Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1956, p. 6

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cl- the agton fri press acton ontario thursday april th mm reports and article from hahons farmlands and farm organizations real estate is big topic of spring conversation wherever two or more farm op erators congregate these days the general topic is real estate options agreements of sale etc the late spring has had to take a very min or conversational position because farming incentive is almost some thing of the past at least below the escarpment and well it may be becausetr- ports of farm sales from the dun- das street to the queen elizabeth come in terms of anything from 1000 to 2000 or more per acre in the snyders corners area of trafalgar township 100 per acre also seems to be the prevailing fig ure with 500 to 800 as far north as the hornby base line is it any wonder that farming incentive is at a low ebb what these farms are being pur chased for no one appears to know real estate speculation would appear to be the immediate objective halton agriculture survey in 13 makes interesting observations a few days ago we came across son township along with that we an interesting thesis entitled an hawat least two pipe lines cross- agricultural survey of county this was written by george wilson back in march 1913 george whose home was on ihe lakeshore highway brief history of agrep service in this county 1957 will see the 50th annivers ary of the agricultural represent ative service a few months ago we were requested to write up some- thjng on the halton county office since its inception back in 1914 frankly we havent got the job done but periodically wt have delved back into office records and we have come across sonne interest ing information the rep office was opened on june 1 1914 in burlington with h r hare in charge when bunny enlisted for overseas service w f strong took over he was followed by r r fleming in late 1919 and in the early part of the next year the office was moved to milton then on june 1 1927 came d a drive in halton now halton ing the county and more ih the off- andrew who remain only mg- year then came alex mac- wewonder what the next 40 r years wl bring wmhihwa- be foilowc by a g k for a s u 3 w t i tz t h k our year term the writer succeed bronte was then lit his graduating i landscape dotted here and there year at the ontario agricultural i with landing strips for aeroplanes college at the present time he is labor problems no new the director of the fruit branch of mr wilson also writes in 1913 of the ontario department of agric ulture and resides in oakville however to get back to the thes is in question jinder the heading j ed the energetic shorty on oct ober 1 1934 as you know we are still here but how much longer if the present trend in real estate i deals keeps up we are beginning to wonder of transportation we quote in this connection it might be well to mention a scheme now well under way for constructing a concrete road from hamilton to toronto a project which if carried out would toeof untold value to the whole complish much more work than country traversed committees heretofore hence for some works have been appointed to investigate there is not thf same need for men the financing of the scheme and again with all the lafcor saving to inquire into the type of concrete j devices procurable desire as they road best suited to the prevailing j may to farm intensively the farm- conditions i ers arc prohibited their efforts bo- at the time of writing the coun- inc frustrated by the scarcity of the advances in the use of labor saving equipment and farm labor hereis an extract we find of inter est and ve quote i wccamcacross a rather ambig- but 40 years ago that would be lous an1 interesting statement in back in 1873 agricultural imple- j lhe annual report of the office for ments and machinery were not us- the y 1917 ii referred to a ed near as much as they arc today i tractor rental policy which the with the aid of these labor saving ontario department of agriculture devices one man is enabled to ac- sponsored at that time in connect ties of wentworth halton peel and york have agreed to contribute 150400 hamilton 25000 and to ronto 125000 the ontario gov ernment has been asked to contrib ute 340000 and to maintain the load this total sum 600000 it is estimated will construct the 40 miles of concrete road necessary our first reaction was how far would 600000 go towards con structing a similar highway today then our thoughts turned to the highway developments which have ion with the war effort to increase food production here is the state ment in ouestion and we quote tne tractor company has used ys on the square at all tim es they have been slow ih sending out repairs and they have had a tendency to bill us for repairs we labor and the high price of the said j never purchased can you figure labor if labor were more plentiful that one out more help would be utilized on the farm and to great advantage the wages paid throughout the county n hfirirar approximate on the average 2500 i i vjlotm i lcollvo h month and board nor weeds new problem again we take the liberty of qioting from another section of j nelson council has decided to re- mr wilsons excellent report the j quest the ontario legislature to injurious weeds sad to relate are rescind its bill awarding about 60 making headway in halton here t acres of township land to the city md there one discovers a farmer of hamilton along with the annex- bill rescinded taken place in a short period of 431 