r page eight jwe acton free press acton ontario thursday april mth mm staff photo music festival finals in the rural sectiqn featured good music supplied by young and strictly amateur talent the rtalton finals were held in munns school trafalgar friday the lower photo shows four of the younger gold medallists chosen by the adjudicator seated is billy robertson of kelso school and standing left to right are ruth mason of mccurdys karen dredge of moffat and janice leyland of dublin the top photos show lillian phillips of bannockburn school and albert ouwendyk of quatre bras both gold medallists district pupils of rural schools compete in music festival finals season startssaturday ang i i fig i nteresfr grows as impatient anglers await the opening of the speckled trout sea son in ontario saturday april 28 the hon clare e mapledoram minister of lands and forests es timates that sport fishing this year will attract about tlwee times as many fishermen as it did ten years ago r steady growth of interest in angling in this province is seen in the increase in non- resident lic ences sold for example 126367 ridnresidents bought fishing lie ences here in 1945 305000 in 1954 and probably more than 375000 last year though final figures for 1955 are not yet available this certainly is an indication net only of the growixg interest in this fine sport but also of the fav orable angling conditions to be found in the lakes and streams of ontario the minister said legally vulnerable to the angl ers wiles on april 2s along with speckled trout as the friain object ive will be brown rout aurora trout and kamloops trout rainbow trout ouananiche or atlantic salm bow or kamloops trout five in one day not less than seven inches in length ouananiche or atlantic salmon- one in one day first fish taken lake trout five in one day possession limit shall not exceed one days catch length is measur ed from tip of head jaw closed to tip of tail lobes compressed angling license fees are non resident for entire season- 650 resident provincial parks only 325 resident of manitoba 325 it is contrary to regulations 1 to angle if you are a non resident except under a licence provided i a nonresident under the age of 17 may angle without a licence when accompanied by a member of his family who holds a licence and ii the catch of such nonresid ent is included in the catch of the licensee 2 to hold more than one anglers licence in any year the worlds record speckled trout taken in the nipigon river on theres a laketroiit season in4weighed 14 pounds the average the county of haliburton from ap ril 28 to october 5 limits of catch are speckled trout one and an additional 14 in orle day provided the additional 14 in the aggregate weibth not more than 10 pounds except in elgin middlesex and norfolk counties one and an additional nine in one day provided the additional nine in the aggregate weigh not more than five pounds not less than seven inches brown trout aurora trout rain- however is less than one pound particularly in southern areas though two and threepounders are not uncommon in northern parts of the province kxperienced anglers say that in algonquin park 160 miles north of toronto one of ontarios favors ite fishing spots the opening week end probably would see quite a number of trout taken weighing more than a pound and a few weeks later almost double that weight i- 535 wssssmiw 4- hxwt kerrigan chiropractic office 6 john st acton open daily 930 am to 500 pm monday wednesday and friday evenings until 9 free consultation for appointments call 550 acton j 1 children at play vulnerable to street accidents cites safety friday was a big day for over 300 rural school children through out halton county on that day rural school music festival finals were held in munns school sixth line trafalgar the finals came after three days of preliminary festivals throughout the tour halton townships win ners of these preliminaries matched vocal abilities in the huge auditor ium before their parents friends from school and music teachers winners were awarded gold silver and bronze medals for their achievements the following is a complete list of the winners in each class so for girls seven and under janice leyland dublin ma hilson kelso reva van sickle ash frances cozmac sniders and patricia blackctt pinegrove j tied mary lou hills moffat solo for boys seven and under jimmy mc arthur mount pleasant robert beaty omagh johnny mc- j son kelso and pearl gee pinegrove andy spiece blue mount pleasant mountain bruce barnes ash and boys 11 and under lowell wat- neil robertson kelso tied son edgewood and thomas mof- 2fvaice choir fat moffat 20 voices and under nel- girls 12 and over carol hend- to two parts rural and urban the urban school festival will be held in acton public school tomorrow friday a complete list of win ners will appear next week jimugweya finals the rural eliminations held on monday tuesday and wedncxday sorted out those who participated in fridays finals approximately 274 iassagawcya township children took part in the rural elimination contest held in brookville hall on monday here the adjudicator was g m evans supervisor of music in oakville results were as follows boys seven and under neil ro bertson kelso and jimmy mcarth- ur mount pleasant girls nine and under karen dredge moffat and betty baker ss no 4 boys nine and unddr lome howard ss no 1 and billie ro- j bertson kelso girls 11 and under diane hil- henderson erson mount pleasant and dor othy dredge moffat boys 12 and over robert lowe edgewood and wayne taylor ss no 4 boys changed voices david gib son bloomsbury and- winston schram ss no 4 double trio moffat and edge j wood choirs enrolment 20 and under cine fabiola kent has written a pinegrove ss no 7 enrolment novel defending a controversial 29 and under kelso enrolment 30 marine fiprure of the american choir son pinegrove solo for girls nine and under karen dredge moffat donna reri- jiick dufferin and shelley smith sniders tied mary atkins mer- ton betty ann brown limehousc and betty baker ss no 4nas- sagaweya tied k choir 29 voices and under sni ders ashgrove kelso solo or boys nine and under billie robertson kelso ronnie breckou merton paul kidney stone school hugh graham ash grove lorne howard ss no 1 kenny howden sixth line duet proper ash audrey brown and peter peddie ligny barbara jean hilson and raymond gronostai coyne marilyn wilson and cath erine hunter ashrmye solo for boys vi and under dav