atns song the meet ing dosed wiui taps were so disinclined to ooperate to reduce the parkn difficulties council shouldnt concern uself in attempksto help the businessmen 1 in view of the continuing problem i with unbroken cartons from the i mill street area set out for garbage collection members agreed to run a notice in the local paper drawing attention to the problem and seek ing cooperation at the close of the meeting it was suggested a letter of commendation be sent the fire brigade for its re sponse and action at last weeks public school fire now is the time gis home healer to winterize your car dont be caught freezing come in today volkswagen thanksgiving was the theme at the churches on the weekend heros rs car that nsa no anti- frmio no wmttvr oil chanoa ask for a jatno today 1 vvyv were experts in expert lubrication ifmafc 13000 ar 43000 t0 laat ii r f m la i mmht acton motors phone 17 mam st s acton roor hardware 16 catsup bottles ott black raspberry black cherry grape jelly powders rr 3 fori 9c meats swift premium roued boneless aw veal legs 57 ib it has to be rlcht if it tablrkite we havr inatallrd our own itia href huvrr in thr heart of canada brlt and wr are now shipping into our hi a markrla ml thr finrst rrainfed berf onlv natural acin ruarantees you trndrr beef rvrry unr vou avr berause ryrry cut is table trim- mrd kirrn fat and bunt i removed brforr wrigbing it just brttrr valiir visit your iga meat department and arr for vounrlf the nrw improved beef lean minced beef table rite frankfurters by the piece lb 29c 1 lb pfcg 37c ib swift premium bologna 23c pick of the crop fiery red tokay w t grapes 329- frisco brand washed and trimmed r collo has spinach 2 for 29c ontario grown fancy grade full colored apples scarlet pippins 3 33c finest tor eating and cooking fancy grado mclntosh apples 6qt basket 75c faus view tomato juice 25c 48oc tin iga fancy corn kernels 2 29c iga beans with pork 2 20oz tins 31c lincoln choice peaches 21c halves 20oi tin assorted junket powders 2for25c sssbksmlsssssssssssssssmamss quick or instant quaker oats pkg 35c for automatic washers wiskr49cs97e frozen foods orange juice old a a south at tins 1 dragon chicken cwsueyvtr 49 satftl iga cash register tapes 1 with them you can obtain free bonus gifts note all premium redemptions must be based on the values listed in our new catalogues only i w- s fox rvi catalogue ledgers ig r 1 vb kjjl re witt b sst2

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