who is trying his upmost to eradic- ation of hamilton beach and years in contrast to 1913 when the county had no highways we now have the lakcshorc or no 2 the queen elizabeth and dundas street or no 5 across the front we have no 7 across the northern end of the county and no 25 running lengthvise of the county now survcyers are busy in the hornby and campbellville areas staking out the right of way for the new 401 at the present time their immediate concern would ap pear to be clover leafs at hornby and on the base line between hornby and milton rumor also has it that still another highway ate these pests and just across the strip of burlington the action of fence his neighbor is allowing his weeds to reproduce and spread its encouragin isnt jjscn of farm labor of course is to a great extent the cause of this neg lect the most serious wveds to be encountered and enmbatted are ragweed mustard oxeye daisy mullein false flax canadian thistle couch grass and perennial sow- thistle the writer has heard very sim ilar stories on weeds related in rec ent years but we really have made progress apparently back in 1913 they hadnt heard of wild carrot will traverse the county following chicory bladder campion leafy the base line between the old and new surveys of trafalgar and nel council was based on the complaint of cr walter chadwick that the council didno even re ceive a letter from the government asking for a resolution to be put through nor was such action ever taken sponsored by cr chadwick the council decided to have reeve har old adkins write hon william a goodfellow minister of municipal affairs who was responsible for the provincial legislation putting through the annexation of the beach area asking him to rescind the action which they took in con nection with attaching a piece of an extensive iunformation cam paign to explain the achievements and future plans of the ontario hog producers marketing agency start ed in halton last week as part of a provincewide campaign involving 500q volunteer workers in halton 35 canvassers are calling on about 410 hog produc ers ed davenport county chair man reports the canvassers are being well received this information program is a joint project sponsored by the on tario federation of agriculture the ontario hog producers association other commodity groups and other farm organizations the 5000 ontario doortodoor i- v- esquesing buys truck holds off hospital grant regular meeting of esquesing township council was held last week members were all present and reeve linham presided bradford clements and george brown addressed council regarding insurance for township employees the tender of mavela motors for a oneton truck was accepted at a price of 2383 including spare tire according tp tender and sub ject to the approval of the depart ment of highways the treasurer was instructed to 1 pay the following acco bell telephone co 2015 halton reg istry office 238 the municipal world 934 town of georgetown two fire calls service and swit- zer 100 arthur scott motors ltd 81 charged to esquesing fire area no 1 town of milton two fire calls gillies and switzcr 100 charged to milton fire area no 2 acton free press notice re fire calls 392 charged to acton fire area no 2 alvin anderson james carney and spencer wilson were appoint ed to the hornby community park board the clerk was instructed to write to the milton district hospital board and inform it that esquesing i will take no action regarding a contribution toward building a hos- pital in milton until such time as j dr agncw has made his report to the county council a bylaw to permit the use of the fire truck owned by esquesing fire area no 1 for mutual aid calls was read and passed- canvassers include some from halton of the 40000 to 50000 ontario hog producers to be visited many live in halton county in order to complete the province- wide campaign by the end of this month and at the same time make it effective plans are organized so that each canvasser will only visit 10 or 15 farmers xhe canvassers will not only dis cuss the hog producers marketing program but they will also distrib ute a pamphlet especially prepared by the ontario government dealing with hog management and hog quality the idea is not only to ac quaint producers with the market ing programs but to make sure they are quality conscious in answer to the question why is such an information campaign necessary the following answer is given although there is compulsory legislation and the complete sup port of the government in a demo cratic country it is not law nor gov ernment which really gives support to a program it is public opinion the objective of xhe association is to fully inform hog producers about the objectives and accomplishments so that they themselves can judge the virtues of a fullfledged mar keting program canadas hog industry in which some 2700000 hogs are annually proce into po involving a value in excess of a 100000000 must have a marketing program fully understood and supported by hog producers officials feel con fident that this information cam paign will materially assist in carry ing out future objectives another select cape cod dwelling six rooms consisting of large living room modern kitchen with ample cupboards two bedrooms and bath on first floor second floor being completed with tvio bedrooms and bath with linen closets nd clothes closets in each large basement with warmair oil furnace large lot well landscaped with flowers and shrubs schools and safe playgrounds close by owner moving a full acre on the churchill highlands