id tawrence boyne lowell wat son edgewood david kidney stone school thomas moffnt of moffat school and ronnie slotuik of zimmerman tied hornby solo for sirls 11 and under ruth anne brown limehousc and don- ph cwsait mason mccurdys joyce rcnnick nn bennick dufferin dufferin audrey brown ligny boys nine and under paul diane hilson of kelso and pearl kidney stone school and hugh henderson of mount pleasant tied graham ashgrove catherine hilson coyne girls 11 and under joyce ren- m- voice choir nick dufferin and audrey brown chcmf of 30 voices and ver mer- lirny i ton dublin moffnt boys 1 land under keith ella solo tor bovs 12 and over syd- j hornby and david kidney stone ncv fletcher ston school peter school girls 12 and over lillian phil lips bannockburn and aileen har- rop pinegrove boys 12 and over peter peddie ligny and sydney fletcher stone gar about 511 children participat ed in this festival results were solos girls seven and under frances cozmac sniders and reva van sickle ash boys seven and under bruce barnes ash and robert beaty omagh girls nine and under mary at kins merton and shelley smith sniders q boys nine and under kenney howden sixth line and ronald breckon merton girls 1 1 and under huth mason mccurdys and catherine hilson coyne p boys 11 and under ronnie slot uik zimmerman and david lawr- nce boyae girls 12 and over anna pea cock sixth line and edith bent- ley sniders boys 12 and over loal weirstri ash and henry devlin omagh boys changed voices bruce pewtress sixth line duet barbara jean hilson and raymond gronostai coyne loal weirstra and herman proper ash double trior merton choirs enrolment 20 and under nelson enrolment 29 and under sniders enrolment 30 and over merton novel tells story of sailor laf itfe montreal cp mrs -madel- and over moffat esqueslnff finals on tuesday eliminations were loal weirstra and herman held in stewarttown hall for-es- quesing children approximately 662 children took part results ad judicated by s buchanan burling ton music supervisor were as fol lows solos girls seven and under pat- revolution mrs kent member of a well known montreal family and spare- time author of magazine articles and detective stories wrote the corsair after five years research into the life of haitinnliorn jean lafitte lnfitte earned a place in americ an history by helping defeat the ricia blackett pinegrove and jan- british iti the battle of new orl- ice leyland dublin boys seven and under johnnie mcgce pinegrove and andy spiec keith- ella blue mountain girls nine and tinder betty children at play are particularly vulnerable to street accidents ac counting for many oc the 15 ped estrian deaths each week in can ada according to the all canada insurance federation officials of the federation said children should be tauisht the rules of safety from the earliest possible age both at home and at school according to safety experts the best training method is through rood examples set by parents they recommend the following precaut ions 1 cross streets only at intersect ions and only when signal is green 2 always look to right and left before crossing street or leaving bus or streetcar 3 never jump on or off moving vehicles 4 never play betilnd parked cars or trucks 5 watch carefully for cars turn ing corners or coming out of lanes and driveways 6 never chase a ball or other toy into the street 7 be most careiul crossing streets in wet or slippery weather cars require greater shopping dist ance when roads are slippery 8 where there are no sidewalks walk facing oncoming traffic at night carry a flashlight or some readilyvisible white object 9 walk to and from school by the safest route even if it is the longest in ovipy thp policeman he is on duty to guard your life combined setup la tuque que cp a new twostorey building is under con struction here to house all district offices of federal rovernmefit de partments mike coxe plumbing heating eavestroughing pipe fixtures fittings of all kinds beatty pressure systems water softeners american kitchen unit dealer phone 25 acton free estimates cost of administration and oper ation of the federal department of national revenue the tax collect ing department is estimated at 59- 206000 in the coming jear in 1939 the total cost of this department was 10166000 television and radio service by- r w grant phone acton 594 collect located at music store watsons railway peddie ligny loal weirstra ash robert lowe edreupjod wayne taylor ss no 4 henry devlin otrugh solo for rirjs 12 and over lil- i lion phluips bannockburn aileen n ot- sssst wendvk quatre bras siidhineediuijatley snider s dow dredge moffat carol j ms wilson catherine kewtarson mount pleasant hunter pinegrove audrey brown solo for boys unchanged voices j p peddie ligny albert ouwendyk quatre bras choirs enrolment 29 and under bruce pewtress sixth line win- 1 ashgrove enrolment 30 and over ston schram s s no 4 davd tmblln cans but history has tended to de pict him as a noarpirate who foucht for the bestpaying side mri kent 4 sees thp privateer- smuggler more as a robin hood- was pumished in the united states and earned favorable newspaper reviews shn became interested in lafittes life while living in now orleans several years ago with her late hus- band member of the cuban diplo- i matic service i she is descended on her mothers side from abraham martin after j whom quebec citys historic plains of abraham are named albert ouj and davii howden ligny david gibson bloomsbury doable trio merton moffat lig ny eimmennan i hi year for the first time the halton music festival is divided in- trafalgar and netoen ken harrison georgetown and milton music supervisor- was ad judicator at the trafalgar and nel son township eliminations held in the lorne since school in trafal- h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph acto new free press phone number now two mnes to servf hfv acton free press phone mo time table changes effective sunday april 29ih 1956 car owners a better service for you j d mccallum repairs to all makes of cars and trucks welding service formerly at grants motors vwwwwwww now at mwwhwwvwwi rosed ale or greasing washing accessories tires batteries white rose products now able to offer you a complete repair service to all cars and trucks by an experienced mechanic remember t effecive monday april 30 j d mccallum repair service wwwwtwwwi at vvwv r0sedale service centre something to fix phone 16 i travel jreats for harold wiles fhoj a ctoh iv v