three miles north of acton good view with japment built into side of hill win terized for living ternfsbrary partitions built fjrst floor well waterproofed to act as roof chemical closet and washtubs just right for a man with a mechanical bent to build his home and own the painless way n good open road suitable for the commuter or anyone having a housing problem f l wright realtor 20 wilbur st aprraisor insuror phone 95 v actosi jersey dairy don timmings prop phone 242 f pro c l a m a t i o nj daylight saving time in actom whereas a number of municipalities in the district about acton are adopting a uniform time for the adoption of day- ight savinejitime and in order to avoid confusion in travel and business the council of the corporation of aclon has passed a bylaw establishing the period for the observance of daylight saving time in acton from sunday april 29th 1956 at 200 am to sunday september 30th 1956 at 200 aa citizens are requested to comply with this bylaw and adopt the time from the dates specified e g tyler mayor burlington to pay 25 per cenf cost of new nelson high school nelson council has given two the toronto metropolitan- idea of readings to a debenture bylaw that forcing the government to pay for would split the cost of the propos- such frills as auditoriums if we ed high school with township res- didnt build an auditorium in the idents paying 75 per cent and bur- new school we might have pupils tington 2s per cent estimated cost refusing to go to it and instead of the new school including furn- wanting to go to burlington ishings and equipment was set at trustee robinson assured council sl200imo- the bylaw now goes to the board had purchased its site on toronto for approval before receiv- new st although there was no tng final passage indication of its exact location he a deputation from the burling- asked council to provide a new 66 ton district high school board foot road to the school under the consisting of trustee m m robin- bylaw nelsons share of the deb- son hughes cleaver solicitor and v g w johnstone secretary treasur er appeared before council mr cleaver presented the boards case pointing out that it cost 156fr013 to run til present school last year with burlington contributing 75- h0j for 400 students and nelson c8laao27 for 444 pupils after the 0 per cent provincial grants were deducted the total share to the municipalities would be 3473058 on the four per cent 20year bonds mr robinson said all the pupils spurge to mention but a few of nelson on hamilton bav to the our present day varieties c of hamilton wc did not even receive a let- ter from the pnvernmrnt girir fr cnturcs awnsset at 900000 oak vi hes snow cost comes high a resolution to be put through when the government decided to make the change and we certainly cannot understand the action of the government in putting through a bill of this type taking from one municipslity and giving to another j without giving the municipality a chance to discuss this matter with them the resolution said in part i crc w h denny state farm agent first for a three snow during the past winter cost oakville- taxpayers 5334 nnt all they rot out of it was a little sand the 5334 figure comes from as sistant clerk dennis camm at the oakville town office bcirir cost of who would attend the new school snovv removal fron november 1955 would come from nelson which to now and takes in cost of sand- had been divided into three zones no 1 from east flamboro to the guejph line and below the q e way 2 ciuelph line to trafalgar line below the q e 3 above the q e it was anticipated that 400 students from zone 2 would attend th school which is expected to op en next september when we went to toronto we asked approval or a school to ac commodate 600 students mr rob inson said the department told us it should be 800 because wc would be filled in five years it is cheaper to build on a fiveyear basis than on two years besides grants would be better in five vears wvu have to build an addit ion to the school at the present rate of growth we will bo overcrowded in bur lington next september and we have to bv ready he said refer ring to frills he suggested more municipalities should go along with inn slippery streets while papa pays the cost in taxes mom as us ual benefits the sand corning her way generally being tracked in during the spring thaw and par- ticularly during houstcleaning time auto life fire w h denny acton 39 brock st phone 455 i iprki dcug vanmsg otroi the amount ou cam savc ovhta mooofimemr ocaunawitm mannings keys made while you wait huwi hintons 5c1 store electric 13p tl4 v- i n t hte h o me todajjs llwiw cffneamtfted fofmiaffkoukt years of progress in this year 1 956 ontario hydros golden jubilee the modern home is not only light- conditioned but workcondi tioned ly electricity electrical servants riiahy of t hem fully automatic have madt possible a higher more comfort able standard afjiying forall they cook refrigerate wash dry iron polish and clenp it is difficult to name a routine household task where electric ity cannot in some way be i of assistance truly todays living is mea sured in kilowatthours j and these are servanthours no matter where we look elec tricity is nt work making life easier and more enjoyable hydro will continue to provide an adequate supply of elec tricity to meet the power requirements of the province power that means better living for all in ontario the hydro f a m i l y a s s j re s y our e l e ct r i c a l future i j teiiafesiak vms ll- xjfeaivjs

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